0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS October 19, 1933. '( A ~)A V A&V A &&A Ar r w ~ VF VAN VV VAN-W& -'A A&A 'Ar AA 'A ~ 'r vr V&' \ ' r vrr & VVV r'VA Vr rr ~ 'r vr err A vvrv vr'rr vr&&Vvvrrvr» rvrrrrrrlv-r vrvr& 'r v"r rv rrr rrrrrvr* vrr "vrrvvvrrr4 VV PVT. A. N(yl'FH The Extension Classes for uri- employed ex-students got off to a good start this week in its own quarters in the Pauline Johnson Annex granted to the Parent- Teachers'ssociation by the School Board for this special work. Reeve Leyland looked in on thirty-two students in the Motor hIechanics'lass under Jack Banks, on Monday evening, and oifered congratulations and good wishes. On Tuesday after- noon the students in Applied Art, directed by Mrs'. S. Derrick, made a good start for their pro- posed Christmas sale, some beautiful work being under way. In this connection Mrs. Derrick would be glad to receive tops uf used suede and kid gloves, pieces of material snd embroidery, which can be turned to profit- able use by the students. Miss Elliott, the Schools'urse, made an encouraging start on Tues- day evening with 8 class in Home Nursing, which will be fol- lowed after Christmas with a course in Infant Care. Students taking this class will be entitled . to sit at an examiation for s cer- tifi)cate issued by the Provincial Board of Health. On Wednesday evening students commenced a study in Spanish under hlr. Ci- snci, followed by Accountancy under the direction of L. C. Raid. Most of the evening class- es start at 7:30, and those wish- ing to enroll should phone hirs. H. Selwood, West 670L. The committee is endeavoring to establish a library for study purposes and those having suit~ able books to give or lend are asked to get in touch with Bruce Hamilton. A collection to assist ir. the running costs of this work, is being taken up at the Political meeting which the P.-T. A. is sponsoring at the High School on Saturday evening. Phone West 469 Phone West 46 Smith 's Grocery JEFFERIES'UPERIOR IVIEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Ilollyburriy next 'I'heatre PHONE WEST 3 SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS-- """" " '"'ct.20(h ssd 21st Ch 0I 'obin Hood (buck Cq»king h&naWare OatS "6»" - iss ~ pwm I 2?Cthe New English Ivory Chinaware GRAHAM WAFERS. Ormqsd'N ( VY ITCH HAZE(, TOILHI'OAP I RA xvkophxse pseksgq .--..... 194 ) I'Nr Nake....................... 44 4I FRUIT LOAF... each 194 GOLDEN CORN. Blue (5 White STONED )THEAT THINS . pkg. )4( Nm 2 U&m ...............2 tins 25N CHEESIL Svre&m Rvd 5& ivhi(q GREEN CUT BEANS F(uv Ylavq& ......Ii Rx pkg 154 Nm 2 iiq .. 154 MACARONI, kvsdy.cx( ...2 lbs. 15r Rvd e White TOMATO JUICE CORN STARCH, Csaxdx, ix Tall tins ......... 3 tins 25N Package .-- ... 104 Rvd e Whkv JELLY I'UWDERS BOLOGNA. Shamrock SAL'SAGE, BraokSeld, 1 ib Nxmoq 20N HALLOW E'N CANDY, Fancy SUNNA BUT('ER-- 4 kinds Y& RA is&c& per IIA 25c GOLDEN MEADOW 2 ib 43, LOGANBFJ(RY JASI ikAIDA VALE ........ 2 ib 4(c . aMb I'um ........... 4 lb. (Iq (H ROYAL CROWN WASIflNG SODA i BI UING. Rveknt'N... Package Se Mxdq in ILC .... Oxxkr( 9N ~ CLOTHES PINS. spring. 3 dos. )or ROYAL ('.koWN SOAP~Nba& ic SAI.T, nexxi Shaker. Pvr Nxrtux 9c TE~ Red & IVI ite Orange Pekoe 39Delightful Flavor 'er lb. LU 8ER and all Building Material of Best (lualiiy si I.ow I'riess. BUII.D NOW I gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone West 38kl 151h and hlsrine "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS The rate (&w CINNA(Svd Advs&((semen(N ix 2 cvxix px& wyrd, misbxs&s 25 cqsi&A kkcvpi In ihe case»( ibaxv haviag tqgqist Nxcouq(N, Nk N)NNA). Svdx are pxyxbi» Niriciiy ia sdrsscq R»mambvr Cixmiaxdx ix (hq West Vss News gxt immvd(~ (q &vxxkx. I.O.D.E. DANCE FOOTBA I,L RADIO TECHNICIAN -- iqx(skx. iiqsx repairs radios iqxixd NN&riced aqd custom buiii.,Tom Brown, ivexi an)R, FREE SIARCEI.S with e&cry 254 Shampoo or Haircut; qo appoint- ments. Hokybu&s Acsdem qf Beauty Culture, 1548 Marine rive. The annual "Autumr. Frolic" of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., is always eagerly anticipated and the event this year will be held on Friday evening, October 27th, at Holly- burn Pavilion. Dancing from 9 o'lock. For twelve years the Chapter at this time nf the year has entertained at s masquerade dance but this year 8 gay "In- formal Froffc" has been arrang- ed and the initial appear'nce of Calvin Winter's orchestra in West Vancouver assures the committee in charge of arrange- ments, that "gaiety" and "in- formality" will be the spirit 'of the evening. Favors, novelty dances, punch, refreshments snd the genial hlr. Frank Anders as Master of Ceremonies, forecast a "Frolic" of real enjoyment. Interested patronage is being ex- tended by Mr. Snd Mrs. Colin hlacLean, Mr. and'rs. J. R. hiitchell, hfr. and Mrs. H. S. Wood, hir. snd Mrs. A. Cromar Bruce, hir. and Mrs. Gordon Robson, hlr. snd Mrs. James Russell, Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Dor- chester and hire. Norman &hlc- Leod. Mrs. Alan McIntyre is general convener assisted by Mrs. Ber- nard Hayes, hfrs. James Mcln- tyre, hfrs. IC Burton F(7rster, and hlrs. W. B. Small. Tickets are available from Chapter'mem- bers. Admission 50c. Juvenile I.eugue--Division II. The local boys continued to display improved form when they defeated the Shamrocks (Vancouver) by 6 to 0 at Amble- side Park on Saturday. John Fiddcs opened the scormg with 8 nice drive from outside the penalty area, which the goaly hsd no chance to save, snd be- fore the close of the first half Harper scored on 8 pass from Brine. Plsyi+ against the wind in the second half the local boys took complete control of the game, a good individual effort by Willingdon resulting in a pretty goal. This wss followed by 8 goal by Love on 8 pass from Lester. Before time wss called Laster had added two more goals. The forwards are now working well together, and continue to in(prove. The half- backs played well and kept their forwards well fed; Wen)yss and hiason at back were sb&ays safe, but did not have much work to do. The line-up was: Aldred; Mason snd Wemyss; Fiddes, Willingdon snd Laster; Richards, S. Patterson, Harper, Love and D. Brine. Spare: R, Brine. Next Saturday the game is at Ambleside against Ex-Gordons: as the first game against the Ex-Gordons was well contested, a good game is expected on Sat- day. FOR SALE -- Cqw Mxxure. I'husv Wexi 68. KINDEI(GARTEN TEACHER--Daily ur periodically qi your qws home. Telephone for appointments. West 104YJ. FOUND -- Child's I'edxi Ax(q. Call si Police Sis(iqx f&w ides(iAcx(lqs. YOR RENT -- 5 k&mm Buqgxh&w ussr Beach. Rxqgq, 2 Areplxcvx, furnace, garage. Rvxxqqsbie. Phone West .1$ 1LS. '(VUSIAN WANTED iqf qqv whole time& afterwards 3&30 - 7&JO tv 'm. Good home. Apply Box 2, esi Vaq News. FOR SAI.E -- Tudor Elec(&ic I"ire place. Arximisxx coqdkiqq; halt price. Apply 214S Argyle; West 631 L MANURE -- Best Grade. Gravel, Sand, Wood. Hauling. (Vest 899X3. 5IARCELLE SHOP('E -- Thermiqss Permanent Wave wiihoui danger of burning Marcel Soc reset $64 Finger Wave Soc. Phone Mrx. King West $04. 1520 Marine. OLD GOLD -- Best P&ics Paid. West Vxq. Jeweler, 1522 Marine Drive. FOR RENT -- House on Wsiqritusb yearly lease. Phone West 8$RI. FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING-- 14(h at Ferry. Best material ssd workmanship GET MY FREE ESTIMATES os Painting, Ps eripg ssd Kxixqmis- iqg. C. L oqisgx, Rqs. Phoae West 394 R. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses io Rent. Houses, lots, snd acreage t»r sale. John Lswxqq, 17th and Marine, Phone West 66. Caddie Master (to new re- cruit): "Now then, m-boy, hop to it. And don't let me catch you standing around looking dumb-like as if you wss a mem- ber o'h'lub" "Sorry, Brown," said the doctor after ibe exsmixsiiou. "You'e in x veri& serious condition. I'm af&aid I'l have iq operate on yoq." "Operate." gasped Brown. "Why I haven't any money for an operation. I'm only s poor workiug msu." "You'rq insured, are you uqit" "Yes, but'I don't gqi that quill I'm dead " "Oh, ibxi'k be xk right," said the doctor, cquxqbugiy. COLIN TURNER, Carpqa4r sxd Builder. Alterations ssd repairs. Phone West 879R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Duuda&sve. DANCINC -- GYSINASIUM Women -- Limbering asd Badminton, Friday evening. Meq -- Tuesday aqd Thursday even- ings. Duqdarsve Hsii Phone West 4$6RI I'RINTING -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News, West 363. HEADQUARTERS for AR the Pop uisr Cigarettes, Tobaccos, aod Fish- isg Gadgets fqr local waisra Ambiexide Tes Rooms. YOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Res- idence Phone )Vest 241R CORDON HOBSON Bsrrlx4r -- Sqkcnqr WEST VANCOUVER- Ogics No. 1447, Msrisq Drive Phone Wsxi 403. 10 io Ia VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suiis 501& 610 Hastings Si. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 io 5. '(TATER NOTICE Take notice, that Edward Thomas, whose address is 40$ Province Bldg., Vancouver, B. C., will apply for 0 licence iq take snd uxe One Hundred (100) Cubic feet per second of wx(qr qui of Matthews Creek (Noxixiukoi, which flows in 0 north westerly dir- ection sqd drains into the east branch of the Homxiko River, about iwo xnd one half miles from the outlet of Taiixyocq Lake. The diversion dam will be locxiqd xbqui iwq miles from ibe mouth of the creek, at the crest of x natural fall approx(ms(sly 16 feet in height. the water will be diverted around the Iskx by approx(ms(sly 100 feet of l'pe line iq the p»wvr house location q x small bsy below the fsiix. The water will be used for power purposes upon the "AREL" mineral claim, located approximately one mde from the power site. This no(ice wxx posted on the ground on the iwqniy-third day of Au qxi, 1933. A copy of this qoike aqd an xp- piicxiiqn purxqsqi thereto xqd iq the "Water Aci, 1914," will be Aiqd In the qirice ul the water recordqn at Vxscouver, B. C. Obiqc(ionx io the xppkcxiios may be filed with the xxid Water 14curder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Pxrksmeqi Buildings. Vie- (prix, B. C., within thirty dxyx»f the A&xi appqxrxsce of ihix notice iq x iqcxi qrwxpx&x r. EDWARD THOSIAS, Appkesni. By W IL Bussycsxiiq, Agsqi. The dxis of the A&xi publication uf ihix notice is October 19, 1983. CHANGE OF 'USSCHEDULE GEO. HAYNq(xty Psbkc kexi Yrux4 a lxsursncqEFFECTIVE OCTOBER 23 Se(wexx Listings Wanted 1405 Msriqq Drive, Phoae West 21 or Sqymqur 1250 iivesixgs West 204X NOTICB Mim Yvsh Bokux konos 144essvd NOTICF. IS HEREBY GIVEN thai xk pqrxqqx hsvlx)f Cisimx sgxiqsi ibq estate of Siixx Lvsh Bokqs Bqkoq, formerly of 2004 Ma(hers Avesuq, West Vancouver, British Cslumbi», whq died on the 4th Sqpwmber, 1933, are required on or bqfqra the 20(h November, (033, io deliver or xesd by prepaid letter Cull psr(ku4rs of ibvir claims duly veriANd io THK ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, Executor of the I'ixisio qi ihs NsM Miss Evsh Boiios Bqiiqn deceased, si kx q(fks 6$6 Pesdqr Street West, Vsscouvsr, B. C, AND TAKE NOTICE ihxi slier the isxi mvqiiqqxd date the Kxqeuiqr will proceed io distribute Cbm sxsvis o( ibs dqqqs&md smopg the persons entitled chsrsu&, bsvisg NN psiy io ihe Nlshqx of which ii ~ sk then have hxd so(ice. DATED si Vsxcoqvsr, B.C., ibis 20th dx o! September 193$ . ROBER ON DOUGLIS e SYMKS, 640 Peqdxr Soqqt West, Vancouver, S,C., Soiiciisrs I»N ibo Royal Trsxi Cos& pssy. WESTBOUND--WEEKDAY SERVICE AM AM AM AM Lv. Nokb vxscouver ... „...... T.n& Kxo 0.'&0 Amble&ise...,. T.OO Tg. S.OS 0.30 Sr. Csxkqud ................ T.L 7.40 8.$) (i46 Ar. Ho&xexbov Bxy . „. )»(4) PM PM 11XO 2.20 4.20 )1 W) 2.30 4.30 11.45 2.45 4.45 3.00 PM IOI 0.00 0.40 8.) 0 8.50 6.25 X05 7.20 I'M &0.20 &2.00 &030 &2.&0 (0.45 (2.25 & 2.40 I'M PM E20 (0.45 6.30 ) 0.55 6.45 ().(0 7.00 IO( 5.40 5.50 6.05 AM PM 1).n& 2.20 1120& 2.30 1(.46 2.45 1'N& 3.00 I"Ar&r )m&q. wgsTSOUNO--8UNDAY 8ERYIGE Alr Lv. Nerib Vxxaovver 9.20 Awbn~(de As Cxxkxnd ........,.........„,........, .... „,, .... 0.4.& Ar. Hq&mxbox exy ....................................., ......,„,„., 10.00 x&rrg& An trips 'iv&A(boxqd Axd kb&v&buusd, AAN&e rlx (v wt vxq&wuv&& EASTBOUND--WEEKDAY SERVICE AM AM AM AM Lv. Ho&&exbee Sxy....... 6.30 cxvkeu ~ .....,.......... 0.40 Tyx& 7.40 ka& Awb(ex(Os ...Txx& 7.40 NJN& N.40 An Nqrib vxxeoxver ...... 7,15 77n x 15 &coo hk PM I'l I'M PM itu 1().20 ., 3.00 10.4O (.(0 3.)0 5.10 6.05 8.25 )(xm &.30 3.30 530 4.20 s.40 11.L) (N5 3.45 5.45 0.35 iqw AM 7.30 7.40 ) (.)0 8.00 ( ).30 0.(5 I &.45 AM A.M I'M P.'u .... aW n)J)0 )2.00 4.00 0.40 10.40 &2.)0 4.&0 ».&x) 1 L(m ) 2.30 4.30 0,1. 11,15 &2»5 4.45 rux&» rlx '(T«A& YAN&wxvv& YA&&) n&xi. EASTBOUND--SUNDAY SERVICE Lv. Horseshoe Bxy Cxxkeud Amb&NN&44 Ar. NNHO Vxxeosvxr NUTK: An &HNA, 1VAA&bv&md Nqd Ymmbaxxd PU I'M 7.30 7.40 & ).)0 Ess & ).30 0.)5 Lkilq Jqhsqie, hxvlsg lq hix pqs- ~qxxios 0 couple qf bantam heux, which isid very smail eggs, suddenly bk on 0 piss. Going the sexi morn- ing io the fowl-ruq, Jqhou4'N fsthsr wxx surprised I» Aqd xp ox(rich egg iivd io one»f the bqsmx, ssd xb»vq ii a card, wkh ihs words: "Keep yuur eyx an ibis spd d» your bmi." PACI F I C STACJES LI M IT E D TELEPHONES - - WEST 12, SEY. 7131 NORTH VANCOUVER, WEST VANCOUVER, CAULFEILD. HORSESHOE BAY