0001 October 5, 1933. THE WEST VAN NEWS ;0. WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. Support the $6)000 Welfare Drive T. Local and Personal FLAG TOFFEEMr. and Mrs. Watson and fam- ily have moved from 2MI Belle- vue Avenue and are occupying a house on the East Beach, ~ ~ ~ Miss Dorothy IJndsay, form- erly of West Vancouver, has been the guest of Miss Marjorie Cummings of Capilano Intake. s s Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Marer.tette who have been spending the summer in West Vancouver, have returned to their home in Vancouver. H. Thwaites of Cspilano, hss rented the Watson house at 25th and King's Avenue and has taken possession. ~ ~ s Mrs. F. Mathews, who has been living for some time st West Bay, has returned to her home on Praeter Avenue. s ~ ~ George McKenna, who has been spending the summer at Sandy Cove, has returned to Kit- silano. ~ s \ Mrs. Kerr, who has been con- ducting the store and post office at Sherman for a number of months, hss moved to Radcliife Avenue. ~ s ~ J. hfacaulay has moved from Procter Avenue, into a house on Travers Avenue. ~ s ~ The swimming tank at Dun- dsrave Pier has been towed to Eagle Harbor for the winter months. s ~ ~ bhs. L. B. Raid and family, who since the spring have been at the Tea Cup in Dundarave, are returning this week to their home at 30th and Waterfront. s Mr. and hfrs. J. Dodd Allan of Radcliife Avenue, with their son Eric, and daughter Joseph- ine, left last Saturday for a trip to the Old Country. s Miss Campbell has taken over the store and post office st Sherman. s s \ hir. and hfrs. Martin have re- turned td their home in Kitsil- ano, after spending the sueqmer at Sandy Cove. The Misses Stevenson, 25th snd Bellevue Avenue, are now back at the Clachan.\ v Mr. and hfrs. Eric Makouski have moved from 2636 Bellevue Avenue into a house at Sandy Cove. \ Mrs. Sisson has moved from 25th Street into a house at 2379 Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ E. I. Lane of the teaching staff of Inglewood School, has return- ed to his duties following a short absence due to an injury receiv- ed on the football field ~ s s birn. V. R. China and family have moved from 153 28th Street into a house at 2031 Esquimalt Avenue. ~ ' Support the $5000 )Ve)fare Drive There will be a matinee next blonday (Thanksg)sing Day), at the Hoflyburn Theatre. ~ ~ Mrs. Robinson, 2396 Marine Drive, has returned from a week's visit in Vancouver. s \ F. P. Nickerson has moved from the city into a house at 1684 Marine Drive. Mr. End Mrs. Gary Eastman, who formerly resided at West Bay but who have been living for the psst few months on Vancouver Island, are in the city for a few days preparatory to leaving on the next boat for Australia, where they expect, to reside in future. Mr. End Mrs. T. Sherwood, who have been spending the psst few months at their summer home on Inglewaod Avenue, have returned to their home in Vancouver. ~ s Mr. End Mrs. Anderson have moved into a house at 19th snd Bellevue Avenue from Whyte- cliff, where they have spent the summer. s Charlotte McDougall, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Meuse, 1471 Fulton Avenue, is a patient in the Vancouver General Hos- pital following an operation.\ We have been requested to draw attention to the rose bush- es and brambles at property ent- rances. These present a real danger especially after dark to any stranger entering the grounds, and several instances have occurred lately of persons having had a narrow escape from injury to their eyes from these overhanging branches. «A stitch in time saves nine." s s ~ Salter -- Binning Mr. and Mrs. H. Binning an- nounce the wedding of their daughter, Alma Frances, to Mr. R. E. Salter of Lethbridge, Al- berta, on Saturday, September 30th, 1933. A quiet reception was held the following dsy at the home of the bride's parents, 2548 Lawson Avenue. The happy couple wil lreside in North Van- couver. s ~ A. Gracey, municipal building inspector, has returned to his duties after a short holiday. Miss Nancy Rudolph enter- tained st the lunch hour last Wednesday, the 27th ultimo, at her home, 2976 Mathers Avenue. ~ s ~ Dr. and Mrs. Lang, who form- erly resided in West Vancouver, have been the guests of Mrs. Walter Gourlay, 2322 Bellevue Avenue. ~ s A farewell surprise party was held last Friday at the Clschan Hotel for Miss Jo Allan, who left I'or England on Sunday. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all in dancing to the popular Turner Orchestra with Eric Al- lan as master of ceremonies. A- mong the guests were: the Mis- ses Doreen and Bubbles Bernard, Peggy Barker, Wendell Hayes, Maureen Sheriff, Lenna Simp- gsr, Betty Gourlay, Stella Bruce, Hadgson, Pixie Reid, Biddy IVyatt, Pat IVallace, Doreen El- gar, Getty Gourlsy, Stella Bruce, Bobbie McIntyre, Jean Hill, Joan Parker, Elsie Partridge, Ernes- ine Weeden, Madeleine Eccle- stone, Sheila Edwards, Bernice Paton, K. Simpson, Vera Plait, Joyce Woods, May Armstrong and the Messrs. T, Elfstrom, P. Dauet, j. Dorchester, D. Forres- ter, B. Parker, J. bicLeod, M. Allan, Alex. McRae. N. Haubury, D. Laster, J. Watson, B. Turney, . B. Lang, F. Lopateckie, J. Beat- ty, J. Edwards, I'. Fennings, J. Bloxham, B. Robson, T. Robson, Ken Bruce, J. Bradley, I, Bruce, W. Parker, D. Brown, J. A)clio and G. Bradley. Made by Rowan ee 6 Oz. - I sc. TIP TOP TAILORS North Shore Agency I 29 Lonsdnle Ave„Nmsh Vancouver Fall Samples are now in. Drop in Io-dny at Phone North 106 snd out representative will be plea&cd lo call on you. Cemm)fl's Drug Store The Stets sf Su&vite. 1441 Nstlas Dtlvs Wsst nr H. Sundbacken, 1584 Bellevue Avenue, has moved into a house at 2611 Bellevue Avenue.\ ~ Friends of birs. H. W. Wright, 1023 Keith Road, will be pleased to hear that she has sufficiently recovered to return to her home after having been ill at the North Vancouver General Hos- pital for nearly four weeks. WEST VANCOUVER SCOTIISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The following members have been elected to oil'ice owing to the present members holding these offices finding it necessary to resign, as they are leaving the municipality. Those elected to Fill these vacancies are: Miss Margaret Nylsnd, secre- tary; birn. Stewart, treasurer; Miss M. O'rady, membership committee; J. Nyland, floor committee; Mrs. Huggins, social commit- tee. In future the society plans to hold their practices on the sec- ond and fourth Saturdays in the month, commencing Octobeq 14. Bmstgsasy Fhmm Hest nnl IAfist 4 p.m.) Intn vQ HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY sml SATURDAY Oui&but Slh sud 'lih. MAURIcB cHEYALIRR sud BABY I,BROY 'A Bed-Time Story' lss "NOAH'S ARK" A colored sate&su jsy Walt Olsusy. Mews -- Curn&dr -- Sssuit SHORTHAND TUITION Tdsaav ANo spsuo Quslissd Tv&shut Pbsus W. SS4R chb',' nril elb&II Ambleside SheetMetalworks lAURIE SPECK, Ptsptlsesr 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING 14ONDAY sud TUESDAY Oui&bet 4th sad loch RDWARD G. BOBINSON The LITTLE GIANT siss «LOOSE RELATIONS" Comedy with Andy Clyds. Cut&sou -- Nail&tv Study Sf&tins& nlsudsy F. H. Cooper, 2271 Kmg's Avenue, has moved into a house at 1373 Haywood Avenue. A chimney fire broke out last Friday morning at the home of Mr. End Mrs. J. T. Watt, 1695 Esquimalt Avenue, the brigade turning out in response to the alarm. No damage wss done. Mrs Goddard, who resides with her son-in-law add daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. H. McGowan, of the Ambleside Tea Rooms, had the misfortune to slip and fall in the house last Sunday, sustaining a broken hip. She was taken to the North Vancou- ver General Hospital. s s Mr. End Mrs. W. R. Clarke and daughter have moved from 1910 Bellevue Avenue, and are now occupying a house at 195 18th Street. 'AIrs. I. M. McLean, who has been on her anual vacation, has resumed her duties at the Holly- burn Post Office. ~ ~ P. H. McEwen has moved into at house at 1321 Esquimalt Avenue. i lend 'ii&4 ., i the Id&st 3PUI, West sbleb e ening,t P,, ipnv-.,la: 'nl In'H" bis j sdbdt 'nning . dl Ib& e ldib,. Lnnnsl nd tbs K.W. Savory WEDNESDAY A THURSDAY Oui«but 11th sud lnu« 'The Sign of theCross'443 Marine Drive Ambleside Owsug es ibs sutitsuis Isugeh sf this pi&erne ms will be able es sbsw it only su&s satb even- ing, csmmvutiug at S s'doch.Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Stratton'8 BAKERY Real Estate Finance and Insurance BREAD - CAKES Meat Pied Sausage Rolls Bambury Cakes ALL FRESH DAILY Made at 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 ASSR I 4 hgsi 'upport the $5,000 Welfare Drive. TEAROE 81 SON Williamson's Dairy C. J. Overington PIONEER BAIP&BER 14th and bianne Expert Work Phone West 135 MILK, CREAM, BUTTERMILK AND BUTTER musie« ie &SS E&S&ii I'bint West 44 &t N&rlb g)lTell&le I, . Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies liood, Coal Canmore Briiluettes iis &m s Tu. Peti&) at $ 1250 per ton Unsurpassed For FURNACE or RANGE WEST VAN.AGENT - MISS UOWAL WEST 622 X C 0 A L AT RKCCLAR PRICKS Lyman Jones, 22nd and Jef- ferson, suffered a nasty fall in his orchatd while picking fruit Inst hionday. Complicated with his former injuries while bksst- ing two years sgo, it resulted in his being removed to North Vancouver Hospital for treat- ment. Dump Truck bvork I WOMEN l ~ mdKNIEnsacxem R ass&Ear aa.~ &multis&Is s&. Turn&us, ass&su i&st 1 Pdg Eels sncb 4 isllf ibis Support the $5,000 We)fare Drive. WATERCOLORS, CRAYONS, PEN AND INK PENCIL SKETCHING SILHOUETTES AND I LOWER STUDIES Classes 1st Women sud Chlldtsu usvs being formed. Burrard Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICE DEPENDABLE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones-West 09IL. or North 1810 t l Suppart the $5,000 Welfare Drive. Ferry Schedule For Thanksgiving Day For ps&Ocul&tv phsus MONDAY% OCT. 9th IKRS, R. B. GII.DEA, Wssi 4nnan FF OM WEST VANCOUVER:-- HalF.Hourly Service 600 ~.m io II )0 I&NL FROM CITY:-. Half-Hourly Sstvicc: 6.)0 s.m. Io 12.00 Mdnighi. BUS MEETS ALL BOATS