West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Nov 1933, p. 3

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0001 p November 23, 1928 ! t I Your Portrait FREE THE WEST VAN NEWS r Local and Personal IcSl . ed'I-r Iguu, spits. isdiog I ot,li bett!v Igoio iIlee Ithui Ilspn gdhgl When you have purchased 83.00 of goods at this store we give you a coupon good for one Sx10 picture strictly free. Clip this advertisement and present it at the store and it will count as 50 cents towards your total. Gemmill's Drug Store I, P 1Vesi J7 The Store of Service 1102 hisrine Drive Emergency Phone, Wesi 321 (after 10 p.m.) West Vancouver Horticultural Society Aubrey Clarke et al wrote the council asking for a street light on Procter Avenue, between 30th and 31st Streets. The letter was placed on the light file. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 11th and 51srine Expert Work Phone 1Vest 135 Ambleside Sheet Metal llyorks LAURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1446 Marine Drive Phone 1Vest 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAI INSTALI.ED and REPAIRED JOBBING VANDALS BASKETBALL CLUB On Tuesday, November 21st, the Vandals entertained the Vikings Club of South Hill and won by a score of 48 - 26. There will be another game next Tuesday at 9 p.m. Please turn out and support the local boys. GUIDE NOTFS The Guides will hold their an- nual meeting on Friday, Novem- ber 24th, at 4:15 p.m. in the United Church Hall. The comp- any is now engaged in dressing dolls for the Christmas Cheer Fund and a good turnout is re- quested. CI.USING OUT SPFA'IAI. FREE MARCELS One Week Only No Appointments HOLLYBURN ACADEMY OF BEAUTY CULTURB 1518 Marina Drive ILW.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, 1Vest 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance J. L. PETTIGREW RADIO TECHNICIAN Member A.R.T. of B.C. Phone Sal. 1331, West ISTX Canmore Briquettes (lt.taa B.T.U. Par lb.l at 812 per ton Unsurpassed for FURNACE or RANGE WEST VAR. AGENT ~ IOISS OOWAL Phones West 622 x or West 340 C 0 A L u SEGSLAE fmggs PRINTING -- For all kinds of printing 'phone West Vsn News, West 363. CANADIA!V LEGION MILITARY WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24tht 1933 Commauaiug at 3 p.m, 26 CENTS Rafraahraama ROBINSON'S GROCERY '""„'"'"." H m qPECIAI.S for FRIDAY 24th and SATURDAY 25th, MacLean's Orange Pekoe Pacific, Borden's or Nestles' ... lb. 59c tall tin................per tin Sc Bulk Cocoa ........"- "-Ib I "c Sing. Sliced or Crushed Sugar Crisp C. Flakes, pkt "c Pineapple ......, 2 for 17c 16ryz Bread--White or Mclntosh Red Apples Brown ........ 2 for 9c 9 lbs. 25c Finest Alberta Butter, lb, 2,rc Westminster Toilet I'apet' for 25c I 97neat Dates....lb. 6c 'tegal Salt ... carton 10c ANNUAL MEETING and CONCERT in the DUNDARAVE HALL, T HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, at 8 p.m. Admission Free A cordial invitation is extended to everyone. Dr. and Mrs. Vase, who have been living for some months in North Vancouver, have returned to their home at West Bsy. ~ ~ ~ The Hollyburn rain guage at 15th and Duchess Avenue, regis- tered one and s half inches of rain between 8 s.m. Monday and 8 a.m. Tuesday. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Spur zum, B. C., have moved into s house at 2300 Bellevue Avenue. ~ a ~ At the Armistice Service on the 11th instant at the Memori- al Arch Rev. Canon D'Easum, M.C., gave a very fine address on certain dangers in connection with the present international peace movement snd disarma- ment at, this time of crisis in Europe, which was much ap- preciated by his many hearers. We regret our omission of this in our account of the service. a William Miller, 16th snd Ful- ton Avenue, is very seriously ill in the North Vancouver General HospitaL a ~ J. T. Pollock, provincial in- spector, is at Hollyburn School this week. ~ ~ Mr. Mathers has sold fifteen acres on Msthers Avenue be- tween 15th and 18th Streets. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Caddy, 1437 Lawson Avenue, have left for a trip to Barbados in the West Indian Islands.\ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie Grieve, 19th and Bellevue Ave- nue, are moving this week to Vancouver. a ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cotton, 2300 Bellevue Avenue, left here on Monday for Spuzzum, B.C., where they expect to reside in future. a a ~ The Girls'uxiliary of the North Shore All Blacks, of which Miss Audrey Laster, 2874 Belle- vue, is secretary, is sponsoring a tea dance in the North Van- couver Club after the game st Confederation Park on Saturday. ~ a ~ Dr. W. B. Burnett, past presi- dent of the Vancouver Canadian Club, and president of the Cari- boo Gold Quartz Mine, will ad- dress the St. Stephen'6 Men' Club next Tuesday at 8:80 p.m. His subject will be "The Value of Gold Mining to the Immediate Future of British Columbia." ~ a 51rs E Dickinson Passes g Mrs. E. Dickinson, 23rd and King's Avenue, passed away Wednesday morning, the 15th instant, in her 52nd year. She leaves to mourn her loss her hus- band, three daughters, Evelyn, Joyce and Dorothy at home, one brother, Captain H. Jeiferies Davis of the M.S. "Queen of Ber- muda," four sisters in England, one sister in New Brunswick, snd Joyce and Dorothy at home, and one sister, Mrs. E. Watkins Baker of North Vancouver. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. last Friday in St. Stephen's Church, Rev. F. A. Ramsey of- ficiating, and interment was made in Capilano View Cemet- ery. Hsrron Bros. and William- son had charge of the funeral arrangements a ~ James Fraser has moved from 2226 Inglewood Avenue into s house at 1487 Lawson Avenue. ENGLISH RUGBY North Shore All-Blacks vs Rowing Club SATUltDAY, NOV. 35th 3:15 p.m. CONFBDBRATION I'ARK North Vauruurar O Admission soc, ladiaa aud Boys Free Miss Mary Edington, who recently underwent sn operation in the North Vancouver General Hospital, returned on Monday to her home at 1613 Duchess Avenue. ~ ~ ~ FRIDAY aad SATUBDAY Narambar Ztth aad 35th George Arliss A group of Vancouver high school boys of the LS.C.S. under the leadership of Robert Birch, spent a very p)esssnt and profit- able week-end at "Pine Tops Lodge," Hollyburn Ridge. ~ a a The Alehts'roups of the Canadian Girls in Training ent- ertained their former leader, Miss Jean McLaren, with a Kitchen Shower st eight o'lock Fridky evening last, st the United Church Hall, where the room snd tea table were arrang- ed with chrysanthemums. After the opening of the gifts a pleas- ant evening was spent in games and a small program by the Misses Doreen Addy, Betty Blair and Edith Allen. The contests were won by Misses Violet Mc- Nair, Alice Overington snd Marian Blair. The attractive tes table wss presided over by the Misses Ola MacLean and Mary O'Donnell with five girls serving. There were fifty girls present. a a ~ In honor of Miss Jean Msc- Laren's forthcoming weddmg a number of her school chums gathered last Saturday evening at the home of Miss Ola McLeap, 2120 Bellevue Avenue, when the bride-to-be was the recipient of a beautiful vase. The presenta- tion took the form of a contest in which Miss MacLsren was the winner. Dainty refreshments were served during the evening. Among those present were: The Misses Jean MacLaren, Edina Archer, 51adge Farmer, Joan Durbin, Helen Stevenson, Lilies Davie, Blanche Neville, Lorna Thomson, Ols McLean, Kathleen Wenmoth, and Mrs. Etta Creigh- ton, Mrs. E. J. McFarlane, Mrs. William McLsren, and Mrs. L M. McLean. 'The Workingman'ON TUBS., a WEDNESDAY November 37th. ZSth aud Eath "Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing" TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies Viyood, Coal Dump Truck Work Stratton's BAKERY l BREAD - CAKES Meat Pica Sausage Rolls Bambury Cakes ALL FRESH DAILY hfade at 1468 hfarine Drive I Phone West 27 WOOD and Building Supplies HOLLYBUILV HALL Mr. Clark of New Westmin- ster, will be the speaker at the young people's service at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) at Hol- lyburn Hsi), taking as his sub- ject "Naamsn the Syrian." It will be illustrated with lantern views. There will be a gospel service at 7:30 p.m. next Sun- day when the speaker will be Mr. Wm. Lock. Sunday School as usual at 10 a.m. Alder Fir Bark Sand, Grarak Maaara, Soil. Rta. Dump Truck far Hire. E. LIVSEY Phaaa 'll rat 6SOXS. WEST VANCOUVER A.A.A. Last Friday evening a large crowd attended the mthtary whist drive and dance in the Orange Hall under the auspices of the above Association. The prize winners of the card games were: Councillor Fiddes, hire. Thtrkell, hire. Hughes, Mrs. Smith. 77te music was provided by the Cinderella Orchestra k.laying in their inimitable wsy indly watch the advertising columns of this paper for further announcement of the Whist Drive and Dance to be held on December 1st commencing st 8 p.m. sharp. These aifairs are proving very popular judging by the crow.do who attend. TOY 1VEEK A toy week is to be held from November 27th to December 1st at sll the local schools. Children are asked to take all toys, books or games that they can spare to the school they are attending during that vteek, where they will be collected snd repaired by the Girl Guides and Girl Guide Committee. For further inform- attion phone the convener, Mrs. J. F. Jackson, West 351R. P H 0 T 0 G R A P H S Frosn a background of ZV years'xpcricucc epr can assure your cosnplrlr saltsfaclsou sn porlrasls. rr arrtt prr rar Sal Caamraal aar araa rlyrr Wra Pam araafrryaf ~ alml. BRODERICK O'ANIEL 1436 MARINE urr uaSI~ u I~ Wr I Paarraaar rraaraaa!Sy la!oral WE will not cut our quality- that's poor business. but we vpill cut our prices. Now Full Cabinet Sixes "Mounted 12. for $6.00 including one 82E10 Enlargement