0001 e A Weekly Newspaper Ct'rcuiating in the District of West VancouFPer-AnfbicsiCk, Hollyburn, Wcston, DundaraFPc f1.00 per year. Cyprc'ss Park, Caulfcild, Whytccitff, Etc. 6c per copy at newsstanda Vol. Vill HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1933 No. 25 l i ( sa ea Pshf hsee West essll, nss Wss lfsssl, Z ss eche I pshz Psp. Pish efsfs. ll'S w. i f I- (' ihsi sites sshls, , 77th , ,'Zzh !si hf [ Plslf pfhh el sis pslse , P.C ~lief HOWARD E. RYAN OUTLINFsI I'OI.ICY Addressing a well attended meeting at K.P. Hall, North Vancouver, last Saturday, How- ard E. Ryan, Labor candidate, outlined the principles which he proposed to follow, if elected to the Provincial House. Roundly scoring both the old line parties on their failure to consider the interests of the people, Mr. Ryan stressed particularly the need of shortening the hours of work with a corresponding drastic in- crease in the basic rates of pay, to ensure a decent standard of living for afl. He favored com- plete revision of the existing social service legislation to bring them into line with the rights of labor, and particularly the Workmen's Compensation Act, Old Age Pensions and Mothers'ension Act. He stood for National Insurance and Health Insurance and a drastic change in the Male Minimum Wage'Act. Mr. Ryan spoke strongly on the Land Sale Tax, stating that the Moratorium should be gener- ously extended to afi home own- ers from foreclosure and forfeit- ure., He favored the recall and was opposed to Section 98 of the Criminal Code. Supporting Mr. Ryan as speak- ers were G. B. Macaulay and P. Thompson of the N.L.C. of Van- couver; Mr. Roger Smith, Gerald Pelton, K.c., Col. Lyons of the I.C.C.F. Mr. - Ryan's yfuiciea were supported by this group. L O. D. E. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., are arranging the usual Armistice Day Service, which will be held at the Memorial Arch on Saturday, 11th Novem- ber, at 10:45 a.m. promptly. The committee in charge includ- es Mrs. J. F. Jackson, convener; Mrs. A. M. Laster, and Mrs. D. McTavish. Continuing the Empire study of the chapter, Mrs. J. Stu'art Jamieson will lecture on "South Africa" next Wednesday, 1st November, at 2:80 p.m. in St. Stephen's parish hall. WELFARE DRIVE FUND The closing meeting of the Welfare Drive Committee is to take place tonight at the Quadru Club in Vancouver, when aB the workers will meet for dinner as guests of the campaign chair- man, R. D. Peck. At the last meeting the total secured hsd passed the 84,000 mark. Some subscriptions are stifi coming in from citizens who have not yet been called upon. People are reminded that the volunteer flying squad is stiB available to respond to phone csfis from those who wish to participate in this first big com- munity movement, or cheques can be sent direct to the secre- tary, G. M. Gemmifi. The iigures given at the last report meeting show that the team of Wm. Blair and Wm. Dickinson led afi others with a total of more than 8600 secured to date. Close behind them was the team of J. D. Allen and J. S. Brown with more than 8500. The workers gave a vote of thanks to the staif of Inglewood School under Mr. Brooks and to Pauline Johnson under Mr. Brealey for subscribing to the fund 100'fh strong, also to the municipal employees wlso con- tributed in excess of 8800.00. J. M. BRYAN OPFNS CAMPAIGN HERE J. M. Bryan, independent can- didate, opened his campaign here last Thursday evening in the Legion Hsfi. Major Hargreaves and others were on the platform and gave short addresses, while V. V. Vinson acted as chairman. Mr. Bryan in a fighting speech referred briefiy to the events connected with the recent Lib- eral Convention in North Van- couver and went into some detail regarding his actions while s member of the Legislature snd as reeve of North Vancouver District, particularly the Capil- ano Golf Course scheme inaug- urated by him as a relief meas- ure. Unemployment was the great problem, but he did not believe that the solution of this snd the depression lay in the knocking down of the props erected by 1000 years of civilir ation. Planned public works of needed projects should be und- ertaken, relief camps abolished, and men on relief paid a fair wage. The province should enter into an agreement with Ottawa to put into efFect a National Un- employment Insurance Act on s contributory basis, the rate of workmen's compensation based on a man's wages at the time of an accident and Health Insur- ance put in force. He favored a Provincial Department of Muni- cipalities snd a Public Utflities Commission. AB education should be a charge on the prov- ince, also mothers'ensions and social services. He favored a First Narrows Bridge, the char- ter for which had been intro- duced into the Legislature by himself, and the original agree- ment to complete the P.G.E. to Squamish through Wlest Van- couver must'be honored. WEST VANCOUVER AMATEUR SWIM5HNG CLUB On November 4th the annual schools gala will be held at the Vancouver Crystal Pool. West Vancouver school swimmers in past years have shown the city that they are alive and should be able to do so again. LEGION NOTES ENTERTAINMENT The next military whist drive snd dance will be held in the Legion Hall tomorrow (Friday) evening, Good prizes will be given, and a hearty invitation is extended to afi to attend. The committee will do their best to provide s good time for their guests, refreshments will be served, and aB for 25 cents, in- cluding s chance at the big prize for the best aggregate score up to Christmas. LEGION W. A. The regular monthly of 'the Legion W. A. will be held on Monday, October 80th, in the Legion Hall at 2:16 p.m. Every member should make a special etfort to attend to make finsl ar- rangements for the poppies and Armistice Day. The Disabled Veterans, Branch 88, are sponsoring a Juv- enile Band concert tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the Fusfiiers'all, 29th and Main Streets. A splendid program has been arranged. Anyone desirous of obtaining a ticket please phone West 487L. 11. S. WOOD SPEAKS IN K. P. HALL Before the largest audience ever assembled in the present political campaign on the North Shore, the Liberal candidate, Herbert 8, Wood, K.C., on Mon- day in the K.P. Hali, outlined his policy with a directness snd sincerity which enthused his hearers and brought forth thun- ders of apylsuse. He made a strong appeal for the Conserva- tive vote on the North Shore as owing to the fact that there were only four Conservative candi- dates in the running in the whole of B. C. and none of these were on the North Shore, he was not asking them to desert their party, their party having de- serted them. Regarding the policies of the C.C.F. he men- tioned that their platform was impossible owing to the fact that they would not be able to raise money to carry it out and that also it would keep out British investors from B.C. As to devel- opment of the North Shore, Mr. Wood stated his every efFort, if elected, would be directed to- wards the North Shore harbor development and the building of the First Narrows Bridge, also a public highway to Garibaldi Park. This would create work for thousands of men and the road would also become a con- necting link to the Cariboo country. The other speakers were Ex- Msyor G. W. Vance, MacKenzie Mathieson, Mr. McLesn and Mr. as chairman. Stoker, the first named acting ORANGE HAI.L A dance will be held in the Orange Hall on Friday, Novem- ber 3rd, under the auspices of the Ladies'range Lodge. The B. C. Rangers'rchestra will supply both modern and old time music, and dancing will take place from 9 to 12. AB attend- ing are assured of a good time. WEST VANCOUVER A.A.A ANNOUNCEMENT Last Friday evening, October 20th, at the Orange Hall, a very enjoyable evening was spent by a large crowd playing Military Whist. The winners were: Eric Parker, A. McKenzie, W. At- wood, S. Stronge. The card games quit at 10 p.m. and the rest of the evening wss spent in dancing to the strains of a real snappy dance orchestra. AB our loyal friends and supporters are asked to bear in mind the date of the next whist drive and dance to be held on November 10th. Cards commence sharp at 8 p.m. Dancing 9 to 12. Re- freshments will be served free and will continue to be so for the rest of the season. The or- chestra on this occasion will be that of the Cinderella Hall re- engaged by popular request and everyone dancing is gnaranteed a real evening's enjoyment aB for the small sum of 26c. West Bay Ubrary In order to celebrate the first anniversary of the opening of the West Bay Library, the store will remain open on Thursday afternoon, 2nd November. Tea will be served tp friends snd customers between 8i'80 snd 6:80 p. Iii. C.C.F. MEETINGSJ. LOUTET AT CAPILANO Jack Loutet, Unattached csn- There will be three C.C.F. didate, speaking st Capilano on meetings during the next few Tuesday night. condemned the days, the first tonight at 8 p.m. eiforts of the Liberal Machine to in the Orange Hall; a big rsfiy attract votes to the Liberal can- next Tuesday in the same hall didste by classing aB independ- st 8 p.m., snd a ladies'eeting ents together. He stated that at 2:30 p.m. next Wednesday in he had no connection with any the Legion HaiL Dr. Telford others, though no doubt there and H. C. E. Anderson will speak were capable and honest men at the meeting tonight, and Mr. running in aB groups. Having Anderson and Grant McNefi at had experience in Victoria, hp the ladies'eeting. hoped that men who were not afraid to speak ss they thought CALVLV WINTER' would be returned, irrespective ORCHESTRA AT DANCE of their political aififiations. He FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27 was not afraid of log-roBing if the men were honest. He agreed HoByburn Pavilion will be en with those who thought that a fete on Friday evening, October Liberal majority would result in 27th, for one of the most popu- the same graft and mal-adminis- lar dances of the season. The tration which hsd driven so occasion will be the annual many of the honest Liberals out "Autumn Frolic" of the Duncan of the party. He thought that if Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. Danc- the Liberal candidate could not ing from nine o'clock. Admis- be elected on his own merits snd sipn Mc. record, he should not be elected Calvin Winter's Orchestra ss- merely through fear that his sisted by Mr. Frank C. Andets party might be short of a mal as Master of Ceremonies, is ar- ority to carry on. Answering' ranging several novelty numbers question, he stated that if the and the premiere appearnce of Liberal party hsd the largest this popular orchestra in West group in the House snd formed Vancouver is eagerly antscspat. a government, he would support afi the good measures advanced A happy informal affair is to by it snd only oppose those be the order of the evening and measures which were against the Chapter extend a cordial in- the interests of the people. The vitation to the many friends candidate outlined his ytatfprm who have always assisted the and in concluding promised to Chapter, to be present. Patron- act at aB times in the interests age tp the atfsir is being graci-pf good government, as he had-.hously extended by Mra Normanendeavored to do during the McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. James k. three sessions he had been " Mitchefi, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.the Legislature. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. James Rus- ENGLISH RUGBY TREAT B'on, Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Dor- chester, Mr. snd Mrs. Aubrey North Shore AB-Blacks, once again leading team in the Tis- daB Cup race, will be at home to Varsity at Confederation P.-T. A. NOTES Park, North Vancouver, on Sat- urday at 2 p.m. This will be the Sponsored by the pilrst appearance of the AB public meeting was beld in the Blacks on their home ground High School on Saturday even- since December of last year ing. North Shore candidates in since when they have won the the coming election were invited TisdaB Cup and both City snd to attend and express their at-provincial championships, not titude to the Educational policytasting defeat for almost a Fear. laid down for the F.-T. Federa- This season the AB-Bfacks tion. The candidates availinghave already met snd defeated themselves of this opportunity ail senior city teams, with the were Mr. Anderson, Mr. Bryan,exception of Varsity. They will kir. Lputet, Mr. Morson, Mr. be Ied by Tom Roxburgh at five- Ryan snd Mr. Wood. eights, ably assisted by Vern Laster at centre threequartese The ex-student extension clas- both of whom are from IVest ses sre now firmly establishedVancouver. with an enrolment of over 100. The game is scheduled to start A list of classes fofiowsi Mon-st 2 P.m. and will b foBowed day, 7780 P.m., P ufi Joh son by a second division tilt between Annex Motor ifechansce, Mr J the AB-Blacks second team snd Banks'I Tuesday 2780Ex-Britannia. Pauline Johnson, Applied Art, INTERNATIONAL SWIMJIING LEAGUE Mra'IV, Reid T,'el~ 8 iz .'residentL. C. Raid of the 20th and Gordon. Mrs. Hodg- W. V. A. S. C., and President son'), Home Nursing, Miss EI- Bambard of the V. A. S. C., have liott; Wednesday, 7780 p.m„ gone to Seattle to meet Jack Reid Pauline Johnson Annex, Spanish of Portland, Ray Daughters of kir. Cisnci; Wednesday, 8:80 y. Seattle, and Don Vickers of Se- m, Pauline Johnson Annex, Ac- attle. West Vancouver residents counting, Mr. L C. Reid; Thurs- will remember that aB these day, 6746 p.m.. Shorthand, High American coaches brought teams School, hIrs. 1V. Reid. here on August 6th snd are now The P.-T. A. extends a hearty anxious to promote swimming invitation to citizens to attend between Canada and the U. S. the regular meeting of the As- That West Vancouver swimmers sociation to be held in the High should be considered amongthpse School Library Tuesday, Nov- to be included in International ember 7th, at 8 o'clocck. teams should mean something. The council instructed the FoBowing the organ fund con- clerk to obtain a report ffpm cert last Thursday evening Mrs. the Ridge inspector in segsrd to and hiiss Durbin entertained the a store on Hofiyburn Ridge, and artists snd friends at their that he be adv~ised to discourage home, 20th snd Haywpod Ave- aB forms of commercial activity nue. outside the ski camp.