0001 December 21, 1933. THE WFST VAN NEWS 1 ~EST +AN MOTORS Local and Personal Extend Xmas Greetings and Best IUlshes for the New Year to ao our patrons and friends. We also wish to thank you for your business during thc past year, and we hope to continue to serve you in the future, BILL GROUT A SENSIBLE GIFT Diva your boy sad girl one of these lovely Isstromvsls and inspire them Io be musical, xnd now they css have laxxosx In West Vsmmuver by REG CLAY Vancouvews Popular Teacher who will be glad to give advice without any obllgxliow, 1545 MARINE DRIVE 0==="= =="O All Jlk MIIIJyg Cl~rintnIIIII VERNON ~ FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 2 Fertilizers of AU Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies 'e " P = =='='='= A Bapptt Xmas A) I BLESIDE SHEET METAL WORKS S. CROSSON L. SPECK Proprietaxe J|'x" =:='='or Good Dry Fir CEDAR AND ALDER CHORAL SOCIETY The practices for the next two Mondays following will be dis- continued. The president and executive wish to take this op- portunity to extend to ail the members and friends the sea- son's greetings, and invite a re- newed attendance of old and new members to a social evening on Monday, January 8th, 1934. e='==='EAROE & SON Phone 84 West Wish their Patrons and Friends "THE CO'IIPI IMENTS OF THE SEASON" 0 "gdx 'e= Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, IVest 143 Phone %Vest 26 L For mvs who take a pride in their neck- wear. They make uee last much longer and save a mxn money I 4 e +g ~, ELECTRIC CASSEROLE Our home service experts mcommend It ax one o( the mast eslxient and cm oxmmicxl of cookisg servants. It hxx C vs IINwixm a capacity of three quarts snd op-mrirxx emma straight (ivm a light cocket. Ib8.25 g ELECTRIC KITCHEN CI.OCK bi tw jg xk gI Correct time is dmirsble in every kitchesl It settles countless arguments snd gives molhex ~ome peace of miod. Electric cloxkx need zo g . '3.winding, oiling, or regulating. This is Ihslamous Hammond Garland madel.A wonderful value. Reg. 55.95 40(3 415Special xp3'IE PRESSERr'& g Ibf.35 O~~iACi ir, g APPLIANCE STORES i ODI:I I I Fi: Ksfe] asf'.I:I f'%U Xsa lu (48:1 11 aiv~sLBBI Mrs. E. G. Sentence is spend- ing the Christmas holidays in Victoria with her daughter, Mrs. Owen Clover. ~ v ~ Gemmin's Drug Store will be closed au Christmas Day. v ~ ~ The hand-made quilt which was raifled at the West Bay Library on December 16th was won by Mrs. Geo. Hewltt, 3834 Marine Drive, with ticket No. 62. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. R. L DIc- Dsniel, former West Vancou- ver residents who now make their home in Kinesic, Ireland, have sent to J. T. Watt 820 to be passed on to the Welfare Drive Committee, as a result of hav- ing read about the Drive in the West Van News. ~ v Division 3 of Houyburn School won the Strathcona Cup for W hyslcal training among the est Vancouver schools for the year 1932-1933. ~ v ~ Owing to the extremely low tide and rough weather making it duficult for the boats to berth at Ambleside Dock, the ferry service was temporarily sus- pended between 10 p.m. and mid- night last Sunday. Passengers were conveyed by the municipal buses via North Vancouver. v v ~ Miss Margaret McIntyre, 20th and Gordon Avenue, hss moved to s suite at Appleton Court, 17th and Fulton Avenue. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. George Ardley of Courtney, Vancouver Island, have rented the tes rooms at the Fortune Cup Inn and are now ready for business. 1 Rev. Hillis Wright, 2603 Hay- wood Avenue, has purchased the house of Miss Margaret McIn- tyre, 20th and Gordon Avenue. ~ v The many friends of John Lawson will be glad to hear that he has resumed his duties as Houyburn Postmaster after a two weeks'bsence due to sick- ness. ~ v The pupils of Miss Margaret McIntyre gave a recital last Sat- urday afternoon at her home, 17th and Gordon Avenue. Those taking part in the program were: John Tygeson, Jack Howdle, Patty )Veeden, Bill Gracey, Mary Murray, Jean Ver- non, Jessie Davies, Doreen Addy, George Brealey. ~ v x The ferries will give an hourly service throughout Christmas Day. The Urst boat will leave Ambleside Dock at 6 a.m. and the last at 10 p.m. There will be also a special boat leaving the dock at 11:30 p.m. From the City Dock there will be hosts from 6:30 a.m. (o 10 130 p.m., also a special boat at 12 midnight. Buses wiU meet au boats. An advertisement relative to this nppeurs in this issue. ~ v v Fire broke out last Monday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cuuom, 836 20th Street. The lIre brigade turned out and extinguished the blaze, slight damage being done. Frank Colpitts, 13th snd Fulton Avenue, left here yester- day for Inglewood, Vancouver Island. ~ v ~ Several houses on East Beach were ilooded soon after 8 a.m. Tuesday as a result of the very high tide being driven inland by a sudden squalL The water pen- etrated as far as the football ground at Ambleside Park, which was ilooded as far as the grandstand. ~ ~ Dorothy and Joan Sherman, pupils of l(irs. Clara Wilson, layed a piano duet st the North hors Philharmonic Students'ecital held recently in North Vancouver. MAY YOU ALL ENJOY A HAPPY XMAS AND PROSPERITY THROUGHOUT 1934 Miss Margaret McLeod re- turned today Crom Powen River to spend the holidays st her home, 2296 blathers Avenue. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Wiuismson, Radcliif Avenue, moved to Vancouver last Tuesday. Gemmill'I Drag Store 'he Sides sl Smvtca I Ides Msxhm Dxlvs West Sl Bsmxgcsey Passe Wmz ZZI (A(lax 10 pxm) REEVE I.EYI.AiND CONDUCTED BRIDGiE CASIPAIGN It is not generally known that Reeve J. B. Iieyland was re- sponsible for the whirlwind bridge campaign during the last ten days preceding the taking of the plebiscite, which did so much towards the great success at- tained. It was st his suggestion and under his direction that four information offices fully stsifed were established in Vancouver, auto transportation provided to the poos, and the series of radio talks arranged for by prominent men in the city. Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY ssd SATURDAY December 22sd ssd zsxd GEO SIDNEY ssd CHARLES MLRRAY The Cohens and Kellys in Trouble also Comm!y, Cllrtoos, sxd oumx ihort subieclx. ISON.. TUBS. a WEDNESDAY December 25th, 25th a 27th The King of Jazz (AR is colorl L. O. L. No. 2990 The r'egular meeting of above lodge was held in the Orange Hall last Tuesday, a large turn- out of members and visiting brethren being present. Vancou- ver County Lodge oificers con- ducted the election which re- sulted as Couows: H. M. Bruton, W.M.; J. Parker, D.SL; J. G. Teare, Chaplain; J. Ferguson, Secretary; J. Waner, Financial Secretary; IV. Carley, Treasur- er; W. McCartney, Marshal; R. Kinlock, 1st Lec.; J. O. Britton, 2nd Lec; committee men, J. Hutchinson, 1st, V. Ferguson, 2nd, J. Moore, 3rd, R. Kinlock, Jr., 4th, R. Black, 6th, 1V. T. Atwood, P.M. T. K. Lightly and W. McCartney, auditors. A. E. Hsrron, Tyler. Splendid addresses were deliv- ered by C. W. Waitland, County Master, and visiting members. After the meeting dainty re- freshments were served In the lower halL ORANGE ORDER DANCE AND DRAIUING The dance and drawing held under the auspices of L. O. B. A. No. 703 and L.O.L. 2990 in aid of the Loyal Protestant Home, was quite a financial success. The B. C. Rangers orchestra supplied the music which kept the very large crowd busy an evening. The ofFicers and mem- bers appreciate the wonderful response on this occasion. The amount realized was 8170 which has been turned over to the Loyal Protestant Home. The winning numbers on the draw- ing were 1st, A25; 2nd, C272; 3rd, F209; 4th, C412; 6th D263; 6th, A416; 7th, C821; 8th, 474; 9th, E407; 10th, C406. Harry King, Mr. and Mrs. Barnden and C. J. Murray were the lucky winners from IVest Vancouver. ~lm A good pxogram of short xub- lexlx. Pleam exchange ymir coaposs for pmmims mmpona ssythse. For farther psrticslsm esqmxe ~1 theatre. Stratton's B X51AS CAKES Scotch Bung 84 8'lince Tarte and Piss XMAS PUDDINGS Made at 1468 Marine Drive Phone Vvest 27 West Van Sheet Metal Works Agesls MxClsxy Fanmmm Psxsam ssd Range Bepsxxs General Sheet Metal Work. PHOx(E WEST ZS Evesisgx Noxih 1554R "We make wana (cicada." Mrs. biary Stesrns left for her home in Toronto on IUed- nesday of last week, after a year's visit with her son-in-law and daughter, hfr. snd hfrs. C. W. Stevenson, 1919 Bellevue Avenue. Anouwr Week of BIG BOUNTIFUL BARGAINS i BE LOYAL -- Boy your Christmas Gifts is Weal Vxscmxvwr. We are ALL endeavoring Io give yoo Better Valses. Join Osx Library, 25x Month LADYSHIP WOOLS -- 1515 Maxim| Drive WEST so I HOLLYBURN PAVII.ION New Year's Frolic and Dance MONDAY, January 1st, 1934 commencing at 1801 a.m Adniisslon, 60 Cents. CAiVADIAN LEGION MILITARY WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22nds, 1933 Commeacing ai 5 p.m. 26 CENTS Rslxvxhmesm HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOF B.C. ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ r ~ ~r, . rm w . r rrrrrrrr ~ ' r» " ' ' ' ~ C r r, . r r'