001C965A a. u. u. r.. DUDhl rcltsk;h TO hlGi& AGREElfENT TO CH RISTilAS FUNDS FOR NET HIGHS 3. The December meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter of the I. O. D. E. was held Monday the 10th, at the home of i~lrs. F. N. Hirst. In the absence of the reg- ent, Mrs. Small, through illness, the chair was taken by the vice- regent, Mrs. D. ~!. Morgan. After discussion as to the hest means of helping at thisL,IrCur'atlug ~ Christmas season, donations were unanimously voted to the 00 per year Elks Christmas Fund, the 4Var Veterans and the Shaughnessy Military Hospital. yo[ [[[ E[GHT pAGE The usual reports were heard, and adopter l, and assistance promised toward the Christmas concert, on January 2nd, at the Ps Shaughnessy Hospital. The meeting adpourned after the serving of tea. e next meeting will be he]d A collection»as taken up a'.Reeve V. V. VISt n the grat qfonday,n J „„„y the Pauline Johnson school foi jtjtjtf[ginstead of the second Monday the Children's Home, when th« ~It gives me the greatest at th home of Mrs. J. E. Jaffary sum of $25.75 was handed over iII.n 4 l, ]lilt .L~ elitielt'5 r a Happy Christmas. The whole civilized world at is time unites in kindly oughts and in an endeavor to eviate the hardships and suf- ring of those less fortunate an oneself in the bitter strug- for existence. EVe have much to be thankful r in our family life, our social e and our community life, and e ful l realization of these ings is called strongly to our nds in retrospect. C Our district, like the whole of e North Shore, has passed rough a year of varying influ- ces and we have come safely d strong)y through an era ich has brought its own par- ular shadows, I have good son for thinking however, at our district is now coming o its own and that the coming ar»ill be one of prosperity d brightness. I feel therefore that it is no pty expression to say that I sh for the District of IVest ncouver and for its residents Happy Christmas followed by Happy and Prosperous New al, The North Vancouver Ci Council has authorized May~ G. H. Morden to sign, on behs of the city, an agreement b tween the Ci:y Council, the Ha bor Board a»d the B. C. Mil Timber and Trading Compan relative to the Low Level roa As soon as the agreement is r tumed to the council signed hfdf Hpllyburyf H/gJgpyJ DJJyfdgra'f/gthe Harbor Board and the con t pany the road will be opened fct I.rr K. traffic. tees'spy, ~tc. Newsstands 5c per Copy The highway, which cost $50 000 is a twenty-foot-wide pave surface giving direct connectlpC F Rl DAYs DECEM BER 21st 1928 between the business section c North Vancouver and Thin No. 38 street at a point near Kennarqg ~g~@~ ~g~g +g~g~g P~ all g le mi p~ th en trc rea ~ ~ ~ ~ Chairman G. D. Elgar Hoard of School Trustees May your Christmas be full bf pleasure and merriment and the New Year one of Happiness. Let us all endeavor during the com- ing year to work together for the further advancement of our schools and try to do our utmost for the welfare and happiness of our grrls and boys. ~ ~ ~ P ~.. / Robert Fiddes Councillor and School Trustee Xmas is with us again, and young and old alike take pleasure in exchanging greetings with friends both near and far. To the penple of IVest Vancou- ver, I sincerely wish you, the good old wish--"A Very Merry Xmas and a Bright and Prosper- ous New Year." Ae .: -.=.. ~ + 4 / ~40'tf' ~~/P~H~. gP» (((( (/p +~ a I Jas. ~l. Edington School Trustee May Peace and Happiness be yours this Christmastide and may the year 1929 be the most prosperous and successful you have yet experienced. This is my ardent wish for the people of )Vest Vancouver, young and old. Christmas is a time of partic- ular joy to the youngsters and their happrness is reflected in the parents. The welfare and progress of the school age child is a very important part of our civic activities, and the privilege I have had of acting as School Trustee for several years is one I have greatly appreciated. Councillor O'. Blair It is my earnest wish that every residerrt in our municipal- ity will have the best Christmas they ever had; and that on this festive occasion, there will be ev- ident in our midst a spirit of co- operation, in thought and action, for the welfare and happiness of all residents of our District. I sincerely wish you a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous and Progressive New Year. J. H. Leyland School Trustee Christmas is obviously the children's season of happiness and jollity. It is a time of the year when the whole civilised world turns back the pages of history to reflect for a moment on the birth of a Little Child in a manger at Bethlehem, and the l:sson which it teaches. Just as the Angels welcomed this event nineteen centuries ago with songs of "Peace on earth, and Good»ill towards men", so may the hearts of our citizens join in the spirit of gladness and fellowship, and may the children especially, r&ot only enjoy the festive season in health and mer- riment, but share with others less fortunately situated some of the blessings and happiness Christmas brings. The time-honored wish of "A Happy Christmas and a Prosper- ous New Year to Alias is one which I sincerely hope»ill be enjoyed by all citizens of ~Vest Vancouver. ~ ~ WO W4 W4 &8 &0 W WO ~ ~ ~ ~ W+ WS ~ W WS P~~ ~ WO ~ ~~i~-.=~~=-.=.=.=.~e~~~ =~~e~~=.~-.-- --. -- -- -.-q, lg "(6l~risimas J&ng" tt There is Christmas Joy in my heart today, pt As I turn from the things of the world away, )l. I)l And kneel in faith by a manger bed, EVhere the sunbeams are kissing a Baby's head; Oh, is it a shadow that I see now, Of a crown of thorns upon His brow? But the Baby smiles, and the thorns grow dim, Lost in the glory that comes from Him. There is Christmas Joy in my heart today, As I turn from the things of self away, And lay my heart as a gift He'l take, lg The small Christ Child for His great love's sake; ~i! lr Oh. is it the mark of nails I see, )I In the tiny hands outstretched to me? But the hands clasp mine, and the marks grow dim, Lost in the glory that comes from Him. There is Christmas Joy in my heart today, As I turn from the things of time away, And lingering still with the Christ Child sweet, Stooping to kiss His little feet; ~ Oh, is it again the mark, I see, t~. Of cruel nails that »ere borne for me. But while I gaze, my eyes grow dim l~. IVith tears, and the glory that comes from Him. There is Christmas Joy in my heart today, i~ As I turn from the manger-bed away, 'r]r But before I go, I stoop to rest )'r My head, for a moment, upon His breast; 'r 'r Oh, is it a crimson stain I see From a heart that was broken on Calvary? But the Baby smiles, and the stain grows dim Lost in the glory that comes from Him. HONORIA TRAILL. 4 s e r a s e e e r e r a e e e e fe e e r r e a I e 6+ r e e e e e e e e e e e e a r e s e e e r a Councillor lV. AI. Jackman Once again as one of your pub- lic officials the opportunity pre- sents itself of reminding you that only by united effort can we as a Municipality progress; therefore it should be the duty as»ell as the privilege of every citizen to BOOST for this beauty spot of Greater Vancouver Sub- urbia. Once again from me the sincere wish goes forth to all fellow citizens, neighbors and friends that the desire of each arrd every heart may be gratified now, and in the many Christmas'et in store for you, and also that at this Yule Tide all )Vest Vancouver homes will resound with the revelry enjoined in the philosophy contained in the couplet "At Christmas play, and make good cheer For Christmas comes but once a year." glrs. 11. B. Robinson School Trustee The Compliments of the Sea- son to al] residents of IVest Van- Councillor J. T. IVatt couver, both young and old. May I have the pleasure of May your Christmas be joyful sending the people of )Vest Van- rn iprrrt merry rn a~~ocratron couver the Heartiest of Good ar)d leave happy memories; and IVishes for Health, Happiness may the Bells of Ne»'ear ring and Prosperity at this Season in a season of Peace, Happiness tegt and throughout the coming year. and Contentment for us all. ~ ~~ ~ ~ i~~~4~94~%4~&~4~&~4~9&~~SVNg w~&~W~4V~&K~