0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS December 2R IWl u uvsrs vs rv ~ ' ~+ r~"s t ~It :to~r r ~ 't'rrt t s t'rr 'rrt ~ t t tr rt;Crrthept'rr rrrr 'rrr tr rr r.rr,rrrrrrr'rvtrrrrtrr r ~ v;. rvr rr~ ri rrvv rrr v 'v~rv V vRING OL~ old fears, "RI'.IG IN" new conadcsoo by doing ihe right thing by yoec fccc, your hoods, vollt holt. For that Ncw Yoor'c Evo party. Mcr oU the boooir of ihc Sconm be Tours Gfgteffdolyu Bctf uty Shoppe 134$ 34ociso Driro For cppointmesie PHONB TVBST 147 Open Ftl It Saturday ctcsiogc. t "Aod hier Fo sc'cc isco cause ioo moots. Too otgh ot shed ~ icos; Too ooc os"cnh gtcoi an'olo A Hearty Geld New Vcotn from AMBLESIM PHARMACY W. L KER, Prop 1401 bictiso Dtito Phone West 828 FREE DELIVERY J. L PETTIGREW R.ADIO TECHNICIAN Momboc A.R.T. of B. C. 4473 IMcrisc. Phoae West IOS The Mason Transfer & Fuel Supply Wish their friends o Prosperous 1984 1433 BELLEVUE AVE I PHONE WEST 176 ~LjliP. C ELBIh~n General Insurance Agent Fire, AoiomobBe. Burglary, Accldcst osd Si«ksccs, etc. 2537 Kisg'c Are. Phoae W. 42YB Established os North Shore 20 Yucca (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS.(k WILLIAMSON funeral lirerturs North Vancouver Parlors 122 1Vest Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East I Phone Fair. 134 ~ WOMEN I ~ ms gnlcggssocgga ashtanv co.~ss vhxssk m„vomoss, osowlo AM BLESIDE SHEET METAL WORKS S. CROSSON L. SPECK Props)scots THE West Van Nems PobUshcd Every Thursday Pobnslsct F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 36d Booiocsc ood Ednoticl Odicc: 77th ood Motits'c Dtitc INcxi to HoUyboto P.O.) Phone 1Vest 363 Mail Addtcsst P. O. Box SI, HoUFbsts. ILC. North Vancouver Oificet 123 Lonsdsle Ave, $ 1.00 ~ peer by cottier; $2,00 o poor bv moiL WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th osd Bseoimcn, Hourbuto This Society is ~ Branch of The hfuthcr Church The First Church of Christ, Scioeiicl, ie Bosios, Mcsscchuccffo Sunday Services II:$0 ~.ss. Sunday, December 31. 1933 Subject I uCHRIST JESUS" Sunday Scbool at 10.00 o.m. Tccumosy hlccusg Vi'edsccdcr I at $ .16 p&s BAPTIST CHURCH Services 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Rible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 7:30 p.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 8I00 p.m., Wednesday--Prayer and Praise. 8400 p.m., Thursday -- Choir Practice. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH December 31st; Sunday after Christmas. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. 11:30 p.m. -- The Watchnight Service. Ne~ear'9 Day, 10415 a.m.-- Holy Communion. Auxiliary Sunday School 11th snd Inglewood 11:00 a.m.--Sunday School. St. Francis-in-the-Woods, Caulfeild Sunday, 3 p.m. -- Evensong and Sermon. On January 8th uA Tour of Scotland from Vancouver" in motion pictures in St. Stephen's Domcix I)all ~t&" Annual Vestry meetmg wui ttc Keid On January 16th. The annual meeting of the )V. A. took place on Tuesday, Dec. 19th, at 10 a.m. After the trans- action of various business a most acceptable luncheon was served through the capabk cat- ering of Miss Almas. The guest speaker was the Rev. J. Leigh of All Saints, Vancouver. His helpful remarks were based on a recent article published in the "Living kiessage" written by a certain Mrs: Howard: they stressed firstly the importance of prayer: to be followed up by one's own eiforts in work. klr. Leigh also explained the sym- bolism portrayed by the calen- dar frontispiece, and paid trib- ute to the various branches of the W.A. who had assisted him so wholeheartedly since his ar- rival from England in 1907. The following are the execu- tive: Hon. President, hfrs. Ram- sey; President (re-elected by ac- clamation), Mrs. Ford; Vice President, Mrs. Eatock; Rec. Secretary, 5Irs. Jupp; Treasurer, Mrs. Wnsberg; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Broderick; Jun- ior Supt., Mrs. Wiltshire; Dor- cas Supt.. Mrs. Forsyth; "Living itiessage,h Mrs. Glass; Educa- tional Sec., Mrs. Hamilton Smith; Extra Cent s Day, Mrs. Hookham; United Thank - Of- fering, Mrs. Barker; Represent- atives to Diocesan Board, Mrs. Estock and Mrs. Bloxham; Alt- ernates, Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Parks. UNE5IPLOYED ASSOCIATION A muwt)ng of the West Van- couver Unemployed Association wiII be held at 8 p.m. tonight in the Socialist Hall. As important matters will be up for discussion it is requested that there be a large attendance. Captain and stirs. It. B. Gildea, 27th and Ottawa Avenue, have moved to Vancouver. ST. ANTHONY'8 CHURCH Sunday 8:45 R.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:46 a.m,--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:15 p,m.--Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.--Devotions. tveek Days 8:00 a.m.--Holy Mass. 7:30 p.m., Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:30 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. UNITED CHURCH Christmas music, Sunday, December 24th, 1933: Morning Service, Xmas Carols and solo. Evening Service, Carol and Cantata, "The Story of Bethle- hem." The regular monthly meeting of the IV.A. of the United Church will be held on Tuesday, January 2nd at 2:16 p.m. The reports for 1933 will be given and this being the first meeting of the year a good at- tendance is expected. All women interested are cordially invited. I'RESBYTERIAN CHURCH Orange Hall, Marine Drive. Mr. Jones of Vancouver, is conducting the services for this month. All welcome. Store No. 31, 1414 Marine Phone Wast 313 Valuee fOr FRIDAY and SATURDAY, FIG BARS--Fresh from the oven ...... ......... 2 llm. 25c AYLhlER--8 os. tins Fruits, Apricots, Blackberries Loganberries, Pears ............................. 3 ilns 25c IIED PLUMS--Aylmer, No. 2 sq. tins ........each 10c PEACHES -- Rosalia, Aust., No. I tin..............each Igc PINEAPPLE--Libby'9 Aust., sliced No. 2 tin, each 19c PEAS-Aylmer, Sieve 4, No. 2 tins........................each I I» SAUERKRAUT--Libby's, large tins.......... 2 for 25c SARDINES -- King Oscar ....................... 2 tins 25c COFFEE -- Blue Ribbon, lb. tin ........................ 37c TEA -- Airway ................................................. lb. 25c CHOCOLATE--Baker's Premium, IQ lb. cake......... 25c FLOUR--Wild Rose Pastry, 7 lb. paper sack........... 23c HONEY -- Pride of Ontario. 2&/ lb. tin .............. 32c BREAD -- White or Whole Wheat ................. 2 for Sc CHEESE -- Ontario, fully matured........ lb. 30c OLIVE OIL -- Heing, 4 os. bottle .....each 2:ic JELLY POWDERS -- Msx-I-mum ..... each 5c CUSTARD POWDER -- Cremola.......pkt. I dc CLEANSER -- Royal Crown ............................ tin Sc SOAP -- Fels Nsptha ............................. 4 bars 25c TOILET PAPER -- Canadian...........................3 rnite 10c Wc tcsctsc the tiehi io Rmn eosontks ~ III:lS:II:Iillrclslgs~~ I I&&HII18I'&I+II-'I SAFEWAV STORES LIMITED Ie ' ." I ST. PATRICIA SCBOOL CI.OSING EXERCISES The closing exercises of St. Patricia School, Senior Depart- ment, took the form of an even- ing party on the 21st instant The pupils gathered at 'I o'- clock and under the leadership of Miss Durbin, Principal, and Miss Farmer, Art Teacher, spent the evening in games and com- petitions arranged by one of the girls. At 10 o'lock the proceed- ings culminated in supper which was laid in one of the class- rooms. The following morning the Tfittuergarten Department m which Miss Durbin is now as- sisted by Miss Barbara Allwork, celebrated the festive season by a Xmas Tree on which gifts and novelties for all assembled were to be found. The children and their little friends spent 0 most enjoyable morning playing num- erous games. Among those invited were: Caroline Marsh, Eleanor Eager, Marjorie Hill, Peggy Marshall, Judy Good, Freds Rush, Pearl MCLennan, Bunt Marshall, Bar- bara Good, Sylvia Morris, hiary Lang, Douglas Miller, Donald 51iller, Bertie Lester - Taylor, Jocelyn Howden, Verna Dal- gleish, Gordon Thompson, John Bayfield, Pauline Scott, Dona Dalgkish, Shirley McIntosh, Beth McIntyre, June and Dick Garland, Dick Wood. DR. G. D. H. SEALF- DKNTIST Iicy Block 14th ood Mosioo Dt OR)co Hoots 9 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appoisimcnL Phone West 72 COUNCIL NOTES The engineer reported to the council on: I Dundarave fioat N B Forbes bill of 65.00. The ac- count was ordered pak1. 2. Ambleside Park, shade trees. Referred to the chairman of parks and the chairman of the board of works with power to act. S. W. H. Clarke re small streams in D.L. 682 S.W pt.; J. Motchsii ssuorook Ixtt 1, Block 1, D.L. 682; J. A. McRse re creek Lot 11, Block 3, D. I 811. The applicants were advised that, the engineer having re- ported the estimated cost of the necessary work in this ares would be ap roximately 64,750, nothing could be done at the present time on account of the necessary funds not being avail- able. c W. McLaren wrote the council re ditching done behind 2437 King's Avenue. The engineer was instructed to survey the sit- uation and to see if anything could be done to improve it. The sum of 6500 was ordered by the council transferred from the Ferry Savings Account to the Corporation General Savings Account, Dr.Marjory MCCubbin D ENTI ST Hours: 9 o. m. to 0 p. m. Sotonioyc 10 s m to I p m Evenings ood Saturday After- soosc by appointment only. Royal Bank Bending Phono West 44$ Residence I'hoss West 393. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 13th & Merino EXPERT SERVICB E. kiARSH, Proprietor. CARD OF THANKS Would the lady who sent the Xmec Gift io me on 6th Street, accept my sincere thanks for same. Such c kindly thought for others shows the only true expression of Xmas Goad Cheer. Yours. E. S. Miss Kathleen Wenmoth has ~ secured 0 position on the teach- ing stsfi'f the Penticton Schools. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "CHRIST JESUS" is the sub- ject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be read in all Church- es of Christ, Scientist, on Sun- day, December 31st. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." (John 8: 12) . The Lesson - Sermon also in- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Jesus represented Christ, the true idea of God. Christ presents the indestruct- ible man, whom Spirit creates, constitutes, and governs. Christ illustrates that blending with God, his divine Principle, which gives man dominion over all the earth." (p. 316), Mr. and Mrs. Grahame and family of Cypress Park, have moved to North Vancouver. Burrard Laundry Ltd. ;;,"„,„„„,„, LAUNDRY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 69IL or North 1310 NORTHERN ELECTRIC PERSONAL COMPACT A Real New Year's Cift For the whole fomgy Only $49 50 Terms--$0.00 d»ws ood $ 1.00 ~ week TUBES TESTED FREEGUAILLNTEED RADIO REPAIRS Rev. Father Carey spent ('.hristmas as the guest of Mrs. R. Clarke, 2558 Marine Drive. Ask about oot Goocoiog Loskcl ] BARRACLOUGH'S RAD10 SHOP GORDON KEITH, Local Agent )542 Marine Drive Phone West 359L