0001 THE WERT VAN NEWS IOctober 12, 1988 ~ +V hr v te tvv t vevtuhv.vt rut t 5t' t ~ v tu etur!rt I .erst t"i e r t it e,tV'tie,. rrt t74ve rt 4 ~ e t t.et t t' r ~ ~t' ~ vsc. ue % 'srt't rrier ,«srrr:r)vt vt v .rrrt" 1 I. vrtv 'rr ytet trrrv ~rrr rrrrvvvvert rr vtvvvrt6t tvrsv vervr~v~rvrrert ~ i rvsrrrrrrttsr - vrr.vev . rrevv-vr tvr rrevrevv- Phone West 46)I Phone West 46 Smith 's Grocery SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS--- """"' '"'TRAWBERRY JAhi. Nabob Pare 4 Bx riu ... .... ........... ............. 5$c SIFVLON a LEIuON Jum, Nabob $8 ux. 4t .............................. Shc CRUSHED I'INEAPPLB, Iurxc tiu .............................,... 15c DATES. uicu fresh uiuch..2 lbs. 15c Rcd a White TOhiATORS. Fiucui Quality, large riuu........S eius 254 PEAS. Bise 4) Wake. choice Nu. 4 sieve ..................... 2 tins 2$c Rcd a Wbkc SOtii'S Tumuru ..-.--.............,... 2 'usu I lc Giber varieties..... 2 riuu 1st TOILET PAPEk, large 4 ux. rolls 3 rolls rec CANDY. Sugar Nura.........)r Ux 15c SHORTENING, Swift'u Crcuccui I Ux cur)elm ............. 2 fuc 21C AMMONIA POWDER, puckugc sc PEARL WHITE SOAP.. 5 bars 1st Save the Coupons for Premiums. FOOTBALL Juvenile League--Div. Il. The West Vancouver team in the above league played two games over the week end. On Saturday they met ex-Gordons at Con Jones'ark. Although they lost this game 2 to 0 the local boys put up 8 goad game. The defense was very good, es- pecially Aldred in goal, who made some excellent saves. The forwards lacked co-operation. On Monday they played Prov- ince Blue Birds at Ambleside and lost 4 to 1. In this game the local lads greatly improved on their form of Saturday, and hsd Jt;Mik) CARBOLIC SOAP,S cakes 9c TEA. hunt hiury'u.......,....ptc lb. SSc COFVEVL Aunt Mary'u....... Sur Rx Sec Skkki)DED WHEAT or 51UFFEI'8 scr puckxgc ............. Iec TEA BISCUIT I'ASTE. Mru. Flem. lug'c Juxr udd hiuk ur Water )mck~ xc..................,..-.......... Isc CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS, Rcd Arrow Fiucui quuuiy ............ scr lb. 85c CUSTARD or BLANC hiANGE PO)VDER, Higuuu'u........S pkia 15c PRUNES, Santa Clara Valley Imrge uixu ..................... 2 iba 25c Rcd 41 Whuc IIICE--Fiucui quality Curunus, large kecuciu....S lbs. 19c SHELLED WALNUTS, Dcy Cracked Nice Lighi Qua)tars...44) lb. 1st COCOANUT ................ Sur Ib 19c CAKE, Chucuiuic Lever. Dukciuus uucb ...................................... 254 SAUSAGE, Burst'evonshire, lb. 16c more of the game than the scora indicates. The forwards were much improved with the trans- fer of Harper from the half back line. Jimmy Love scored for West Van. as the result of a very pretty movement. The local team give indications of de- veloping into a good all-rot)nd side and will do well in their Division. J. Lswson made an offer to the council to purchase for Mr. Shellsrd, Block G4, D.L. 815. The property was offered to him for 8450 plus the usual charges the offer to remain good for one week. ME ETI NG Jack Loutet Chairman - Dr. Frank E. Dorchester -'i L.LH'0 To YOUL ~~I~ / eau -'F UNATTACHED CANDIDATE will speak on the ORANGE HALL, ab)d uud biuciuc VVKDNESDAY, Oct. 18th, 8 p.m. PrT. A. The P.-T. A. met on Tuesday evening in the High School, the chief topic of discussion being the proposed extension courses for ex-students who are unem- loyed. Representatives of the ys and girls who hsd previous- ly met to discuss and make known their desires, reported the classes asked for snd the members wishing to attend. For the boys, Rupert Harrison wss the spokesman, and for the girls Miss Betty Savory. The P.-T. A. will do their best to organ!!e these classes for which already u number of instructors have volunteered, It was decided that In future meetings of the P.-T. A. will be held in the High School as being more centraL It wss also decid- ed to ask a number of political candidates to address the P.-T. A. on Saturday, October 21st. Failing that, s military whist drive will be held on the same date, with the object of raising a fund to start the extension courses. Students snd Parent- Teachers met at 9:80 in the lunch room snd enjoyed refresh- ments together. CORRESPONDENCE To the Editor: Dear Sir,--Will you be so good as to allow me to refute through your paper two reports chrrent in political circles against Hsrley C. E. Anderson, C.C.F. candi- date for the North Shore Rid- ing. The first, that Mr. Anderson is oppose'd to the First Narrows Bridge,'s absurd as the policy of C.C.F. is for more and better means of transportation through out the province. Also, Mr. Anderson hsd pledged himself to vote for this bridge. The second report, that Mr. Anderson is an atheist, is equal- ly untrue and unfair. Untrue in that he hss never so expressed himself snd only through a man's expressed opinions can we gauge his beliefs. Unfair in that it now necessitates his time on public platforms being taken up in answering questions concern- ing the hereafter, which have usually no place in election cam- paigns. Thanking you for the courtesy of your space, I em, Yours truly, ELIZABETH KERR, Secretary C.C.F. Campaign Committee, North Shore Riding. COUNCIL NOTES The following purchases of West Vancouver bonds for sink- ing fund purposes have been ap- proved by the council: McDer- mid Miller & McDermid, 5500, 5%c/c 1946 at 89.88; Pemberton & Son, 81,000 6!lt 1952, at 82.95, snd 81,000 61/8 /c 1940, at 94.50. Mrs. C. Raid of Whyteclifi', came before the council, asking that the maple trees on the lane up to Lot 4, D.L. 430, be taken down. The matter wss referred to the engineer with power to sct. Mra Dslgleish appeared be- ford the council requesting that the tops of the trees on the j&oulevsrd on Royal Ave. be top- ped snd that one of the trees be taken down. entirely. The mat- ter wss referred to the engineer with power to sct. In regard to a letter from J. J. Rutledge re house numbering the council replied that they could not find any record of any of the numbers quoted having been given at the municipal hall, but that official numbering would no doubt be allocated if and when arrangements could be made to extend mail delivery. James Hyslop wrote the coun- cil re boat shed at the end of Wellington Avenue, Gsrrow Bsy. The council replied that it wss contrary to their principle to grant rights at street ends or on other municipal property. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store ut HollyburIIV next Theatre CLASSIFIED ADS The rale for Ciuuui8cd Adtcctiucmcuiu iu 2 cents scr word, miuimum 25 ccuia Bxccyi iu the case uf tbtwc buvisg regular uccuuuiu, uk cluuul. Scdu atc payable tie)cay iu udtauca Remember Ciuuciscdu iu the West Vxu News gci immcdiuiu tcuuns, Si'IRI.I.LA I,OkSETI ERE -- I'huuc )Vest 48VL W EST V AN COU 9 Ek PROPERTIES For Sale uud Wuuicd. C.J. Archer Lid.. 1416 Muciuu Drive. Phoae West 226, Seymour 5964. WANTED -- )Verb, usy kind. by youug girl uf 18. Wnie G. Gold, Hoiiybutu. VOR RENT -- Vucurthcd ur Uufuru- ixhcd Cuuugc, Wuiccfroui; full plumbing, furnace. West 101RS. I.OST -- hi)uk Vut, Saturday Vtlx Reward. Phone. West 469. VOR RENT -- Furnished, one rcum suite with kitchcnciie uud sk cuu- vcuicuccs. Very desirable iucuiiuu with private entrance. Su!tbuxiueus woman. Phone West S22. LOST -- Young kcd Cocker Spaniel, Tuesday afternoon. Reward. 2658 Muthcrx Avcuuc. FOR QUICK SALE -- Goad hiuuurch Range, Library Table, miscellaneous furniture. 2024 Nelson Avenue. FOR RENT -- Twu ruumu uud kitch- enette furnished; verandah; near ferry, $ 15. West 35Y. LOST -- 5'ivc Diumuud Gold Riug. Monday uttcruuou, upper level roads. Reward. Phuue West 207Y. MANURE -- Best Grade. Gravel, Sand, Wood, Hauling. West 099XS. 51ARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thcrmiquc Permanent Wave without danger of burning. Marcel 60c; recut S5c; Finger Wave 60c. Phone hfrs. King West $04, 1620 Marine. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses io Rent. Houses, lots, uud acreage for sale. Jobs Luwxuu, 17th aud Marine, Phone West 56. DANCING -- GYMNASIUhl Women -- Limbering uud Badminton, Friday evening. hieu -- Tuesday uud Thursday even- ings. Duuducuve Hall Phone West 430RI PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT In Durcusucc'of Sections 61 tu 04, uud Suction 10$. uf the Provincial Elections Act, the undermentioned persons have been appointed cuudi- dates'gents:-- Burchum, Hcucy, 040 29th St. West, North Vancouver, Laborer. Agent for James Whkhsm, csudi- date. Coc, John Kuti, 1046 23rd Street West, Cuuuuuu Dr)vcr Agent for Win!urn jleury Morses, candidate. Francis, Alfred, 720 East 17th Strccrt North Vancouver, Ps!uter; Agent for Howard Fslwurd Ryan, cuudiduic. MacLeod, Ewcu, $22 19th Street, East, North Vancouver, Secretary; Agent for John Melvin Bryuu, can. diduic. PhUUpu, hiuctis Ralph, 1467 Bellevue Ayc., West Vsucuuycr, Piscicccr Agent for Hucicy ChrixGuu Ers- kine Audcrcon, candidate. Scsiiuciy, Alexander, Si. Alice Huiui, North Vuucuuycc, Cierlr; Agent for Jack Lou)et, csudidurc. Vance, Gcurgc Wsthiugiuu, 620 15th Si., West, Nurih Vsucuuvcr, Eugiuccy; Agent for Herbert Sycrwcr Weed, K.C., csudbiuic. Duiud at North Vuucuuvur, ihix 12th duy uf Dc)aber issa E N COPPING, kcrurulug Orf!ccr. FOll SAI.E -- 7 Tube FJcciric kudi~ $82.00; Grumcphunu 510.00: Short- wave udupicr, $ 16.00; Hui Point Automatic Ruugu, 585. North Short Rudic A Electric. Phone West 01. fn D GOLD -- Best I'rice Paid. West Vuu. Jeweler, 1622 Murinc Drive. VOR RENT -- House on Wutertruui, yearly lease Phone West 5$RI VHIST-CLASS SHOE kEPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. Best material sud wurkmuuuhip. MARCFL, FINGER WAVE Ok SHAMPOO, 26c. Permsucui Waves $2.00. Hugyburn Academy of Bcuuty Culture, 1648 hfuriue Drive. Nu sppcisimests necessary. I Er MY FkEE ESTIMA'IES us Puiuuug, Pupcrisg sud Kulsumiu- iug. C. L Kuulugu, Buu. Phone West $94IL WEBB'S SHOE kEPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Duudsruvc. COLIN TURNEk, Curpcuicr uud Bukdcr. Alterations sud repairs. Phone West 879R. HEADQUAkTERS for AR ihc Pus uiur Cigarettes, Tobaccos, sud Fish- ing Gadgets tur local waters. Ambicxidc Tcs Rooms. VOR PLUSIBING REPAikS -- Ruu-idcucc Pbuuc West 241k. GORDON ROBSON Burr!urer -- Sukckur WEST VANCOUVER- Oiricu Nu. 1447, Muriuu Drive Pbosu West 403. 10 ru 12. VANCOUVER OFFICF Suite 501) 610 Hastings Si. W. Phoae, Seymour 4199. 2 tu 6. GEO. HAY Notary Pubkc kcui Eutuiu a Iusursucu Listings %Vanted 1405 Mariuc Drive Phone Wcui 21 or Stymuur 1280 Eycuiugu Wcui 804K NOTICE Miuu Etuh Bukuu Bukuu D«ccuucd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sU persons having cia)mt uguiutt the estate of Miss Evuh Bckcu Buituu, formerly uf 2004 Muibcru Aveuuu, West Vancouver, Brkiuh Columbia, who died on ibu 4th September, 1038, are required on or before the 20))~ November, 1933. Iu deliver uc send by~ press!if iciicr lull uurilcuiucu uf their claims duly vcr!aud io THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, Executor uf the Euisiu cf the uuid Mixu Evub Bukuu Buiiuu deceased, at ks uifku 820 Peudcr Street Wast. Vuucuuvcr, B. C. AND TAKE NOTICE that alter the last must!cued date the Executor will proceed iu distribute ibu ssuctu uf the deceased among tbu rturucux cuikiud thereto, huviug regard uuiy iu the vis!ms cf whkh k shall iheu have bud uuiice. DATED at Vancouver, B,C., ihiu anh du ut & icmbcc 1938. ROBEIASON EOUGL)IS a SYMRS, 040 Peudcr Street Wcci, Vuucuuvur. LC., SuUckctu for the Royal Trust Cumyuuy. PHONE WEST 3 LU SER" and all Building hlaterlsl of Best (Iusllty at I.ow I'riess BUILD NOW! +EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone tVest J681. 15th and lilarlne "Right Service -- Itlght Grades" vsverr vvrr v r