0001 r r' r cr- v irr 'tyawt t C4r c!'x t~iccttw'~' cxtlt.gr" J C'1"i'ar ~ it ' r'rr t» rrrr rr r 'r,rrvrrri'&rr»' vrrrvr . vttrrrt'v v r. trrrrvrrtvt-vvrrrr'«r vrt «vrvrrrrrrrv vrtv~ rt 'r .«~ rrr v rv .rr rrrrvr r rv Phone West 469 Phone West 46 Smith 's Grocery SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS-- "„';"„" '„"'ASTRY FLOUk, Aesicsnsa I 0 ib. bsg .. ., ............ . 37c STRAWBERRY JAM. iVsbcb-puce $2 ss. 1st ..., .....,......., „„. '29c )SAR!SALADE. Orange. Nabob spccisl peck......... $$ ss. 1st Sic Rcc 6 Whiie TOMATOES Large iias .............. 2 iias 26c I'EAS. Bise k ivhiic Choice ..............., 2 iias 2$c kcd a White Psmpkia. large )Is 12c kcc k White CHILI SAUCR )2 ss. bciiic ..... Isc kcu 41 White SPAGHEI'Ti with Cheese a Tsmsis Sauce ... tis Isc Rcc 0! Whnc LOBSTER, ....... Vis )yc ))s 27c SARDINES. Nabob. Rts. 2 tins '25c Rce awhnc RED SOCKKYE SALSION, )ta............ ycr iia 18c Rcd a 'ivhiic FkUIT cAKE I Ib cck» ykg. 25c CHOCOLATE GRAHAM WAFERSdsxca........i......... 1st OAT CAKES. Robbic Burns'kgs ................. ......... 26c FANCY $IIXKD BISCUITS Ocmcad's ......................pcr ib. 25c I'RUNES, aice medium siss 2 lbs. SSc BLA('K FIGS. Ntw (rcsh stock 2 lbs. 15c C()RNED BEEF. Hcimci. 2 iiss 25c Rcc a Y)hne hiATCHES, less $ boxes Syc PRE!)IIUM BACK BACON, Swift's I') Ux imciisgc ................ 15c PEPPER, Black ss4 White, 2 iiac 15c FkEE! -- hit(s) Dust Pss wiih hssdic. wkh every I'ROSPEIIITY BROO.'8. 5-sic!ass .. each lsc kcd 4) Whiic FLOOR WAX I lb. )is............... Syc KKI.I.OGG'6 WHOLE )YHEAT FLAKES. ycc pki ................ 1st I'EARL WHITE SOAP .. 4 bees 15c BON AMI PO)YDKR . )is 15c ked 6 White TOILEr ROLLS 2 Ict Iyc HALLOWE'EN CANDY, Yellow (k Black Jelly Beans, kii4gcc Gums, Orange Slices, pcc lb. 25c; y)lb. 1$c BKKFKX Ct!BES„....... small iis Iec Large iis ...................... 2$c GINA-$1ITK, Buick Ccskisg Wheat Cereal ................ package 184 UNEMPLOYED ASSOCIATION The regular meeting of the Unemployed Association will be held tomorrow (Friday) at 8 p.m. in the Socialist HalL Fol- )owing the regular business an address on "The Effects of Nat- ionalism" will be given by C. Grant McNei). hfembers and friends are asked to attend. STAMP NE)VS There will be a meeting of the Junior Section of the Stamp Club in St. Stephen's Parish Hall on Tuesday next, October 81st, at 4 p.m. Next Senior meeting Monday, November 6th, subject "Stamp Processes," by Mr. Leech of Vancouver. PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS Jack Loutet Candidate FOR TRANSPORTATION Phone Early to Mrs. Watt, Phone West 141 New Models-New Prices New Performance HE new l 934 radios have just amvcd. And what radios theyT are. They src many and varied from "personal" io superb con)des snd feature many improvements including automatic vdume con(col, automata noise reducer, tone fidelity snd tone cdor. At the present time we are Featuring s display oF three oF the liigh clam makes we carry--General Elec)ric, Spar(on, snd Northern E(couic. One of ihe most popular oF )hcc» makes is shown. k is the 8-iube Nor)hem Electric and is a good exsmpkc oF the new, lower pricca Don't fail io see and bear ii 'm our showroom. and the clhers ioo. c)F cowrie. Generous TraSle-in Allowance We dyer a Senccouc irade.in alkwvance snd an easy Form oF payment on the ncw (934 radios. Enquire. This is dm new Northern Ekcuic 'Wide RanSc" receiver featuring muhi wave reception. Fus cash price ic only $/47 so f6 APPLIANCE STORES lVhy vote for a "Party" or a "Platform" when you can vote for a MAN? R. R Rose . Csmpcigq hisssgct THE WEST VAN NEWS FOOTBALL Juvenile League, Division Il. There is a new entry in this )eague, and they made their firs appearance against West Van. on Saturday, at Ambleside Park; this team--the Star of Italy-- played a good sporty game, and show promise of developing into 8 good side. The local boys won 8 to 0, in one of th» fastest games seen this season. The line-up was: Aldred; Wemyss and Mason; Flddes, Willingdon and Harper; Richards, Patter- son, Laster, R. Brine and D. Brine. WEST VANCOUVER UNITED F. C. United played Grandview Sports Club Saturday last at Ambleside Park; The visitors were a smart aggregation, but at 0 disadvantage on the heavy ground. Result West Van. United 2; Grandvlew Sports Club l. Next Saturday, October 21st, United meet Burnaby United at Central Perk. Regarding trans- portation get in touch with T. Timbrell, West 192L. searched in 8 body for Major Edelston's mother-in-law, who had been lost since last Monday. She was found last night by the police. WEST VAN RANCERS Last week the above team maintained their undefeated rec- ord, being now credited with six wins out of six games played. Their opponents were Burnaby Athletic who were defeated by 8 score of 8 goals to two. Burn- sby scoring their two goals in the last ten minutes. This Saturday the local boys are at Ambloside Park playing 8- gainst Little Mountain Athletics who have lost one and drawn one game out of five played. They are credited with being a fast team so a good game is to be expected. Kick-oif st 2:46, Ambleside Park. Come in crowds. "And so you'e travelled 8 good deal then, sirr'Yeah--some, bo." "And you think you'e seen a lot, then?" "Wal, I guess I have, brother. I reckon I'e seen pretty well all there is to be seen." "Hum," remarked the oldest member, thoughtfully, "hum, and have you ever had delirium tremens, lad?" "Of course not Why cor'nly not," spluttered Hiram P., indig- nantly. "Hum," said the oldest mem- ber again, "then you'e seen nowt--or brother!'nd that ended the session. Persistent "No, my dear," said the fath- er, "I cannot approve of the young man. For one thing he shows lack of interest in his call- ing." "In his calling!" replied the astonished daughter. "Why, he calls seven evenings a week!" American Tourist (at a Lon- don fruit stand): "Do you call those puny things plums? Gee, they aren t nothin'o what wc have in the States." Cockney Store-keeper (rising to the occasion): "'Ere, you, stop messin'baht with them grapes." "I really don't know what to do about Jim," said Kitty dis- tractedly. "Ever since I met him last year he's only given me 8 bushel of kisses." "Bushel?" repeated Jean. w)Vhat ever do you mean by that?" "Why, four pecks, of course," explained Kitty. "I beg yssc pardon, but what is your nsme?" the hotel clerk asked. "Name I" echoed thc indignant guest, whc hsd just signed the regia- (sr. "Don't you sce my sigssiucs there ca the register?" "I ds," answered the clerk. "That' what roused my cqclcsity." October 26. 1988. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS The rata (ct CICSCISSS Adrcciicc 25 ccats. Kxccpi Ia ihc csee cf these Scds src ps)shiv sicicUy ie sccssce. Rsmmabcc CisssiSccs is ths West ments is 2 ccsis ycc wct4 hsviag rcgsisr sccsssis. CU cicssi Vsa News gci lmmcdi~)s cscshs, t CARI'ENTkY, SHIN('LING. Gcscrsi Repair Work. Wssi 4$0L). TO RENT--8 kcsm Modern House, goad Iccsiicn ssd view; site 8 room furnished bouse, reasonable rents. Phone West 884R. OLD GOLD -- 14si Price Paid. West Vss. Jeweler, 1622 hist!ac Drive. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dua4srste: WooL Notions, Toys, Hardware, Psisis eic THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION cc. quiccs discarded clothing. Phcse West S7 scd irucck will cckeci. Si'IRKLLA CORSETIKRE -- Phcsc West 487L WEST VANCOUVER PROI'EIITIFN For Saic ssd Wanted. C. J. Archer Lid., 1415 Marine Drive. Phone West 226, Seymour 6964. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER--Daily cr periodically at your home. Phcsc West 104Y). CHI)IVEYS CLEANED -- Nsw's the time before winter cciscs. Phone ')vest 8 IL or 290R. WANTED--9'ssr-rccm I)icdcts House ysctiy furnished. Apply Box 8, West Vse News. FOR SALE -- 25 Furd Cuspc, gcc4 motor, fair tires. What cgcrs I West 43. FOk RENT -- Four-room modern Buuxsiow, full piumbisg, furnace, new range, newly, decorated, Those West 267L. TO RENT -- Furnished Fisi, iwc rooms ssd kitchenette, verandah, nese ferry. West 35Y. FkEE MARCELS with every 2$c Shsmpco or Haircut; ec sppcist- ments. HCUybucu Acsdcm cf Beauty Culture, 1648 Marine rice. FOR RENT -- 6 Room Bungalow scsc Beach. Range, 2 Arcpisc«s, furnace, gscsgc. Reasonable. Phone West 48)LS. FOR SAI.E -- Tudor Kiccitic Pire- place, Acstwlsm condition; half pmce. Apply 7148 Argyic; West 031L. RADIO TECHNICIAN -- Isclskc- Ucss. Cepsim, radios tested, serviced sud custom built. Tcm Brown, West 280R. FOR SALE Csw Manure. Phcsc West 68. ISAkCELLE SHOPI'E -- Thctmiquc Permanent Wave without dssgcr of burning. his)tel 60c; reset $5c'I Finger Wave 60c. Phone Ifcs. King West S04, 1620 Marine. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses ic Rent. Hcuscs, lots, snd acreage for sslc. John Lswccn, 17)h sn4 78sriuc, Phone West 66. WEBB'S SHOR REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Duedsrsvc. DANCING -- GYMNASIUSI Wumsn -- Limbering ssd Badminton, I"rids cccsisg. Mcs -- Tuesday ssd Thursday even- ings. Dum)Crave HCU Phone West 4S6RI I'JIOVINCIAL FJ.BCTIONS ACT Sec(ice 154 MARK PHILLIPS, 2277 In Icwcsd Avenue, West Vssccuvcr, p scictcc, hsc been appointed Agcst for Hsricy Christian Erskine Anderson. Cssdi- date, In place of bioccis Ralph Phini whc hss become unable is sct In 1 is cspscny. DC(cd si Ncrih Vancouver, B. C., this 20th dsy cf October ISSUE F N. COPPING, Returning Oificer. FOR RENT -- Hesse as Wsiscftesi, yearly Iesss. Pbcns West 88RI. FIRST.CLASS SHOB REPAIRING-- 14(h at Ferry. Best msiecisl ssd workmanship. GLCI' Y FREE ESTIMATES ea Psisiism Ps ring ssd Ex!cpm)n- ing. C. L. Ssisgc, Rcs. Phcsc West 894R. COI,IN TURNBR, Cstpeaicc ssd BuUdec. A)terat!sex ssd repairs. Phone West 879R. HEADGUARTERS for AR the Psp uisr Cigarciies, Tcbsccos, snd Fish- ing Gadgets for local waters Ambiccids Tcs Rooms. FOR PLUMBING kEPAIRS -- Iles Idcacc Pbssc Wss) 241R. 6'j ,i I;, ~II . GORDON ROBSON Bcrcisicc -- Sckcitsc WEST VANCOUVER- Oifice Ns. 1447, Msrbm Drive Phone West 40K 10 ts 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 601: 610 HCCHogs Bi. W Phone, Seymour 4109. 2 te 6. GEO. HAY Nsiscy psbi4 Rcsi Ex(sic 6 Illsscsacc l lstlngs Wanted 1405 Msciec Drive Phcac Wssi 21 or Scymsec 1200 Eccaisgs West 204X WATER NOTICB Take notice, that Edwsni Tbcmsc, whose address is 408 Prcvlace Bldg., Vancouver. B. C., wUI apply fcr ~ Uceqcc is take asd uce Osc Hundred (100) Cubic feei pcc scccsd cf water cui of Met)hews Creek (Nssisiuks), which Acwc In ~ north wcsicciy dir- ection ssd drains into the cast bcssch of the Homsiks River, about iwc apd one half miles fram the outlet of Tsi)syccc Lake. The diversion dsm will be located about iwc miles from the mouth cf ibe creek, at the crest of ~ natural fall spprcximsteiy 16 feet Ia height, the wsicr will be diverted srcssd ihc fans by spprcximsiciy 100 feet of f'pc line ic the power hsucc Iscsiiee s ~ small bsy below the Is)is. Ths wsicc wUI be used fcc ycwcc pucycscs upon the "AREL" miscmi cisim located appceximsiciy cse mUc from ihc sewer ~ iic. This I)pi!km wss pm)cd se thc xrcusd on ihc twcsty-)hicl dsy cf Aqcssi, 1083. t A copy of ibis ssiicc ssd an sp. pkcstlcs persusst thereto ssd ic the 'Water ACL 1014," will be Sled In tbc cifice cf ihc water ccccrdcc, si Vancouver, B. C, obicc\icnc te ihc sypkcstica msy be A!cd with the mid W sicc Reccrdcr oc wkh the Ccmpicckcc cf Water Rights, PCCUsmsst BuUdisgs, Vic teria, B. C., wkhis ihiciy days cf ihs )its) syycscsscc sf )his notice ia s iccsi newspssct. EDWARD THOSIAS, Appkcssb, By W. R Bcssycssiic, Agcsi. The dais cf ihc Srsi psbkcsiien of ibis eeiicc 4 Ocicbcc 19, 1038, Government Inspected On)y 1 Store al Hollyburay next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER '" snd all Building hister)al of Best Quaaty at )4)w Itrlces. HU I I.D NOW! EST VANCOUVER /UMBER (".O. I.TD. Phone West 115 Rmh I'hone West 868L 151h snd Ylarine "R(ght Service -- Right Grudes" j CLASSIFIED ADS