0001 * rrt tm trv ~';md t'r'r tm t Ltr r ryv'nt'. ~ t t'. 't t' trr t '~'. ~ t t ~ t' 'tlt' rrrr rrrt rtrrr'rt ~ 'v ~ rvr t" ~~~rrvrrtv rr vrvt «r 'vr rrrr. rr vrvtvvvtvrrrVrtv~rrrrrvrtrr'~r' rrrtrr'rrrvv~Vvrvrrrt'- rrv vrtvrrrr. tvtvrtvrvrrr 'vrr rrr rvrr We Spqoiafisa in Ranetainff Faulty Permanenfs If yos bats bsd ss sssstlsfsetsty pet msssst «4 can rs-wsts a for you mitbost hstmisg your bslt. Gu eyfdol~yJ Bgauty ShOPPg 1640 Ifsties Drive Phoae West lty Norwegian COD LIVER OIL 16 m. bottle 50e siss Mssd'4, Aystst'4 ssd Squibb's. Kepler A Edms Malt Extract ANLESIDK PiiARNACY W. I KER, Prop 1401 Matins Dtits Phone West 323 FREE DELIVERY The News VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phase West 0 FERTILIZERS of all kinds Wood, Coal, BuiMers'upplies Philip C. Chapmaa General Insurance Agent Fits, AststsObe, Bstalsty, Accident ssd Sidmww, sts. t567 Kiss's Ate. Phone W. 42Y2 Estsblisbsd ss North Shots 20 Yssta (lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. Ik WILLIAMSON gIInerflilIIrecturs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th A Mstiss EXPERT SBBVICE K MABSH, Proprietor. West Van NeIj(Js Psblisbsd Etsty Tbstsdsy Psblither F. F. LOVEGROVE Phoae West 363 Bsslssss ssd Editsrlsl Ogfssi lnb ssd blstlss Drive (Next to Hsllybors P.O.) Phone West 363 lfsB Address t P.O. Bsx 51. HsRybsts, B.C, North Vancouver Olflcsf 123 Lonsdsla Ave. 51.00 ~ year by ssrrlsrt ggse ~ yssr by msQ. THE WEST VAN NFWS HOLLYBURN HALLWEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICB 20th ssd Bsqshsslt, Houybsts This Sscltty ls s Btssch of The Mother Church The First Church of Chrlstt Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sqsdsy Service'ligo s.ss Sunday, October 15, 1933 Subject: "DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT" Sunday School at lotos s.m. Tsstlmssy Msstise Wednesday ~t St16 fxts. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH St. Stephens October 15th -- 18th Sunday after Trinity. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 dt 11:15 s.m.--Sunday Schools 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon 7:15 p.m. -- Evensong Jt Ser- mon. IVednesday, October 18th- St. Luke's Day; 10:16 a.m.-- Holy Communion. llfonday, 8 p.m. -- A.Y.P.A. There will be a Hallowe'en Donation Tea st the parish hall at 3 p.m. Tuesday, October 31st, the donations to be sold at the Christmas'azaar St. Francis-fn-the-woods, Caulfeild Sunday, 3 p.m. ~ Evensoug snd Sermon. 14th sad Duchess Friday, Oct. 13, at 7:30 p.m. Vmssx Ptspls' Sttttts Illustrated by lantern views Sunday, Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m. Address by MR. R. C. VUNN, Subissti 'rht llttsistss sf tbs Ctstllltd'R heartily wslrsis. Soqdsy School, 10 ~ .m. I UNITED CHURCH 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m,--Morning Service. 7:15 p.m.--Evening Service. The Women'0 Missionary So- ciety will hold the Fall Thank- Offering meeting on Tuesday afternoon, October 17, in the church hall. Miss Irene Thomp- son, s returned missionary, will give the address, and the guest singer will be Mrs. IVesley Mil- ler of Lynn Valley. Tes will be served at the close of the meet- ing. Come snd bring others. WARD ONE RATEPAYERS SHOWN HOW THEY CONTRIBUTE While Favored Wards in hlunl- cipslity Now Pay Less. (Contributed) Growing interest in the taxa- tion problems of Ward One of West Vancouver municipality wss evidenced by the attendance at 0 Horseshoe Bsy meeting Saturday night of rstepsyers from widely scattered points of the area lying between West Bsy snd WhyteclifF. Residents of Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Eagle Harbor, Fisher- man's Cove, Gsrrow Bsy, Horse- shoe Bsy snd Copper Cove ssw figure cast on the screen reveal- ing that between the years 1921 and 1932 the assessed values of their property had been increas- ed by not less than 74 per cent. These figures were based on of- flcisl municipal records contain- ed in the financia report for 1932, snd on the taxable assess- ments. Correspondence between Ward One Ratepsyers'ssociation snd the Council relative to requests for re-assessment, and for s gravel path around the traffic loop at Horseshoe Bsy, was con- sfderefi. Request that the Fire Com- mittee chairman meet s delega- tion to discuss fire-fighting equipment hsd not been acceded to, and this matter will again be pressed. The fee for membership in the association wss put at 26c per year. H. S. Wood, K.C., and Wm, H. Clarke were present as repre- senting the taxpayers of Csul- feild district. It wss decided that regular meetings shall take place on the second Saturday of each month, either st Horseshoe Bsy or other place in the area to be designated by the committee. Bruce Patterson, president of the association, was in the chair, BAPTIST CHURCH 11th Anniversary Services 10.00 s.m.--Sunday School snd Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Rev. J. E. Ilsrris, South Hill Church. 7:30 p.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 8:00 p.m. Monday--B.Y.P.U. Speaker: Mr. Brsddick. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday -- Prayer and Praise. 8100 p.m,, Thursday -- Choir Practice. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Sunday 9:00 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10115 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:16 p.m.--Sundslt School. 7:15 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 8:00 a.m.--Holy Mass. 7:45 p.m., Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:80 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. PRESBYTERIAN MISSION Sunday, October 15. 1933. Regular morning service st 11:15 Mr. James Cumming Subject: "Consecration." Everybody is welcome. MRS. 9. M. I. GODDARD PASSES Mrs. Sophia Mary Isabel God- dard passed away last Sunday in her 88th year in the North Van- couver General Hospital, follow- ing s short illness. She leaves to mourn her loss three daugh- ters, Mrs, Salter and Mrs. H. McGowan, both of West Vancou- ver, and Miss Edith Goddsrd of Vancouver; two sons, Henry of Vancouver, and Tom of Portland, fiv grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Funeral services were held yesterday st 3 p.m. at Hsrron Bros. (ft wil- liamson's chapel in North Van- couver, Rev. F. A. Ramsey of- fiiciating, and interment was made in Cspilsno View Ceme- tery.Supporl the $5,000 Welfare Drive. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "DOCTRINE OF ATONE- MENT's the subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Ocober 15th. Among the citstionn which comprise the Lesson Sermon is the following from the Bible: "He was wounded for our trans- gressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace wss upon him; snd with his stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53: 6). The Lesson - Sermon also int eludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book "Science snd Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "He won eternal honors. He overcame the world, the flesh, snd all error, thus ptqtvlng their nothingness. He wrought 6 full salvation from sin, sickness, snd death." (p. 39). (htoftsr 12 1973 In aid of the Organ Fund of West Vancouver United Church CONCERT is West Vsssossst Usltsd Chstcb Thursday, October 19th, at 8.15 p.m. TICKETS 36s CASCADE SAND & GRAVEL CO. Second Narrows Bridge, North Vancouver Special dressing for driveways snd garden paths. Phone: North 1363; Night Phone, Alf. Ellis, West 160Y. A Stranger in her own home town- no telephone. "I Never dfcsmcd how much my telephone meant to mc until we were without it for ~ while," said fvirs. Saber. "There were no friendly chats over ihc wire, no invitations I wst cui off from cvcryone-.s stranger in my own home town. I'm certainly glad wc have s telephone agan," B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY Ina ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PHOTOGRAPHS I ~S. ITive ( Our Values sre Exceptqnslly Good, I COUPON j The Coupon System does ncq sppssito m I Before dslsg business with ovsttowsI ++QKE+ ) ™ pss studies, lstssqsutsyox ~ I on fsatrsits. I ~ RRODERICK O'ANIEL ~ Photographers ~ 1436 MARINE DRIVE WEST VANCOUVERmmm~mmammmmmw J DR. G. D. H. SHALE A pretty wedding took place QENTIST last Saturday at 8 o'lock at the Itsy Blots, 14th ssd Mstiss Dr. home of the bride's mother, ofsss Hosts 0 ts s p.m. 1175 11th Avenue, New West- E"ssisg by sPPsts~c minster, when Miss Pearl llaxel Robertson became the bride of Support the $5,000 Welfare Mr. James Gordon Keith, son of Drive. Mr. and hire. Keith, 16th and Marine Drive. Rev. A. O. Pst erson, M.A., performed the cere- Df. Marjory McCu bbin mony, snd Mr. David Keith, brother of the groom, acted ss D ENTIST best msn. The rooms were beau- tifully decorated for the cere- Sststdsy,, 10 ~ st ts I p Is mony with late summer flowers, the bridal party standing sosss by sppslntmset only. neath a rose arch with a bell in the centre. The bride wore sn Royal Bssb Bslldlsa orchid silk net frock and csr- Pbsas West 445 fied 0 bouquet of mauve sweet l Rttldtxtm PRSSS WSSt 20L peas and rosebuds. She was at- tended by her sister Violet, wiio The W. A. of the United had chosen a peach silk crepe Church plan to serve a Turkey frock snd carried a bouquet to Supper on Tuesday, October match. At the reception which 24th, following the Anniversary followed the ceremony Mis, snd Harvest Festival on Sunday, Peat(i Rehberger received, the October 22nd, in the United guests being the relatives and Church HalL intimate friends of the bride and groom, and at the buffet supper Captain C. J. Archer made an the bride'6 table wss centiwd offer to the council to purchase with a three-tier wedding cake. for Olsf Jacobson D.L. 582-13-9. The bride and groom later left The council offered the lot to for s short honeymoon, and on him for $187.60 plus the usual their return will take up resi- charges, this offer to remain dence in West Vancouver. good for one week. k ~ b;4 'il ,i,