001C965A THE 4VEST VAN NEAVS December 21, 1928. l. ale wislies all theircustoiners and the public generally : .~'SO.N A. S Sincerely wishing y«A HAPPY CHRISTNASCD'he St. Stephen's Sunday School is giving their annual Christmas entertainment the first week in the new year. The party for the junior school will be held on the afternoon of the 2nd January in the church hall, while the seniors ivill be enter- tained the following evening. W. T. Atwood, 2111 Bellevue, had an unfortunate accident last iveek, when a pot of solder ex- ploded, some of the pieces burn- ing his face, and one small piece entering his eye. Fortunately the accident wil] not affect his sight. ilIrs. J. F. Webb, who has been occupying a house at 29 and lilarine Drive, has moved to a house next dcor. Robert Hartley, 16th and Bel- levue, has purchased the Lesli property at 14th and Duchess, which he intends to renovate and generally fi up. Ferry Number 6 leaving Van- couver at 7.50 last Friday morn- ing was i» collision with the Princess Alice which was inward bound. The alertness and ability of the captain averted what might easily have been a seri- ous accident. At the time of con- tact, we understand, the engines of the ferry were reversed and she had stern weigh on. The collision was caused by the dense fog which enshrouded the har- bor that morning. No. 6 had her stern post twisted but otherwise was uninjured and made the round trip to the city. The Princ- ess Alice had several of her plat- es dented and was taken off the run for inspection. At the time of the collision the ferry was carrying only nine passengers, who were i» the cabin at the time. There will be an hourly ferryservice on Christmas Day starting at 8 a. m. from 8'est Vancou-ver. The regular 11 p. m. boatfrom Ambleside &vill b eheld un-til 11.30. The last boat from thecity ivill leave the Vancouverdock at midnight. Mrs. Kenneth Robinson, whohas been residing with her hus-band in Saskatoon, is stayingwith her father, T. Garland, at,his home at 17th and Duchess.lilr. Robinson will join her here in the spring. 0 Freddy, the son of A. Harvey Smith, 24th and Marine Drive, who has been quite sick, has now fully recovered. The delivery wicket at Holly-burn Post Office will be open onChristmas Day from 10.30 a. m.to 11.30 a. m. A drop curtain was installedfor the stage of the Inglewood School auditorium, and was usedfor the first time last night onthe occasion of the concert griven by the scholars of the public schools. A/7 li X11M$ " SPECIALS For This Weekwith the liope that it will be a season of pleasure long remembered by all. Choice Christmas Puddings Each ........,........... 66c 4 $ 1.00 Mixctl Nuts, per lb ......,........ 25c Xmas Can/les per lb 20c lbs. 36c Finest i&lincemeat, per lb.... Scotch Shortbread 6 oz. cake 20c Ask about our Xmas Cakes. A Fee@ Gift Suggestions Anti for your many friends--Per- fumes, Toilet IVatcr, Vanity Sets Stationery, lilanicure Sets, Ato- mixers, Bath Salts, Brownie Cameras, and a very attractive genuine Hand- A SHAVING SET for Brother TOYS for the Children A SNAPPY COiIIPACT for Sister A BOX OF CANDY for Aunty MARINE GROCERYA BOX OF CIGARS for DadA TIN OF CIGARETTES for Uncle painted China 22nd and i~larine ALLISON, I'rop. PHONE WEST 06 I'ROi~l PT DELI VERY~i-esage i~.drug G. E. REID, hlanager Net Building--Corner hlarine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOOWEST 323 Store A J&OJlalls (Saris fmas ta Ali --- Si&I A LL Pitman Business College Vancourer's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTIOai DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLNIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STRE&i'At Hastings) PHONE SEYjllOUR 9135 Hobb Coal & Transfer PHONE iVEST 17 "Bob's Always on the Job." H. E. Dewey, 18th and Jeffer- son is confined to the house through sickness Mrs. J. A; Mathieson, 20th and Marine Drive, has returned from a trip to Vancouver Island. Mr. and Mrs. EV. D. Colvin, 17th and Fulton, entertained a semi-monthly bridge club attheir home last Saturday even- ing, three tables being made up.Those present beside the host and hostess &vere: Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Edwards, Mrs. Cunning- ham, Air. E. Cunningham, Mrs. Upham, Mrs. Green, Mr. and Nrs. H. A. Eager and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Johnston and son, 26th and Lawson, ex- pect to leave here on Monday to spend Christmas in Victoria. AIR. AND AIRS. W. L. BERRY ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF DAUGHTER THE BURRARD .A J!II), W,% i)8 IVe implore Anything Anywhere, Any Time.A very successful dance and social was given in the Clachan hotel on Saturday night by i&lr. and Mrs. W. L. Berry, 21st and Marine Driv., in honor of their daughter, Bessie, who headed the list in the recent R. N. examina- tions for the province. Child' orchestra was in attendance, and their music kept all the dancers on their toes, the floor being full throughout the evening. The guests marched round in line to a table, where Miss Berry handed each a novelty from a huge snowball which caused great merriment. George Childs gave a selection on the one- string violin, which was very much enjoyed by all present. Cards ivere provided for those who did not dance, and dainty refreshments were served dur- ing the evening. Many favorable comments were heard on thetasteful decorations of the room, which were in keeping with the Christmas season. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. Houghton, DIr. and Mrs. 4V. D. Fraser, Dlr. Popham, Mr. and Mrs. F. Eatock, iAIrs. W. Nillard, and Miss Ethel Millard, Miss Ro~vley, EV. Grundy, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. Collinson, AIrs, G. Hampson Miss Eileen Hampson, Mr. Clewes and bliss Audrey Clewes, Miss Danvers, J. Taylor, Nrs. Bern- ard Hayes, Miss Anita EVatt, Miss Isabel Todd, P. 4V. Stobie. Clarence Sharp, Miss Fay Floyd, Miss Mamie Brice, Miss Myrtle McKinnon, 31rs. A. L. Grout and Edgar Grout, Major and Mrs. Lester and Vernon Lester, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lidster, H. G. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. 4V. Sewell, Captain and Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, Mr. and Airs. 4V. L. Berry and Miss Bessie Berry. s p.e~ ~ r e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ea.s~ ~ a i~a ~ ~ ~ ~i~i~b~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~ ~% Pa I.'tl The Old, Old AUish a terra Xmas i'ti Onion 8 ii. !I gappo 2410 gear i! to all of you. iI! i)& f~ It's not new, but it's tbe i'i sincere wish of ',Ii STRATTON'S BAKERY Ji wEST 27 'tl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a~ ~ ~s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a~a~M COl g 4tEATHE.Q CURTA1N& AND 8LANl|,'ET5 WE, LavNpp~. Ag I KICKS THAT HAKEI Fou&5 PoNDER '.: I "le .)imar& Lani/ry Limited The fog which has blanketed the North Shore including West Vancouver for the past few days, has only extended as far as Caulfeild. Those living in the extreme westerly end of the municipality have been enjoying bright sunshine and balmy weather, and the pussy willows are already in evidence there. * A chimney fire took place on Saturday afternoon at the home of K. G. EVhipple, 1484 Jefferson Ave. The fire brigade were quickly on the scene, but there was no need of their services. No damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. Avory white, 2068 Bellevue Ave., have moved into a house at 29th and Belle- vue. For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. Bert Ridley, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ridley, arrived today from Portland, Oregon, where he is attending the dental college, to spend a ten days'acation at his home here. )Vest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone AUest 410L Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y FURNACE REPAIRS iVEST BAY AIISSES HELP SANTA CLAUS FUND The Misses wendell Hayes, Josephine Allan, and June East- man of West Bay, wanted to help the Santa Claus fund, which pro- vides Christmas cheer for the poor and needy, so they purchas- ed a large doll and with the as- ." sistance of their mothers made for it a wardrobe of clothes suitable for her dollship. Then they got busy among their friends and sold them tickets at 10 cents each in a raffle for. the fully dressed doll. )Vinning tick- et No. 188 was drawn by Harry Hodgson of the AVest Van News, the holder of the lucky ticket be- ing Mr. L. Boultbee of Macaulay Nichols and Maitland. The raffle realised the sum of $13. Two dollars of this amount were donated by the young ladies to the fund for crippled children, the remainder being sent to the Province Santa Claus Fund. Anything in Sheet hletal Furnaces, Stores, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs General Repairs of all kinds Burrard Sheet Metal HARRON BROS. & AVILLIAMSON /sacral 6irectars 229 Lonsdale North Vancouver North Vancouver Parlors 122 EVest Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 ~ti I t o~oc ~+ ~ I PI'on o& Forty-six mernoers of the B. C. Mountaineering Club hiked Sunday to Hollyburn Ridge, whence they proceeded to the peak, which has now a covering of three and a half feet of snow. Considerable ski-ing is being done on the small jump, but the big jump will require more snow before it can be used. There was a big crowrl of sports enthusiasts up over the week-end, both bunk houses being filled on Saturday night. Hockey was played on Sunday on the lake, which is kept clear of snow and flooded to ensure good ice for skaters. THE King Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings St., IV., Phone Seymour 1046 Extends to all the Season's Greetings hoping that you will have A Merry Xmas and wish to thank all customers for their pa tronage d u ring 1928 'i '&i '(l 'II It I. It. I(. I). I~r ii II ii! It 'tii tI. NORTH SHORE TO TAIKE FUSION VOTE "Are you in favor of the 1929 council continuing negotiations for amalgamation of the city with the city of Vancouver?" North Vancouver Ratepayers will be requested to answer the question, submitted in the form of a plebiscite, during the civic elections next month. This was decided by the North Vancouver city council Monday night following receipt of a pe- tition, signed by 162 ratepayers, requesting that a plebiscite be submitted. LOTS OF SuggestionsC iriStmaS at THE NOVELTY DRY GOODS STORE s Quarts for q (T,$&l&~&One Dollar $t Qioser RlaUnI 8$R NORTH 122 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 r ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ r ~ y a ~ e ~ ~e~ ~ ~i~ ~ e ~ ~i~i% ~ 0 (Next Seeds Grocery) A Large selection of things suitable for Christmas Gifts--Silk Slips. Bloomers, Handkerchiefs, Burnt Leather Goods, China, Brassware, etc. Come In and See Our Xmas Cards.