0001 r ~I. J rr)u V Phone West 409 Phone West 46 Smith 's Grocery PASTRY FI.OL'R 'iynd Rooo 7 lb. sock............. 25c COFFEE--kod tb nb(io ( Ik vacuum Uo .......... Syc I.OGANBKRRY JAM--Nabob Pote .......... Szwa }at 29c SODAS --McCotmick'o Tuo(rd ............... pockoxo 1st SAUSAGE -- Bocoo'evonshire .........,.. lb. )54 BACK BACON--Sw(fi'o Skin ud Ia the p(oco..... poc lb. Rec Rrd S White SI'ICES Ak k(ado . 2 tins 15c CURRANTS, koc(ooaod 2 lbs. Rbc Ro(x(az. Aust. Sunoao» 2 Iba 25c So(tooox, I"zoty Bleached ... lb. 17c ('UT MIXED VERI.. !to 1(ct Ik RJc GI.ACK Ckkkk(ES. Rob(oooo'x (I lk . ...x ....., ... RSc SHELLED WALNI'RYL pieces Ik $5c kod a White BAKING I'OWDER (2 ox. Ua.............. 1st RICE KRISPIKS--Kokogtc'z. 2 pkgz. 19c I Children's Color Book Fcxw. B. C- GRAN. SltGAR. 10 lbs. 69c 144 S V)bite KETCH('I'2 oz. 15( ('RRSCENT SHOkTENING, Ik 1(c ) CANADA COOKIES, Diary Club Special ......... poc dozes Sc kod 4( 'ivhno SI'AokbfTI with Chrrxo.........,....,..Ua lec ktxi tb ivhite GkKRN BEANS Cho(co quality ..........2 Uxo Rbc . I'KAS. R(oe tk iyhno, sieve 4 (.'ho(co .............2 tins 25c CHKRRIRS, Rrd Pk(od So, 2 Uao Sic , RKD I'LI'MS, Nabob, 2o.......nx lec t kod tk ivhno kICR, long kernels 2 Ik bog ...)H( SA(H) A TAI'IOCA, LK.'(TILS I'EARL BAkLK1'. SI'I.IT PEAS I lb. ceno bag ...9c FkkSR FRUITS R VEGKfABI FAAl'I'Ll Gt(moo Golden, good oooog ood ('ookiog . Is-lb. Iwx Sxc .(PI'I.Fq. Mein(ooh Rods. 7 lbs. Ssc Gk.'il'E FkL'IT. large Srodlozz ..............4 for 19c LEMONS. Sxxkki 5 for 15c POTATO)M. Highland ('omz 20 lbs. 26c TURNIPS n CARROTS...6 lbs. 1st ONIONS, Dcy Okzaogoa ( Ibo. Sc SPECIALS--FRIDAY & SAT., Nov. 24 &25 THF. '1VEST VAN NEWS CHURCHES OF CHRIST, S('I ENTIST "ANCIENT AND MODERN NECROMANCY, ALIAS MES- MERISM AND HYPNOTISM, DENOUNCED," is the subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be read in sll Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, November 26. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "btand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having 4)n the breast-plate of righteousness." (Ephesians 6: 14) . The Lesson - Sermon also in- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mury Raker Eddy: "Evil thoughts and aims reach no farther and do no more har(n than one's belief permits. Evil thoughts, lusts, and malicious purposes %annot go forth, like wandering pollen, from one human mind to an- other, finding unsuspected lodg- ment, if virtue snd truth build 6 strong defence." (p, 234). November 23, 1933. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Oniy 1 Store ut Hollyburriy next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER,( & and all Building Material of Best (Iusllty at Low Prices. ( BUI I,D NOW! EST VANCOUVER I,UMBER CO. LTD. I'hone West 115 Res I'hone West SBSL 15th and inarine "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for Clzoo(8od Adtauuaoo(o 4 2 coa(o pot word, m(s(aoa 25 toots. Except Ia the case o( ihooo hat(og regular occooa(o, ok clou(- Rods are payable oitlcUy Is odtasca. Romoaboc C(oxo(soda In Lbo Woo( Vza News goi (amo4(oio toooko. x ~(r(r I st r ~ w r ~ '.' ~ rrrr'o r trrr ~ rr ~'r 'rrrr ~ rrrrrrrrr rr vrrr 4' vA'v rr wrr1'rrrrvr wrrrvv rrmrr tvr r vrrrrowr rv rrrrrvr vrr rrrr rv o RANGERS F. C The above team visit hlarpole on Saturday next, travelling by the I p.m. I erry. The last time these teams met the Rangers won by n score of one goal to nil. The team selected for duty is: A. Cripps, goal; R. Forreoter and N. Johncox, backs; A. Grieve, T. Butt, C. McMillan, half books; M. Lennox, J. Crippo B. D'Eeasum, G. Msoterman, A. Edwards, forwards; A. Master- man, M. Stevens, W. Wedley, spares. Last Saturday a big crowd watched the Rangers suffer de- feat at the hands of the North Shore United by a score of two goals to one. A fast game wss played and the result was in doubt till the end, the Rangers being dangerous on many oc- casions. A return game hao been . promised in the near future and is eagerly looked forward to. The collection at the game was on behalf of the West Vancouver Christmas Cheer Fund. CH(h(NKYS CI.RANED -- Now'o iho ilmo before wlsiot comoz, Phone Woo( SIL or RSOR. FOR SAI.K -- 1925 Ford Coupe. Good moioc. fo(r Uroo, 5(0. West 4$ . THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION to- quicoz discarded cloihlog. Phono West $7 sad truck will collect.Let Us Launder FOUND -- Tort(or, Phoae West 40$. LOST -- Rooocy. Amoihyoio wkh sterling silver chain. Roose& Phone West 267R. SCR Your Curtains and Drapes Restoring their freshness foc the holiday season. Your Blankets Will csdiocc s comfcy feeling i( laundered by uz. Your Chesterfield and Chair Covers When laundered by uz will invite a pleasant relaxation. Have chem washed before the holiday rusk +I 1 Burrard Laundry Ltd. 3rd aod St. Dos(do North Vancouver Nottb 1310 West 691L Salt. 1894L Fok RENT -- Five.toom boagx(ow, newly dococomd throughout, fucu- oco, ()coploce, bozukfu( view. Phono West 172RI. HANDY ANN SHOI'I'E. Duadotovo. "Wool Sale," November 24 - 26(h. Nice ozzocimeni Chris(max Cards, Ic aod up. WOUI D EXCHAN('B -- Medora 4- room Hoozo In Vancouver; clear Uko for similar property (s Wozi Vancouver. Box SS, West Voo News SI'n(ELLA CORSKTIRRE -- I'hooo West 487L WANTED -- Any k(xd of boxoowotk. Goad cook. References. Apply 1719 Duchess. WANTED Roz)doanoi Loi vlc(a(ty of 16(h - 17(h, Kzquimok io Ingle- wood. Must be cheap for cask Box No. 1$ . West Von News. WEST VANCOUVEk PRO('ERTIES For Solo aod Woo(w(. C,J, Archer Lid., 1416 Mocioe Drive. Phone West 226. Seymour 5954. FOR SALE -- Modxi 4.plato Bloc(tie Range. Phone West SSOL. OLD GOLD -- Bozi Pt(co Ps(d. Woo( Vas. Jeweler, 1528 bloc(ao Drive. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER--Daily or period(cony oi your homo. Phone West 104YI. WILL PAY 55.00 for the return of ladies'kokog shoo(, black, high iop, Aooco lined, size StA; between 14th osd 20(h Streets. Phone Wast S$8R. LOST -- Round Snvot Brooch zoi wkb white and blue stones; Wednesday, boiwoon 1$(h aod 19th on Marino. Keepsake. Phone West 8801 FOR SALE -- ChooictScM suite wkh bridge lamp, tricycle. Bargain. Apply 250 19th Street. FOR SALE -- Boobow'z Bog)(oh Dog biixiuce for distemper oxd general condition. North (ROIL FIRST-CLASS SHOR REPAIkING-- 14(h at Ferry. Best msiociol anal workmanship. GKT MY FREE EST(M ATEB oa Psiouog, Poporiog aud Kalzomia- Iog. C. L Koslngz, Roo. Phone West 894R. HEADQVARTERS fot AR the Pop ulzc Cigxcoiioz, Tobzccos, oad Fish- ing Gadgets for local woioco. Amhlozido Tos Rooms. LEGION W. A. The W. A. to the Canadian Legion are holding their regu- lar monthly meeting next Mon- day in the Legion Hall at 2:Io p.m. All members are requested to be present as the nomination of officers for the coming elec- tion will take place. An invita- tion has been extended to all members to attend the executive meeting of the W. A. to the pro- vincial command to be held on Friday, 26th instant, at 2 o'- clock in the Elks'all, 901 Duns- muir Street. Special Note -- The W. A. are holding a sale of work and home cooking on Saturday afternoon, December 2nd; also Military Whist Drive and Dance in the evening. Keep this date open az announcements will be published next week. FOR PLUMBING kEPAIRS -- koo- idooeo Phoae West 241R. WEBB'S SHOE kKPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Duudotovo. DANCING -- GYMNASIUM Women -- Limber(ag sud Bodmloioa, Friday evening. Moa -- Tuozdoy snd Thursday even- ings. Duadscavo Hall Phone West 4$8RI y, it RADIO TECHNICIAN -- Installs- Uonz, repairs, cod)ox tested, serviced ond custom built. Tom Brown, West 266R. biq MARCELLE SHOPPE -- Therm(qoo Pocmxnoat Wave wnhoui danger of burning. Ms(col 50c; reset $6c; Finger Wave 60c. Phone Mcs. King West S04. 1620 Marine. WINDOWS CLEANED zxO FLOORS POLISHED -- Chose Ra(ox. Phone West 481XR. FURNISHED AND UNFUkNISHED Houzoz io Rent. Houses, Ioiz, asd acreage for sale. John Lswzou, 17th zxd bforino, Phone Wosi 65. GORDON ROBSON Bore(oioc -- Sokckot WEST VANCOUVER- O(fice No. 1447, Igxciae Drive Phoae West 40$. 10 io IR. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 601: 610 Hxskago Si. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 io 5. ~~',iThe Dundarave Ladies Choirgave a very enjoyable social on Tuesday evening to the mem- bers and their friends at Beach House, 24th snd Waterfront. After a short musical program dancing wss indulged in to music supplied by the Turner Orches- tra, refreshments being also served. Here's a Smart 'Personal Radio" by General Electric I.EGION NOTES GEO. HAYThe next military whist driveand dance with the usual attrac- tions will be held next Friday, November 24th, at 8 p.m. The last one proved quite popular with the record attendance of the season and it is hoped to better it this week. Any who have not attended are asked to come and they will not need an invitation afterwards. Good refreshments good prizes, good music -- ai( for 26 cents. Noiocy Pobnc koz( Rotxio 4) Iaoxtzsco PrT. A. An unususliy large number of parents met in the High School on November 14th to hear Dr. Carrothers of the University of B. C. in hio address on "The Present Economic Crisis." After the address a lively discussion took place. This compact little General Electric mantel set is indeed an answer to the need for a "personal" radio. With this highly efficient little set you can get whatever you like whenever you like it.... no matter what the rest of the family wants to hear on the big radio. It gives big set performance in every way and is beautifully finished in hstul rubbed walnut. ()x I fi 5p Cash price is only ......,,. qjy (y oy Listings lVanted 1(05 bfor(so Dt(ro I'hoao West 21 or Soyaoot 1260 Eros(ago West 204X The next general meeting of the local branch will be held st S p.m. Friday, December 1st, in the Legion Hall, when nomina- tions will be submitted In con- nection with the e)ection of of- flcers, to take place at the last meeting of the nlonth of Decem- ber. Members are requested to make the ensuing meetings fully representative. WEST VANCOUVEII (.'ONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION B. C. ELECTfffC Wrt( Vanrpu()rr ANNUAL MEETING E I.I5 ll;I Ee(O) lglrl Ir&lltetl'I [OE 7'Ill) tr 74%0(gil THURSDAY, NOVEhlBER 30th. at 3 I'.M. in the Oifice of J, T, Watt, 1744 Marine Drive. Ali members sre requested to be present. HaroM Saul el(eyed to pur- The counc)l ordered the sum chase Lot 2, Block 3, (V(tb E 100 of 3600 transferred from the ac., D.L. 664. The offer was de- Ferry Account to the Corpora- cllned. tion General Savings Account.