0001 November 2, 1933. THE WEST VAN NEWS It' gj tI eigb (3 W by r I S REID'S BRONCHITIS REMEDY DR. 8A YPIELD Begs to Announce that he has moved his office from the Hsy Block, 423 14th St. to 2004 INGI,FWOOD AVENUE (On Upper Levels Bus I.ine) Office Hours: 2 to 4 p.jn. And by appointment COUNCIL NOTES H. R. Brooks wrote the coun- cil re the dangerous condition of Marine Drive at Gleneagles. The engineer wss instructed to interview the writer. c ~ ~ James E. Rogers wrote the council re trees and bush on Telegraph Trail, Eagle Harbour. Referred to the engineer witn power to act. J. W. Barnett wrote the coun- ceil re stagnant water,etc., east of 1347 Marine Drive. Re- ferred to the engineer and the health inspector with power to act. ~ ~ \ The council ordered that $1,000 be transferred from the Ferry Savings Account to the Coiporation General Savingx Account. c The engineer reported to the council on: 1. Water supply at Inglewood School. The clerk to take the matter up with the school board, stat- ing that the engineer finds that considerable expense incurred in connection with plumbing is the result of certain strainers having been installed which are apparently unsuitable. If ac- ceptable to the board, the eng- ineer is prepared to install one different type of strainer, free of cost as s test, provided that the board will indicate to the chairman of water works their concurrence in this proposal. 2. Public park, SEI/4 D.L. 1050. Laid over for examination of the whole council. 3. Letter to R. D. Brewis, West Lake Ski Camp re cabin D.L. 1146 approved. 4. Sidewalk, Marine Drive, 13th to 17th Streets. Referred to a special meeting of the fin- ance committee. 5. Miscellaneous items. Ap- plications of Mrs. C. Read and Mrs. Dalgleish. Received and filed. ~ c P. W. Trousdale made an of- fer to the council to purchase Lot 11-2-NWV4. D.L. 1084. The oifer was accepted subject to the usual conditions governing the sale of tax sale lands. \ Captain C. J. Archer made a verbal oifer to the council to purchase D.L. 655, 7B, 3 rfi 4. The offer was accepted subject to the usual conditions govern- ing the sale of tax sale lands. Williamson'8 Dairy MILK, CREAM, BUTIERMILK AND BUTTER Wnclccci cs acicll ness West 88 « Ncnh 17l Ambleside Sheet Metal%Forks LAURIE SPECK, Prcpllclcc 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 Canmore Briqnetteo (ll.im nine. ccr in.) at $ 12 per ton Unsurpassed For FURNACE or RANGE WEST VAK.AGENT ~ MISS DOWAL WEST 022 X C 0 A L Af REGULAR PRICES in the Hollyburn PavilionA H M I ST ICE NIGIIT Saturday, Nov. 11Dance Dancing 9 tc 12 BERT KOOL'8 ORCHESTRA Admission 5OC. Burrard Laundry Ltd. .p LAUNDRY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSOiV, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 601 L or North 1310 CASCADE SAND & GRAVEL CO. Second Narrows Bridge, North Vancouver Special dressing for driveways snd garden paths. Phone: North 1SSS; Night PJIone, AIL Ellis, West 160Y Local and Personal The council authorized the clerk to complete the contract with the B.C. Tekphone Co. for the installation of a telephone at the ski camp. c c ~ B. Harrison. 17th and Hay- wood Avenue, is confined to hia home through sickness. ~ c ~ Nr. and Mrs. J. Carlson, 11th and Mathers Avenue, have rent- ed the Sentsnce house at 13th snd Duchess Avenue and have moved in. c ~ ~ D. Mitchell, 16th and Water- front, haa taken the Bell house at 1173 Duchess Avenue. ~ c c Mrs. Phillips of Punichy, Saskatchewan, is the guest of Nr. and Mrs. R. C. Mitten, 2104 Bellevue Avenue. ~ c ~ The council granted permis sion to the Legion W.A. to sell poppies on the streets and ferry wharf. \ \ \ Dr. Bayfield wishes to an- nounce that he has moved his oifice from the Hay Block, 423 14th Street, to 2004 Ingkwood Avenue (on upper levels bus route). Office hours 2 to 4 p.m. and by appointment. ~ ~ \ Mrs. W. F. Pochin, 1871 Mar- ine Drive, is convalescing at her home after a serious Illness in the North Vancouver General Hospital. Ml'8. Frederick Bsyliss, 2438 Bellevue Avenue, has returned to her home after a two weeks'isit with friends in Bellingham, Wash. ~ c \ Miss Dowsl, agent for Blair's Wood and Coal, has rented desk space in the oifice of Colonel K. W. Savory, 1443 Marine Drive. Phone West 340 dsetween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., and in the evenings phone West 622K. John Wright is a visitor at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. J. L. Pettigrew, 28th and Queen's Avenue. birn. Alex. Young of Prince George, B.C„ is the Slyest of Mrs. S. Nagoifin, Went Bay. c The polls in the provincial election which is being held to- day, will close st 8 p.m. ~ ~ c Mrs. M, Crosley has moved into s house at 1146 King's Ave- nue. c ~ c Mr. and Mrs. L. Peterson have moved from Capilano into s house at 1066 Inglewood Avenue\ c ~ A number of black fish were seen last week passing through the First Narrows on their way up Burrard Inlet. ~ ~ D. E. Scholtz, 1152 24th St., has moved into a house at 2411 Heywood Avenue. ~ c The very heavy rains of last week washed away the six inch- es of snow that had formerly fallen on the plateau of Holly- burn Ridge. ~ c ~ J. J. L. Atwood, who has been residing at 26th snd Bellevue Avenue, has moved into a house at 2368 Haywood Avenue. ~ c ~ William Wilson, formerly a member of the firm of Wilson Js Moore, who has been spending the summer at Idske Louise, hss returned to Dundarave for the winter. c There will be a high school party, tomorrow evening in the Inglewood School. ~ ~ ~ A. Baxter has moved into a home on Radcliffe Avenue. ~ c c There will be no meeting to- morrow evening of the C.G.I.T. girls of the United Church. c Mrs. Walter Gourlay, 2322 Bellev'ue Avenue, returned to her home here on Monday from Anyox, where she was the guest of Dr. Rnd Mrs. F. Lang, who formerly resided in Dundarave. Mrs. Symington and family have moved from 2064 Marine Drive and are occupying a house at 2318 Marine Drive. c The trout have come up the creeks from the sea as a result of the heavy rains of the past two weeks. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. F. C, Page have returned to their home at 2450 Bellevue Avenue after spending the summer at IVhitehorse, Yu- kon Territory. ~ c ~ Mr. Nickerson has moved from 1684 Marine Drive into a house at 17th and Duchess Avenue. ~ ~ ~ C. W. K. Doherty, 27th and Nelson Avenue, has moved into a house at 2480 Esquimalt Ave- nue. ~ c ~ Engagement Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell, formerly of West Vancouver, but now of the IVindermere Apartments, Thurlow Street, Vancouver, an- nounce'he engagement of their only daughter Phyllis to Mr J RIurray Geggie, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Geggie, 2696 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver.\ ~ ~ C. IV. K. Doherty, 27th and Nelson Avenue, has moved into a house at 2480 Esquimalt Ave. nue. Camp Artsbsn won the Lord Bessborough Cup for the high- est number of awards in the tests of the Royal Life Saving Society, being 300 marks ahead of the team ranking second. The cup was presented Wednes- day of last sleek st the Crystal Pool, Vancouver. Among the West Vancouver competitors from the Camp were Ann Spar- row and Phylhs Gleed. Docs ss work pcompdy and elficicnily, Qemmill'o Drug Store The Since cf Scccae. llez tdcclcc Mcc Weel 87 Ensccgcncy Plmnc Weal szl (After le p.m.) HOLLYBURN THEATRE PRIDAY cnd SATURDAY November scd nnd 4lb SPENCER TRACY cnd MARIO.'I NIXON THE FACE IN THE SKY MON., TUES„dr WEDNESDAY Ncccmhcc Sth, 7th nnd 8th CLARA BOW In CALL HER SAVAGE Man of the Forest By Zcnc Grey. TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies %Food, Coal Dump Truck bvork STASIP NEWS The regular meeting of the Stamp Club will be held on Mon- day, November 6th, at 8 p.m., at the home of Dr. Nash, 2206 Marine Drive. Mr. Leach of Vancouver, will give a paper on "Color Photo- graphy and Stamp Processea" The Junior Section will meet in St. Stephen's Parish Hall on Tuesday, November 7th, at 4I00 p.m. I Stratton'8 BAKERY BREAD - CAKES jhieat Pica Sausage Rolls Bambury Cakes ALL PRESE DAILY bfade at 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 LITERARY SOCIETY J. L. PETTIGREWThe next meeting of the so- ciety will be held on Thursday evening, November 9th, (a week from the appearance of this notice), at 8 o'lock, when a lantern lecture on "Cariboo" will be given by Rev.,W. Stott„ B.A., of North Vancouver. All who are interested in the sub- ject are welcome to attend this meeting. RADIO TECHNICIAN Slcmhcc .A.ILT. cf ILC. Phoae Scy. 422I. a'csl IS X Mn, Sniff: "It is being whis- pered around that you snd your husband are not getting on well together." Sfre. Jones: "Nonsense! We did have a few words and I shot him, but that was all there was to it." Support the $5,000 Welfare Drive. HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP B.C. Sl'ECIAL THIS WEEK -- MEN'S SOX..................., MEN'S DRESS and IVORK SHIRTS........ $ 1.50 up LADIES'ILK HOSF. 49c, 59c, Ssr 1678 SIARIVrE DRIVE Library 26c Month Ladyship IVools L. O. IL A. No. 703 DANCE ORANGE HA I.I FRIDAY. VOVESIBER 3rd IL C. Rangers'rchestra Dancing 9 to 12. Admission SS Cenut -- rryci 4 rc sv rRd A" h a". n*