0001 ~ ! 3 IR l 3 A Weekly Newspaper Circulating in the Di strict of West Vancouver-Ambleside, Hollyburn, Wetton, DundaraYJe $1.00 per year Cypress Park, Caulfeild, WhyteChff, Etc flc per copy st newsstands l ~ HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th, (933 No. 23 Is * s, viip. Wvs tvvt, t VG- ~st OR tvv01 vj itivv, Pvtv Pish. Itvvs ivv Ittst stgv tvttll4 vvllvs vvigr Ittss pyitt vtibv Rvitls RC. ~Vtvv tvtvtvv vvv» vair THE FIRST NARROWS BIIIDGE The editorial regarding the First Narrows bridge which appeared in Saturday night's province was one of the most impuilent it has ever been our lot to read. In referring to the drastic criticism of its attitude over the bridge as voiced by H. S, Wood, K.C., and General Odium at the Liberal meet- ing last week in West Vancouver, it was pleased to credit both these gentlemen "with being concerned in quite a disinterested way with the welfare of the community on both sides of Bur- rard Inlet." Considering the growing impression among very many people in Greater Vancouver that the very reverse is true of the Province's attitude--s very barren blessing as well as an example of the most brazen eflrontery. And of a piece with this is the further statement that it is not at all sure that it dijfers materially on the bridge question either from Mr. Wood or General Odium. It is welcome to this opinion if such provides it with any solace, but it can rest assured that there is not one person on either side of the Inlet, s+,. Including the bridge's greatest opponents, who has sny such ides. The most probable truth is that the Province is becom-l'ng alarmed at the hornet's nest it has stirred up by its bridge attitude. We would suggest that it now turn round and boost ! for the project. Such a change would turn into friends a host of enemies, nor would its reputation suifer, as it would be only the fourth time it would have made s volt face on the bridge question. Further on in the editorial the following passage occures: "But the discussion, unfortunately, has not been dispassion- ate or objective, as it should be. All sorts of extraneous things have crept in, concea I i ng or exc Iuding the res I argumen ts Presumably there is to be a plebiscite or a by-law vote on the bridge." That is the truest statement and the most unfortun- ate admission ever made by the Province in the campaign, for, if there has been one party to the discussion guilty of introducing extraneous things, and of ctvncesljng or excluding the real arguments, that party is the Province. It is even guilty of it in the above quoted statement, because, as it very well knows or ought to know, the plebiscite or by-law, if taken, will be on the road through the park snd not on the bridge. So far as the latter is concerned--and we cannot too strongly emphasize the fntct--it; is entirely up to Ottawa and the British Admiralty. i Now the Vancouver council about sixteen years ago em- ployed a well known American forestry expert to investigate the condition of the trees in Stanley Park, ss they were worried about them. This expert spent two weeks investi- gating, charged a fee of something between $10,00 and 312,000 and recommended tltat a 100 foot road should be made through the centre of the park and, if possible, that laterals be driven on both sides from this road. He stated, however, that the air let into the park by the road would probably be sufficient to save the trees. With this informatidn available at the City Hall will the Province now kindly explain the necessity I for s plebiscite, especially when the Parks Board have already consented to the road, which incidentally is not going to cost anybody a cent. The new Burrard Bridge has only recently been com- pleted, the old Granville Street bridge for several years having been entirely inadequate to accommodate the traflic coming from and going, to Shaughnessy Heights, Point Grey, West Point Grey and Kitsilano. Not a voice against the new bridge was raised by any newspaper or individual on the North Shire, and it had the bessing of the Province. We on the North side of the Inlet knew that it was very badly needed by the people of these districts and were glad to see the work done. Yet, when we have the opportunity of getting at no cost to anybody, a bridge which is absolutely vital to our well being, we flnd s bitter opposition coming from many of the residents of and those interested in these same districts- and from the Province. This is the unsportsmanlike and dog-in-the-manger spirit which has kept Vancouver back and which is far too prevalent in Canada for Canada's good. If Vancouver wishes to go forward and not backwards, if she is to become the great city to which her natural location entitles her, she must eschew this village attitude and extend the hand of welcome whenever capital comes knocking st her door, rememberjnjj that capital never calls twice. So only can she fulfil the great destiny awaiting her. I.EGION NOTES problems. This will follow the usual order of business which ..p The last general meeting of will commence at 7:30 p.m.the local branch wss held in the Legion Memorial Hall last Fri- ORGAN RECITAI, I day evening, the 6th instant, Lovers of music will be glad ! with Comrade Bill Atwood in to hear that final arrangements the chair, and an interesting ses- for the forthcoming concert in sion which commanded the st- aid of the Organ Fund of the tention of the many members United Church are now complet- attending was transacted. ed and tickets for same are now Invitations are being forward- on sale. Mrs. T. A. Spencer and ed to the various candidates for Mrs. J. Haydn Young have kind- the forthcoming Provincial elec- ly consented to act as patrones- tlons on the North Shore, to at- ses on this occasion. Among tend the next general meeting, those taking part are Miss Mil- Friday, October 20th, to answer dred I'ruce, soprano, hjr. Ralph a questionaire being issued by Lear, tenor, Mr. Gordon Keatley, the Provincial Command rela- baritone, also Mr. Ray Nsrtyne, tive to ex-service men and their elocutionist. SEVEN CANDIDATES I,EGION NOTES AUTUhLvv FROLI(. IN THIS RIDING The voters in this rivBng wifi ~ ~day, October 13th, ac- . The annual dance of the Dun- numb~r com ng winter season with s will be hekj from 9 to 12 who have been nominated to con mditary whtst drive snd dance. Friday, October 27th, in Holly- test this seat in the forthcoming ndse B be e every ~and burn Pavilion. Calvin Winter' provincial election. The oflicial an h Fridays of each 6-Piece Orchestra will be in st- iist of their nam wifl be f d month. There will be good Prjz- tendance snd there will be re- in another» t of this issue es given away b sides a g and freshment ~ noveit . Ad- prize for the highest aggregate mission 60 cents. JACK I.OUTET Tp SPEAK for the mason. ~m hments HERE will be served and all for 26c hIUvvICIPAL h OTERS LIST The committee would like to re- J k Lo tet U tithed C mind the Legion and W.A. of Allthosedesiringandentitled didst, wifl op n his campaign d p ~ soc on - to have their names Placed ontheir next box social on Satur- at the prsnge Hafl on Wednes- day, pc&bar 21st. Plesm t vt the Voters'ist for 1934 as day, 18th instant, at 8 p.m. At to these socials and dances householders, licence or poll tsx this meeting Mr. Loutet mlj ~v as an excellent evening's enter- holders are required to fije a a brief account of the work of s guarsn ~ declaration on the form provided the past three sessions, in which on or before 81st October. Forms he represented this constituency FOOTBA I,L may be obtained at the municip- and will deal with his actions in hall. and declarations msy be regard to unemployment snd West Van. United F.C. ~e be~ a n» n'r the other current questions. He wifl United travelled to TemPleton municiPal clerk. An advertise- announce his platform and the Park to Play Facet's Radio last ment relative to this appe rs in measures he considers necesssrv Saturday which was one of the this issue. to restore prosperity, and will fimest games that will be played give his reasons for running in this seasan. Stratton at fufl LIBERAL I~DIES AT HORIE this election absolutely unattach- back in Place of McLean (who ed to any party or group. was unavoidably absent) played About Eighteen months ago Mr, a wonderful game, although he tended the Tea inst week ~~ Loutet advocated controlled in- was surely missed in the for- saved by the Ladies Cpm jttce flation with a plan which re- ward line. Half time score, pf the West Vancouver ceived much favorable comment F»st s Radio I. United 0. Fjd- Association. The Legion Hali at the time, and at that time he des, relieving"Essum at cen- was profusely decorated with predicted that the United States &«orward opened the second autumn foliage and flowers in would be compelled to inflate snd half by equalizing with a lovely pastel shades. After that exchange between Canada goal «iim close in. Ten minutes ada," two delightful solos by and the United States would «pm ftdj time Forst's after hfrs F. F, Loyegrpye tend to even up. Since President three successive shots on the re- the program jn a yety felicitous Roosevelt was elected, these pre- 'ound finally beat Larnie, after manner. dictiohs have been fulfilled: lNrt -- which the hemp team deliberate- -- Nrz Colin tVfscLean .whp wa Loutet also advocated stricter Iy kicked the ball out of Play in the aim~jr p~ control of companies to prevent never giving United a chance to fpr hire. Paul Sinjth whp exploitation of labor andthein- equalize. Result Forst's R dio unabl tpbe presentandofle~ vestor, and strongly opposed the 2 West Van U»ted I .. Mrs. McGifl who was well known reduction of municipal grants. Pn "Ionday (ThanksNying to most of those present as the As funds for campaign pur- Day) united Played Royal Vacs former judge of the juvenile poses are limited he asks the st Ambleside being their first public of West Vancouver to at- home game this season. The tend this meeting to listen to ball was kicked oif by Councillor on social jegjsiatjpn and as his side of the question, as this Fiddes, who is a very enthusi- cptdjsjiy thanked b th will be one of the few opportuni- astic supporter in all branches and thpse ties he will have to place his of sport. iNeither team having views before the electors. completely recovered their true form after Saturday's stifl candidate, then said a'few well PRITCHARDTOSPEAK games, Royal Vacs having had oAS after which tea IN WEST VAN. s tough set-to with S pp rton and hi'~ Herb,~ W'~ unn the game was not as fast as was Under the auspices of the C. generally expected. Result Roy- C.F. Joint Campaign Committee, al Vacs I, West Van. United 0. Mr. W. A. Pritchard, C.C.F. can- On Saturday, October 14th, c arge of the tea and Miss didate for Vancouver-Point Grey United play Sapperton at Sap- will address two audiences on parton. Line-up for that game the North Shore on Tuesday, is as follows: Lamia, Nor»and, Nrs A exander Presided st October 17th. One will be in the Fiddes, Tearoe, NcLean, Davis, Orange Hall, West Vancouver, Vaughan, Stratton, )Vhjte Tim- starting at 8 p.m, and the other brell, D'Easum. Reserves: Neill, LIBERAL RALLY in North Vancouver. Nr. Har- Mason, Grisedale, Kendrick. ley C. E. Anderson, C.C.F. candi- A Liberal Rally will be heM in date for this riding will also Et»gers Dundarave Hall on Wednesday, , speak st these meetings. The Rangers had s very suc- October 18th, at 8 p.m. Short Mrs. R. P. Sleeves to Speak cessful week end being billed to addresses by prominent speakers At the regular Wednesday play two games and winning «'ill be followed by a social ho»; meeting of the West Vancouver both. On Saturday at Amble- hf»ic and dancing. Everybody C.C.F. Club to be held in the side Park, they defeated hjar- Legion Hall on Wednesday, 18th pole, a verv smart team, by the October, Nrs. R. P. Steeves will score of three goals to one. On PETER PAN KINDERGARTEN'e the chief speaker. Mrs. Steev- hlonday (Thanksgiving Day) es is also running in Vancouver- they journeyed to Vancouver Are you interested Point Grey. and were successful in decisive- child's wejfatuv If so, you real- The meeting starts at 8 p.m. Iy defeating B, C. Box to the ly must nv t th P t and is open to the public for dis- score of four goals to nil. cussion and remarks. The Rangers have played four '" % en at "Bonnie Doon„" games to date snd have won 2623 Marine Drive. Here in the WEST VANCpUVFR them all. Keep up the good work cheeriest of madern schpalroanm UNEMPLOYED ASSN. children will spend many happy hours with companions and oc- The regular meeting of the cupations suited to theh age. jVest Vancouver Unemplog ment The West Vancouver P.-T. A Hand) work, so r thnu Association will be held in tha intend to hold a public meeting dancing, cooperative work an 8 I li.t H IIo Friday, October i th near future st which ad t „ teII'll ' t 13th at 8 p m A further m~~ the candidates will be invited to ~ts af s chfld s educate~ and on work clothes For men on work discuss the P.-T. A, platform re- will be efliciently taught at the relief will be given. Following garding Education as adopted at "Peter Pan." Private th b siness s~~~i~n a brief talk the last p.-L A. provincial catt- t tio I a on "What is the Power of the vention. The meeting will be ad- from the schoPNjss Frances Press 1" will be given by hire, E. vertised in the next issue of the Webb, who holds a first Kerr. Discussion and questions West Van News. will be in order and members a dn tear er's certificate, is ent»llin te d. afl interested are urged to at- Su rt h 36000 'f ' 'r-. uppor t e We are come your inspection on Satut en . Drive, day.