0001 Ff ='S'..'A:N:.') -:WS A Weekly Newspaper Circulatinty in the District of West Vancouver-Ambleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 6c per copy at newsstands. A« Vol. VII I HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1933 No. 30 ~ f IIP ih ss AR cs igi iRS THE FIRST NARROWS BRIDGE 4 Canada is with the exception of Newfoundland the oldest, the wealthiest in point of natural resources, and yet in its habitable portions the most sparsely populated and the least developed of all the British Dominions. There must be snd there is s good reason for this. In spite of the fact that our public men unceasingly boast about our vast natural resources and our newspapers print year by year reams on the same subject, it has become a habit on the part of our powers-that be to discourage and, if possible, drive out sny outside capital which shows any inclination to help develop the country. The idea st the back of thin is that Canada snd everything in Canada must be reserved for ceritain companies and indiv- iduals already established there. It does not matter whether these latter have or have not the necessary capital. At all costs the land and its resources must be reserved for them snd theirs, even if the people of Canada starve to death in the process. That is why Canada, and especially the West, are where they are today. We have an excecllent sample of this dog-in-the-manger attitude in the present violent opposition to the First Narrows bridge. Camoufiage of the most blatant description, distortion of facts, even deliberate lies--nothing is too bad so long as British capital is kept out. So called shipping men, whose only job is renting cargo ~pace and who, to keep their jobs, don't even have to know enough to paddle a duck boat across a stagnant marsh, have the audacity to set up their opinions against those of a Royal Commission, which has ruled a 1400 foot span as quite suiticient after examining the real sailor- men who come into our harbor. According to them and other bridge opponents, the great- est harbor expert in the world, when it comes to harbors, is as ignorant as s hog on ice, and the Parks Board knows as much about parks as an elephant does about snipe shooting. And so on, and on and on. A small number of members of the Vancouver Board of Trade, apparently fearful lest the rest of the members might have the ordinary common sense to do the very thing for which the Board is mainly created, sends s condemnatory report to Victoria and Ottawa. All this pounded out day by day avowedly to protect the people of Vancouver from these wicked BritisherR„who have made an ofTer to build absolutely free of a)t cost s 66,000.000 bridge, and to the accompaniment of a daily chorus for outside capital, if n(msible British, to develop the country. However, we don't think the people of Vancouver such fools as evidently do the bridge opponents. We believe that this attempt on the part of eastern interests and others to hold up development on the North Shore regardless of'British freedom, until their own holdings are disposed of will be as- sessed at its true value. If otherwise, the sooner British Columbia reuerts to the status of s Crown Colony or becomes a separate Dominion the sooner shall we and sll of us in the province get way from the present stagnation and depression. WEST VANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT. The first concert of the season to be given by the West Vancouver Choral Society will take place at 8:15 p.m. next Monday in the Ho)lyburn Theatre. The soloists of the evening will be: Miss Ivy Miles, Miss Joan Durbin, Mrs. Ray Donovan, and Aubrey A. Clarke. Tickets, 25 cents. The following is the program I'ART L 0 Canada Opening Chorus--"THE MAY QUEEN COMES" ..... German From Opera "hisrcis Engisnd" Ladies part Song--"Msy Bells" ....................................(Vest Boss Soio--(s) "NIGHT NURSERY" ........................Arundsic (b) "STILL ROOM" .............................Arundsic MR. AUBREY A. CLARKE Instrumental--(s) "h(OMENTS MUSICAL" ............Schuboct (b) "FIDDLE DANCE" .................Flctchoc STRING ORCHFSTRA Part Song--"MOONLIGHT"...................................Fanning Soprano Solo--"IF SO BE IT YOU IVISH"...............Jscobson h(ISS IVY il(ILFS Chorus--"LONG LIVE ELIZABETH," ......................... German from the conceit vscsion of "Mcrcic Engisnd." PART H. Chorus--"KYRIF. ELEISONo...,., .......................... FarmerMcsdsmcs Hunt snd Young, COAIIVG EVENTS Saturday, December 16th -- L. O.L. dance and drawing in aid of the Local Protestant Home. DICKENS NIGHT Sketches from "A Tale of Two Cities" and "David Copperfield" will be presented by the West Vancouver Dickens Book Club at 8 p.m. next Thursday, the 7th instant, in St. Stephen's Parish Hall under the auspices of the W. A. In addition to the sketch- es a musical program has been arranged. Silver collection. CONSERVATIVE ASSN. ANNUAI MFETING The West Vancouver Conser- vative Association are holding their annual meeting tonight at 8 o'lock in the o(tice of J. T. Watt, 1744 Marine Drive, when J. Loutet will give an address. It is requested that every mem- ber endeavor to be present. IVARD ONE TAXPAYERS'O HOLD MEETING A special meeting has been called for Wednesday evemng, December 6th, at 8 o'lock, in Odfellows'all, Pender and Hamilton, Vancouver, of Ward One Ratepayers'ssociation (IVest Vancouver). This meet- ing is being held in the cify to facilitate attendancce of Ward One taxpayers resident in Van- couver, but'it 'is'nticipated that in view of the interest(nit pro- gram arranged, many residents of the municipality who live in the area west of West Bsy will attend. Lawrence Lambert will give his important "screen talk" on taxation statistics. C. Bruce Patterson, president of the association, will occupy the chair. The ladies'ommit- tee will provide co(tee and sand- wiches. WEST VANCOUVER A.A.A. IVHIST AND DANCE One of the best entertain- ments in West Vancouver is the Whist Drive and Dance given by the West Van. A.A.A. in the Orange Hall twice every month. The public is asked to come to- morrow (Friday) night to the whist drive starting at 8 p.m., dancing at 9 p.m. Music by the Cinderella Orchestra from Van- couver and refreshments includ- ed in the general admission of 26c. Girls are admitted this week at 10c. Grand New Year Dance and Drawing for 40 Big Prizes, December 29th. NOTICE Everybody please come to the United Church bazaar to be held the Church Hall on Tuesday December 6th. Mrs. wishes to announce that needlework department will a lovely display of work pretty and original suitable for Xmas Everything very reason- priced. T DEPT. AT S5IITH'S GROCERY 's Grocery has now a department in the Holly- Store at 16th and Marine ve. Tom McGtegor, late oferies'eat Market, is in liiISTLETOE FROLIC In a festive setting of holly. mistletoe and Christmas trees, the big Mistktoe Frolic and Bridge will be heM in Inglewood Auditorium on Wednesday even- ing, December 6th. An entirely new program of novelty dancess and unique stunts is being put on. Splendid prizes will be presented for the spot-light dances. the lucky number dances, the holly dances and for several surprise novel- ties. For those who prefer to play cards, tables of bridge and whist are being arranged. Already s great many tables have been ar- ranged for snd a kindly warning is given that reservations for tables should be arranged in sd- vancce by phoning West 864L8. Prizes will be given and after the cards are over there will still be time for the players to enjoy an hour of dancing. Refreshments will be served from 10 o'lock onwards. All this for the ridiculous bar- gain price of fifty cents. The entire proceeds will be devoted to the West Vancouver Santa Claus Fund. Evening dress is optional. Dancing from 9 to 1. The regular bus leaving West Bay at 8:45 p.m. will connect with a special bus at 25th Street snd proceed via 25th Street and Mathers to High SchooL The regular bus leaving 26th Street st 8:60 p.m. going east will con- nect with a special bus at Ferry Wharf and proceed via Upper levels to High SchooL Spec(el busses after the Frolic will re- turn along same routes. Regular bus fares will be charged. WEST l AiVCOUVER HORTICUI TURAL ASSN. The annual general meeting of the association will be held tonight (Thursday), November 80th, at 8 p.m. in Dundarsve Hall. All dtizens interested in horticulture and the beautifying of the district are urged to at- tend. Reports by the retiring directors for the past year will be presented and the election of officers for the ensuing year will follow. After the election of of- ficers there will be a very inter- esting entertainment presented by Miss Molly Edwards and her gym girls also the Turner Or- chestra. It is hoped there will be a large attendance of mem- bers and their friends and all others interested in the work of the association in their endeav- ors to further horticulture in W est Vancouver. JUNIOR CHOIR CONCERT The concert of the Junior Choir under the leadership of Mrs. Colin MacLean will take place on Tuesday evening, Dec- ember 12th, in the United Church, The assisting artists will be l(ties Peggy Hardman, pianist, Miss Mary Bradshaw, elocutionist, and Master Clifford Tearoe, boy soprano. An inter- esting program has been arrang- ed and a good attendance is hoped for. RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB The Rangers play the North Shore in a league fixture at Ambleside Park Saturday st 2:80 p.m. Coming Events Fridav, December 15th- Radio Artists'nowball Frolic in the Hollyburn Pavilion, spon- sored by the Legion IV. A. SANTA CLAUS FUND AND TOY SHOP The Santa Claus Fund snd Toy Shop will be at home" on and after Friday, December 1st, from 10 s.m. until 4 p.m. in the real estate office of John Law- son, next door to the Hollyburn Post Office, to receive contribu- tions of money, toys, food for hampers, etc. This year all con- tributions must be voluntary and a hearty response to this very necessary effort is urgent- ly requested. Preparations are in progress for the raising of . the necessary amount for hamp- ers and toys and three outstand- ing events have been planned. htisOeioe Frolic and Bridge On Wednesday evening Dec- ember 6th, when by the courtesy of the School Board s frolic and bridge will be held in the Ingle- ,wood Auditorium. Full particu- lars appear in this issue of the IVest Van News. Concert The West Vancouver Choral Society is arranging a concert to be held on Sunday evening, December 17th, at 9 o'lock st Hollyburn Theatre. The use of the theatre is the generous don- ation of J. H. Fletcher. Further particulars will be published later. Tekphone Bridge Dunng the week commencing December 11th, a Telephone Bridge 'ill be in Inegress. Complete detaik of this effort will be published next week. Important The three above events will be the only activities sponsored by the Santa Claus Fund and there will be no advance sale of tickets for any event. Subscriptions A subscription list has been opened in the columns of the West Van News. Further sub- scriptions may be sent to the West Van News or direct to the headquarters of the Santa Claus Fund. No amount is too small and no amount too large so long as every first and last person in the municipality who can does their bit. A very enthusiastic commit- tee is planning snd ananging all the details snd cordially ssk the c(poperation snd support of every citizen of West Vancouver. The members of the commit- tee are: Mrs. Fred Stainsby, Mrs. Bernard Hayes, Mrs. W. H. Green, Mrs. R. I. Sherriif, Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Reeve J. B. Ley- lsnd, Councifior IV. Dickenson, S. A. G. Curry, Blair Ckrk, P. C. Chapman, J. R. Btitchell, R. L Sherriif, Aubrey Ckrke, Mrs W. B. Small ts general convener. Santa Claus Fund telephone number is IVest 56. The following donations have been received: Rangers Football Game (Nov. 18) ............ 69.64 West Van News Fund 1(tunicipslity of West Vancouver 625 00 J. B. Lay)and .............. 5.00 NEW SHEET 51ETAL FIRht Ol'EV9 HERE The West Vancouver Sheet htetal IVorks, the proprietor of which is F. C. Leggett. late of the North Shore Sheet Metal IVorks, have opened at the corner of 14th and Manse Dnve. They are agonts for McClary furnaces, and are prepared to undertake all furnace and range repairs and general sheet metal work. The patronage of West I sncouter residents is solicited. s u 'm sjeir ts r