0001 I I I l ~ I I TIP TOP TAILORS Nanh Shore Agency 129 Lansdnic Ave., Nanh Vancouver Fall Samples are now in. Drop in io.dny or Phone Nonh l06 nnd oui representative will be pleased io call on you. I ~ HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP - 1678 Marine Dr. «I «2 IK) es II) HALLOlVE'EN NOVELTIES SEE WINDOW Kl 'y lr 'y lll 9. to sl Ambleside Sheet MetalWorks LAURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET I METAL INSTALI ED and REPAIRED JOBBING K.W. Savory 1443 liiarine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, 1Vest 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Support the 55,000 Welfare Drive. TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Buihlers'upplies Wood, Coal Dump Truck Work WOMENI ~ KNlcxyssocx nsmsnI ca M Nnvlslsvls m Tom«Os Csssss HOLLYBURN HAI.I. A young people's service il- lustrated with lantern views will be held in Hollyburn Hall st 7:30 .m. tomorrow (Friday) . On unday next at the 7:30 p.m. service Mr. 11. C. Dunn will give an address, taking as his subject "The Greatness of the Cruci- fied." Sunday School as usual at 10 a.m. The council conflrmed the ar- rangement to contribute 530 to- wards the cost of re-condition- ing the telephone line to Holly- burn Look-out. C. C. F. CAMPAICN MEETINGS ORANGE BALL Tuesday, October 17th, 8 p.ni Speaker: MR. W. A. PRITCHARD, C.C.F. Candidate Vsncouver- Point Grey Wednesday, October 18th 8 p.m. Speaker: MRS. R. P. STEEVES, C.C.F. Candidate for Vancouver- Point Grey Ex-Alderman HARLEY C. E. ANDERSON, C.C.F, Candidate for North Shore Williamson's Dairy MILK, CREAM, BUTTERMILK AND BUTTER wsolsssls sss asian Pisss WNI gl w Nsrih 171 Canmore Briquettes (N.lsv S.T.U. Osv lb.) at s12~ per ton Unsurpassed For FURNACE or RANGE WEST VAN.AGENT ~ MISS DOWAL WEST 622 X C 0 A L Al REC5IAR l'RICES LIBERAL RALLY in Dundarave Hall Wednesday, October 18th, at 8 p.m. Social - Music - Dancing Everybody Welcome ~ e CANADIAN LEGION MILITARY WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1933 Commsnoing sl S p.m. 26 CENTS Roivsshmonls Burrard Laundry Ltd. „,"„E„,„,L, LAUNDRY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSON, West, Vanaauver Representative Phones--Went 691L or North 1310 October 12, 1933. I I 'I WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN Support the $67000 Welfare Drive! THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Charles Lauder has returned to his home st 1061 24th Street after having been s patient for three months in St. Paul's Hos- pital, during which time he und- erwent s serious operation. ~ O ~ Colanel K. W. Savory, 27th and Ottawa Avenue, is confined to his home through sickness. ~ ~ s Mr. and Mrs. W. Partridge, who have been away on a trip to the prairies, have returned Io their home st 2212 Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ ~ J. Nyland, 29th and Marine Drive, hss left for Victoria to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Catherine MscLernsn, who passed away there last Monday. ~ O Don't forget the next dance meeting of B. C. Scottish Coun- try Dance Society, West Van- couver Branch, which takes place next Saturday, 14th inst- ant, at 8:15 p.m. in the Clachsn. ~ ~ s Mrs. H. Chapman, 17th and Duchess Avenue, is spending a month in Burnaby. ~ O ~ E. Aldhem-White of New York, hss taken s house st 2968 Park Lane. Mrs. James McIntyre, 20th snd Gordon Avenue, is a patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital. ~ \ The West Vancouver Orches- tral Society has temporarily disbanded, but some of the string members are going to form a society for the study of chamber music, ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Hunt and fam- ily, who have been spending the summer at 2450 Bellevue Ave- nue, have returned to the city. R. F. Shaver hss moved from Vancouver into s house at 2076 Argyle Avenue. O Ira Jones of Whytecliif and Bob Psrkin have returned from a successful hunting trip in the Cariboo country, during which they shot two moose, a black bear, and a number of geese, grouse and duck. ~ O ~ J. Peterson has moved from 1129 Esplanade into a house at 2246 Bellevue Avenue. Mrs. E. Holdsworth, 22nd and Bellevue Avenue, left here on Monday for Nanaima Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wrisberg and family have moved from 2291 Marine Drive into s house at 889 15th Street. O Quite s number of West Van- couver people spent the holiday in Bellingham. ~ O Mrs. M. E. Wa)ton and her daughter have moved from 2184 Argyle Avenue to their house at 1910 BeBevue Avenue.\ ~ Mrs. E Roche of Royal Oak, is moving into Mrs. Brown's house at Csulfeild. ~ O ~ '1 M. Phillips has moved from 2277 Inglewood Avenue, into a house at 1646 Fulton Avenue. ~ ~ O Rev. Father Flanagan of St. Anthony's Church hss been transferred to Holy Rosary Cathedral in the city. His place has been taken by Rev. Father Mallay of the Sacred Heart Church in Vancouver. Mrs. A. R. Bingham of Van- couver, hns moved into a house at 1640 Marine Drive. Mrs. Baker has moved from 13th and Esquimslt Avenue, into a house at 12th and Duchess Avenue. O ~ ~ R. C. Hodgson wrote the coun- cil re culvert in front of Dd« 1493, Block 4, Lot 5. Referred to the engineer for report. Personal F. Saul of North Vancouver, hss moved into a house at 718 15th Street. ~ ~ ~ Alf. Searle, EIL Black and George Currie recently retrun- George Currie recently return- Cariboo. They were only away live days, but, brought back with them two deer in spite of the fact that the weather wss too warm for good hunting. ~ ~ ~ The ferries hsd s busy time Thanksgiving Day carrying ap- praimately 3,300 passengers. IVEST VANCOUVER A.A.A. ANNOUNCEMENT A large crowd attended the opening whist drive snd dance held last Friday night at the Orange Hall. The whist drive proved a great success wherein the novel way of playing Milit- ary Whist caused considerable favorable comment from the players. Most of the local busi- ness merchants were well repre- sented in prototype. The winning team, table 7, under the heading of Thomp- son's Beef-eaters (Malcolm Stev- ens and his gang), took home the bacon. The dance also made a hit -- the music being much appreciated, judging by the en- cores. The Committee wish to an- nounce the next one of these series will be held on Friday, October 20th, cards starting st 8 p.m. sharp to 10. Dancing from 9 to 12 p.m A real snappy time for all. An augmented or- chestra will provide the music Refreshments as before. Watch for ad next week. Speck -- Duckworth On Saturday evening, Septem- ber 30th, a quiet wedding wss solemnized at the home of Rev. Hillis Wright, when Miss Blanche Duckworth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Duckworth, Ottawa Avenue, was given in marriage by her father, to Mr. Laurence Speck, second son of Mr. and Mrs. John Speck of Mathers Avenue. The bride and groom were attended by Miss M. E. Speck, sister of the groom, and blr. F. H. Ellis. After the ceremony the guests gathered at the new home of the bride and froom on Ottawa Avenue for the reception. The happy couple left on the late boat for the Island to spend a short honeymoon and on their return will reside in West Van- coUvel'. WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASSN. The 5nsl Parlor Show far 1933 will be held in Dundarave Hall on Thursday, 19th October, at 8 p.m. H. Barnes will judge exhibits snd comment on his awards. The aggregate point winners for the whole series of Parlor Shows will be announced. Exhibitors are asked to bring 5 disbuded blooms of Chrysanthe- mums, color variations permit- ted; 6 sprays of Chrysanthe- mums, color variation permitted: one vase Michaelmas Daisies (Climax): one vase any other . All are cordially welcome come and bring their friends. TORCH BRAND COD LIVEK OIL 75c snd SI.25 Cemmill's Drug Stere The Slav« of Ssvnse. 14SZ iisvlno Drive West s7 Esssvgonsy Phono West SZI (Af\or P p.m.) r HOLLYBUTR THEATRE FRIDAY snd SATUBDAY October Isth nnd 14lh. JANET GAYNOR snd CHAIILEB FARRELL TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY silo "THE THREE PIGS" A Walt Disnoy Symphony m Color. This is the ons whish you have heard so mush over nm vmno i«inly, you know, the ono shoal lhs big I«id wolf. Comedy -- Nsws, sis. NON„TUBS„A WEDNESDAY OCtOber 14th. 17ih, ISUL THE EAGLE AND THE HAWK A wnr siory, with FREDERIC MARCH CARY GRANT, JACK OAKIE Stratton's BAKERY ! BREAD - CAKES Meat Pica Sausage Rolls Bsmbury Cakes ALL FRESH DAILY 5Isde at 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert )York Phone West 135 PETER PAN KINDERGARTEN INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION by IJ««nasa Tosobsr (isl Class) Priv«to svsnspovmshm to well-equipped ssbooL Foo Sl.ae pov «sok. MISS F. WEBB I'bono Weal ISTL 4 'A, '&s « W «Il 'vs rp