0001 r rbr 4 tr , rrw. r N R% 'rre I'v Hv '4;hei 4 hl' rt te b ct tbc «4 ~ 'veh4 hevee '4rh,~ thhtv '4 4 4 ~iv4 4 4th'~' t vent ' ~t 't t. Vr vt4 '« it:VIVer rrvrrrt,. ~'V rrh Vv hWr vrvirvrr.vrvvv'rt VVVrrr Vr Vrh'v vrrr'VVvr rvvvrr .. v ~rt'v~ Thar Xm¹l Ceittiurr H. Q. Z. Treatments Lei uo Ieeiihiihe yOur heir eow eo ihhi I'I ehh bh oloio boooiifony wooided into that p'mount necessity at ibo hrihtmoe hoiidoyo-o Sommero Porameehi. Gu eyfdotyu Beauty Shoppe 1548 Mhrieo Dries Phone Weoi IIT The Prices on KLEENEX, KOTEX snd MODESS are likely to advance Our Price is still 25c per Package or three for 74c. ANLESIDE PHARNACY W. L KER, Prop 1401 inheioo Drive Phone West 323 FREE DELIVERY VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phoae Woei 9 FERTII.IZERS of a11 kinds Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies Philip C. Chapalanl General Insurance Agent Fire, Aoiomobiie, Bergihey, Aeeideai oed Siekeoeo, eio. 2557 King's Aeo. Phoae W. 42Y2 Established on North Shore 20 Years. (Lody Assistant) iIARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funerallitlreetars North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVcst Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15ib e Moline EXPERT SERVICE & )IARSH, Proprietor. ~ WOMEN 1 ~ coin 4th metw ieebae ball ~ oehlete, he dolce, m teeehe efpdch mnxNicxgnixxnBB BBMBDT Co.~ an Vbeeelh In Thmhlh. Cow& ~ THE West Vun Nems Pobiiehod Every Thotedoy PobSeher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Sooiheeh ood Editor(hi Ogieei )fib ood Moeloe Drive (Next io Hoiiyboee P.O.) Phone West 363 Moil Address: P.O. Sox si, Honyboto. ILC. North Vancouver Olllcei 123 Lonsdale Ave. Si.eo ~ year by eorrieel 82.00 ~ year by walL WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH Eiin"ICE 20th hod Sech(me(i, Hosyboeo Thie Society ie o Branch of The Me(her Church The Filet Church of Cheiei, Seieh(IOL in Boston, biheehehoeeiio Sunday Soreicei Il iso e.m. Sunday, November 26, 1933 Subject: "Ancient nnd Modern Necroinancy, alias kles- mericm nnd H! pnoticni Denounced." Sunday School at 10100 ~ .m. Tee((mony Meoiiog Wedheedey at 8:IS p.m. BAPTIST CIIURCH Services 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class( 11:00 s.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 7:30 p.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 8:00 p.m., Monday--B.Y.P.U. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday--Prayer and Praise. 8:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir Practice. 7:00 p.m., Friday -- Junior C. G.I.T. UNITED CHURCH 10:00 ILm.--Sunday School. 11 f16 s.m.--klorning Service. Preacher, Rev. Hugh Dobson, B.D. 7:15 p.m.--Special musical ser- vice, with anthems, solos snd male qusrtette. A presentation of a Bible to iifiss Jean McLaren wss made by the West Vancouver United Church Sunday School as 0 token of their esteem in the event of her approaching mar- riage. Dr. Rush spoke on behalf of the S. S. ST. STEI'HEN'S CHURCH Sunday next before Advent- Novembcr 26th. 8:00 s.m.--Holy Communion. 10 & 11:16 s.m.--Sunday Schools 11:15 s.m.--Matins snd Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong nnd Ser- mon. Tuesday, 2:30 p. m. -- Study meeting. Wednesday, November 29th- Day of Prayer snd Intercession. Auxiliary Sunday School 11th snd Inglewood 11:00 s.m.--Sunday SchooL St. Francis-in-the-Woods, Caulfeild Sunday', 9:45 B.m.--Holy Com- munion. THE WFST VAN NEWS HOLLYBURN HALL 14th oed Dooheoo FBIIIA V, Noe. 24ih oi I 1$8 O.m. Young People' Service Biohiehied by Lantern Views. Sobieei: "Nohmhh the Syrioh." Speaker: hIS. CLARK of New IVoeimihhier SLINI)AVNoe. 28ih hi I &0 p.m. OOSI'Ei SRB VICE Spehkeei hi(L 'it hi. I.OCK Suhdhy School Io o.m. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Sunday 8:45 a.m.--Holy Mnss -- Ser- mon 10:46 s.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.--Devotions. IVeek Days 8 f00 s.m.--Holy Mass. 7:30 p.m., Friduy--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:30 p.m., Saturday -- Confes. sions. PIIESBYTERIAN CHURCH Orange Hall. Regular services at 11:15. Preacher, Mr. Wm. Robertson. Everyone is made welcome. CORRESI'ONDENCE To the Editor of the )Vest Vsn News. Dear Sir, Would you please publish the following:-- If you ssk twenty-five parents in West Vancouver why they came to live here, fiftee will tell you because of the beaches snd woods where the children can play. Yet s few men, compris- ing our Nchool Board, without the voters'onsent, have herded 400 of our youth into s building equipped for half the number. Junior Matric classes are being taught by overworked public school teachers. We no longer lay claim to hav- ing s high school in West Vsn- ccouver, only a Junior High. Have the parent taxpayers no ssy in this matter? Teachers that have been with us for years --loved by the children snd re- spected by the public, have been discharged. Have our School Board snd remaining teachers not heard of the words "co-oper- ation snd sharing of the work?" Idle classrooms, idle teachers, snd the lowering of the general standard of education while the ogres, Interest snd Sinking Fund, rule our community. TAXPAYER. CARD OF THANKS )fr. E. J. Dickinson oed family wish io express their beoeifeii thanks for the deep sympathy ond beooiifoi tloral tributes re- ceived from their many friends during their recent eod bereave- ment. A. E. Morris wrote the coun- cil re the condition of the road, also the brush on Bellevue Ave- nue between 24th snd 25th Streets. The council referred the matter to the engineer for report on the condition of the road, the matter of the brush having already been atcnded to. ARTHURI,P. DE CAMP, C.S,B., ef Bi. Leele, Missouri Ilh b 4 th e~ w Irhwmlh 4 I'bt Nwl t I'bwhh. Tl ll I lwhteh V OI tht, Ihlh lhl. Ih them. N IO 111 ~ CAPITOL THEATRE, GranvHIe Street SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NOV. 26, 1933, AT 3 O'LOCK owo 4th tl e ~ .o. The holh I t4tel ht I lhe lt ttohe. ehl lttwt Io he wewwtt ttv 4144th ohwx, 1014 Ihttwlw. Phone hNcef 40 or Seymour l 046 snd moke arrangements io have those Xmas Photos made. if noi convenient io go io the city, Mr. Vinson will call ai your home or you can come io hn home si l4ih and X122af Gordon Avenue. hotos XMAS WILL SOON BE BERE Jhe +i nf, gtttdi o ttw'1 ' First Church of Christ, Scientist, Vancouver, B.C. hhooohoee h FREE LECTURE OII l QHR ISTIAN SCIENCE, Novefnber '2'8, 19:IS. Store No. 31, 1414 iklafine Phone IVest 313 Anniversary Specials For I"ltlDAY & SATURDAY, NOVEMIIEII 24th & 25th mo(".RAM FOit EDUCATION WEEK Nov. 26th -- Announcements of week's observance in churches Visiting Days in each school, Tuesday, Pauline Johnson, Wednesday, Hollyburn, )Vednesdsy and Thursday, High Schools. Schools to receive visitors on any dsy of week, but special days set aside in each school Friday evening -- A program of physical drill tumbling, games, etc., to be presented in gymnasium, in charge of Stu- dents'ssociation. Sunday afternoon December 3rd, 3 p.m., public meeting in High School, to be addressed by Mrs. Paul Smith, M.L.A., Reeve'cylsndto preside. Musical program by band snd s group of singers from High School. The council approved the pur- chase by the financ committee for sinking fund purposes of the following West Vancouver bonds from Dominion Seccurities Corp- oration, $5,000, 5i/2'/4 due 1950 @ 88.67; from Pemberton & Son, $500 5I/2% due 1943 (SI 92.32; from Bird & Tsling, $500 4 I/2 ~& 1943 I 84.80. l)R. G. LL JL SEA LE DENTIST Hhy Block, )4ih ohd Marine Dr. OB)eo Hours 9 io 8 p.m. Evehioge by oppoihimehi. Phobe West Tg Df Marjory IklcCnbhin DENTIST Houri: 9 o. m. Io 8 p. m. Ssturdhyei Io o.m. to I p. m. Evenings ohd Soioedhy After- noooe by oppoioimoni only. Royhi Bank Building Phone West 448 Residence I'hobo West gsiL Under the auspices of the St. Stephen'8 choir, and the able dir- ection of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, there hss been formed s splen- did Minstrel Group, including both male snd female voices. It is their intention Io put on shows in the Hollyburn Theatre the proceeds of which will go to Parish Funds. The iirst of these shows is planned for the last week in January. All singers who are interested are cordially invited to join them. PORK & BEANS -- Libby'» No. 2 sq. tin ...... ?c TOMATOES -- Libby'e, solid pack, large tins 2 for lgc PEAS -- Aylmer, Sieve 5, Nu. 2 tin ............ Sc TOMATO JUICE -- Libby'0 No. I tin ...... 3 tins 25c SOUP --.Campbell'8 Tomato, .............. 3 tine 25c PINEAPPLE -- Singapore ...... 2 tine 158 COFFEE -- Nabob, lb. tin,,,...... Sslc TEA -- Ssfeway Orange Pekoe, I/z lb. pkg.. Inc BREAD -- White or Whole )Vheat, loaf.................. 4c COOKIES -- Canada, fresh snd crisp ...........„...dozen Sc JAM -- Empress Red Plum, 4-lb. tin.............. 35c JAM -- Supreme Strawberry, 4-lb. tin..... 45c JELLY POWDERS -- Msx-i-mum...,....... 3 pkgs. l.'Ic RAISINS -- Seedless .................,......., 2 lbs. Ssc CUI(I(ANTS -- Australian Recleaned ......... 2 lbs. 25ii'LOUR -- Wi)d Rose Psctry 7 lb sack SHORTENING -- Crescent, lb.............,.. 10c SOAP -- Pearl White ................. 3 harn loc We reserve the Iisbi io urn(i euhniiiiee SAFEWAV SIOSES LIMITED +~QJ~I I Iol;15¹~~i I"I 1 8 'Iollii"I $ 11'4 I~, ' C fy(q