0001 'I ik November 16, 19$$ . THE WEST VAN NEWS 11 313 v Sc I. 3k lgt ?le St 1st St I?e It h ut b, Ib nne b. Slh b. Zk -- ISI Ot re INNEO IRRHRBI ALE Im Dt s. nt, bbin I P. Is. After. ndy. i Muted Bellevue ge 1,' 0. 0 'I C.C.F. RECEPTION in honor of AIR. HARI.EY C. E. ANI)i)RSON, hi.l..A. in the Legion Hall, IVEDNFSI)AY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 19,'13, Whist at 8 p.m: „Dancing 9:30 p.m Good Orchestra -- Refreshments Collection %Vest Van, Table Supply Specializing in Xmas Cakes, Puddings and Pica IIOT SUPPER FOODS 5 p.m. daily 1421 Marine Drive (Opposite Ssfeway's) ORDFR OF THE EASTERN STAR Sale of Work and Home Cooking At the home of Mrs. A. Thomas, 2748 Marine Drive, West Vancouver WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEII 22nd, 1933. Admission (Including Afternoon Tea) -- 25c. Ambleside Sheet MetalWorks LAURIE SPECK, Prsprletsr 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 I"URNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 14$ LARGF. ATTENDANCE AT SWIAIMING CLUB DANCE There was a large attendance at the Armistice Dance put on by the West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club last Saturday evening in Hollyburn Pavilion, many coming also from North Vancouver. The dance iioor was crowded for every number, and the music supplied by Bert Kool's orchestra was excellent. Novelties were introduced con- sisting of whistles, fancy hats, etc., and there was not a dull moment the whole evening. During an interval between dances Reeve Leyland presented Norman Willington with a parchment from the Royal Can- adian Humane Society for his gallantry in saving a girl last summer from drowning oil 'mbleside Beach. Real Estate Finance and Insurance Canmore Briquettes I Ii.iee nsnu. uss IS. I at S12 per ton Unsurpassed for FURNACE or RANGE WEST VAN. AGENT ~ MISS DOWAL Phones West 622 s or West 340 C 0 A L 4? RECULAR I'RICES liOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP B.(. 1612 Msrins Drive. Ds your.Christmas Shopping NO)V Are You a lstwn llowier or Interested in Bawling? You are invited to Annual Social and Dance of the WEST VAN. I.AIVN BOWI.ING CI.UB In The Clnchan, Tuesday, November 21st, 1933 Annual Prize Novelty Whist, Dance Distribution Turns Music 25 Cents ROBINSON'S GROCERY '""""'We Dsllvst Sl'ECIAI.S fur FRIDAY 17th and SATURDAY 18th Pineapple--Singapore sliced Nabob Jelly Powders, each Sc or Flag crushed... 2 fnr 17c Finest Dates........4 lbs. fur 25e Butter--finest Alberta, lb 25e 7 lbn Wild Ronp or 16 oz. Bread--Wbite or Brown Fiv'e Roses Flour.....,,. 29c loaf .......................... 5c Nestle's, Borden's or Pacific Side Bacon lb .2?c Fletcher's Back or tall .................... 2 for I 9c Australian Sultanas,... Ib IZc Choice Can. Cheese,.... lb. 22c Face Soap ..... 2 bars for Sc I Tomatoes, slee Ztib........tin I it I GIFTS FOR OVERSEAS, carefully peeked snd )lsilid )sin Out ldhrsty, ze» I'et Itlsnth. ladyship Wssls wEBT eel andf L.O.L. No, 2990 are holding their regular meeting next Tues- day at 8 p.m. in the Orange Halls s ~ The West Vancouver W.C.T.U. met at the home of Afrs. H. Hib- berd, 576 16th Street, on Thurs- day afternoon, November 9th. The devotional period was led by Mrs. McKee. After a short business session, Airs. Lanning of Vancouver gave a splendid address on "Peace." At the close of the meeting the hostess served dainty refreshments. ~ ~ ~ The funeral of Mrs. E. J. Dickinson, 2347 King's Avenue, who died yesterday, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in St. Step- hen's Church. s s s The Rev. Ramsey is conduct- ing the installation of officers of the Girls'uxiliary of St. Step- hen's today at the home of the superintendent, AIrs. Bayliss. The new officers wio be: Presi- dent, Jean Lettner; vice presi- dent, Jane Beattie; recording and social secretary, Norra Bstchelor; treasurer, Florence Edwards; general convener, Mil- dred Lettner. Special guests will be the mothers of the girls and Mildred ttner, past president, is pour- ins tea. The Hollyburn School of Physical Culture in the hall of the New Ambleside Block is open every night, and classes are be- ing conducted for men, women and children. Considerable pro- gress is being made by the mem- bers. The subjects taught in- clude physical culture, body building, and weight reducing, a condition in the latter being no fees without results, which are guaranteed. Tuition in boxing is also available, and a number are taking advantage of this course. Cod Liver OilOwing to the amount of work entailed in acknowledging the donations to the Welfare Drive, It will probably be next peek before all the donations and pledges received will be acknow- ledged. \ ~ ~ Nrs. W. Gentleman and her little daughter have returned from North Vancouver General Hospital to their home at 1263 Heywood Avenue. \ s ~ Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Bernard and family moved on Tuesday from 21st and Bellevue Avenue into a house st 2604 Mathers Avenue. s ~ ~ The Peter Pan Kindergarten at 25th and Marine Drive is be- ing temporarily closed, but it will bh reopened in February. C. G. Lewis of New Westmin- ster has moved into a house on Piccadilly Street, Caulfeild. ~ s Miss Clara Wilson has been transferred from the Pauline Johnson School teaching staff to that of the junior high school, the vacancy being iilled by Hugh Brown, formerly on the stal? of Pauline Johnson School. Miss Aiary Edington, daugh- ter of Mr. and Nrs. J. isk Ed- ington, 1613 Duchess Avenue, underwent an operation last Fri- day in iVorth Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital. ~ ~ ~ A considerable number of hikers spent the holidays on Hollyburn Ridge, where there was bright sunshine snd a late summer temperature as compar- ed with the fog on the lower levels. s ~ E. A. Clemente has moved into a house on Marine Drive at Sherman. L O. D. E. The Hollyburn Versatile Phty- Wednesday next, 22nd Novem- ers are starting their practices 'ber, at 2:30 p.m. in St. Stephen's on a new comedy entitled "Pay- Church hall. ing Oif the Mortgage," which has been written by Mrs. Fhir- UNITED CHURCH W.A. ,ence Bowman, 19th and Water- front. They expect to give tt Forty-two members of the about the end of next January. Women's Association of the United Church attended the reg- A son was born last Sunday ular meeting held on Tuesdav, at their home, 1472 King's With Afrs. A. AI. O'Donnell In Avenue, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce the chair. Four new members Moore. were welcomed, Mrs. Hilborne, Mrs. A. Chilton, Mrs. Parnum Mr. and Mrs. Riddell and and AIrs. Shirlaw. A Quilting family, 22nd Street, have moved Bee was arranged for Tuesday, to Capilano where they expect November 28th, in the (hurclh to reside in future. Hall, when it is hoped to fintsh three quilts, The dat. set for Tom Hadwin who is on the the annual Bazaar wss Tuesday, teaching staff of the Unemploy- December 5th, and met bere and ed Camp at Hope, B.C., spent friends of the congre uttion are the holidays with his parents, asked to keep that date free. Mr. snd Mrs. F. W. Hadwin, 1470 A«sr O'Donnell and Mrs. Hillis Haywood Avenue. Wright are general coilveners+for the day with the foilowing DOAI EST[C LIGH'f RA'fE y nveners of committees ~ AIrs.H. Garland, Fancy Work; MOLTO BE REDUC D Davis, Apr'ons; Mm. Chisholm, Novelties; Nrs. Merrick, Wel-The reeve and council an fare; Mrs. W. Blair, Tree for tne nounce that they have compi«Children; Mrs. AIOAiillan, After- ed arranyemcnts with the B. C noon Tea; Nrs. J. Watt, Hofre-Electric Rnilway Company by Cooking. which the primary domestic light rate will be reduced from six cents to live cents as front 1st Jnnuary, 1934, thus bring- ing IVent Vancouver in line with the other two North Shore mun- icipalities. Rates will he aLuo the same as in lhe City of Vancou- ver except that there the prim- ary rate is four instead of five cents. ll »dll be remembered that two yenrs ago a reduction wan obtained upon nil primary and secondary rates and minimum charges, this saving the taxpay- ers some 532.000. Lani yeur the council secured a reduction In the cost of street lights to the same ss that in lhe City nnd DLuirict of North Van- couves', 60c. Cemmill's Drug Store Ths Stere of Sstsks. Iles llsrlns Driss West 21 Emergency Phoae West 221 (After IO p.m.) HOLLYSLTRN THEATRE FRIDAY snd SATURDAY Nsvemhst 11th snd lath BUSTER CRABSB "THE KING OF THE JUNGLE" HON„TUBS„S WEDNESDAY November 20th. 21st snd 22nd "THE FLAG LIEUTENANT" HENRY BDWARDS snd ANNA NEAGLB C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Afarine Expert Work Phone West 135 TEAROE & SON Phone 84 AVest Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies Wood, Coal Dump Truck AVork Stratton's BAKERY BREAD - CAKES Meat Pica Sausage Rolls Bambury Cakes ALL FRESH DAILY Aiade at 1468 Aiarine Drive Phone West 27 J. L. PETTIGREW RADIO TECHNICIAN Humect A.ILT, sf EC Phsne Ssy. Izzl, Wa» 13 X PRLVTIiVG -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News, 'lVest 363. VER A.AA. AND DANCE d nnd Hstins Dtlvs ER 1 7th, 1 933 Cinderella Orchestra Cards: 8 pan. Sharp PHOTOGRAPHS rial r li Mount 1436 MARINE DRIVE m wnss' sass»Ivan m ww~mmammmmmmmaf Baby Spe S3.50 fo in Lovely BRODERICK ty DAN Local and Personal Rum) Honey