0001 W S AFP V AA AF\ V' s SF S s v w s"specksr sssm s ss'rs rJ rc s r s'Vr s r r rr r-Frrr 'rrr ~res rri' vrrrr!r rrrrrrrv vrs V rrrs vrA ~ rrr vrv Phone West 459 Phone West 4() THE WEST VAN NEWS hllSS KITCHENER TO TEACH I LOCUTION, ETC. Smith 's Grocery SPECIALS--FRIDAY & SAT. Dec. 1st II 2nd Miss Vers Kitchener, silver medalist, is teaching elocution and dramatic art in 1Vest Van- couver. A class for chfldren from 6 to 10 is held on Satur- days from 2 to 8 p.m. For fur- ther particulars please phone West 289Y.GiROCERIES QUICK OATS -- Quebec Large package (Llmk 2)....... ISc COFFEE Aust Msry's Freshly ground......... pcc lb. 80c ALL BRAN -- Kckcgg's Large package (Limit 2) ......... Isc TOMATOES. large 2II tia .. 9Mc PBACBKS, Lyaw Valley.... Uu Itc l HONEY, Fixes! Os!eric 2 ks 8 cx Us .................... $2c ORANGE hIAk!SALADE Mssrsy's 4 lb. Iiu .......... 494 11 EATS RU!IIP ROAST .................... Ils 12c ! POT koA ST ............ I b. I Oc ! Boneless STK17 BKKF...,.........lb. Sc Stevenson - Ritchle Trinity United Church if) thc city was the setting for 0 pretty wedding on Wednesday evening the 22nd instant, when Sadie McComb Ritchie, daughter of Mrs. Agnes Ritclfle of Vancou- ver, became the bride of Mr. Paul 'IVakefield Stevenson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles IV. Stevenson of 1919 Bellevue Ave- nue. Performed at 8:30 o'clack by Rev. A. MscKay, the cere- mony took place amid a pretty arrangement of fall flowers, and during the signing of the regis- ter Mr. Charles Hughes sang "Because," accompanied on the organ by Miss Wilson. Thc bride was given in mar- riage by her brother, Mr. Hugh Ritchie, and attended by her sister, hfiss hIary Ritchie, as bridesmaid, and little Miss Georgina Hunt, Bower girl, while Mr. Cecil Hodgson sup- ported the groom as best man. The ushers were Mr. John Ritchie and Mr. Thomas Ritchie. Lustrous ivory satin compos- ed the bridal gown, which was worn with a wedding headdress of orange blossoms. Cut on the bias, the frock showed floor- length skirt with a short train and a large collar of ivory silk lace. She also wore long whit» kid gloves and carried 8 bouquet of Ophelia roses, carnations and lily of the valley. The bridesmaid was charming in pale.blue satin, made simply on straight lines and worn with a two-strand bandeau of orange blossoms, while her bouquet was of rose carnations. An old fash- ioned dress of canary yellow point d'sprit with the skirt deeply frilled to the floor was worn by the Bower girl, who scattered rose petals from her basket. At the reception held at the home of the bride's mother, 1506 East 11th Avenue, Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs. Stevenson as- sisted the bridal party in re- ceiving, the former wearing a dress of black French lace with hat of black chifFon velvet, sil- ver trimmed, and the latter s black silk crepe dress with black hat and grey trimmings to match the fur on her coat. Both wore corsage bouquets of rosebuds and fern. The bride and groom will take up residence on Hemlock Street, Less 511NCKD BEEF ....... Ib, )sc I OkK SHOU I DER kOAST, lb. )2(ic FINNAN HADDIE .,.........IK isc KH'PEkS ................. 2 lbs. 25c I'Iscs( I'ORK SACRA(IES, Ib 15c SILVERI.EAF LARD....... IL 13CS)VII'"PS SI'ECIAL PICNICHAbIS........ lb. IicFLEPCHKR'8 Ns. I BACON, pkg. Isc j S)VIFT'S BACK BACOV (by Piece) lb. '3!c High Quality SIDE BACOQ (by piece) I b, ... .. .., .... , 2 I c(' EKS B. Best ()sis rio hi!id, Ib I sc G kAPES .. ..... . ..... .. . ..... 2 lbs. I 9c BROO51S ............... cack 304 CCT GREEN BEANS Siss 8 .................. pcr Iiu Isc Club Diary Spec!xi! STONED WHEAT TBINS, pkg. Iic RAISINS. Australian Ssksxss 2 lbs. 25c CURRANTS. Aus!csksw Recleaned 2 lbs. 26cPEACHES. Kvspscstcd Unpktcd ...„.............., 2 lbs. 25» SLICED PINEAPPLE 'v.c. A»stre!isa ........ !sii tis 13cJAP OkANGES .............. bsx 754 Burrard Laundry Ltd. ~L",K„,„„, LAUNDRY SERVICE j Toil CANT N&~~l ! oo~u&s REG. CLAY GIVES FINE CONCERT The concert and dance held at the Orange Hall last Wednesday was certainly 8 credit to Reg. Clay, director of the serenaders'0 piece banjo, mandolin and guitar orchestra. This orchestra opened the pro- gram en masse and later was arranged in five .different en- semble orchestras. A feature of the program was a solo by Edgar Hay, 0 former West Vancouver boy, who de- lighted the audience with his masterful rendering of a highly technical piece which called for fast finger work. Mac and His Guitar rendered several numbers in his inimitable style. Reeve Leylund gave a short address welcoming Mr. Clay to West Vancouver and compb- menting him especiafly on the "Wesvan" march which Mr. Clay composed and arranged es- peclafly for this concert. The Calanges family of Hol- lyburn held their audience spell- bound as they changed their or- chestra into so many ensembles including violin, banjo, and mandolin. Mr. Clay hopes to have local players at his next concert. Normal summer daylight in the shade of a tree is IOO times as bright as that produced by a loo-watt lamp on u book three feet away. You can't have too much light... it merely needs to be shaded and diffused a:no I IV I EsfCia Ib(1:I f % 0 5 Xss 6 II I'RINTING -- For sU kinds of ,W rinting phone West Vsn ews, West SSS. DAVE ANDERSON, )Vest Vancouver RepresentativePhones--West 691L or North 1810 MASONS GIVE J. F.. CONDON'S FATHERMOST ENJOYABLE DANCE PASSES Last Friday evening in the Frank Fisher Condon, fatherOrange Hag King David Lodge, A. F. 5-„A. hf., gave their annual of J. E. Condon of the High dance, which was attended by School teaching sb)ff, Passed a-s large number of the members way on Tuesday night at hisand their friends. A feeling of home, 3506 )Vest 43rd Avenue,good feflowship and joflity pre- Vancouver, after a short illness.veiled throughout the evening. The deceased, a retired lumberthe afFair being one of the Inost merchant, was a native of Pi»-enjoyable ever given in the tou, N.S., but had resided inmunicipality. Gardner's Orches- Vancouver for thirty - threetra supplied the music, which years. He was aged 67, andwas afl that could be desired& leaves to mourn his loss, besidesand the Boor was flfled w'th his son here, two sons, Fred anddancers for every number. The James, and two daughters, Mrs.novelties introduced made con- U. Tragefla of the city and Mrs.siderable diversion among the A. Rennie of Oakland. His wifeguests, particularly the snow- predeceased him ten years ago.balls, which created barrels of Funeral services will be held atfun as they were thrown hither 3 p m, tomorrow in Vancouver,and thither by the dancers. Rev. Hillis Wright ofFiciating,Supper was served in the inter- and interment will be made inval in the lower hall, the lodge's the family plot, Mountain Viewown orchestra supplying th Cemetery.music during that time. November SO, 1933 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only f Store at HollyburII, next rhe.tre PHONE WEST 3 LU BEE and afl Buflding hlaterlal of Best Quality at Ix)w I'riess BUILD NOW I +EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone West 3681. 15th and hlarine "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS ( HIMVEYS CLBANED -- Now' Ibs I'm» hcfcrc win!cr comes Pbunc lVcsi 8 IL or 290K. LOST--Brown Leather Glove. black fur cult. November 22nd, between Pauline Johnson School sed Legion Hall. West 122L WANTED -- An kind cf bc»sewer@ Good cack kc creases Apply 1719 Duchess. EXI'ERIENCED HOUSKK EKI'KR- Desires work, ds cleaning, cook- ing. cars of chil ran. well recom- mended. Would sleep in; small wages. Wruc 28!h sed Lswscn, cio Duudsrsvc P. O. FOR RENT -- 4 Room Furnished Cct. tsgc, upcs Ac»piss». lull plumbing, Marine Drive. Csp!bm)s Phone West 864LI. FOR SALK (Priss!sly) -- Vari»vs articles household furnkurc, china stsndsni lamps sxd other c!fasts sll arst class condition. 'n view Sst- urdsy, December 2nd sed 7th. Ap- ply 2964 Iusrinc, Phone West 807 WANTED TO EXCHANGE -- 5- room modern busgsicw. Vancouver, for West Vancouver home. ApplyBox 20, West Vsn News. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dssdscsvs. Saic cl Wcoi snd Handkerchiefs, Christmas Cards, ctc. -- Friday a Saturday, December 1st and 2nd. WANTED -- Child's Gcd;sr). I'hssc West 166LI'k RENT--Fisc Rooms. mcdccp, partly furmshcd good Iocsiicn near ferry $ 12 Phone West 266X FOR RENT -- A madel six room house. best location on the water- front between 21st sod 22nd. Ap- ply Mr. Rsy. )vest 80L. FOR SALE -- Drop-side Co»eh, 53.00; Sewing Ms»hiss, $6.00; Wicker Spiky, 52.00. Phone West 890L. RADIO TECHNICIAN -- Iustsks- ticns, repairs, radios tested, serviced snd custom built. Tom Brown, West 266R. WANTED -- 8" Second Bssd Planks iu good ccpdkicn with 6 or more width, length 6'pd ep, 56.60 pcrthousand. Apply Box 21, West Vsn News. FOR SALE -- Gurney Hci Air Fern. scc, 24" sr»box; Radiators, Pipes ctc.. 826.00! Brick Lined Heater Smail Coot Stove; Buxs Ssw Arborcast frame. Phone West 677X. THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- quires d!scscdcd clothing. Phone West 87 snd truck will ccBcct. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER--Dallyor periodically at your home. PhoneWest 104YI. MARCELI.E SHOPPE -- Therm!ass Permanent Wave without danger of burning. Marcel 60c; reset 86»; Finger Wave 604. Phone Mrs. King West 304, 1620 Marine. OLD GOLD -- Best Price Paid. West Vse. Jeweler, 1622 Marine Drive. FIRST-CLASS SHOB REPAIRING- )4th at Fcny Best material snd workmanship. FURNISHED AND UNFUkNISHKD Houses tc Rent. Houses, lots, sod acreage fcr sale. John Laws»a, 17th sed Marine, Phone West 66. LET MY FREB ESTI'RATES caPs)sting Ps ring sed Ksiscmm Ing. C. L cnipgs, Rcs. Phoae West 894R. HEADQUARTBRS for AB ihc Pop-ular Cigarettes Tcbsccox, sud Fish-ing Gadgets for Iccsi waters. Ambi»side Tca Rooms FOR I'LUMBING REPAIRS kss.idcscc Phone West 2411L WLBB S SHOE RKPAIRS WEARBEST -- Dundsrsvc, UNESIPLOYED XhIAS FROLIC On Thursday December 14th the West Vancouver Unemploy ed Assoc)at)on are hold)ng the)r Christmas Frolic Whist from 8 till 10, then refreshments and the fun starts--dancing, novel- ties, snowball fight, balloon con- test, etc. Those having comic costumes are asked to wear them, and, if not to come in any case: while not a masquerade, guests are a asked to make their costumes as funny as possible and take home one of the many prizes, such as turkeys, Xmas cakes and puddings. etc. A real prize for whoever brings the largest party of guests. ('ORDON ROBSON Barrister Sckcitcc WEST VANCOUVER Oitice Nc. 1447, Marine Drive Phone West 408. 10 tc 12. VANCOUVER OFFICF Suite 601) 510 Hsctisgx 81. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 io L LEGION 1V. A. The W A. to the Csnad!an Legion are holding a sale of work on Saturday, December 2nd, in the Leg)on Hall at 2 o cloak with home cooking a specialty, after- noon tees, tea cup read)ng tish ponds, etc. It is hoped that afl the old supporters will attend. Military Whist Drive snd Dance at 8:15 p.m. Come and win a ham. Collection only. GEO. HAY Notary Pabkc Rcsi BCI~Ic e nls )sacs Listings %Vanted 1405 Msrlsc Drive Phone Wast 21 or Scyacsr 1240 Ercsisgs Wcs( 204X LEGION %V. A. SALE OF 1VORK HOME COOKING ssd APTERN(N)N TKAS LEGION HAI,L SATURDAY ~I 2)30 P.si. EXTRA--his»siss Whl~I sad Dsscc, 8)80 P.!u. Nc sdmissics. Cckccucs Come spd win s hsm. The rate fsr Clsmlscd Adscctiscmcs!~ I ~ 2 ccs(s pcc «scd. ala!asm 25 csaia Except Ia tbc csee ct (bess hssisg regular scccsais, sk cisssi. scds are psysbic strictly Ix sdrsscsf Remember Cisssiscds Ia Ibc West Vss News gci immediate results. Ip