0001 e' rre re »er 'ee w 'e ~eee Sr~.aaaa r 'errv al~ha cree rare r mae «a re *a e .'e le, 'es '~lr») rr e%e r s ~ re».e'r'r ' sr.r'e FVV e 'e.er i ae I * r2» e'Ve'er re» c ~ * e e~yrrr » rvr rearrrrr:rr. «',vrr; »4 'carrrFreereVVFVe e ~rr aeeera'r~ eav vrrrrrr vvvrbre 'VrVVrvvwvrr . r«r «r,errVe'vrr v a'vrarr - vrvrrrpreV rrr'vrr 'v V rrervVvr v rr l 4 ll IL Ask ysoesslf this before risking your hair ts ~ permanent that )s going ts need continual Ilsgec waving ssd tesst)sents. Grd)crfdotfyf Bcafdty SlfoPPc 1646 Msrlss Delve Phoae West 117 Comfort for csM nights Hot Water Bottles Surprising values 75c Eo $3.00 AI)IBLESIDE PHARIIIACY W. L. KER, Peep 1401 Msclss Drive Phono West 323 FREE DELIVERY VERNON FEED STORK A. C. SEARLE Phase West 9 FERTILIZERS of all Iciads Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE loth sml Eseslmslt Hsuybors This Society ls s Brse«h st The Mother Church Ths First Church st Christ, Scientist. In Boston, Msssschssctts Sunday Service) 11)$0 s.m. Sunday, November 19, 1933 Subject: "SOUL AND BODY" Sunday School st 10:00 s.m. Testi)seep Msstieg IVsdessdsy at 0:16 p.m. UNITED CHURCH The regular mtwting of the Ivomen'9 Missionary Society will be held on Tuesday, November 21st at 2:16. The second chap- ter of the study book on China will be taken up. Mrs. Froud will sing. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH November 19th --. 23rd Sun- day after Trinity. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 (I 11:15 s.m.--Sunday Schools 11:15 s.m.--Matins snd Sermon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong snd Ser- mon. Auxiliary Sunday School 11th snd Inglewood Sunday School at 11 s.m. every Sunday. St. Francis-in-the-woods, Csulfeild Sunday, 3 p.m. -- Evensong snd sermon. Friday, Nov. 24th -- Dance by St. Stephen'0 Girl's Auxiliary at Beach House, 24th snd Wat- erfront. THE WEST VAN NFWII HOLLYBURN HALL 14th ssd Duchess Fnu)AY. Nse. 17th. st 7:$0 psa Young People' Seceder IUssirsted by Lantern Views. HUND IY Nse 19th 7 $9 pm Address by MIL P, F. CARROI,I, Rob)set) etvhst Can s Mss licncec." Sunday School lo s.m, I ITERA II Y SOCIETY The next meeting of the soci- ety will be addressed by Rev, lir. E, A. Henry, now of Victoria. Ry a happy coincidence, in view of the approach of Education Iveek, his lecture will be on "The Ideals and Agencies of Culture." A syllabus of the lecture with which he hss favored the Soci- ety's officials shows thut it will have an unusually wide and ap- .pealing scope, taking in the vari- ous conceptions of culture which have gained prominence in their day, or which are current st present, and subjecting them to s trenchant review. The broad snd generous interest of the lec- turer in sll that pertains to cul- ture will make this address sn unusually suggestive one. The choir of the United Church hss kindly waived its claim on the large hall for Thursday evening, November 23rd, when the Literary Society will meet to hear Dr. Henry' address at 8 o'lock. It is hoped that those who have known Dr. Henry will take advantage of the occasion to profit by hio ripe knowledge of s field which has held his attention for many years. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Sunday 8:45 s.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10146 O.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 130 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 8:00 s.m.--Holy Mass. 7:30 p.m., Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:30 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. Philip C. Chapman) HOLLYBURN HALL A young people's service il- lustrated with lantern views will be held at Hollyburn Hall tomorrow (Friday) evening at 7:30 p.m. Mr. P. F. Carroll will give an address at the 7:30 p.nf. service next Sunday, taking as his subject "What can s msn be- lieve." Sunday School as usual at 10 s.m. General Insurance Agent Fire. AetomsbUs, Becgh)ry, Accident ssd Sickssss, stc. t667 King's Ara Pbsss W. 4$ Y$ Established se North Shore $0 Ycsra I Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funerallIirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 4 Vancouver Parlors .55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "SOUL AND BODY" is the subject of the Lesson Sermon which will be read in sll Church- ei of Christ, Scientist, on Sun- day, November 19. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible:'"... they brought to Him s dumb msn possessed with 0 devi). And when the devil wss cast out, the dumb spake: snd the multitudes marvelled, say- ing, It wss never so seen m Israel." (Matt. 9: 32, 33.) The Lesson - Sermon slxso in- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book "Science snd Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Jesus beheld in Science the perfect msn, who appeared to Him where sinning mortal msn appears to mortals. In this perfect msn the Saviour ssw God's own likeness, snd this correct view of man healed the sick." (p. 476). BAPTIST CHURCH Services 1000 B.m.sunday School snd Bible Class. 11:00 B.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 7:30 pm.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys; 8:00'.m., Monday--B.Y.P.U. 'peakerRev. F. W. Muel- ler of the German Baptist Church, Vancouver. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday--Prsyor snd Praise. 8:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir Practice. 7:00 p.m., Friday -- Junior C. G.l.T. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th O Msrios EXPERT SERVICB E. MARSH, Proprietor. ~ Wem~l ~ ~xn)cxgssocgaa salt gnv oo ~ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Orange HalL Regular services at 11:15. Preacher, Mr. Wm. Robertson Everyone is made welcome. WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY THB West Van Newels The regular meeting of theSociety will be held on Friday, November 17th, at 7:45 p.m. Past President William Mc- Quaker hss arranged a social program for the evening's enter- tainment snd a pleasant night is assured. (,'UIDE NOTES There will be s meeting of the Guides on Friday, November 17th, at 4:16 p.m. in the United Church haik All those who want to join sre requested to at- tend the meeting. Psbnshcd Erscy Tbsrsdsy Peblishsc F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Sssissss ssd gdltsrtsj Og les) 17th sod Msclss Dries (Nest to HsUybore P.O.) Phone West 363 Mall Address) P.O. Bos 61, HsUybers, ILC. Phone West 40 or Seymour l046 snd make arrsngemenu Io have those Xmas Photos made. if,not convenient to Bo io the city, Mr. Vinson will call at your home or you can come to his home at l4lh snd Xmas North Vancouver Ogico: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 61.00 s year by carrier) 6$ .00 ~ year by walL p Gordon Avenue.hotos XMAS WILL SOON BE HERE g'he +in@ studio November IB, 1933. Store No. 31, 1414 hlarino Phono West 313 MANAUER - R. ARI)LRY We rcsceec Ihs cieht ts umlt essstltics SAFEWAY SIORES LIMIIEO ~ III:lI:II:IIIII ~ I)Iso~~i a':Iii;Isllla'",I WI4 MIIS. LUCY A. SIILNE I'ASSES Mrs. Lucy A. Milne passed sway last Saturday at the home of her son-in-lsw and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. W. T, Rush, 2100 Argyle Avenue. The deceased wss in her 94th year, snd is survived by her daughter here snd one son, John H. Milne, in Toronto. Funeral services were held st 2 p.m. Tuesday in West Vancouver United Church, snd interment was made in Cspilsno View Cemetery. Rev. Hillis Wright oificisted at the service, Dr. Osterhout snd Rev. Frank Hardy ssslstmg. The old manual training build- ing at Pauline Johnson School hss been converted into a gym- nasium snd a badminton court laid out there. DR. G. D. H. Sei(LE DENTIST Hsy Block, 14th ssd Ms)les Dr. Ofscs Hours 9 ts 6 p.m. Evenings by sppslotmsnt. Phone West 7$ Dr.Marjory MCCubbin D EN TI ST Hours 9s m tsep m Sstuedsys) 10 s. m..ts I p. es. Evenings sod Saturday After- noons by sppcietmcet only. Rsysl Bank Building Phone West 446 ltcsldescs Pbsss West $9$. Miss M. JIscket hss moved into s house at 2328 Bellevue Avenue. rsr evesem)ssnet L14H'T PR4TSCTS Burglars and prowlers shun the light. 4 Porch lights back and front, lights upstairs a'nd down, are your cheapest protection. Leave them burning at all times ... the cost is trifling. eeee ee n:I'.I CHILI.'Ke(OIRBIAI:lr &1E Kegg'.I(okl:y I IR'r/xrearorog VALUES FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY November 17th and Ixlh BREAD -- IVhite or 'Whole lv hest ............ 2 for 9c COFI"EE -- Airway, ground to your'nler......lb. 32c SHI(EDDED WHEAT -- package FLOUR -- Highway 7 Ib paper sack TOhfATO JUICE Libby's, No. I, lin ...... SALMON -- Billow, pink, Nu. I, 2, tin............ Se OATS -- Quaker i'remium, large pkg............-. 25c COOKIFS -- Canada, fresh and crisp, dozen ........ Sc OXYDOL -- large package .... TOILET SOAP -- Calay...,..:..bsr bc PRUNES -- 60 - 70 size..... .. 2 lbs. 21c TOILET TISSUE, SABLE . 3 for 25c PEANUT BUTTER ................................. lb. 12c CLASI CHOWDER -- Aylmer ..„.......„.....„.. 2 tins 17c CHEESE -- Ontario'atured........,..............lb. 30c BUTTER -- Ssfeway in Cartons,....................,. lb. 25c BAKING POWDER -- Magic, 8 oz. tin................... 2'ic CHERRIES -- Ayimer Red Pitteil, 2s, squat ..... 2 for 25c y,i