0001 ua 1hr ai lih, l the oh. cra. 1 EP~ October 19, 1938. QUALITY MEATS .................................. lb. 9 i/1 c ..................................... lb. 7c ...................... ....... 2 lbs. I 5c ,........ ........ ............. lb. 9 i/1 c SAFEWAY STORES LIMITED VEAL SHOULDER ROASTS ...... BEEF BLADE ROASTS............. STEIVINC BEEF, Boneless .... SMOKED PICNICS ................--. We rcmrvc the right io Urn(i quasi(ries ~ ill 4 ~:l I:l(a a r allis,~~s ~: trill &'".I W I 4 SCOUT NOTES A very solemn and impressive note was struck at the meeting last Friday when Scout Lsurie Patterson was invested and made and ofFicial member of the 2nd )Vest Vancouver (Canadian Legion) Troop of Boy Scouts. In a horseshoe of fellow scouts he took the oath over the Union Jack snd received his badge and scarf. Following this the boys enjoyed marching, drill, compass game, signalling snd games. The meeting closed at 9:30 with the lowering of the flag. Patrol leaders and seconds stayed for the Court of Honor meeting to conduct the business of the troop. Resignation as secretary was received from Donald Broderick and regretful- ly accepted, Ernest Harrison be- ing elected in his place. Plans were discussed for a bun feed, C. C. F. At the regular weekly meet- ing of the C.C.F. Club to be held in the Legion Hall on Wednes- day, October 26th, at 8 p.m. Arthur Turner of Vancouver, will be the chief speaker, with H. C. E. Anderson, the C.C.F. candidate for this riding. BOWI.ING CI.UB The annual business meeting and election of officers of the West Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club will take place at 7:46 p.m. Saturday, 28th October, in the ferry rooms. Much important business will come before the meeting in view of the opening next year of the new municipal green. All members are urged to attend, snd a special invita- tion is also extended to all pros- pective members. HO TOOK~ THlS L4~~ 'ou have probably robbed one socket to replace a burned-out, lamp. Always keep a carton of lamps handy for such emer- gencies. Make it 60's. 'Sey cost no more to buy than f)o'RITISH coLUMBIA E LECTR Store No. 31, 1414 hfurlne Phone West 313 MANAGER - R. ARD( RY SPECIALS for Friday and Saturday '".„", d"2) TOSIATO SOUP, Aylmer ....................,„...............2 tins 15c TOSIATO JUICE, Aylmer, No. I tin .......................3 for 17c TEA, Nabob .........,..„,, „...................,.......... lb. 35c MARMALADE, Empress, Orange, 4-lb. tin ............each 45c SOAP, P. (k G. „„, „,...........................3 bars 10c Tob(ATOES--Ayimov, No. 2 squat iiu ........-.....,........ 2 for 2sc Cx)FFEE--Airway ...................................... --...........--... )b, 22c MILK--Evaporated, tall tins ................... each gc OATS--Robin Hood, pisiu pkg. lac PEANUT BUTTER--Bulk lb. 12c ROYAL CROWN CLEANSER tiu Sc TO)LET PAPER--Cuusdisu Beauty . 2 rolls igc BACON-- Swift's Diamond "A".......----.--... --..-.........-... Vv lb. Pkg. 11c THE WEST VAN NEWS I.ITERARY SOCIETY The opening meeting of the session has been arranged for Thursday evening, October 26th, at 8 o'lock, in the usual place, when the president, Rev. Hillis Wright, will speak on "Some Irish Writers of Note," of whom Goldsmith and Moore will be particularized. As the society was inaugurated in October, 1913, the procedings st the meeting will be partly arranged to recognize the twenty-year interval. WEST VAN A. A. A. MILITARY WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE FRlDAYs OCTOBER 20th, 1933 GOOD MUSIC Dsuc4g 2 io is. Cards 2 io 10. T(OKETS 25c. LEGION NOTES At the Military Whist drive and dance held last Friday, the 13th instant, in the Legion Hall, thirteen seemed to be the pre- dominating number. Table 13 was the winning table, the prim winners being Mrs. Graham, Wm. Atwood. president, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Lowes. After cards a jolly time was spent in dancing. Next Saturday, Octob- er 21st, a box social will be held. Please keep this in mind snd come for there is going to be lots of fun. TENOR SOIA)S-- (s) Passing By.. Povcou (b) 0 Misivoss Mine..... .....Roger Gugrcv READING-- iis Pell Among Tbiovos. SOPRANO SOLOS-- (s) Arch(su Song (b) Los FiUcs dc Cadiz.. BAR)TONE SOLOS- (' The Piper .....,...,........,...Michsoi Mood (b) Tbo Fiddler or Dooucy ........................Dushul (c) The Wiudiug Banks of Erin .......Chas. Wood CO:v TRALTO SOLOS-- (s) Before the Cvucins............Prsuk is Forge (b) Pleading...................................... Eigsv (c) Come Down io Kow................ Carl Do4 (d) Cvy of Rscbci.................. Msry Turner Ssitsv PART TWO ... Vogrich .. Doiibss WEST LAKE SKI CAMP The new ski camp at West Lake on Hollyburn Ridge, is s decided asset to this municipal- ity as well as to Greater Van- couver. The chalet itself is a fine looking building of peeled logs with shake roof, and is situated on the lake, the area of which has been considerably enlarged by the building of a dam at one end, The combined assembly halI and dining room is about fifty feet long by twenty-fiv feet wide, the sleeping quarters snd offices being contained in two L's leading o(F it. Overnight visitors are accommodated in small rooms of the size of a ship's cabin. Each has two beds on either side carried on wire mattresses which sre strung on heavy steel frames, blankets snd sheets being provided. A new ski hill is being con- structed 2SO feet long, which, when completed, will be the larg- est in Western Canada with the exception of that at Revelstoke, and will allow of a jump of from 150 to 175 feet. A large supply of skiis is also available for'hose wishing to use them'. A great deal of work hss been done on the trail leading to the camp from 16th Street, which with its absence of steep pitches renders the camp readily acces- sible to persons of any age in a reasonable condition of fitness. TENOR SOLOS-- (s) Sdsui Worship (b) Tallyho................. READINGS-- ...Hsudci Loooi (s) Selected. (b) SciociciL SOPRANO SOIJ)-- Csvmcuis. BARITONE SOLOS-- (s) Song Written at Sos...............Stern(on) (b) Whet the People TcU..................Bvysou (c) Ethiopis. Ss1uao ibs Colors...........Chas. Wood CONTRALTO SOLOS--; (s) To Living Wstcvs............Boch (b) Slumber Song ........... Gvctchsuiuoir (c) My Abode.............- .„c ......Schubert (d) 0 Dou Fatale..... -- Verdi Essy--If! An Irish youih wos in scorch of s situation, so hs went io the gss works. As hs wss ploccsdiug down the yard hc wss msi by ibc foromsu. "What do you usual" be wss sstod. "Wort, answered Jim. "What csu you dol" wmi the sexi demand. "Almost suythiug." "Well," said the foreman, bent os hsvmg s joke with the youth, you seem io be ~ very smart fcuow, but could you wheel s barrow or smokol" "Yss, certainly," replied Jbu. "I could easily do that if you would SB it for mo nvsa." Hc wss ictus os. UNEMPLOYED ASSN. OF WEST VANCOUVER I The regular meeting of the Unemployed Association of Ivest Vancouver was held in the Socialist Hall last Friday. Re- ports were given re work clothes for men sn work relief- and new cases dealth with. Fol- lowing the regular business meeting a short talk on the "Power of the Press" was given by hire. E. Kerr, showing what goes into a paper, compared with what comes out in a paper--and why. There was an interesting discussion. At the next meet- ing on Friday, October 27th, C. S. McNeil will talk on 'The E(recta of Nationalism." Prospective Bridegroom (gaily) 1 "Will it take much tofeather a nest lo Furniture Dealer: "Only alittle down." Here Already 'Do you want a ticket one way, or one that will take you there and back?" asked a book- ing clerk of an Irishman. "What the divil do I want a ticket there and back for, whin I'm here already 2" was the reply. Green: "Whatever became of aiI those terrible drortraits of famous people which Down painted and couldn't sell Fo Black: "He called them csri- catures, and they went like hot cakes." TONIGHT BEAR hiY IMI'RFSSIONS of-- LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS 1421 MARINE DRIVE PLEASE NOTE PHONE WEST 166 A vayrvu By ROBERT CROibl1L'diiovof Tho Vsucouvcv Suu. A human cross-up word pic- iuro guised from personal inter- views with youths. commisssvs mcu sud worn " in su walks oi life. ()UESTIONS ORANGE HALL Wcsi Vancouver Thursday, Oct. 19, 8i15 p.m Admhmion FREE ORGAN FUND CONiCERT Don't forget the concert sr- prominentVancouverartistswill ranged by birs. snd Miss Durbin take part, while West Vancou- which will be held tonight at ver wfll + repremnted by8:15 p.m. in the )Vest Vancou- F K Hudson. Tickets SS cents.ver United Churich in aid of the Organ Fund. A number of The program ls as follmvsi PART ONE oc v 'Alv ~vvv hW V V 'c V