0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS November 16, 1933. r" * I rr& 4 AriAr:4 4. q. Ar 4 44 ~ 4 uc ic ~'«*mr 74.4'~* 4 ~ 4 44 4 Jir 'cv i'4'rcqr ' ~ ~' vr'r r«vcr rirccccrrcrr; ~ '. vvccrvcr4qr4 r vrr cvrvvrrrcrr« 4rvr r r4crrrrrv' rrr.4-c~rcrcv 4 rccrcrr V Phone West 4b9 Phone West 45 TOSIATO JUICE-- Helly ........ &is Sc ROMAN MEAL ........pks. 'Spc )'EAS Sweet tender Sieve 6.............. pcc t)s pc WHITE &X)RN -- Blue 4) White &ts .....„........ &sc GOLDEN CORN -- Blue R Whac t)b .. .. ......... ..... ...... ............... I Sc ckkksk -- scrcuc Y) nx pks. )sc Rcd a White FLOUR 7 Ih sack 25c QL'ICK OATS .... 6 lb. cack 29c I'EACHES -- Nabob Sliced or Hciccc I&CSC 2&& lta ............,....... Sbc PINEAPPLE -- koyai FIB Crushed Large 2)1 tia ..................... 15c STRAY&BERRY JAM -- Nabob I'scc 4 Bx tis ... .. . ....... ... . 49c APRICOTS -- Evaporated, 'I'spitted....................... Ih 15c PRUNES -- Fancy !Red&urn Sixc 2 lbs. SSC DAIRY CLUB SPFCIAL -- Canada Cook&co, fresh S crisp .. di&s 5c SLICED SIDE BACON -- Burns H& RL pcckcxc ......... 10c PILANUT CRISP, )arse bac..... 10c BR&X)KPIEI.D SAUSAGE, I kx packase ............... ISc HEALTH SAI:fS -- Qqccq's Imrse c)u -.......... Ssc kt'M - BUTTER TOFFEE &'iccvec'mp. English ... Rx Ssc kAISINS -- Australian Suitsnqs 2 I)a. mc BLEACHED SUI.TANAS. pcr lb. 17c Cti k RANTS -- Itcclccscd Asctccksn .......... 2 Ibm 25c MIXED I'EEL -- Ready Cu&lb....... 14c: I lb..... 2$c )V ALNUTS -- Shelled Fresh pic&ca lb. 25c CAULIFLOWER. large c)cc, each )sc ONIONS -- Ihy Okaqaxcs....4 km. 9c APPLI'9 -- Mein&uk kcdc, 7 lbs. 25c I.ESIONS -- Sunk&st Large cixc....... 8 for 15c OkANGES -- Sunk&st, medium Pcr dnxex 25c: large clxc, dqx. $5c POTATOES -- Inch&and &'cmc &S kx cack 25c CABBAGE -- Savoy sqd Hard Green ............ each Sc Mrs. E. J. Pearce of Port Haney, but who formerly resided here, is moving shortly into a suite in "The Gables" at West Bay. The C.G.I.T. girls of the West Vancouver United Church are entertaining Miss Jean hfeLaren tomorrow (Friday) evening in the United Church Hall. KING MILL ~ WOOD End SAWDUST Best Fir Woo'd and Sacked Sawdust SPeCial LOW PriCe On MILL %FOOD ORDER FRObi THESE DEALERS ED. BLACK - - - West 68 MASON TRANSFER CO. ~ West 176 THOMPSON TRANSFER - West 1 10 TEAROE ty SON ~ ~ ~ ~ West 84 "Rainy day trips don't worry Mr. Telephone." When stormy weaker prevails and something is needed from the store, s'x 9 great relief to (v(rx. Housewife to know that che doesn't have to go out herself. The reason ic this; There's a telephone in hcr home. Mr. Tckphone is ready to ron the errands. Rainy day &&ip) don't worry him B. C. TELEPHONE COM PANY Smith 's Grocery FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Nov. 17 and 18 Quality Foods at Reasonable Prices THE BURNING BU!SH By Subudar A. Mr. Tom Russell has taken violent exception to my remarks regarding the oj)lnions of youth, which he cons)dere most valu- able. there not being in his opinion any wisdom to be drawn from experience. We will now apply his reasoning to practical life. A l&oy fresh from school instead of starting as oifice boy in 0 business, would begin as general manager, and, after go- ing down the la&lder slowly for forty years as he gained experi- ence. flnlsh as oifice boy. A youth going to sea would start as captain snd end as apprentice. And so on in other occupations, «!ways following the rule that youth is everything and experi- ence nothing. What 0 beastly mess it would be! Just like be- ing pitched into an electric egg- beater with the juice full on. However, 1st that be, for Tom is evidently a youth of about eigh- teen years, well meaning bat not yet having cut his wisdom teeth, and so doubtless packed to the ears with a lot of tripe fed him by his elders, who ought to know better, about youth having the world by the tail. Regarding this slaughter of youth--I was one the Ger- mans missed--in the Great War we have all heard so much a- bout, also from Tom. Now, Tom, you are entitled to hear and you are going to hear the God' truth about it. The Germans, having started rather late in the Empire business, found them- selves short of land for their very large population, and so they began 0 war in 1914 to ac- quire'ome extra real estate just as Japan is doing in Manchukuo today for the same reason, They told the whole world for years beforehand just what they were going to do by drinking to "Der Tag" and in other humorous ways, but the British people, though warned by Lord Roberts and other military leaders, said the days of war wer&) gone. Hence there befell a slaughter of millions instead of thousands, four years of war instead of four months, and a world &vreck- ed f)nsncially, resulting in you, Tom, and others being )u!w out of a job. All this for the sake of a little preparation on our part. Today we hear again that war is just impossible, though Germany has 2,000,000 armed men and is again drinking to "Der Tag"; and I should not be a bit surprised if you, Tom, woald not fight for your King and country or your mother, or anybody else. At any rate that'5 how some of our youth propose to profit by our mistakes. And you tell me to get my head ex- amined. You had better first find out whether you have got any head to be examined. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Hollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER I~5and all Building Materia! of liest Quality st Low Prices, BUII,D NOW! WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER (',0. LTD. Phone West 115 Rcs. Phone West 365!4 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS YOlk SAI.E -- Cow Massif. I'huse Bpb Black, West 17.LOST Blue Lovebird, vic)s&ty 24th ssd Hayw&md; $$.00 reward. Phone West 876R. CHISINEYS CLEANED -- Nmwc t)m time bcfmc winter comes. Phoae West 8)L or 290k. LOST -- Purse ccstsls)qs valuable receipts, papers, ctc., between 14th ~ud 15th on Ms&inc. Reward. Leave at Hokybucs Post 0&fice. YOUNG LADY rill accept any cos. scqisl work. Expcricsccd c)cch. phone )Vest 86. LOST -- Young Conic Dug. Ssbia asd White. Any information will be ap- preciated. Phone West S96Y. Ad- dress 17th ssd Ottawa. FOR SAI.B An Cast Healer. bish grade; bargain. Atu old style Singer Sew&us Machine. After 8 p.m. 2114 Fuitos. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dcndarsvc. "Wool Sale." November 17th - U&th. Nice assortment Christmas Cards, 1c sud up. FOR SALE -- 3 Risx Mogstt Elec- tric Ransc; 1 round Ock extension table, I brass double bcd, spring e mattress, I small bureau. Phone West 118. WANTED -- Rccidcstisi Lot v)cisity of 16th - 17th, Ecquimsit to Ingle- woad. Must be cheap for cash. Box No. 18. West Vsq News. OLD GOLD -- Best Price Paid. Weel Vas. Jeweler, 1522 Mar)sc Drive. LOST -- Zippccc axd umbrella at Swimmiqx Club's Armistice Dance. Phone West S6$ . LOST -- Sunday, one brown kid glove between 16th snd Marine csd 14th cnd Bellevue. Finder please phone West 469. FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. Best material ssd workmanship. GHP MY FREE ESTISIATES os Painting, Paper)us ssd Ksisomis- ing. C. !4 Koslsgc, Rcs. Phone West 394IL THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- quires discarded clothing. Phone West 37 asd trucck wgi collect. FREE MARCELS with every 25c Shampoo or Haircut; so appoint- mcsts. Hckyburs Academy of Beauty Culture, 1648 bfsrine Drive. HEADGUARTERS foc AB thc Pop. uiar Cigarettes, Tobucos, ssd Fish- ing Gadgets for loca! waters. Ambicsidc Tcs Rooms. FOR PLUSIBING 1&EPAIIt8 -- Rcc- Idcscc Phone West 241k. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAI& BEST -- Dusdscqvc. DANCING -- GYMNASIUM Women -- Limbering ssd Badminton. Friday evening. Mcn -- Tuesday snd Thurmicy even- ings. Dusdarsvc Hall Phone West 4$5RI FOR SALR -- Bcsboic's English Dog Mixture for distemper aud general condition. North 425R. RADIO TECHNICIAN -- Isstsnc- tiona, repairs. radios tcetcd, serviced cnd custom built. Tom Brown, West 266R. MARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thccmiqqc Permanent Wave without danger of burning. bfarccl boc; reset 86C; Finger Wave bec. Phone Mrs. King West 304, 1520 biarise. WINDOWS CLEANED asd FLOORS POLISHED -- Cheap Rates. Phone West 48)X2. \ YUI&NISBED AND UNFURNISHED Houses ts Rent. Houses, Iota, and acreage for sale. John Lswus, 17th and Ms&inc, Phase West 6L GORDON ROBSON Barr(ster -- Soke)toc WEST VANCOUVER- Ofncc No. 1447, hisrise Drive Phono West 40$. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 601: 610 Hastings St. W. Phoae, Seymour 4199. 2 to 6. YVEST VAN. RANGERS FOOTBALL CI.UB attendance of West Vancouver supporters was on hand and were treated to a display of good football. Neat passing snd good footwork on the pa&3 of the for- wards were the feature of the kame. The scorers for West Vancouver were, Lennox, Mast- erman and Edwards. The full- backs, I"orrester and Johncox, put up 5 sterling defence, being well supported by the hs)f back )ine. A big attraction is promised for Saturday next at Ambleside Park when the above team ent- tain the North Shore United (Senior Club) for the benefit of the West Vancouver Christmas Cheer Fund. The North Shore United are leading the City League--while the local team are leading the Junior Alliance League wit))out losing 6 game so far, having met every Club in the League. It will be interesting to see the Edwards Brothers (Blair and Art) playing on opposite sides. The two teams are noted for their cleanness of game and an interesting encounter is expect- e&1. Come and root for the locale, meanwhile supporting that wor- thy object, The West Vancouver Christmas Cheer Fund, to which the entire proceeds will go. Reeve Leyland has promised to start the game at 2:30 p.m. and the entire Council will be on hand to help him. ~ ~ West Vsn. Rangers were vis- itors to St. Phillips last Satur- day and returned winners by s score of three goals to two after heing two goals down. A good GEO. HAY Netsry Psbkc Rccl Eststc e Issllfmlcc Listings WantedA. D. Newmarch wrote the council re lane behind 1105 Duchess Avenue. The writer was informed that funds do not permit of the opening of lanes at the present time 1&05 biar)sc Dr)rc I'hunc Weal 21 or Seymour 1260 Eccslsss West 204X VANCOUVER SERENADERS INC. MANDOLIN, BANJO A N D G U ITA R ORC H E STRA Under the direction of Reg. Clay CONCERT and DANCE ORANGE HAI.I„ WEDNESDAY, 22nd NOVEMBER, 8:15& P.M. Tickets 25c. Children 15c, ~ &I Thc rate for Clue&sad Advcctiscmcsts 4 2 ccs&c pcr word. mls)msm 25 cents. Fmccpt )n the case of thimc haciss regular accousts, ck c)uc). scd» are payable ctc)ctiy )s sdcascc. Remember C)scc&scdc Is thc Wccl Vcs News sct &mmcd)ctc cccvltc.