0001 October 19, 1938 THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. Support the $6,000 Welfare Drivel Many People AskLocal and Personal When do we close az night I This store is open until IO p.m. daily without exception. V Miss Connie Thomas has re- turned to her duties st the B C Telephone Co. here, following her annual vacation. ~ A ~ Mrs. Payne, 2319 Bellevue Avenue, moved last Monday to Vancouver. ~ ~ Thirty-two boys and girls at- tended the auto mechanics'lass which was held last Mon- day, This class is one of those which comprise the extension courses being put on for ex- students who are unemployed. O ~ Mrs. Lloyd of Sherman, is giving a house party tonight for sll those interested who live west of West Bay There will be several speakers.\ ~ ~ All those interested are asked to pleaoe note that the phone number of the Liberal Commit- tee Rooms at 1421 Marine Drive is West 166. ~ ~ ~ A North Shore Young Liberals Association is being formed and in this connection a social and dance is being held tomorrow evening in the Horticultural Hall, North Vancouver. ~ O O A most successful bridge wss recently given at the Tea Cup by Mrs. K. V. Lopatecki and Nrs. Lestock Raid. In the after- noon the prizes were won by Mrs. Paish and Mrs. Hampton and in the evening by Miss Mari- on Blair and T. Roxburgh. O \ Engagement Mr. Snd Mrs. J. E. Andrews wish to announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Phyllis Marion to Mr. A. Eerie Armstrong, of Kamloops, B.C., eldest son of the late 3Ir. F. E. Armstrong and of Mrs. Arm- strong, 1185 ESIIuimslt Ave., the wedding to take place in November. ~ ~ Last Friday Miss Elsie Part- ridge entertained her guests at a very successful party at her home on 22nd and Bellevue Ave- nue. The evening was spent en- joyably in dancing and during the latter half refreshments were served. Among those pres- ent were the Misses Betty Hodg son, Ginger Smallwood, Lenna Simpson, Doreen and Bubbles Bernard, Lils Rshy, Doreen El- gar, Peggy Barker, Bobbie Mc- Intyre, Pat Wallace, K. Simpson, Sheila Edwards Biddy Wyatt. also the Messrs. M. Allan, Art Jones, R. Douet, J. Edward, G. Armstrong, J. Watson, D. For- rester, D, Coleman, T. Elfstrom, H. Rahy, B. Robson, T. Robson, J. McLeod, F. Fennings, J. Dor- chester, H. Bennett, N. Hanbury snd J. Beatty. A number of West Vancouver musicians under J. Haydn Young played yesterday afternoon at the opening recital of the Wom- en's Musical Club in the Hotel Vancouver. These were: Miss Margaret McIntyre, Mrs. I". Knight-Hodge, MISS Nancy Rud- olph, Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove, Miss Madge Murray, Miss Winnie Brealey, Mrs. L. C. Raid, Leslie Brooks, Alan Iiicintyre, J. C. A. Long. Winter hss started on Holly- burn Ridge, five inches of snow having fallen on the plateau last ,Sunday. O ~ ~ Miss Frazer of Dundarave, has returned from a visit to Kam- loops. Ed Black, 25th and Marine Drive, hss secured the contract for carrying mail between North Vancouver and points west as far as Whytecliif., He will start on November 1st. Nr. and Mrs. Gordon Keith have returned from their honey- moon, and are taking a suite in the Keith Block, 15th and Mar- ine Drive. O ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Dunne, 2119 Bellevue Avenue, have moved to Vancouver. Mrs. Grierson of Edmonton, Alberta, was the guest over the week end of Mrs. A. B. Turnbull, 1319 Fulton Avenue. O Colonel K. W. Savory, 27th and Ottawa Avenue, has recov- ered from s recent indisposition and is now back at his otfice at 1443 Marine Drive. A Mrs. Jefferies and family have arrived here from up North and have moved into the Dunne house at 2119 Bellevue Avenue. Major B. H. Harrison, a form- er resident of West Vancouver, but who has been living in the city for some time has left for Half Noon Bay, where he is in- tending to make his hame. ~ ~ A Mrs. James McIntyre, who has been a patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital, has sufi'iciently recovered to re- turn to her home at 20th and Gordon Avenue. ~ ~ Good progress is being made on the Sunday School annex which is being built by St. Stephen's Church at 11th and Inglewood Avenue. Miss Reid hss moved from "The Gables," West Bay into a house at 2576 Bellevue Avenue. The North Shore branches of the L.O.L. will give their annual children's Hsllowe'en party on Friday, 27th October, in the Loyal Protestant Home in New Westminster. ~ ~ Mr. and Nrs. Southwell, who have been spending the summer at 24th snd Heywood Avenue, have returned to Vancouver. ~ ~ J. Murch of the Ambleside Meat Market, is spending a few days'oliday this week in Port- land. Miss Hunter of Cliif House, Whytecliif Park, is having a new building erected at 24th and Marine Drive, next to Dundar- ave Hall, in which she purposes to establish an Old English Tea Room. A A ~ Engagement Mrs. Bransby White, 2361 Jctferson Avenud, announces the engagement of her eldest daugh- ter, Winona Bernice. to Mr. Cyril Lee of North Vancouver. The wedding will take place at 8 p.m. next Saturday in All Saints'hurch, New Westmin- ster, the ceremony being per- formed by Rev. J. P. Dingle. i TIP TOP TAILORS he th Nv 4L) I~6 ~ tIemmill's Drug Store The Suwo ol Service. I csz ISOIIINI DI'ITO Wooi ST Eaccgcscy Pbooo Wooi ZZI (Ancr IO paw sc(yrTIsH socIETY The regular monthly meeting of the Scottish Society will be held in the Clachan on Friday evening, October 20th, at 7:45 p.m. The evening's entertain- ment is ln the hands of past president John McEwsn, who is bringing over his concert party of city artists. Jock can be re- lied upon to put on a good show. Caninore Briftue ttes UI.IOI ILT.U. PII IO) at S12'er ton Unsurpassed For FURNACE or RANGE WEST VAN. AGENT ~ MISS DOWAL WEST 822 X C 0 A L AT RKEULAR PRIEES HOLLYSURN THEATRE FRIDAY opd SATURDAY October 20th osd 21st. A delightful miscellaneous shower was held st the home of Nrs. S. L. Davey, Mathers Ave., in honor of Mrs, Ralph Salter, the former Alma Sinning. Miss Jane Beattie and Miss Audrey Davey presented the gifts in a large basket beautifully trim- med in lavender and gold paper rose petals, the color scheme used throughout. The guests were entertained during the aft- ernoon by Mrs. A. J. Martyn, Mrs. A. Skerton and Mrs. R. J. Holdhn. Mrs. J. Ware and Mrs. M. Low presided at'he tasteful- ly arranged tea table, which was LIentred with the bride's cake and a large silver moon from which flowed showers. of rain. Lavender and gold Michaelmas daisies were used in profusion. The guests were: Mrs. N. Cole, Mrs. R. J. Holden, Mrs. F. E. Huggins, Mrs. W. Loucks, Mrs. F. Kent, Mrs. M. Low, Mrs. J. Ware, Mrs. C. Lauder, Nrs. A. J. Martyn, Mrs. A. Skerton, Mrs. D. Willingdon, Mrs. H. Huggins, Mrs. H. Binning, I1irs. E. J. Lane, Mrs. E. Lauder, Miss Crewson, Miss D. Evans, Miss M. Denni- son, Mrs. R. W. Morrow, Miss E. Lloyd, Miss Wagstaff, Miss J. Beattie and Miss Audrey Davey. WILl. ROGERS omi DOROTHY JORDANAgnbleslde Sheet Metal1Vorks LAUSIE SPECK, Ptopclcior 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING In Down to Earth MON., TUBS 0 WEDNESDAY October 22rd. 24th ood 26UL MAE WEST K.W. Savory is SHE .DONE HIM WRONG 1443 Marine Drive AmblesideI t I'IR; The delay is getting this io doo Io the foci iboi oil theatres have been repeating their show- ings The Provincial Board of Censors have ooked og theatres Io ototo ia their odvociiomg Ulot tblo Plcioco io soi oolcobio for children. Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Stratton's BAKERY ~ BREAD - CAKES Meat Pica Sausage Rolls Bambury Cakes ALL FRESH,DAILY Made at 1468 Marine Drive ~ Phone West 27 A. Sutherland of North Van- couver, is building a new house at Cyiiress Park. PUBLIC MEETINGTEAROE & SON will be held in the Legion Hall, West Vancouver at 8 p.m. Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies %Food, Coal C. C. F. CAijlPAItIN MEETINGSTO-NIGHT Thursday, Oct. 19th LEGION HALL Wednesday. October 25. 8 p.m. Speakers: MR. ARTHUR TURNER, Es-Alderman HARLEY C. E. ANDERSON. ORAiNGE HALL Thursday, October 26, at 8 p.m. Speakers: DR. LYLE TELFORD, Ex-Alderman BARLEY C. E. ANDERSON Dump Truck Work Chairman: V. V. Vinson, Vice-President West Vancouver Liberal Assn.~ WOMENl ~ rIouI I ~ sg IAI bet ~ SNICSSSCSSS SallSDT CO. ~ SS VOOACA SL, TOLOOIA, CAOOIO ~ ALVNOUNCEMENT A On next Friday night, 20th instant, another one of the seri- es of blilitary IVhist drives and dances put on by the West Van. A.A.A. will be held in the Orange Hall; cards from 8 - 10; dancing 9 - 12. Good prizes are being offered for the winners of the Military Whist and the orches- tra are prepared to provide just the right kind of music for the dancing. Don't forget the time--Friday night, 20th, at 8 p.m. Admis- sion 25c. Come and support the local boys and girls in athletics. Speakers: R. HARGREA YES, J. M. Bryan Independent Candidate Also on Platform: C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th snd Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 Robert Logan, President Lynn Valley Liberal Association, F. Warburton, President Lons- dale Liberal Association, J. Torrance, President Capilano Liberal Association, F. Boyd, President East End Liberal Association. Hollyburn Gift Shop ISIS Marine Drive os gs gs Eat gs Hauowe'en Novelties SEE WINDOW Fed Up ~ "How's Johnny after the party r'sked father. "Pretty bad, I'm afraid," re- plied mother. "He doesn't even want to eat the things the doc- tor h Support the 35,000 Welfare Drive. UNDER AUSPICES DUNCAN LAWSON CNAPTES I.O.D.E. INFORMAL FROLIC A New Deal for the North Shore as forbidden. Burrard Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICE io Ronybom Povgioo FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1933 D McwuJI, CALVIN WIWVCO'O PAOCO OOCWCOVOADAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones-- West SUIL or North 1310 R ~O AOOIOOIOO Suc. North Shore Agency l29 Lonzdsle Avc., North Vancouver Fall Samples src now in. Drop in Io.dsy or Phone North 106 ond our representative will be pleased Io call on you.