0001 Ir««K. 4« ~'vx qr 'r « m r r «, ' t,:" r't W 'tr«« t t. r' t' Fr r:r Ft rrr«zv. 'FJr««r «r rrrrrrrr 'ri &ri rrrrr«rrr«rrf rrr«Fr «rr« .«~rrr« 'r rr r rrrrr ~FrrFrF'rrrr fFrrrF«rrrrrerrrr 'vrrF r THE WEST VAN NEWS ORGAN CONCERT The second of the serieo of concerts in aid of the organ fund of the West Vancouver United Church arranged by Mrs. and Miss Durbin will be held in the United Church at 8:15 p.m. Thursday, 19th October. The artists will be as previously. well known Vancouver favorites while West Vancouver will be represented by Mrs. F. X. Hodg- son. Phone West 469 Phone West 46 Smith 's Grocery ONS PRIDAY xnd SAT.Oct 0th aad 7th TAI'IOCA or SAGO........... 2 Iba 15c Rtd A Ivhiit FLOiiR--Hard WheatFlour.... 24 Ib cotton sack 794 I IL coilee sack 27e LARD--Swift'x Siitetiexf I I b ea tioo ..... . .............. I $4 GINGER SNAPS .........7 de*to 164 RGYAL cRGWN soAp 8 bxt cxtiee zsc CUP S SAUCER FRER with each packet JIF SOAI'LAKES, large package ................. 19c ORANGES, Sxetixi, med„... dox. 25c ORANGES. Suxkixi, large doa $54 ('RAI'EFRUIT -- Sunkixi, large 4 for 1st POTATOES. Netted (lcm 15 Ilx xxck .... ... .. 25c CRABAI'I'LES, H)xlup ....6 lbs. 45c Ai'I'LES. hlelntexh Rtd. 6 lbs. 25c SAL'rRii i EA NUTS -- Sanitary ctnephxat bxg ...........I't lb. Iec PEANUT BUTTER--Sqeittei Brand Syj ox. tins ............................. Sc WITCH HAZEL TOILET SOAP 2 cakes Iot 9c ROLOCREAM OATS--The Hexnb Cereal ................. pet pxckti 14c Mclntytw, while Mrs. Gordon Gray reported that two mem- bers were sick. Intimation was made of the Semi-Annual Provincial Conven- tion to be held at Nansimo on 17th, 18th and 19th October. After the business tes wss served by the hostess, Mrs. J. McIntyre Mrs, K. B. Forster, and Mrs. D. McTavish. SHOPPING SUGGESTI WHOLE WHEAT I'LAKES, KeRogg'x New Bteetfxxt FooL pxctxge .....x.......,........... 1st GELATINE, Knox Sparkling Axt Iet recipe booklet ......pki 204 WHITE BEANS--Grove ia R C. 3 ibm 144 APRICOTS--Whole, eepiiitd. Sue- dtitd, exiutxi Sxtet. pet Ib 15c BLACK I'IGS, fresh atw xietklb................................... 8c CAKB -- Otxege Cttem lmyetExch................ 30c CLAhl CHOIVDRR, Ayimet Brand ptt iix . 9c CHEESE. Settee, . Vt Ib extiee 15c Red R White MATCBBS, 400 ie box ....Sixdx in Canada .. 2 boxes 19c Red R White FLOOR WAX I nx tin. $3e Rtd R White SPAGHETTI with Cheese R Tomato Sxace. Large Iio....... I ox Rtd R White ASPARAGUS, ieedet xptxtx ................... ptt ilo 20c SLICED BACON, Swifrx Ptemixm .. Sanitary cenophxee package Ht lb.. „16c WELFARE NOTES The potatoes grown this year in the Welfare gardens sre now being dug up, and our residents are asked to donate any spare empty sacks they may have for the proper handling of the crop. If any having sacks will kindly phone West 87, the Boy Scouts will call for them. Storage facil- ities for lots of 20 sacks of pota- 'toe8 are also required. Will any with such accommodation in their cellars snd willing to help kindly phone West 87. LEGION W. A. A bridge and whist drive is being held at the home of Mrs. Butt, 975 Duchess Avenue, on Friday afternoon, October 6th, in sid of the Legion W. A. funds. Anyone desirous of attending or making up 6 table, please phone West 208R. L O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., was held st the home of Mrs. W. B. Small on Monday afternoon with the Regent, Mrs. Bernard Hayes, in the chair. Mrs. Alan hfcIntyre reported 'rogress made in arrangements for the Annual Hsllowe'en Dance to be held in Hollyburn Pavilion on Friday, 24th October, when Calvin Winter's Dance Orches- tra WIll supply the music. A donation will be forwarded to Miss A. B. Cooke, Provincial Educational Secretary, towards 6 fund promoted by her to pro- vide books snd school supplies for pupils in isolated districts who are handicapped for want of these necessities. Mr8. R. Fiddes gave 6 report on the Book Exchange showing that 1092 books hsd been handled. Apart from the fact that many families had their book bill cut in half this session, cash to tbe amount of 8188.56 was paid out to pupils for books they no longer required. A report on the Bridge held at the home of hirs. Grady in sid of the Girl Guide Associa- tion was submitted by Mrs. Alan SCOUT NEIVS Thanks to the kindness of the members of the Board of School Trustees in granting the use of the old Manual Training build- ing on Friday evenings, West Vancouver Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts now enjoy 8 real head- quarters for regular troop meet- ings for the coming winter months. For 8 nominal rental charge, the Scouts obtained per- mission to use the building for weekly gatherings and they aro now arranging a training sched- ule of lectures and demonstra- tions to continue until next spring. On Friday, October 6th, Capt. J. A. Jermyn, Scput Commis- sioner for the North Shore, will visit West Vancouver to inspect No. 2 Troop snd to assist in the ceremonies that vtill oil'icially in- augurate the use of the new headquarters. C.C.F. HEADQUARTERS TO OPEN MONDAY The C.C.F. campaign head- quarters will be opened on Mon- day in the Messinger Block, Mar- ine Drive. A good live staff will be in attendance and free liter- ature on C.C.F. matters may be hsd on request. 1VELFARE DRIVE The second report meeting held by the workers on the Wel- fare Trust Fund campaign ssw the total amount subscribed pass the 82000 mark towards the iinsl goal of 65000. Encour- aged by the generous response to their appeals, the campaign workers have redoubled their eii'orts to thoroughly canvas tho fourteen districts in West Van- couver within the next week or ten days. The workers went on record as being opposed to promiscuous appeals for funds by local bodi- es in the name of the Wdfare Association, particularly in pro- jects involviqg 6 percentage div- ision of tile contemplatcJ re- ceipts. It was felt that one well organized financia campaign each year would raise sufl'icient funds to carry the regular monthly budget of the Welfare Association, snd except for very special needs such as the separ- ate appeal for Christmas ham- pers, no other money raising projects should be encouraged. The next report nieeting of the campaign workers will be held st the Municipal Hall on Thursday, October 6th, at 6 p.m. Each team captain is hei&i re- sponsible for the attendance of sll his team workers. HELP THE CHILDREN The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, hss placed boxes in the various local stores, snd the public are asked to place therein their Buckingham cigar- ette snd tobacco wrappers. With these the Legion will enter the gift contest instituted by the makers, the prizes for which are toys for the children at Christ- mas time. Should they be suc- cessful, the toys won will be used in the Welfare Associa- tion's work this Christmas. CHORAL SOCIETY There will be no practice next Monday evening, the next prac- tice taking place on the follow- ing Monday. ~ I" TIRRII~,I Perhaps the light is too dim. Replace your ISO-watt lamps with 60'5 and notice the difference for onIy j/Jh of a cent for the whole evening. r rm ~:I'.IIIK7: Kefo] lSIAI:I y%ERioIIRI [4$ :y3IRJ!IKVi) October 6, 1988 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 StOre at HOllyburny neXt Theatre PHONE WEST 3 IU SER and all Building hlnterlal of Best Quality at Imw Prices BUll D NOW1 gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD Phone West 115 Res. 1'hone West 868L 15th and lilarine "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS DOniyrBY nihil'SON" Nevxiiitx, MYRTI.E FISHER." Bead I' ieied Novelties, Feecy Printing. Helly- burn Gift Shop, B. C.WANTED -- Goad Weed xed Coal lbmge. cheap for cash. Phone West 266X. FQR RFvT -- cexy furnished teitege close to Mxtiee and 23rd, $ 15.00 monthly. Phoae Geo. Goutier, IVexi 2. OLD GOLD -- Best Price Paid. Wtxi Vxn. Jeweler, 1622 Marine Drive. FOR RENT -- Heqxe oa Wxietfteei, yearly lease, Phoae West 03RI. a'~ ~ FOR SALE Ceai or Woad Bexiet, Very cheap. Phone Vfest 389Y. VOlt RPVT -- 4 Room Beegxiew partly furnished. Next Marine. Phone West 173L. FOll SALE -- Lovely Homes. No 1st- etext. Reasonable terms. Phoae West 133R. A. OLIVEIL 15th xxd Water(teei. Cabinet Maker. Furniture made to order or repaired, new furniture for sale. House, fully modern for saic or io Iei on 16th xed Exqoimxit FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED Cottage, Waterfront; full plumb- ixg, furnace. West 131R$. SELL or TRADE -- 12 fL Clinker built rowboat. What oifetx7 1434 Argyle Avenue. DANCING -- GYMNASIUM--Classes for Children, Mex, Women, Dutr datxve Hall, Phone West 438RI. hioiiy Edwards, Jerry Mxthixen. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING, AR- etxtionx, Boys'ants specialty, Chxtix foundation garments. Phone West 74RI. hIARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thetmiqxe Permanent Wave without danger of burning. Mxtcei 604; reset $Sc; Finger Wave 60c. Phone Mtx. King West $04. 1620 hiariqe. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses io Rent. Houses, lots, xnd acreage for sale. John Lawxen, 17th xnd Marine, Phone West 65. FIRST-CLASS SHOR REPAIRING- 14th xt Petty, Best material sxd workmanship. MARCEL, PINCER WAVE OR SHAMPOO, 26c. Permanent Waves 32.00. Hoiiybote Academy of Beauty Culture, 1543 hixrino Drive. No sppointmestx necessary. GET MY FREE ESTIMATES ea Painting, Pxperlog xnd Kxixemie- Ing. C. L. Koalngx, Res. Phone West 994L WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Duodatate. COLIN TURNER, Cxrpeaiet aed Builder. Aiieraiionx sod tepeitx. Phone West 879L BEADGUARTERS for AR ihe Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, xod Fish- ing Gadgets for local waters Ambiexide Tex Rooms. FOR PLUSIBING REPAIRS -- Res- idence Phone West 241R. CORDON ROBSON Bxttixitf SOBcitot WEST VANCOUVER- Oifice No. 1447, Mxtiee Drive Phone West 40$. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFPICE- Suite 601: 610 Hastings St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 6. A Big Shock Said 8 psycho-analyst to his patient, "Can you remember re- ceiving a severe shock when you were s youngster&" "Yes," replied the patient. "I once crawled under the side of s tent to see s circus, snd discov- ered it was s revival meeting." Too Late Red of face and teething with un- controllable anger, young hits. Nu- wcdd dashed ipte the photographer'x studio. "Good morning, madam," said Mr. Sxxppem the pteptietur agabiy, "aad what mxy I have iho pleasure of do- ing for youl" "Doing fut mel" xhe echoed, "I don't ever want you io do anything for me. Loot at this wedding group. Ii'x shameful the .way yoe took Ii. My poor huxbxnd looks just like an ape. Snxpptm shrugged hix shoulders heipiexxiy. "Indeed, madam, I regret that very much," he replied, "but you xboald have noticed that before yoo mettled him." "Have you s speaking acquaint- ance with the woman next door?" "A speaking acquaintance? I know her so well that we dun't speak st all" GEO. HAY Notary Public Real Estate 6 Iexutxete Listings %VanteIi 140S Mxtixe Dtire Phone West 21 or Stymeet 1280 Etteiegx Wtxi 204X NOTICE hiixx Evxh Beiioe Behen Deceased NOTICE IS HPREBY GIVEN that ~ il petxoxx havieg claims xgxiexi the exixie of Mixe Evxh BoRoe Behoa, formerly of 2804 Mxibtrs Avenue, West Vancouver, British Colombia, whe died on the 4th September, 1939, xte required on or befem the 20th November, 1934, io deliver et send by ptepaid leittt full particulars of their ciximx duly veriged io THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, Executor af the Extxie of the saki Mixe Exch Behoe Beiion deceased, at Rx eifice 820 Ptndet Street West, Vancouver, B. C. AND TAKE NOTICE ihxt xfixt the last mentioned dxie the Exetetet wiii proceed io dixitibeie ibe assets of ihe dtcexxed among the petxoax eeiiiied iheteie, having regard only io ibe eiximx of which it xhxR then have had xeiita. DATED ai Vancouver. B.C., ibis 20th dx of Se iembtt 1933. ROBEltrSON lkUGLIS 6 SYIRL'6, 840 Ponder Street West, Vancouver, B.C., Sollcnetx fat ihe Royal Ttuxi Company. Tbe rate for Clxxxiatd Adttttixemtxix ix 2 cexix pet wetd, miaimem 25 teetx Except ie ibe cxxe of these hetiag ttgxixt xctoeeix, xB tlxxxi- stdx are pxyxbie xtticiiy ix xdrxece. Remember Cixxxistdx io the 'Wtxt Vxe News gei immediate texenq, I'On RENT -- Comfutixbit house. felly modern. Phoae West 266X.