0001 r sr&. t v%Sr crr rr*~ 4A m+'l7 ~ ~ rt~rs xh r x' r 'C r i5sr~ ~0'r w'rxw 'r. x ~ 'rr "r ~ rgb r 'x ~ ~ x x r rx ' C rrrr xsrr vrerrrr r& ~ 4rrr rrrr rrrrrsrrr -rrssrrrrrrrrvsr'rr rrrr r sv sr rr » srrrrr&brr r rr rrrrrrr.rrr -r rrsr rrx December 29, 1933.'HF.WEST VAN NEWS THE BUR&NING BUSH By Hubadar It has been the custom for many years to regard seriously the vaporings of scientists on subjects which are of no im- portance to anybody but them- selves, such as how many mil- lions of years thi» earth of ours is going io last, or how many times 0 second 0 misguided mos- quito flaps his wings before he takes a flying &five into some- body's nose. Yet in the case of the unknown denizen of Oka- nagan Lake or the monster in Csdboro Bay all we do is to give them silly names and insult the intelligence of the many witness- es to their existence, who can- not all be either intoxicated or lunatics. As for the scientists, they have rollml themselves up into balls like so many armadil- los and stayed put, mstead of getting busy on what is strictly their business. It's about time they did a litle investigating, even if the results may prove them to have been all wet ss to some of the prehistoric reptiles of the dim past. There have been, as we know, terrible up- heavals recently in the ocean floor, and, so far as the Cadboro monster is concerned, it is quite likely it has been driven up from one of the awful deeps, where night is eternal, and the sperm whales fight the huge octopi on which they live. ~ ~ In High River farmers have been having a time keeping their turkeys around, the birds having become too active sup- posedly as a result of a diet of grasshoppers. If the grasshoI)- pere really are responsible, Id like to feed them to some of our politicians in Canada, and then we might see 0 little more action from these spellbinders than they have shown lately. ' ' Down in old Ontario three farmers are in the jug for using shotguns on some young fel- lows who chucked apples and rocks at their windows. These revellers wero mostly grown up snd, therefore, in my opinion it served them jolly well right, even if they did get badly shot up. At the same time, I think rock salt ought to have been used instead of bullets. There are boyhood friends of mine from s great English school, most of them now keeping the Khyber tribe~ in order, who used to do a little poaching for fun, and rock salt was the dose they got more than once from out- raged keepers. It's quite harm- less, has great penetrating pow- er, stings worse than a hive of black hornets, and, when flred into that portion of the anatomy specially designed for the pur- pose, results in one's having to take one's meals standing by the mantel piece for quite a while. I can recommend its use wholeheartedly to the Masonic brethren for their goat, when- ever they have 8 particularly hard-boiled candidate to put over the ropes. The banks appear to be quite upset over tf&e possibihty of their losing the privilege of is- suing notes. I don't blame them, brother, for, if you and I had had the right for years to make money without going behind the bars for it, we'd be quite hot under the collar, too. They say it. will take away one-third of their profits, which, translated into action, means, I take it, that the loaning rate will go up. However, I don't care, because no bank would lend me any money at any rate, And that, brother, also applies to you. e o (w(04(ccvsss cm(&m&0)@ YEARh PROSPEROUS YiEW JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only Turkeys - Geese - Ducks " Chickons HA51S ~;~ I,A!)IB ~ .- BEEF ~ '.- PORK -.- VEAI. COLD Ml" ATH OF ALI. KINDS -:- DELICATFHHEN PHONE WEST3 vr '. "...ebv-'vmF-"me-'4&$)fw Wishing sll ou& c&a&omc&x snd Friends A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Phone West 459 Phone IVest 46 Smith 's Grocery Prices good on Friday and Groceries Saturday, Dec. 29 and 30 Meats Phone IVest 370ORhioND'S SODAS Large shg. (Limii 2) ........ 17c R&d 5& White TEA. Orange Pekoe I Ib package .................... 354 SHREDDED WHEAT Pcr escksgv (Limit 2)... Iec Rcd a )Vhne Fisc Qxsii&y FLOUR I ib. sack . 25&; 24 Ik sack.. 60& CORN. PEAS or TOSIATOFA each ................ &is ..... 0c Rcd a White MATCHES. 400) ps&bags.................. 0& Red &2 Whi&e TOILEf ROLLS large rolls ................ Sc ORANGS MARMALADE, 51xrray's 40 ox. js& ...................... SSC NEW ShIR DATES "fresh is" 2 lbs. 15c COOKLVG FIGS. Sm).rsx. 2 ibs. 15& R&d a Whne TOMATO SOUP 3 tins 25c DINAMITS, vcr sxcksge ......... 184 BUNKIST ORANGES, doe. $5& 4) Ssc LEMONS. Suxkix& .............. 6 for 15c TURKEYS, sv& lb. 2$c GEESB .............. 0&& Ik isc CHICKENS ..... pc& ib. 2$& FOW L . .. ..... ... ........ Scr lb. I sc FINEST I'ORK BAL'BAGS, ib. Isc BEEF SAUSAGB ................... Ib. 10& SAUSAGE MEAT............ Ik Isc COTI'ACR IIOLLS, Svifi'x, lb. 17c DEVONSHIRE SAUSAGE, Burns'cr ik . ..................................... I 3c I'URS LARD............, . Ik 12& CIIEILSE, Old biaiercd ............lb. $5& LEAN SIINCED BEEF .... Ib. Iec (1001) POT UOA)rl'.... Ik 10& BUTTER ................. 2 ibx. for 5$& gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER QO LTD I'hone West 115 Rea. Phone West 368L Iarine ight Grades" F i~~E"sarge 'F VAVVp ED ADS ~s&x is 2 &en&a per word, mix&mern arisg regular xccsxs&s, ~ II cisssi. )" I ss News gx& immxdi~&0 &mens. I 15th and 5 "Right Service -- R ex'LASSIFI The rate for Claaaiged ad&mumm 25 cesU. Exccp& ia the case ef &hoax h scdx src payable ei&iciiy is sdrssce. Ramsmbs) Cixmisedx ix &ha Weal V RADIO TECHNICIAN -- Isxisiis- &iosx, repairs, radios tested, xcrvfccd ssd custom be&it. Tom Brown, West 286IL West Van A.A.A. Grand Drawing List of Donors of Prizes FOR l&ENT--Pire Rooms, mode&el ssriiy furnished, good iocsti&m near ferry; $ 12. Phone West 255)L Me&chas& Norman Grocery K. A. Rsy )fsrise Grocery Mc. Rkb)en Kidd'x Confectionery Crsnweli Delicatessen .... M&a King West Vxn bio&or) Thompson )fest Market H. Long Frui& Market .. W&(gh&'4 Repairs A. Gill West Vax. Rangers )frx. P. Mavis&mes M&x. Vic. Thirkeii Mrs J. Stark Sterling Rest Market..... West Van. 'Theatre. Lonxdsle Theatre A. Prh. Donation ................. Z -«f)x Freeman West Vas. Dry Cleaners Tcsroc R Sess Union Oii Ce. R Seeds Bradwick a. Danie) .... Mrs. Grigor March biest biarke& Je&fericx'leat Market .. GemmiU's Drugs Strata)s's Bakery Ssfewsy M&Gewss'x Cosy Ca&fee Shop .. Piggiy Wiggly West Vas. Imperial Gs&sga .... J. Tas Donation. T. S. Lions'ate Tobacco Cs. B. C. Electric Co. Gei your & Prize --....,...Package of Tea Box Oranges ....24 ib. Sack Flour . I Sack Potatoes Baseball Mitt ....T&s C&garc&tes Permanent Wave .....6 gals. Gasoline Roast Beef Box Aspic( Shoe Repairs Sack Flour Cord of Wood Gents. Shirt Gents. Sweater „;......,.......... Xmas Cake Rasxt of Pork biosihx'ass Months Pass Boxing Gloves Biscuiia .....I Dry Clean (Lady or Gent) 5 Sacks of Coal I GxL Asiifrcexe Bsx of Biscuits ......I Portrait 8 x 10 Ash Trays 1 Turkey I Ham Chocofatex Decorated Cska .....48 lb. Sack of Flour Choc&dstes Tin Tobacco 10 lb. Sack of Sugar I GsL Oii ... I Pair Bedroom Siiuperx Xmxx Pudding I Box Cigars I Flash Light icke&s sow. W. (.:ARI.SY huyx ssd sci&~ fursiiure, xsin&x, eux, glass, e&c. French Poiixhing. Phone West 71Y.FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHSD Hsuxcx io Rent. Houses, lots, ssd acreage for sale. Jobs Law)ox, 17&b asd Marine, Phone West 66. I'RINTING -- I"or aU kinds of printing phone West Van News, West 363. SIARCELLE BHOPI'R -- The&mieux Permanent Wave without danger of burning. Marcel 60&; reset 364; Finger Wave 50c. Phase Mrs. King West 304. 1520 Marine. WS HAVE hii the Xmxx Packages of Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco). Pipes, Chocolatex, at City Prices or hei&sr. Aii inexpensive snd xenxibie pres- cs&x foc &hexa times. Ambieside Tea Rooms. THE CORPORATION Ol" THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER PUBLIC NOTICE ADULT COUI'LS &o take charge of furnished house. Reasonable terms. Phone West 684Y. THE WELFARE ABBOCIATION &e- esirex discarded clothing. Phone West 37 ssd &reck will coiicci. OLD GOLD -- Sexi Price Paid. West Vss. Jsweh)r, 1622 )farina Drive. FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14&h at Ferry. Best maisrisi ssd workmanship. 18 hereby given to the Electors of the Municipality of the Corp- orgtion of the District of West Vancouver, B. C., that I require the presence of the said Electors at the Council Chamber, Muni- cipal Hall, West Vancouver, B.C. ON MONDAY the 8th day of January, 1934, at 12 o'lock noon, for the purpose of electing per- sons to represent them as Reeve and Two Councillors and electing three persons to represent them as School Trustees and one per- son to represent them as a Com- missioner of Pohce. The Mode of Nomination of Candidates Shall Be as follows. The Candidates shall be nom- inated in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two elect- ors of the Municipality as pro- poser and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Returning Of- ficer at any time between the date of the notice and 2 p.m. of the &lay of nomination. The said writing may be in the form num- bered 3 in the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Act," and shall state the names, residence and occupation or descript)on of each person proposed, m such manner as sufficiently to identi- fy such candidate; snd in the event of a Poll being necessary, such Poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE 13th DAY OF JANUARY, 1934, between the hours of 8 o'lock a.m. and 8 o'lock p.m. of said day at the Ambleside Hall, Cor- ner of 14th Street a&xi Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B. C. of which every person is hereby required to take notice and gov- ern himself accordingly. Given under my hand at the Municipal Hall, District of West Vancouver this 28th dsy of December, 1933. W. HERRIN, Iteturning Officer. Hollyburn, B.C. December 28th, 1933. FOll PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Res Idxscx Phone Wast 24IIL WEBB'8 SHOR REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dusdsrsvm FOR SALE BEST QUALITY Second-Hand Shoes Ladies'...... 75c liien's ........ 81.35 Money returned if not satisfied. Postage Paid. 213 Carrall St„ Vancouver ) SUNSHINE OIL BURNER TERMS:--$ 13.00 DOWN, ssd 8 MONTHLY PAY)IENTS OF $5.60, or $5$.00 CASH About the price of I &os of good cosi isstaix ihe burner; snd the combined monthly psymext ssd fuel cost is jest shoo& the same as you will bx paying for coal anyway (Oil costs about I cent an hour), asd you will more than save cost of burner in I year by less washing of cur&sins ssd house dccsrxth)ss because of iix cleanliness. Ask for une of our mca to call ssd talk it over. GORDON HOBSON Barris&sr -- Belie)&or WEST VANCOUVER- Oifics Nm 1447, Marine Drive Phone Wssi 403. 10 io 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Ssiie 601& 610 Hsx&isgx SL W. Phone, Seymour 4)00. 2 io L COAL WOOD SAW DUST OIL FhoEe Nits Dowal Ni h&s -- )V 1622X L5SKI-ING West Lake Ski Camp - Hollyburn Ridge GEO. HAY Notary Psbiic Real Ee&xie a Issurxscv Wishing Our Clicnis and Friends A PROSI'EROUH NEW YEARa" 1405 Ms&iso Drive Phone Wm& 21 or Seymoe& 1250 Sveslsgs Wee( 204XN"="~'rdFJEJ&%dmP Vmy&dy VanCOI5Ver'8 LateSt and MOSt Fully. Equipped Winter Sports Camp. Spring Beds, blankets provided, also use of Cook Stoves and Kitchen Utensils, $ 1.00 per night. Over f00 pair of New Skis For &en&, 350 first hour, 20c each Following hour. Special fow rates for school pupils. Easy Grade Trail starts at &op oF l5&h Street. IXL LAUNDRY POSTAL ADDRESS: Hoiiyburs, B.C, TELEPHONE Wcx& Lake Bki Camp Wishs their friends The Compliments of the Season Phone bVeat 200x'*" Don'I Be a Glum One "Cheerful people," says a doc- tor, "resist disease better than glum ones." The surly bird catches the germ. "Then why doesn't nurse f0&le? Daddy often tells her she's 8 beauty." "She'l fade away tomorrow, dear." The Fade Out Bobby: 'Teacher said that beauty fades sway, mummy. Is that true?" Mummy: "Yes, darling." Q A Happy New Year