0001 NEW BOOKS at the WEST BAY LENDliVG I,IRRARY "NO SECOND SPRING" by Janet Beith. "THE MASTER OF JALNA" by Mszo de la Roche. "THE PRISON WAI L" by Ethel M. Dell. "THOUGHTS & ADVENTURES" by Winston Churchill. Subscription: 60c Month Nen-Members: 5 cents Day. Christmas Cards -:- Calendars -:- Gifts The district engineer, iVorth S. I'. OF C. NOTES «ncouver, wrote the council re In future all meetings an Keith Road bridge over the Capilano. Referred back to the speakers will be arranged by Comrade H. Davison who has engineer. been appointed as organizer by u the West Vancouver Branch. Caumure Briq«t«8 Comrade F. Mallinson has been III sn non v. I r lb.I appointed as delegate to the C. Rt $ I 250 Iter tou C. F. District Council with Com-rade Mrs. Meuse as substitute. Unsurpassed For The next meeting of the S. P. FURNACE or RANGE of C. will be held in the Legion wEsT VAN. AGENT ~ Miss DowAL Hall at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Phones west s22I or west 340 December 7th, and will be of a public nature. The speakers will Coal, Sawdust, Stove Oi be kfarold Winch, M.I,.A., D. Me- at regular Prices. Donam, North Vancouver, and Jerry Grisedale. The speakers will deal with "The Outlook for C. J. Overin!ttOB Young People.» PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine CUP TIE i Phone 1Vest 135 West Van Juniors'.i VS Amhleside SheetMetal%Works LAURIE SPECK. Propdotor 1446 Marine Drive Phone 1Vest 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INsTALLED Vera'A. Kitchener and REPAIRED (Silver Medalist) JOBBING Stars of Italy Saturday, Dec. 2nd I p.m.their ,Dot. 2the M41. 78th cthe f4 fotbo ..:khf EI.OCUTION DRAMATIC ARTosl of Tbe I bsd oz the Id thol K.W. Savory fwt(- y t;.„4 !-7 1443 hlarlne Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, 1Vest 143 I Real Estate Finance and Insurance Class--Children 5 to 10, Saturday: 2 - 3 p.m. 25c per lesson. Phone: West 289Y CIA)SING OUT SPECIAL FREE MARCELS Ono lvook Ooly No Appolntmonto HOLLYBURN ACADESIY OF BEAUTY CULTURE IS(S Marina Drive J. L. PETTIGREW RADIO TECHNICIAN Member A.R,T. of RC. Phono Soy. 4221, West 127X WEST VAN('OUVER DICKENS BOOK CI.UB will present sketches from OA TALE OF TWO CITIES" and "DAVID COPPERFIELD" on THURNl)AY, l)ECEhlBER 7th, at 8 I'.61. at ST. STEPHEN'8 HALL A musical program will also be rendered, Under the auspices of the (V. A. Silver Coffer(ion iVovember 30, 1933. . I,V b WEST VANCOUVER GHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT IN THE HOLLYBURN THEATRE MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th, at 8.15 p.m. I Tickets 25 cents THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Personal Cet Your CHRISTMASFollowing a lengthy illness, hfr. A. H. E. Jordan, senior, of 2347 Marine Drive, left early Monday morning for Colorado, where he will spend the winter months, convalescing in s sani- tarium st Colorado Springs. ~ ~ ~ Honoring Mise Jean McLaren, ular bridmefect, Miss Joan urbin entertained last Satur- day during the tea hour at her home, 20th and Heywood Ave- nue. In the course of the after- noon the guest of honor was the recipient of a delightful assort- ment of gifts of chins. The charmingly appointed tes table centred with bronze chrysan- themums wss presided over by Mrs. Robert McFarlane, while serving were Miss Muriel Stone- man and Miss Effie Vickery. A- mong the invited guests were Mrs. W. McLaren, Mrs. D. Hope, Miss Eleanor Brine, Miss Jean Hood, Miss Mary O'Donnell, Miss Betty Savory, Miss Eleanor Lennox, Miss Juliet Johnson, Mtss Ola hfcLean, Miss Madge Farmer, Miss Blanche Neville, Miss Doris Cleathero, Miss Ruth Blair, Miss Helen Stevenson, Miss Garry Woolgar, Miss Win- nie Brealey. I I ~ Wm. J. Gale wrote the council re rightwf-wsy, east side Lot 8, Block 7, D.L. 682. Referred to the engineer for report, Friends gave a surprise party last Thursday night to Norman Moore, 22nd snd Jefferson Ave- nue. An enjoyable evening was spent in cards and dancing, after which refreshments were served Those present were: Mr. Snd Mrs. C. Rathbone, Miss Edith White, Miss Evelyne Black, Messttb Met Chapman, Jimmy Jackson, Jim Chapman, Bob White and Norman Moore. ~ ~ ~ H. Reynolds of Spuzzum, hss moved into s house at 2300 Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ A son wss born last Thursday at their home to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney English, 24th snd Belle- vue Avenue, ~ o George Downey hss moved from 13th and Mathers Avenue, into a house at 1420 Argyle Avenue. ~ ~ "Rupert," an Irish setter owned by Miss Judy Good, 25th and Bellevue Avenue, won the flrst prize at the Dog Show sponsored by the Junior League last Saturday in Vancouver. The L.O.L. No. 2990 are hold- ing their regular meeting at 8 p.m. next Tuesday in the Orange Hall. ~ ~ I Mrs. Riddell of Caulfeild, has left for the Old Country. ~ ~ J. Mechielson, 2119 Marine Drive, has moved into a house at 1166 14th Avenue. * ~ Mr. Snd Mrs. Frank Vyvyan and family, East Beach, have left for Edmonton, Alberta, where Mr. Vyvysn has become connected with the leading the- atre in that city. ~ ~ Mrs. Eileen Honors Cooper of Vancouver, who is a sister of Nick Williamson of the Holly- burn Pavilion, has just won the gold medal in a world-wide com- petition put on by the Mitre, a magazine devoted to poetry. Miss Phyllis Bell, who has been absent since the early sum- mer owing to sickness, has re- sumed her duties here as agent for the B.C. Telephone Company. Mrs. McFarlane of Sacramen- to, California, has arrived here to attend the wedding of Miss Jean McLaren, and is the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, hir, and Mrs. E. J. McFarlane, 13th and Duchess Avenue.\ ~ I Heavy frost prevailed on Hol- lyburn Ridge over the week end, and, while no snow fell, quite a coating of ice formed on the lake at the ski amp, ~ I ~ Mrs. Woods and grandchildren moved on Monday from Amble- side into a house at 2290 Hay- wood Avenue.\ o ~ We are asked to announce that the name of Mrs. IV. B. Thomas was inadvertently omitted from the list of associate members of the West Vancouver Choral So- ciety on the program of their concert for next Monday even- ing. hfrs. John Bell, 1734 Duchess Avenue, has moved to North Vancouver. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cameron of Csulfeild, with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Julie Ker, are leaving for Honohllu, where Mrs. Cam- eron and Mrs. Ker wiu remain for the winter. Mr. Cameron will return here after a short time. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. E. J. Pearce, who has been spending the summer and fall at Selma Park, has moved into a suite in "The Gableso at 1Vest Bay. In a former issue Mrs. Pearce was inadvertently described as of Port Haney. WRAPPINGS NOW Gemmill'I Drug Store Tbo Sloro of Soir(oe. ltpz Marino Dr)ra Weal 27 Emotzoaoy Pboao Woot 221 (Aftor le porn) HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY and SATUBDAY Dmnmbor lot and 2nd SLIM SLIMMERVILLE and ZASU PITTS OUT ALL NIGHT also "IGLOO" A Story of tbo Eoipdsiaua. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY December 6th and Stb "THE WARRIOR'S HUSBAND" ELISSA LAND( CANADIAN LEGION POPPY CAMPAIGN The Poppy Committee wish to express their appreciation to the citizens of West Vancouver for the generous response in buying poppies and wreaths for Re- membrance Day. The net amount raised this year is 6127.00 which goes to the Canadian Legion Benevolent Fund and is used for the benefit of all ex-service men and women in cases of elnerg- ency TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Buildegtb'upplies Wood, Coal Dump Truck WorkI. O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., will be held at the home of Mra K B. Forster, 2009 Fulton Avenue, on Monde). next, December 4th, at 2:16 p.m. Members are reminded of the Educational meeting in Ingle- wood School Auditorium on Sun- day, December 3rd, at 3 pjm., when the presentation of prizes will take place. Mrs. J. Stuart Jamieson will give her last lecture of the series on Wednesday, December 6th, in the St. Stephen's Parish Hall at 2:30 p.m., her subject being 'The British Empire and her Dominions." Strattou'8 BAKERY BREAD - CAKES Meat Pica Sausage Rolls Bambury Cakes ALL FRESH DAILY Made at 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 WOOD and Building Supplies VAiVDALS BASKETBALL CLUB Last Friday the Vandals met the U.B.C. aggregation in a schedule league fixture at King Edward gym and turned in an- other win. As a result of smooth team-work the local boys held a 28-14 lead at the half. On resuming play the Vandals fell away, to much individual plsy- ins being the reason; the locals winning by 47 - 44. The next game will be st 9 p.m. Tuesday, December 12th, when the locals will entertain the Sterling Furniture quintette and It promises to be good. Aidan Fir. Bark, SamL GraveL Maaaro, Sou, Etc. Dump Truck for Hire. E. LIVSEY Phone \Voot SPPXS. Xmas Holly (Borriod) ~t WHOLBSALE PRICE 1st por poaml Seo oot polisd DonrormL Istb S lasaou Wool 477-X HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP B.C. Barraclough's Radio Service All work guaranteed. AERIAItS -:- REPAIRS IVO pay cost of Service Phone Call PHOiVE NORTH 17. 1542 hfarine Drive IS72 Marlao Drive. Do your Cbriatmaa Sbopplas NOW. SLASHING PRICES ~ SALE CONTINUING NOW IS THE TISIE TO RUY YOUR CHRIHEMAS GIFTS Join Oar Library, Sac ~ Moatb. See Nos Booko rrr v .r -'f i.- o Gyral I a.r*t u Mt \ wd r I 'u ~ r r 'rr ~ ~ .tr . " ' ', ~ ~.. t ~ r r rr rrrro r-rr ~ o SIrr