0001 4rr Jee e4 yv V'v ~'v v44 V J" VJ'e e J ~ 'ex e'Je J JV'e'V're ~ ~ ' 'V% ~ ~ vrrJ"r vtevr 'V rrev 'rrvrrc.vrr™rr verrrrvrr vre rv '~ V JV rvvv rrvrvrCvvv 44"rcvrv'vv 4 rrvvvrvr" JV444rvr THE WFST VAN NEWS C. C. F NOTES Phone West 46Phone West 469 Burrard Candidate to Speak Here. Miss Mildred Osterhout willSmith 's Grocery be the speaker of the evening at the Legion Hall on Wednes- day, October 4th, at 8 p.m. und- er the auspices of the C.C.F. Miss Osterhout is the C,C.F. candidate for Burrard Centre. Mr. Harley C. E. Anderson will also speak. A joint campaign committee of IVest Vancouver S.P. of C. and C.C.F, Club, North Vancou- ver S,P. of C. snd C.C.F. Club, and Lynnmour S. P. of C., hss been formed and meetings are being arranged all over the North Shore Riding. The fol- lowing secretaries have charge of the program of meetings: West Vancouver S. P. of C., Frank Mollinson; C. C. F Club, E. Lunn; North Vancouver S. P. of C., Mr. Shairp; C.C.F. Club, hire. George Baxter; Lynnmour S, P. of C. Mrs. Boyland. Mrs. Elizabeth kew is joint campaign secretary. A new'C.C.F. Club is in form- ation at Capilano. This week they will elect officers and have representation on the Joint Campaign Committee. Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Ilollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER'HOPPINGSUGGESTIONS---:R',"„""~,'„'~Rcd & Whuo PUhiPKIN, choicelarge 2)J iia ...............--...-... 12cRcd & Whiic TOM ATOBS, choice rcd No. 2 I inc . .................... ... 9c Rcd & Whim TOMhTO JUICE Tall tins ................... 8 iioc 25c Rcd & 'ivhiio TOMATO 8OUP 2 Bsc 25c QUICK OATS, Robin Hood. phg 17c AUNT hiARY'8 TEA.. pcr IK Szc AVNT .'WARY'8 COIJFEE Fcccb ground ............. lb. Sec ORANGES, fcmuy cise......-....dox. 254 LESIONS, Icczc oicc............h for 15c GRAPEFRUIT, Iulcy...........c for 19c COOKIAG ONIONS...8 ibc. 19c HONEY GRAHAMS, Rcd hhmow I ne cello pkg ................... 19c PEAL WHITE SOAP........6 bars 19c Save the wcaopecc foc useful gifts. 4X PEANUT BI?PTER CAKE cc. Sec PRUNES, Fresh, mcd. cise.2 ibc. 25c CORN FLAKFB. Quaker. phg. Sc BEFTFEX BEEF CUBES, small iec large 2zc DEVONSHIRB SAUSAGE I IL ceno pbi ......................... 16c RED PLUM JASI, Nabob Pare .................... 4 lb. iio Ssc CORN, White SJJOOL No. 2 iia iec PBAS, Ice&4 cnd icadcy, fall &cvoc iec Rcd & Wmio )THOLE CLAMS Tall i)ac ....................... 2 iioc 25c Ol'STERS. Fcscy, iocgo Ik C. 5 oa iix .................... „......... Sec SA RUIN ES, Nabob Nocvcgico ................ 2 Bac zhc CORNED BEEF. Boyyn. Ocr iia 15c 8 O'LOCK i&ARI&ALAI)E 15 oL icco ........................ 25c CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, Flag Brand No. 2 iia . . . .... ............ 10c SLICED PIN EAI'PLB, I"cuiiicco No. 2 iin ......-- Sc TID-BITS PINEAPPLB BOOOROO ...,, 5 oa iio 9c Apricots, Ncboh. Ao. 2 iio.... 19c RED PLUMS. Nchob. bcoi eocniy No. 2 iieo.................... Iec Rcd & White JELI Y POWDERS Assorted Flavors ......--.. pkg. 64 Rcd & Whno GOLDEN CORN Na 2 iix ... .. .. . ....... .. I 5c Rcd & White PEAS, choice Sieve 4 ...........2 tins 25c WELFARE DRIVE In 'the temporary absence of the campaign chairman, R. D. Pecjr, the first report meeting of the workers on the IVest Van- couver tVemare Trust Fund, vyas presided over by Major Harold Brouz). The honors for report- ing the largest amount in sub- scriptions during the first few days went to tvm. Blair and Wm. Dickinson, who turned in pledg- es totalling SS49. Close behind them with ksser amounts were the teams of J. S. Brown and Dodd Allen, S. A. G. Curry and R. A. Mitten, George Hay and Jack Watt, Gare Downing and Bob hlccall, and Wm. Small and Blair Clerk. To secure the 36,000 required by the Welfare Association to carry them through the coming twelve months, the entire muni- cipality has been divided into fourteen districts with 8 captain and 8'team of workers alloted to each district. The school teach- ers and the municipal employees have organized themselves into separate groups to facilitate the solicitation. Under this plan it is hoped to give every resident of West Vancouver an opportun- Support the and all Building Material of Best I|uallty st Low Prices, BUILD NOlV! +EST VANCOUVER LUMBER (',O. LTD. Phone IVest 115 Res. I'hone IVes( 36SL 13th snd Marine elught Service -- Rlghl Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS mcxic ic 2 cents pcr ward, mix)mom hcyiag cogoicc cccooe4. ~ 8 ciccci- The rale for Ciccciacd Advertise 25 cooic. Except In the ease of chose &cdc crc pcycbic civic)if ia cdrcoco. Remember Ciccci&odc io iho Weel ENGLISH PRAM -- Vic(orio 8iyio leather hood ond apron, good condi- tion, $6.00. Phone West 498Y. PIANO TUNING -- English Expert, repairs. cleaning, adjustments. Maurice Bruce, North 15 Y. FOR SALE -- Household fxyxiiocc small ciociric yc, kitchen ran radio, mchogoo dioing room co ic, kitchen cod bedroom furniture, cidxo, cic. On view xfiof 1ci Octob- er. MB9 Bellevue Avenue. TO RILVT -- Tvo Focoichcd house- kccpixg rooms, heated. Close io ferry. Suit iwo icochorc or married couple. Phone West SSY. ')VANTED TO PURCHASE -- Small modern bungalow. Apply Box 21, West Vcx News. SHORTHAND TUITION -- Theory Cad Speed PractiCe Cevil&cd teach- er West 524R WANTED -- Finished bcccmcoi or large room suitable for kindergar- ten. hiicc Webb, 246S hfcrioc Drive WANTED -- Comforicbic home for elderly mox (pcocioncy), room cad board or warm housekeeping room. West 94R. FOR SALE or RENT -- $20 mooch, 6-Roomed House, large verandah, gcycgo or large corner ioi near ferry. Phone evenings after 9 p.m. or Sundays. West 627X. FOR RENT -- Three coom furnished coiicgc, $ 10 a mootk Phone Wcci 257R. FOR SALE -- Good Cheer. open IJoxi heater. in perfect condition. Weel 0841 )VANTED -- Good Wood cxd Coal Range, cheap for cash. Phone West 266X. TO RENT -- 2 Rooms. pcciiy furs. ichcd cottage. Phone West 149L2. FOR RENT -- 5-Room bungalow, Garden cxd froii trees. Modern. Centrally ioccicd. Phone West 10SY FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING. Ail. craiiooc Boys'ants specialty Chcric foundation garments. Phone Wcci 74R1. MARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thcrmlexc Permanent Wave without danger of burning. Marcel 60c; reset 25c; Finger Wave 60c. Phone Mrx. King West S04, 1620 Mxcinc, Vco News zci immcdicic rccol4. J FOR RENT -- Com(ociobic iumcc. fully modern. Phone West 256X. ity to participate in the big community appeal, which, if successful, will adequately fin- ance the welfare work for an en- tire year without further calls on the public. FOR SALE -- SmcS cir-iighi heater. pipe cod stand, hardly uccd. 51.75. Phone West 889. lVEST VANCOUVER UN EMPLOY ED ASSN. At the 'regular meeting of the West Vancouver Unemployed Association held in the Socialist Hal! on Friday last, reports were given regarding allowance made for work clothes to men on work relief. It was decided that the committee should again confer with the Reeve snd Councillor Fiddes asking that there should be no discrimination shown a- gainst single me n in this mat- ter. Following the routine busi- ness a short address was given by Mark Phillips, president, on "Exploitation." in which he dealt with the changes of gov- ernment through the ages and the conditions of workers in each period. An Interegung dis- cussion followed. It is intended that other addresses will be given at the W.V.U.A. meetings throughout the winter. DANCING. BODY BUILDING, oed LIMBERING -- Cixccoc foc boys cod girls, business pco io mcn ood women. Dondccovc Icjl Phone West 488RI. STAhIP NEWS The opening meeting of the West Vancouver Stamp Club will be held at the home of the President, 766 22nd Street, on Monday, October 2nd, at 8 p.m. The election of officers will be held and the prizes will be presented to the winners of the competition. The display will be by 0 Vancouver Philatelist. The Junior Section will meet in St, Stephen's Church base- ment on Tuesday, October Srd, at 4 pzn. WANTED -- Tccocpoc)ocloo from North Vancouver io Ambiccidc, )caving North Vancouver 4:40 p.m. daily. Phono West 586R. "DOROTHY SIMPSON" Novcnicc, "MYRTLE FISHER." Hand Pcixicd Noyciiicc, Fancy Printing. Holi@- burn Gift Shop, B. C. WEST VANCOVVER PROPERTIES For Sale cod Wanted. C.J.Archer Lid., 1416 Marine Drive. Phone West 226. Seymour 6964. )VANTED -- Goad Tricycle exchange for cord of &cowomL Phono West 294R.HOLLYBURN HALL Tomorrow (Friday) at 8 p.m. there vyill be 8 young'eople'8 service illustrated by'I lantern views. The subject will be "Lost and Found," and the speaker Mr. J. Anderson. A testimony meeting will be held next Sun- day at 7:30 p.m., to which all are heartily welcome. Sunday School as usual at 10 a.m. SPIRELLA CORSEPIERE Phone West 4871 OLD GOLD -- Best Price Pcid. Wcci Vco. Jeweler, 1622 Marine Drive. FOR RENT -- Houcc oa Wc(ocfroei. yearly icacc. Phone West 58B1.In honor of Miss Blanche Duckworth, whose marriage takes place this week, Miss Net- tie Harman entertained at 0 daintily arranged miscellaneous shower Friday evening. The in- vited guests were: Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Duckworth, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Denton, Mrs. Herman, Mrs. Bean, Mrs. For- rest, Mrs. Stephens, the Misses Elsie Harrison, Phoebe Pescod, Winnie McMillan, May Pratt, Muriel Bell, Gladys and Violet McNair, Nore and Wjnnie Bow- man, Florence Kedey. A bridge for the Welfare Fund Drive is being given by Mrs. Kenneth Lopatecki and Mrs. Lestock Reid next Wednesday at 2:16 and at 8:16 p.m. in the . Tea Cup, when an enjoyable time is assured sll those who attend. In the afternoon there will be tea-cup reading. It is requested'hat those thinking of going kindly phone West 23LS or West 339 for reservations as early as possible. Pst came hurrying down the street, when he met Mike. Mike says to Pat: "Where are you going in such a hurry?o Pat said to Mike: "I'm going to the police station to get 0 warrant out for the arrest of my wife, for rocking me." Mike says: "Why, Pat, you can't have your wife arrested for rocking you to sleep." "Can't I? You should have seen the size of the rock." FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. Best material xsd workmanship. 36,000 Welfare Drive. hiARCEL, FINGER WAVE OR SHAhiPOO, 25c. Pcnncxcni Waves $2.00. HJRybure Accdcm of Beauty Coiiocc, 1648 hicrino rive. No oppoistmouts accessary. ! LSC,SSTS yO%N GHT M Y FREE ESTIMATES oa Painting, Poporixg csd Kcicomin- ing C. L. Koniogc, Rco. Phone West 294R. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dondcccvc. COLIN TVRNER, Ccrpcaicc os4 Builder. Aiicrciiouc ced repairs Phone West 879R. HEADQUARTERS foc AR the Pop uior Cigxrciicc, Tobaccos, csd Fish- ing Gcdgcic for local wxiccc. Ambiccidc Tcx Rooms. FURNISHED AND UNFVRNISHED Houses io Rent. Houccc, lots, cod ccrcxgc for sale. John Lcvcos, 17th cod hicciec Phone West 66 NOTICE Mhm Ecch Boiioo Bones Dccccccd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that OR persons hcyix cicimc against ihc estate of Mick ych Boiion Boiioo, formcyi of 2804 Mcihccc Avenue, West Vancouver, British Columbic, who died on the 4ih September, 1988, are required on or before the 20th November. 1988, io deliver or send by prepaid letter full poyiicuiccx of their cicimc duly veri&cd io THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, Executor of the .Estate of ccid Miss Ecch Boiioe I OR PLUMBING REPAIRS Rcc idcocc Phone West 241R. GORDON HOBSON Bcccicict Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER- Oifico No. 1447, Marino Dyiyo Phone Wcci 406. 10 io IK VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501) 610 Hastings St, W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 io 6. Your bridge game will improve with better light. Replace your J4o-watt lamps with bo's. They usip only j/4$ of a cent in Bdded current for 4in entire evening. Tim wcx cod)scoring io Impart some logical reasoning io Dennis, whom hc knew io be hoi-icmpcccd. JNow, afore you cicci In ih'ew job, Dennis, I just went io tell ycx io never xoy o word when yc &xd ycrccif gciiin'cd. Remember, cii- coce ix gOlden." "It's ih'ood rule," gravely replied Dennis. "Waste so words; just smash 'im." e ~ ~ Jeec ~S'.ll IK7'Eeieigefyl:IL%HB%084'.Ii¹11IK).'ISKWe f) September 28, 193S, JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS