0001 A Weekly Newspaper Circulating iyJ the District of liest Vancouver-- Ambkside, Hollyburn, WeJIon, DunduraFJe $ 1.00 per year. CyPress Park, Caulfei(d, Whytecliff, Etc. 5c per copy at newsstands. t 0-'r 0 O ~ I i, iib. ~&& 9)~ BMe. fa ~ sb&& nb& b(sl s&& i&bi, lib& o& ublll over iirsi iur sus &4ID s,s& air "yb' &4&A& AS &Se, &be&i HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16th. )933Val. VIII No. 28 C. C. F. RECEPTION A reception in honor of Mr. H. C. E. Anderson, C.C.F. mem- ber for the North Shore, will be held under the auspices of the C.C.F, Club of the S. P. of C. of West Vancouver. The a(fair which should prove of interest to everyone will be held in the Legion Hall on Wed- nesday next, Noveinber 22nd. Whist will begin at 8 p.m. to be followed by dancing for which s good orchestra is being obtain- ed. A brief address will be given by Mr. Anderson and those who have not heard him may have that privilege. Refreshments wifl be served and it is the am- bition of the committee in charge to make the evening one to be remembered. There will be no charge but a collection will be taken which may bess gener- ous ss conditions permit, in ord- er toFover the expenses. A special invitation is extend- ed to young people. Prior to the reception a busi- ness meeting of the C.C.F. Club will be held in the same halL at 7:00 p.m. prompt. A full at tendancce is required ss there are important inatters under discussion. )VEST VAV. AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIO& Announcement The above Association is hav- ing another of their Whist Drive and Dances next Friday, Nov- ember 17th, at the Orange Hall, 22nd and Marine, commencing at 8 p.m. sharp. Vafuable prices are being oifered to the winners of the card games and the Cinder- ella Orchestra, which provided the popular music last week, w)V be in attendance again. Refresh- ments will be served free. The price of admission is 25c each. West Van. United F. C. The United won another two points on Saturday by defeating Kerrisdale F.C. 6-2; the goals were scored by F&ddes (2), Morgan (2), Blackburn (2). The Kerrisdale goals were scor- ed on a misunderstanding be- tween White and Larnie and the other goal on a penalty by Mc- Lean for hands. The United showed great improvement over former games and are worthy of good support. The following players are ask- ed to be at 14th and Narine at 12:45 for the game with Royal Vacs at Renfrew Park 2&30 p.m.: Larnie White McLean Nor- msnd. Davie, Timbrell, Stratton, Fiddes, Morgan, Blsckburn, Mas- on and Allan. ARi)USTICE BANGUET V'A GREAT SUCCESS The annual Armistice Banquet given by the ladies of the Legion W.A. under the convenership of Mrs'. W. H. Green, last Saturday evening in the Legion Hall was s great success, about two hun- dred Legion members and their wives and W.A. members snd their husbands sitting down to table at the call of the bugle. The Legion W.A. had as their guests Colonel Buell, provincial presi-. dent of the Canadian Legion, and Mrs. Buell, the provinciaj secretary, Comrade C. MscNicol, and Mrs. MacNicol, and Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Leyland. The hall and tables had been very ,tastefully decorated for the oc- casion and the guests did full justice to the excellent fare pro- vided. Comrade H. E. Walker acted as toastmaster;the follow- ing toasts being given: the King, by Comrade F. Rivers; the Dead, by Rev. F. A. Ramsey; the Visitors, by President Mrs. J. Wicking; the Legion, by Mrs. M. A. Partington, replied to by Colonel Buell; the Ladies, by President W. T. Atwoad, replied to by Mrs. W. H. Green; Sister Members of the Nursing Service by President W. T. Atwaod, re- plied to by Mrs. W. H. Green and Mrs. H. E. Walker; the Brit- ish Empire by Comrade Grant McNeil; West Vancouver, by Reeve Leyland. After the toast to the Dead, Bugler McLachlan sounded the Last Poet and the Reveille. A letter of regret at his inability to be present from Major Harrison was also read. A pleasing feature of the ban- quet was the presentation of past-president jewels to Mrs. W. T: Atwood and Mrs. T. Batche- lar by Mrs. Buell. Comrade Mac- Nicol also gave an address in which he reviewed the very un- satisfactory condition of pension payments. A very interesting musical program followed con- sisting of vocal solos by Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, Nrs. Harrison, soci- ety entertainer, and Aubrey Clarke, all of whom were called upon for encores, Mrs. J. E. Dur- hin and Mr. Spencer acting as accompanists. The evening closed with aa dance to music provided by George Childs and Roy Lowes MASONIC DANCE The Twelfth Annual Dance under the auspices of King David Lodge iVo. 93, A, F. 4 A. M., will be held in the Orange Hall on Friday the 24th November. Invitations are in the hands of Mr. Duncan McMillan, 772 20th Street and have been sent out to a large list of friends. VOI.UNTEER FIRE. FIGHTERS OIIG AN)RE AT HORSESHOE BAY (Specially Contributed) Ward One Ratepayers'ssoci- ation met at Horseshoe Bay Hotel on Saturday evening for its regular monthly meeting. Bruce Patterson presided and Councillor Garthorne, chairman of the Are committee, addressed the meeting re lire-fighting equipment. A list of names of volunteer fire-lighters will be submitted to the Council, and practices will be held, when the equipment available is brought up to date. The meeting resolved to ask the Council and Police Commis- sion respectively for erection of a sign st Nelson and Marine Drive, notifying motorists to slow down to a speed of 15 miles an hour. Other items to go to Council include requests for informstioii on two widely di(Ferent phases of municipal activity. One is for a list of work done this year by the unemployed, with loca- tion and cost of each job. The other asks for a copy of the )ight agreement between the municipality and the B. C. Elec- tric. In order that taxpayers who reside in Vancouver and cannot attend the meetings because of poor transportation facilities be- tween North Vancouver and Whytecliif, may be enabled to keep in touch with sssoristion activities, a special meeting will be held in Vancouver in the near future. The place and date of this meeting will be set by the executive. A vote of thanks was passed to Messrs. Howard Rodgers a'nd Wil) Lindsay for tile use of the Horseshoe Bay Hotel for meet- ings of the Association. ~ &llEIlBRANCE BAY HONORED HERE In spite of the rain a )srge .number of )Vest Vancouver resi- dents were present at the an- nual Remembrance Day service arranged'&y the Duncan Lswson Chapter, I.O.D.E., last Saturday morning at the Memorial Arch. The Canadian Legion turned out in force and marched from their Memorial Hall to the Arch head- ed by the West Vancouver Schools Band, who also supplied the music for the service. The I.egion W.A., the Duncan I.sw- ann Chapter, I.O.D.E., the West Vancouver Choral Society, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Guides, and the Brownies were among the organizations present. Rev. Hil- lis Wr)ght was in charge of the service, which was as follows: Hymn, "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past;" Bible Reading, Rev. H. P. Humphreys; "Last Post," Two minutes'ilence; Reveille, by Bugler McLachlan; Rects- sional (Kipling), by the Choral Society, Hymn, "0 Valiant Hearts Who to Your Glory Came," Prayer, Rev. F. A. Ram- sey, Thanksgiving in unison; Placing of wreaths and flowers by representatives of societies, organizations and individuals; Benediction, Rev. Hillis Wright; God Save the King. Following the service those wearing poppies left them in the lawn in front of the Memorial Arch, where wreaths had been previously placed by: Council, Canadian Legion, Canadian Leg- ion W.A., School Board, .United Church, St. Stephen's Church, Horticultural Society, King Dav- id Lodge, A.F. 4& A.M., Naomi Chapter, O.E.S., L.O.L. No. 2990, L.O.B.A., Ruth Lodge, Scottish Society, Choral Society, Dundar ave Ladies'hoir, I.O.D.E., In- dividuals. SALE OF bb ORK BY 0 E &I The Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, are giving a sale of work snd home-cooking st the home of Mrs. A Thomas. 2748 Marine Drive, next Wed- nesday, 22nd instant. Admis- sion, including afternoon tea, 25 cents. PI AV NOVELTY TURNS FOR LAWN BOWLERS'OCIAL This year's entertainment at the Lawn Bowling Club annual social on Tuesday evening next in the Clachan, Dundarave, hss been planned to start where the 1932 program left oil'. In addi- tion to a court whist drive there will be some novelty terms new to )Vest Vancouver and of a high calibre of entertainment, and iu addition it is planned to conclude the evening with a short dance. All bowlers, friends of bowlers and especially everyone, male or female, who is thinking of tak- ing up the game next year, are asked to accept invitation, and will be made welcome by the Club. Those interested are asked to remember that next year the fine new greens at the sorner of 20th Street and Marine Drive, will be opened. The greens are already in frat-class shape, and with accommodation for 64 play- ers to operate st one time, s club register of 200 is aimed at. The program on Tuesday will. begin at 8:16 prompt. A feature of the early announcements will at several prominent men e municipality have shown interest in the dub by ac- g honorary oifice. Another the tournament plans for year ca)culated to make the ns and the municipality better known throughout rovince. LO)H&G Eb El&&Yb December 4 -- Choral Society's Concert in Ho)+burn Theatre. WEST VAN. TABLE SUPPLY The West Van. Table Supply are opening at 1421 kiarine D'rive, and will specialicse in Xmas cakes pud&hngs snd pie& Hot supper foods ready daily'at 5 p.m. On Saturday' free sample of Xmas pudding will be given to every customer. MR. AND MRS. HUTCHINSON CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hutchin- son celebrated their golden wed- ding Tuesday evening at their home in Dundarave. They were married in their native city, Peterboro, in Ontario, in 1883, and after living for some years in Oxbow,. Saskatchewan, moved twenty-six years ago to this coast. They have been residents of West Vancouver for twenty- three years. A large number of friends, including three from Peterboro, who came out special- ly for the occasion, were present to oA'er their cngratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson being assisted in receiving by their two daughters, Nrs. P. T. Mas- terman and Mrs. Frank Lefeaux. Besides their daughters, they have one son, Clarence, resident in Australia, and twelve grand- children. As among the pioneers of the district, they have always been very active in the commun- ity. I,EGION W. A. The W. A. to the Canadian Legion sre holding a special meeting on Monday, November 20th, at 2:15 in the Legion Memorial HalL It is important that every member make an ef- fort to attend. The regular meeting will take place on the following Monday, the 27th, be- ing the last Monday in the month as usual. The combined October and November groups sre putting on a Military Whist Drive, on Sat- urday, November 18th, in the Legion Hall at 8:15 with good prices snd refreshments. VANDALS BASKET- BALI. CLUB The local boys played their first game Wednesday, Novem- ber 8th, at King Edward gym- nasium, against Normal. The Vandals had things all their own way in the first half, leading 15-5 at the breather. In the second half they toyed with the opposition and allowed them to creep up on them. The final score wss 27-26. On Tuesday, November 14th, the Vandals meet the snappy Neraloma aggregation at the High School gym. The Vandals were at sea in the first half, Meralomas leading 28-15 at half. On renewing play the Vandals opened up and outplayed Mera- lomas, had tough luck in their shooting, but managed to out- score Meralomas by 18-1 half making final score 3 The local players are: wood, Bud D'Easum, Masterman, Maurice A Bruce Hamilton, Bob Chuck McMillan, Dav Trev Harvey, Eric Par Hamilton. ELECTIOV OF OFFICERS FOR UNE3IPLOYED On Thursday, November 23rd, the election of oificers for the ensuing year for the Unemploy- ed Association of )Vest Vancou- ver will take place. As the org- anization has some real plans for the winter it is hoped that there will be a full attendance. At the last meeting of the As- sociation, following the business session C. Grant McNeil gave a very thought-provoking talk on "The EfFects of Nationalism." Friends as well as members are cordially invited. The meet- ing will be held in the Socialist Hall, Marine Drive, at 8 p.m. 0 in this RIDGE TEI.EI'HONE be th 8-33. As a result of the council's ln th Bill At- eiforts the ski camp st the 3000 their Albert foot level has now a direct tele- ceptin nderson, phone to West Vancouver. This will be Fiddes, will be of great benefit in case next e Grey, of accidents or forest fires, also new gree ker, Ian on those occasions when hikers still are lost on the Ridge. the p HOLI.YWOOD ORCHESTRA TO PLAY HERE LEGION NOTES The educational committee have arranged for a discussion on International Peace to follow the regular meeting tomorrow evenifiga At the last giilitary Whist Drive and Dance held in the Legion Hall last Friday, October 10th, a very enjoyable time was spent by all and the attendance was the best of the season. The prise-winners for the evening were Mr. and Mrs.Ko)thammer, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and the novelty prise erinner was girs. Rankin. Please keep in mind the next one -- Friday, November 24th. i .i r 'i' his guitar ss an added attrac- tion. The Calsngis family af KNX Hollywood wifl supply the music for the dance. Tickets 25c; children 16c. and dance at the Orange Hall, 22nd and Marine Drive, on Wed- nesday, November 22nd. Don' miss this exceptional concert of talented musicians with Aiac and The Vancouver Serenaders Inc. Mandolin, Banjo snd Guitar Orchestra under the direction of Rcg. Clay, are holding a concert 1