0001 4 I sr 5 S'~srsssvscmsr rrl I 5I'sr 'I h svm'r, rr I 5 siv rIi-' c. 5 'Iymcec II I\'smls is I'5 I rci..sirIIII II I ~ . ~ 5' I rs", r rPrr V rv rvvrrsr v\'rr rrrrv rrrrrrv5~rVrrrr wrr rrs"tvr'vr 5'vv rrrrVr5 Bridge Hands Slssooih ltoedc of iUy - white oed ius- isoos nails with sex- (bio tips slightly sounded, great the Bridge koososb Doss I acgiocf io hsstc c mimi cure Ches you won't be iscod Gfgiefydolyyf Beafdfy Shoppe 1&46 Mctiec Drive Phoae West 111 Ncw Sccsce's Norwegian Cod Liver Oil c sixteen ounce bottle fot Al(IBLESIDE PIIARI(IACY W. L. EER, Prop 1401 Mctios Dtisc Phone Weft 323 FREE DELIVERY Teacher: "Who was the world's smartest msn?" Boy 1 "Thomas Edison. He in- vented the phonograph and fadio so that people vtould stay up at night snd use his electric light bulbs." VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 0 FERTILIZERS of all kinds Wood, Conk Builders'upplies Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fits, AeiomohUC, Burglary, Accident ced Sickacca sic. ZS&T King'o Ate. Phoae W. 42Y& Esichiishsd on North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Axsictxet) IIARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON gIIneral Strectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th & Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Ptoptictot. ~ WOMENI ~ sf tsc base ssfsd sswtsbbm bs ssd fsibsf Io sbsslo Icssf ssb ssss cmssdrt fiw Dn. ~ssslsd IIN nss. Naa~~e~bm ss Snin for ssmw fsc bsu ~ ssobst. oo ~scssocs dsocs. msssd so sscsSOS sfSdss. amxnfcxgssocgga KKMKDY Co.~ ga Vfsscsis m Iimsmss Osssds THE West Van Netvs Pohiishcd Escty Thossdcy PohUshst F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bociocs sod Ediiotici Oificot 11th ced bistioo Dtiso (Next to Houyhots P.O.) Phone West 363 Moil Addtcscs P,o. Box $1. Hoiishete, ILC. North Vancouver Ofi'ice 1 123 Lonsdaie Ave. $ 1.00 4 ycst hy carrier: $2.00 ~ ycot by mall. THF. WFST VAN NFWS HOLLYBURN HALLWEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th cod Esse(meit, Houyhoto This Socisiy is ~ Btcxch of The Mofhst Chotch The First Chutch of Chtici, Scisotisb in Boston, MsmochUsctto Sunday Service: 11:20 o.m. Sunday. November 5, 1933, Subject: "ADAM Ass(D FAI.LEN AlAN" Sunday School at 10500 o4o. TOOHmoay bicsiing Wednesday at 0516 p.m. UNITED CHURCH Next Sabbath morning will be "Fathers Service", in West Van- couver Unjted Church. All par- ents are c6rdially invited. In the evening the minister will answer the question, vtVhy s Sanctuary for Worship?o Monday, 8 p.m., a meeting of young people of the congrega- tion in the Church Hall. IVednesdsy. 8:00 p.m., Bible study and prayer. Thursday, 8 p.m, Choir prac- tice. Sunday School snd Bible Class every Sabbath morning at 10 s.m. 14th oad Duchess FRIDAY, Nos. Ssd, oi Tsab p.m, Yoessg poopio's cctsico Hiositciod by Lantern Vices. SDN1)AY MORNING. Nov. &, ci 10 s.m, Ao Address io Young Poopio hy biR. J. BRAY SLINi)AY EVENING ci I:20 Gospel Mcssogs Spsskcts biR.JOHN iiRAY A hearty insiiotioa M ex- tended io oU. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH November 6th -- 21st Sunday alter Trinity. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 df 11:15 K.m.--Sunday Schools 11:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion snd Sermon. 7:15 p.m. -- Evensong (k Ser- mon. An Oxford Group team will be present. November 29th (Wednesday), hss been set aside for a special day of Prayer snd Rededication. Special services of Intercession snd Devotion will be held sll day with special conductors for the several hours. St. Francis-in-the-tVotsds, Csulfeild Sunday, 3 p.m. -- Evensong and sermon. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Sunday 8:45 R.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 8:00 s.m.--Holy bias&. 7:30 p.m., Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:30 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. BAPTIST CHURCH Services 1000, R.m.--Sunday School snd Bible Class. 11:00 s.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 7:30 p.m.--Rev, H. P. Humph- reys. 8:00 p.m., Monday--B.Y.P.U. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday -- Prayer snd Praise. 8:00 p.m., Thursday.-- Choir Practice. Ordinance of Lord's Supper will be observed at close of morning service. 8:00 p.m., Tuesday -- Annual meeting of Bibk Society will be held in Baptist Church. Lantern lecture by Rev. N. A. Hsrkness, "Blazing New Trails." I'RESBYTERIAN CHURCH Orange Hall. Sunday morning service at the regular hour of 11:15 in the Orange Hall. Everyone is made welcome. W.'C.T.U The monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Hibberd, 5176 16th Street on Thursday, November 9th, st 2:15 p.m. An address will be given by Mrs. G. Lsnning of Vancouver. All ladies inter- ested are cordially invited. Motorist: "I ought to get s new wing out of you.o Enraged Motor Cyclist: "Yeah snd if I had mjs wsy you'd get 0 harp as welL'HE BUIL(ING BUSH By Subadsr One hears a good deal these days of what youth thinks about. this and that, indeed some seem to go out of their'sy to make these inquiries. As 0 matter of fact, if there is any wisdom in 'experiencw, the opinions of youth are of little value snd should. seldom be asked for. Among the Red Indisnsf who certainly got more out of life in this Canada of ours than the white msn is able to boast about, the young braves were never invited to speak at the council firesb Their Job was to do what the wisdom of their elders decided. The ss. pirations of youth, however,sr'n an entirely di(ferent category, and should receive sll the at- tention it is possible to give them. Every civilization in its early stages hss been an im- provement on savagery, just as every civilization in its later snd more complicated form hss been s mess. And that is what is wrong with ours. It's too com- plicated to move either forward or backwards. For this reason it would seem almost reasonable that parents nowadays extend sincere apologies to their child- ren for bringing them into the world at sll. That ought to be enough. And I hear some pro- fane person say "By God I Yes.o s They'e got a newspaper wsr in England, which is said to have cost the three great syndi- cates some 815,000,000 in gifts, the idea being to get the public to subscribe to s paper not so much for its value as a news- paper as for the washing mach- ines, etc., handed out free with subscriptions. Any newspaper which hss to resort to such prac- tices to live will in the long run go out of business, because it means that intrinsically it is not worth reading. Moreover, newspaper syndicates should be abolished by lsw for the reason that in practice their papers tend to serve rather the interests of the syndicate than those of the town or district in which they are located. However, John Bull is pretty sensible snd pretty drastic, so before long he will probably break up his newspaper trusts'ss not in the best inter- ests of the public. 5 ~ The little mining town of Is- saquah near Seattle, hss 0 real lighting 'mayor, by name Mrs. Stella Alexander. At a recent council meeting, according to re- ports she ejected one councillor personally and dismissed the town marshal, which is s mighty good evening's work for one man, leave alone a woman. Un- fortunately it is not stated what happened when she got home, but I expect she threw her hus- band out of the bedroom window snd pitched the kids into the garbage csn. Such women should not have husbands, but somehow they always own some miserable little shiverer snd s raft of kids. These hardly ever sit down, take snap meals on the bound, and go to bed on tip toe. On the parlor wan is usually displayed in large letters In a frame the words "There's no place like home." And there isn'. Novcmlsor 2 lqqq Store No. 31, 1414 Marine Phone West 313 MANAGER - g, ARDLEY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY Rn(I SATURDAY November 3rd and nh. SOAP -- Sunlight, 4-bar carton................. Igc (Limit 2 cartons) SOAP -- Lux Toilet .......,....,.....,.... .each 7c TEA -- Blue Ribbon ...... lb.:15c CHEESE -- Ontario Nippy . lb. ".IOC CHEESE -- Ontario Mild .. Ih, 19c ROMAN bIEAL -- large psckage ... --. - " --. hfATCHES -- Eddy Owl, 8-box carton OA'fS -- Quaker Non-Premium, large package. PINEAPPLE -- Singapore ...........................,'I iino 25c PEAS -- Aylmer, Sieve 4. No, 2 tins.......... 2 for 2&c CORN -- Del Mais Niblets, 101/2 oz. tin.......... I ic TOMATO JUICE -- Libby's No. I tin ........... 3 for 25c WAI NUT MEATS -- Light amber pieces.... fsk lb. Idc NEW TELEPHONE SERVICE TO THE NOR'fH Telephone service from south- ern British Columbia to the min- ing towns of Anyox, Stewart snd Alice Arm, 500 miles up the coast, hss been opened by the North-west Telephone Company, which is affiliated with the B.C. Telephone Company. The new service is made pos- sible by s radiotelephone circuit between Campbell River, on Vancouver Island, snd Anyox. This circuit is the most north- erly yet established by the North-west Telephone Company, which already bas circuits to Ocean Falls, Prince Rupert snd Prince George. Conversation between Anyox snd Vancouver is achieved by 0 combination of telephone lines and the radio link, snd takes place in the same wsy ss on an ordinary long-distance call. FREN(.H CLUB FORMED With an attendance of sixteen s French Club wss last Thurs- day evening organized at the home of Mr. snd Mrs. Fred J. Patterson, Gordon Avenue. As the program snd conversation were carried out in the French language s very profitabl snd sgreesbk evening wss spent. The next meeting will be on Thursday, November 9th. The News DR. G. D. H. SEALL DENTIST Hcy Block, 14th lUld Mctieo Dt Ofsco Hours 9 io 0 p to Esooiogs by sppoieimoet. Phoae West Tz DT.Marjory MCCnbbin DENTIST House'9c m iosp m Saturdays 10 ~ m fo 1 p m Escnisgc ood Saturday After- eoons by appointment only. Royal Bosk Building Phone West 446 Residence Phone West 292. PETER PAN KINDERGARTEN Two Cicsscc daily -- 9.12 or 1-4 Chgdtce for one or two sessions c week wokomc. RATES: $ 1.00 pct week; 26c pct session. Ptcc transportation. Enroll oow Phone West 16TL Plans sre now under weigh for Vancouver's first Radio Gala which will be centred in the Van- couver Hotel for four days, Nov. ember 8th to 11th. Afternoon and evening performances will be given in the Crystal Ballroom, these comprising actual pro- grams as put on the air by Van- couver'9 brosdwssttng stations EST +AN MOTORS (BILL GROUT) 1451 Marine We Spsciciiso ie Picssiog tho Cosiomot West 208 All Wise Auto Owners will soon be protecting the cooling systems of their cars against expected cold weather. ANTI. FREEZE . We have on hand 0 new stock of ANTI-FREFME to ser- vice your csr with. Come in snd have this attended to NOW and then you csn rest easy as to whether it will freeze by morning or not. We are now handling GOODYEAR ITIRES FIRESTONE TIRES thus giving the choice of the two most Popular and Service- able Tires on the Market. QUALITY bi EATS PRIME BEEF IVIII.K-FED VEAL Blade Roasts......... lb. 7nsc Roasts -- Shoulder Stewing Beef ....... 2 Ibsa. 19C Cuts ..... ..... Ib . 8 '/1 c Boneless Rolled Breasts ....., ....... lb. 10c We scsctsc ibc sisbi io limit eosniiiics SAFEWAV STORES LIMITED LtHM:II:IIS ~ Iclllbo~~s I':Iki:ICIIII"I WI4 ' j @6"e i I 1