0001 V 4'v W 44»ruw44'r~ WEST VAN. UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB United played a keenly con- tested game at Sapperton Sat- urday last. They travelled min- us three of their regular players, hlason, Kendrick and hPIelll re- lacing Stratton, Timbrell and aughan. United held the home team well in hand and did every- thing but score. Having a $76 grade, sun and wind in their support ln the Rrst half Sapperton's goalie wss call- ed on to save some pretty hot shots. United were pressing hard and looked like scoring when the whistle went for half time, neither team getting the advantage. Seven minutes after changing ends with what looked like im- possible conditions and an increas- ing wind against them, D'Eas- um at centre for United beat the Sapperton goalie with one of his usual cool unexpected shots, after which United fought hard to keep their territory from in- vasion, until 7 minutes from full time. Two of United'6 de- fence were in their own goal mouth each expecting the other to dear when one of the Sapper- ton forwards ripped in and never giving Larnie a chance, equalised the score. United's defence then had their work cut out to keep their opponents from scoring from a succession of corners forced by Sapperton's determination to annex both points on their home pitch. Lsrnie's precision as custodi- an won the admiration of the spectators as did United's de- fence in its entirety. Final score Sapperton I, IVest Van. United 1. Saturday next, 21st October, at Ambleside Park IVest Van. United will play Grandview Sports Club. Kick off 2;45 p.m. sharp. This game ls in the lirst division Junior Alliance League and should be well worth seeing. Line-up: Larnie, hie Lean, IVhite. Normand, Davie, Tim- brell, Stratton, Fiddes, D'Easum, Tearoe, Kendrick, NeiL PETER PAN KINDERGARTEN Opus« hlONDAY Twu Classes dally -- $-12 ur 1-4 RATES: 61.00 pur week; 26c pur duy. Free truu«purtutluu. Eurull uuw. Phone West 167L THE WF«IT VAN NEWS IV.C.T.U. The IVest Vancouver W.C.T, U. held their regular monthly meeting at the home of hire. Davis, 2087 Kings Avenue, last Thursday afternoon, with the presidenl, Mr«. Hibberd, in the chair. mrs. hicKensie of the Grandview W.C.T.U. gave s splendid address on "Our Influ- ence." Mrs. Baldwin and Mrs. Hibberd brought full and inter- esting reports of the provincial convention. The hostess served duinty refreshments at the close of the meetmg. In regard to the telephone line to the «ki camp the clerk wss directed by the council to take up the matter with hlr. Finlayson and to ascertain from the B,C. Telephone Co. what their maintenance charges would be on the provincial section of the line from 26th and Palmer- ston Avenue to the look-out. The matter of Mr. Corlick's verbal complaint re dangerous stub at D.L. 812, Block 7, WI/» E'/», was referred back to the engineer for attention; also in regard to the former'6 complaint re dangerous trees on D.L. 812, Block 28, and the engineer'6 re- port re 8 dangerous trees in the same locality. Howard E. Ryan LABOR CANDIDATE October 19 1931 Organixation M«ctiny FRENCH CLUB st 1487 Gordon Avenue «p.m. Thursday, Oct. 25th Phuuu West 2221. P. T. A. Public Meeting Wuut VuumIurur Blah Sch«Id Auditorium Saturday, Oct. 21, 7145 p.m. Aa North Shore cuudidutuu will speak on "F«i«cation." Wuut Vancouver School Band will play uuluutiuuu. Collection iu ~ id ur Vuem- pluyud Student«'cheme. Will up«uk Iu the ORANOR IIALL Tuesday, October 24th, 8 p.tu Thur« will uluu be »thur up«uk«ra Alice Hsmmett wrote the On its being pointed out by the council re ditch in front of 2984 engineer that certain earthMarine Drive. Referred to the would be required for work new engineer for report. being carried on 26th Street, the Miss Hunter was present at ~tter was referred to the eng- the councfl meeting in regard to incur with Power to act. a building she proposes to erect on D.L; 5gi-23.16, requ sting The North Shore Teachem'hat the council a«slat her In re Federation are holding their an- «pect to the grading of the bouit4 nusl convention tomorrow after- vard. plan«of ths building noon snd Saturday morning in were produced and exhibited. » rrrm» ~.r- 'urr 1 ~ I »r»r rp?4'r'r+ r»r» ~: ~ rvw r it rv» i?Cubr'r I*» r'rr 'r 'er ~ ' 'rrr rrw rrv 'I ' - ~ ".' rrrv 'r rrprrrrv?'» «»4VV ~ rrrrrwrrrrr rv»'rrwrrrr rrrrr»r vr ~ rvrrrr 4 r rvrrrrr ~ „ae ted with the Compliments of the West Van News I 4 4 w»?v ?»