0001 December 28. 1933. THE WEST VAN NEWS Framar Moutesgori School 2028 Gordon Avenue KINDERGARTEN Rhythm snd Folk Dancing Local and Personal Your Christmas Presents must be acknowledged. We have REAL IRISH LINEN TABI.ETS iany she) FRAhlAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL The Framer Montessori School 2078 Gordon Avenue, will open for the spring term on Monday, 8th January. The subjects taught include kmdergsrten, rhythm, and folk dancing. Any parents or others interested sre request- ed to please phone the principal, Miss 51 Crickmsy, at West 244R. The West Van. Rangers Foot- ball team, who so far this sea- son have an unbeaten record, are playing the West Van. United at 2:30 p.m. this Saturday in Ambleside Park. Robert Grieve of West Vancouver will be the referee. ~ ~ o Miss Gertrude Pitman of Prince George, who is attending the LLB.C., is'pending the Christmas holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson, 2227 Bellevue Avenue. ~ \ ~ Harold Eager came down from Kelowna to spend the holidays with Mrs. Eager and family at his home, 825 22nd Street. s ~ Mr. and Mrs. Hall and family, 23rd snd Marine Drive, left on Tuesday for a trip up the coast. Tom Hadwin of Hope, B.C., spent the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hadwin, 1470 Heywood Avenue. Miss Daisy Brealey, who is on the teaching staff of the schools in Prince George, is spending the school holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brealey, 1295 Fulton Avenue. Buster Young, Pat Davidson, Hattie Young and Jerry Mathi- sen took a dip in the sea from Dundarave Pier on Christmas morning. s ~ The next regular meeting of L.O.L. No. 2990 will be held at 8 p.m. next Tuesday in the Or- ange Hall. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Gilbert of Calgary, are spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Gilbert's parents, Mr. snd Mrs. W. Herrin, 1387 Heywood Ave- nue. o C. E. Cartwright of Vancou- ver, hss purchased the property of Donald E. Mathieson, on Jef- ferson Avenue between 23rd snd 24th Streets. ~ ~ Mr. Cornish has returned from Winnipeg to spend the holidays at his home, 1713 Gordon Ave- nue. ~ ~ R, Johnson, 18th and Fulton Avenue, who has been very seri- ously ill in the North Vancouver General Hospital, is slightly im- proved. ~ \ ~ Miss Phyllis Groom, who left yesterday for England, enter- tained at 2954 Marine Drive on Sunday evening, her guests be- ing Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Frank Luck and Harry Mullin.\ \ s The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., are giving s children' party from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, 6th January, in the Orange Hail, followed by a daftce for the young people only from 9 to 12. The fioor will be cleared of child- ren at 9 o'lock. o o s Miss Buck of the High School teaching staff, left last Friday for s trip to California. ~ ~ ~ Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Rush, 2166 Bellevue Avenue, spent Christ- mas with their son at Salt Spring Island. 15 Cenis Eavelopes Ioc. Cemmill's Drug Store Tbs Slsts st Sottise. lle2 Mstlns Dtirs West 22 Emstgonoy Passu Wssc 221 iAfist le psou) LEGION W. A. TO GIVE OLD TIME DANCE An old time dance with old time music is being given by the December group st 8:80 p.m. New Year's Day in the Legion HalL There will be lancers, qua- drilles, minuets, polkas and waltzes. While dress is optional, prizes will be given for the best old fashioned frockk Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY und SATURDAY Dsssmbst 2pcb snd sects AIR MAIL with RALPH BELLAMY PAT O'BRiAN A great cbtinst of ibs sit. MON., TUBS. a WEDNESDAY Jssnsty lsl. 2nd snd std. IF I HAD A MILLION with CHARLES Rl GGLES W. C. F1ELDS ALISO'N SKtPVC ORTH CHARLES LAWTON snd Mony Oibtts A vsty fntstoul1ng sissy fst young snd old. A good ptsgtsnl uf sllstl sub lucis otiU be shown with each of the above tsscuts piccutsu Spooisl Matinee Msndsy Nsv Ysst's lilly FRAMAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL PARTY The pupils of the Framer Mont- essori School under the direction of the principal, Miss M. Crick- may, gave a very enjoyable party last Friday The first part of the afternoon wss devoted to a program of nursery rhymes and choruses acted and sung by the pupils in costume, which were very well done indeed snd thor- oughly enjoyed by their parents snd friends, Mrs. J. D. Hardy acting as Mother Goose. Au this took place in the cosy schoolroom which had been nicely decorated with Christmas emblems acul fitted with a small stage and curtain. Afterwards the children hsd» their Christmas tree and party in Mrs. Crickmay's home, which allenJosfcjg with Christmas decorations. Here afternoon tes was served to the guests and the children sst down to a feast of dainties at a table, which was very pretty with its place cards snd ornaments, in the making of which the children had had their part. Their hearts were delighted by the arrival of Santa Claus, who presented each of them with a toy balloon,a gift also being given each from the Christmas tree. Miss Frances Powell acted as accompanist and generally as- sisted Miss Crickmay. 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Stratton's BAKERY t QE~YEAR%% C. 3. Overington PIONEER BARBER West Van Sheet Metal Works Scotch Buna Jft Shortbread aiince Tarte and Piss Made at 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 . Agents MoClsty Furnaces. Wish their friends the Comph'ments of the Season Expert IVork PHONE WEST Ze VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Pbsus Wool 2 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies LEGION W. A. The Canadian Legion, Post 60, are holding their annual Xmas party on Thursday -- a social and dance to be held for Legion- aires and wives, sons and daugh- ters in the Legion Memorial Hall at 8:30 p.m. It was omitted in last week' press that Mrs. Partington was elected 1st Vice President and Mrs. Rivers 2nd Vice President; also that the first and second vice presidents were elected to attend the meetings of the dis- trict council. ibo ui, for tli ut. David Dewar and his two sons arrived back at their home, 2und and Marine Drive, on Christmas Day from the Peace River. They motored all the wav snd owing to bad snow condi- tions and s snow blockade in the mountains, were two weeks on the road.ssch. Iktss HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP B.C. 5 Steaming Seasnll'5 Sreetillg to our +alrp Currtomer5 SALE CLOSES JANUARY htll See Window for Bargains Join Out Library, zzc blsnib LADYSHIP WOOLS -- iete Msrins Drive WEST eel e IMPORTANT To All %Var Pensioners! UR GREETING is said wich lighc... kindly,0 radiant light ihsc illuminsces the house... sofc lighc thar beams bacmonioutly sli through the season. Msy your share ofthe prospeticy that the NewYear promises bc s generous portion, snd msy it be remembered as the New Year in which yow every purpose wss uowncd with achievement. )P tr ~ ' \ ~ There wiu be a half-hourly service on the ferries on New Year's Day. Boats will leave Ambleside Dock every half hour from 6 a.m. to 11130 p.m. and the City from 6:30 a.m. to mld- nighl. On Sunday, New Year's Eve, an extra boat will leave Amble- slde Dock al 12:30 a.m. and re- turning wlu leave the City dock nt I a.m. Buses meei au boats. An advertisement rentive to this nppeurs in this Issue. The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver Branch, are holding A Public Meeting on Thursday, Jctn. 4th ln the Legion Hall si S p In, This is sht coish of yrjritiflb columbia fetcctcic saf[htap Compaup timitcb .I Object of Meeting---To bring up Specific Cases of Alleged Unjust Treatment. Tbs Spting Term scstis Sib Jun. MISS M. CRICKMAY principal Phone Wast stt R o ~gftdt=='~» -Nc-'~go-du~ Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Simpson and daughter of Victoria, who TEAROE & SON " "'" ":"v Phone 84 West I,EGION NOTES Wish their The childrenbs Christmas Patrons and Friends Party was held at 2 p.m. today in the Legion HalL The par- "THE COMPi.lhlEiNTS OF ents sre cordially invited to one THE SEASON" on the same date and place st 8 p.m., also the members of the I.egion W.A. and their husbands. are requested to turn same in by 6:45 p.m., Friday, December 2 N 29th, drawing to take place at 7 p.m, same date. i. ' xxr,1 cy 'l Next general meeting will 5th, 1934, he th i t il tion ~ ( $ all the of the new executive for the year will take place. ColllPlilllellts of the On the evening of the 20th Seasoll instant the scouts of the 1stWest Vancouver Troop met in the Parish HalL During the ~ ~~ evening Kenneth Vernon and Billy Barker presented Scout- .W. Savory master Laster with certificatesstating that they hsd earned their carpenter's badge, and Bob Timbrell having earned his musician's badge. The meeting was closed, after several games. Phone IVest 340 The hike set for New Year's Day Evenings, West 143 has been called oif. ." ~'rs ~ . 'drurr