0001 h'h* 4k VA '!~~A «r! rx s~! k«rr ! ! zmw or Ir'sxhmCLH! ptr w! r! :rr c ~ 4 ~rp x pm « ««e ~ v I '! rrrr .rxrr«L ~ 'v ~ '!~r«rrrrt«r«rrrrr r r. ~r ~ vWr rrr 'rrr«rrr r ~v«rr«rr«rrrrr rwrrrrv«r"r«V«r, « rx'rrr«rrr«rr~r wr rrr«r .'rr rr A' rrr«« Hallowe'egs Special-- 3 SHAIIPOO HAIR CUT FINGER WAVE MARCEL MANICURE EYEBROIVS ARCHED Prepare for the Henowe'ea fes- tivities by having any three of ibe above services for SI.SS. Gffjcffdolyff BcfJuty ShoPPc 1040 Marine Drive Phoae Wast 117 Prescriptions Our Dispensing Department is well equipped io supply what- ever your Doctor orders. ANBLESIDE PHARNACY W. L. KER, Prop 1401 Marina Drive Phone West 323 FREE DELIVERY VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phone West 0 FERTILIZERS of all kigssls Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Aeiomobiie, Bergiarr, Ac!Ideas xod Sidmses, sic. 2$$7 King'4 Ave. Phone W. 42YS Established oo Nofib Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Sirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop Izih A Marine BXPERT SERVICB E. SIARSH, Proprietor. ~ WOMENI 5 If Sim ham fmxd ewmmmL elm xxs fxtus Ioficxsasocxza azmgpv co.m 4mVuhwl~ Ih Tmmm, Cmxsx ~ West Van Nerljs Pebiixbed Every Thursday PobUxher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bimiamh emi Editorial Ogive f 17th xsd Mariae Drive (Next Io HoUybors P. O.) Phone West 363 Mall Address! P.o. Boz ~I. HoUvbera, B.C. North Vancouver Offlcet 123 Lonsdale Ave. li.eo ~ year bv carrier! 02.00 ~ year by mxiL i Oftntfcr 26 19%ITHE WEST VAN NEWS HOLLYBURN HALLWEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICB 20th hed Bsqeimhlt, HoUylmfe This Society is 4 Branch of Th~ Mother Cbqfch The First Church of Christ! Sdfmtlst. In Boston, Maxmehosetis Sunday Services II:$0 e.m. Sunday, October 29, 193S Subject: "EVFRLASTI!(G PUNISHSIENT'unday School at 10:00 h.m. Testimony Meeting IVedaesdxy ~I 0:IS p.m. UNITED CHURCH There wss a large turn out for the Thanksgiving Supper in the United Church Hall on Tuesday. Following the banquet the choir rendered s delightful musical program . Rev. M. G. Nelvin, B. D., of Chalmers Church, was the guest speaker, and gave a most interesting lec- ture on Robert Louis Stevenson. 14th hod Dechms FRIDAY EVILIING. OCT. 27th at 7:$0 Addfvss Io young people by MIL JOIIN ANDERSON Illustrated by lantern views, SUNDAY EVENING, Ofi. 20th, at 7:$0 Address by MR. ROWLAND SAVAGE Suhlefif "Caskets." Sunday Scbool 10 a m PRbbBYTLRIAN CHURCH Orange Hall. October 29th. Sunday morning service at the regular hour of 11:16 in the Orange Hall. Everyone is made welcome. CHURCH FS OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST " EVERLASTING PUNISH- MENT" is the subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, October 29. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, snd He will draw nigh to you." (James 4: 7r8). The Lesson - Sermon also in- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book, "Science snd Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "We acknowledge God's forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spirit- ual understanding that casts out evil as unreal, But the belief in sin is punished so long as the be- lief lasts." (p. 497). ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH October 29th -- 20th Sunday after Trinity. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 & 11:15 a.m.--Sunday Schools 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon 7:15 p.m. -- Evensong & Ser- mon. Saturday, Oct. 28th; St. Simon & St. Jude--10:15 a.m. Holy Communion. Wednesday, Nov. 1st, All Saints Dsy, 10:15 s.m.--Holy Com- munion. Oxford Group Team postponed until November 5th. Tuesday -- W. A. Hallowe'en Donation Tes, articles donated for Christmas bazaar. St. Francis-in-the-Woods, Caulfeild Monday--Women's Guild bridge and tea in Sunday School room. SPECIAL FACII.ITIES TO HANDLE ABSENTEE VOTING Returning Officer E. N. Cop- ping states that although every facility will be provided for ab- sentee voters, this form of vot- ing is not to be encouraged ow- ing to the large number of can- didates and great expense en- tailed in preparing these ballots. All voters who are able to reach their respective polling stations, should endeavor to do so. He also reports that on elec- tion dsy, November 2, facilities will be provided at all sixteen polling stations of North Van- couver riding to accommodate absentee voters. At K. P. Hall, special facilities will be provided. One deputy returning oificer will be assigned to handle ab- sentee voting solely. Any persons who are away from home snd regiltered in some other district of the prov- ince snd wish to vote absentee in North Vancouver, should en- quire prior to election day st the office of the returning of- ficer to get information relative to the particular district in which they are registered. Changes resulting from redis- tribution appear to have created some registration diificulties. Absentee voters are divided into two classes. One is the local absentee voter who is absent from his own polling division and votes in another in the same riding. The other is the voter who is absent from the riding on election day and votes in an- other. In every polling division deputy returning officers will have complete lists of sll candi- dates running throughout the province in the election, as a guide in connection with absen- tee voting. f ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Sunday 8:45 s.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon 10:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:16 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 f30 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 8:00 a.m.--Holy Mass. 7:30 p.m., Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:30 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. BAPTIST CHURCH Services 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 7:30 p.m.--Mr. Alexander. 8:00 p.m., Monday--B.Y.P.U. 8:00 p.m.p Wednesday -- Prayer and Praise. 8:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir Practice. W. C. T. U. The Vancouver District W.C. T.U. will hold its autumn rally in the Fsirview Baptist Church, West Twelfth snd Fir, on Mon- day, October 30th, cbmmencing at 10 a.m. Lunch will be served. Members of West Vancouver Union please take notice snd at- tend if possible. I.FGION NOTES The last meeting of the local branch under President Atwood, wss held at 7:30 p.m. in the Legion Memorial Hall last Fri- day st which the various candi- dates appeared to state their views relative to the ex-service men and their problems. Some of the speakers were re- turned men and expressed the opinion that the questions sub- mitted to them were very reas- onable snd each promised, lf elected, to give same every con- sideration, ss the changing con- ditions permitteIL Members are herebe notifie that important business will be up for discussion, snd disposal at the next general nseet"ing Fri- day, November 3rd. PETER PAN KINDERGARTEN Two Clxmfs daily 0 12 or 1.4 Children for one or Iwo ~vsstohx ~ week welcome. RATES: $ I.OO pef week; 2$c pvr session. Free transportation. Enroll oow. Phone West Ili7L Store No. 31, 14I4 Itlafine Phone West 3I3 MANAGER ~ E. ARDI ZY Values for Thrifty Shoppers I I'riess Elfectlve Friday and Saturday, Octobqr 27th snd 2gih. BROOMS -- Highway Brand, made by the Blind .....each 65c (Dust Pan free with each Broom) SOAP -- Pearl White..................................3 bars Ioc SOUP -- Aylmer, Tomato .................. 3 tins 25c PEACHES -- Rosalia, 16 pz. tins.................each 15c PEAS -- Aylmer, Sieve 5, No. 2 tins........... each 10c CORN -- Aylmer Golden Bantam, No. 2 tin....... 2 for 25c SALMON -- Billow Pink, tall tins)„.„.................each Sc COFFEE -- Max-i-mum, 1 lb. tin.................................each 35c VINEGAR -- Croese & Blackwell Molt, 26 oz. bottle...... 2ic JAM -- Frsser Valley Plum, 32 oz. jar................................ 25c LARD -- Swift's Silver Leaf.......................... I lb. carton lic I AMPS -- Sunbeam, 30-60 watt ......................... each 15c IA lb. 10c ,... Ib, Sc .....lb. I Oc 2 I bs. 25c BACON -- I"letcher's Sliced..............------. PORK SHOULDERS -- Lean PORK BUTTS -- Meaty .... MINCEMEAT -- For delicious piss We reserve the fiphi to limit quxnuues SAFEWAV STPAES LIMITED Isll:llill:Ilalrsl;Iso~~a a Ih&;IIIIII",/ l1IQ LIBERAL MEETING AND SOCIAL IN ORANGE HAI.L DR. G. D. H. SEA LE Chairman G. H. W. Jackson DENT ST SPOke Outlining POliCiee Of Liber- Hhy Block, I4ih aad hixrioe Dr. al party snd how after being s Oizce Hours 0 Io 0 p.m. good Conservative for years he Evenings by apppihtmexf, thought the Liberals far more progressive than hiz old party. He referred to the sterling qual- ities of Mr. Wood. He could take Dr.Marjory McCubbln no other course but to throw in his lot with the Liberal policy of DENTIST Work snd Wages For All. Hours: 0 e. m. Io 0 p. m. The Liberal candidate spoke Sxiqrdhys! Io ~.m. Io I p.m. outlining his constructive pro- Eyeemgs eod Shiordxy Afmr gram for the North Shore snd nooox by appointment ohly. was out and out for the First Narrows bridge and public high- way to Garibaldi Park, thus creating work for thousands of men. He also spoke with regard to the development of the North Keep this for reference. Shore. He stated that 75% of the South Shore wss fully de- veloped and that ~ the North Shore wss the only logical place CANPAICN MEETINGSassured his audience that if elected, he would do sll in his power to bring this about. After TONIGHT (Thursday, Oct. 26) the meeting the social wss taken Orange Hall, 8 p.m. over by Mr. H. Foote. M. C., and DR LYLF, TFLFORD dancing wss enjoyed until mid- night with as many as sixty Ex-Alderman cpuples pn the flpor at pne tjme HARI EY C. E. ANDERSON dancing to the splendid music rendered by Messrs. Childs snd TUESDAY -- October 31, Lowes. BIG C.C.F. RALLY Orange Hnll, 8 p.m. A very interesting Spirella demonstration was held last Fri- IVEDNESDAY -- November 1st w dsy afternoon at the home of st 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Florence Bowman, 19th snd, LADIES'EFTING Waterfront, tea being served Speakers: Barley C. E. Andersonlater. Mrs. Grieve is the local smn4 G ntrepresentative. liLIBERAL MEETING G. G. McGEER H. S. %VOOD, K.C. LIBERAL CANDIDATE ORANGE HALL WEDNESDAY, November 1st, at 8 p.m CASCADE SAND & GRAVEL CQ. Second Narrows Bridge, North Vancouver Special dressing for driveways and garden paths. Phone: North 136S; Night Phone, Alfl Ellis, West 160Y rr«rr«r W'rr«