0001 I THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Personal Your ~ h Mrs. A. S. Williamson moved on Tuesday from Travers and Marine Drive into a house at 2842 Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ Miss Gladys Creelman of the B. C. Telephone Co.'s stsif here, is on her annual vacation, which she is spending with her parents at Gull Lake, Saskatchewan. a ~ ~ W. E. Burt, 16th Street, has moved into a house st 1926 Bellevue Avenue. ~ a ~ Miss Margaret Mitchell was the guest of Mrs. D. Crockett over the week end at the Clach- an. Mr. Wasson has taken the Curtis house at West Bay ard is moving in Saturday. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Groom and family are leaving the Ciachan shortly for Haney, where they expect to reside in future. ~ a a J. J. Atwood is moving short- ly from 26th and Bellevue Ave- nue into a house at 2368 Hey- wood Avenue. Mr. Symington, 21st snd Esquimalt Avenue, has rented the Gowan house at 2064 Marine Drive and will take possession short)y. a ~ Miss Phyllis Neale, who has been away on her annual vaca- tion, has returned to her duties with the B. C. Telephone Com- pany. ~ a a Mrs. Bell, 15th and Water- front, moved on Tuesday to Vancouver. \ Mrs. A. J. Marling of the Hol)Jburn Gift Shop, 17th and Marine IDrive, has returned after spending a holiday in the South. ~ ~ R. Ardley of Courtenay, Van- couver Island, has moved into a house at 26th and Bellevue Avenue. Mr. Craig of South Vancou- ver, moved on Monday into the Ross house at 24th and Nelson Avenue. Prescriptions are in Safe Hands at Cemmill'I Drug Stare Chairman C. T. Kendrick of the West Vancouver School Trustees, returned on Friday from Courtenay, Vancouver Is- land, where he attended the convention of the B. C. School Trustees. ~ \ ~ E. I. Lane of the Inglewood School teaching staff, who suf- fered s slight concussion last week whik playing rugby on the school grounds, is resting for a few days at his home, 3063 Mari- nee Drive. a "Beach House," 24th snd Wat- erfront, the home of Nrs. B. M. Grady, was en fete last Satur- day evening when Nrs. Grady entertained about fifty of her friends. \ a a The Hollyburn School of Physical Culture is now open and there is a lady instructor for chudren. ~ ~ The Misses Stevenson are tak- ing over the Clachan at the be- ginning of next month ' a Mr. and Mrs. James Colvin moved yesterday from 24th and Heywood Avenue, into a house at 11th and Inglewood Avenue. A. Ward, who has been up north for the past few months, has returned to his home on 20th Street. a A son wss born last Saturday at the North Vancouver General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Britton, 24th and Jeiferson Avenue. oto AT HOARSE The Stage of Sarvks1402 Mottos Drive Wast avIn the Logiou Hall Wednesday, October 4th, at 3 p.m. SPEAKER--HRS. PAUL SIIITH All Ladies Invited WEST VAN A. A. A. MILITARY WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Bmaogaocy Phono Tvaat 221 (After 9 p. m.) PML pat IO at HOLLYIIURN THEATRE at tbo Orange Hall, 22nd and Marine Drive, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6tho 1933 GOOD blUSIC Dancing 9 to 12. Cards 9 to 10 TICKETS 25c, PRIDAY and SATURDAY Soph 29th oad 29th. JOE IL BROWN aod PATRICIA ELLIS ELMER THE GREAT A good comedy of tbo base- ball diomoDIL "KRAKATOA" An endor-ooa volcano ia sation. A moot thrgliog sight. News - Cartoon - Shoot Comedy LIBERAL COiNNITTEE ROOMS OPEN Liberal Committee Rooms for Herbert S. Wood, K.C., have now been opened in the store st 1421 Marine Drive. Anyone desirous of obtaining any informat)on relative to the forthcoming elec- tion is asked to call there or phone. biott b vti s of Inlo) FOR SALE Whole Salmon Cheap Caught fresh every day. CAN SO)I(E Phone West 235L o)do}y Bible; d giI Ioaio the Ambleside Sheet Metal lVorIEs LAURIE SPECK, Propflotof I. O. D. E. The reghlar monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E„will be held at the home of Mrs. W. B. Small, 20th snd Fulton, on Monday, 2nd Qctober, at 2:15 p.m. HON. -- TUEL -- WED. October 2nd. snl ood 4th. CAROLS LOMBARD iao Ib Moan 4ttli Ivitb )IMT is AB, talilte roaiel Ittfga xd, Ia ItPla If 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED "NO MORE ORCHIDS" From the very popular Liberty'tory of the same Domo. alas TRAPPED IN A SLBHARLNE What happens when 4 Soia is rammed aad sank. A copy of this ad. and Zao will admit two to tbo Hollybsra Theatre on Monday. Wednesday October 2. 2 4 The following local artists have pictures hung in the second an- nual B. C. Artists'xhibition in the Vancouver Art Gallery: Oil Paintings, B. M. Fry, Gertrude Lawson, Eva M. McBain, Mary Sieburth; Water Colors, B. M. Fry (2), Gwendoline G. Gray, Henry A. Stone of Caulfeild, founder of Art Gallery (2). ' ~ ~ Macey -- Rivers A quiet but impressive wed- ding was solemnized on July 16th, 1933, when Helens Kath- arine, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rivers, was united in marriage to Frederick James Macey, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, S. C. Macey of Vancou- ver, at All Saints Church, Burn- aby, by Rev. J. P. Dingle, M.A. The happy couple will reside in Vancouver. ~ 4 ' Engagement Mrs. Pearl Rehberger, 1457 Jeiferson Avenue, West Vancou- ver, announces the engagement of her niece, Pearl Hazel Rob- ertson to Mr. James Gordon Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Keith, 1640 Marine Drive. The wedding will take place at 8 p.m. October the 7th, at the home of the bride's mother, 1275 11th Avenue, New Westminster. ~ ~ Alma LRFleche, 8-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. La Fleche, 1447 Clyde Avenue, was knocked down by a truck at 5:20 p.m. Monday at the corner of 14th and Pfarine Drive. She was taken into Gemmill's Drug Store where first sid was administered after which she was conveyed by Dr. Stainsby to North Van- couver General Hospital. Fort- unately, she wss found to be only suffering from bruises and shock. a a ~ Last Monday evening Mr. and Nrs. Tom Sherwood entertained the members of the Community Players and friends to s delight- ful party st their summer resi- dence on Inglewood Avenue. During the evening many novel and competitive games were in- dulged in, for which amusing prizes were swarded. The Com- munity Players took advantage of the occasion to present their stage manager, Mr. Jim Holt, with s beautiful cigarette case, suitable inscribed, as an appreci- ation of his continued efforts to have everything running so smoothly backstage. Mr. and Bfrs. Sherwood are going to Vancouver for the winter, and will return in the spring. JOBBING K.W. Savory )443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 I Real Estate 'I'inance and * .:. Insurance . l),0)0 oltbh Italoi oBiago 0,aod OPOINI otfor 9Pol- IEI. C. J. Overiugtd)n PIONEER BARBER 14th and Siarine Expert Work Phone West 135 Uoliaro ~ ~ a STRATTON'S BAKERYMrs. Sharpe, who has been spending the summer with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hayes, Radcliif Avenue, has returned to her home In the city. Nrs. Hill with her son-in-law and daughter and their family, has returned from Pender Har- bor to her home at 2372 Jeffer- son Avenue. a ~ ~ A delightful surprise party was given Mr. and Nrs. Wm. L. Vaughan, 1808 Duchess Avenue, last Saturday evening by a num- ber of their friends on the oc- casion of their 25th wedding anniversary. The table was centred with a two-tier wedding cake surmounted by a kewpie bride and groom, streamers of white tulle being draped from the chandelier to the table ends. A most enjoyable time was spent in music, games, and dancing, after which dainty refreshments were served. During the even- ing Mr. snd Nrs. Vaughan were the Iecipicnts of a handsome silver hot water pitcher. Among invited guests were: Mrs. Boxer and E. Boxer, Mrs, Edgely, Mr. and Mrs. Donahoe, Mrs. Knox, Trustee and bfrs. Jackson, Mrs. McCsnn, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, Nrs. I. M. NcLean, Mr. Nnd hire. Dunne and Miss Vera Dunne, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Watt. Nrs. Chipman, Councillor and Nrs. L. Garthorne, Mrs. Ball, Nr. Rnd Mrs. J. H. Mon- crleif, Mr. snd Nrs. J. Je8'eries, Mr. Fogarty, Mrs, Lewis, Mr, and Mrs. Storey, hir. and Mrs. Wm. L. Vaughan. 06 BREAD - CAKES PASTRIES VARIETIES ALL FRESH DAILY &fade at 1468 &ferine Drive Phone West 27 Williamsou's Dairy MILK, CREAM. SIIITERMILK AND suTTER Waaimaia aao aafan Fioat Hut Sp w Rgtb ETI tj @ aarI Ia Iafaa IVIf Drive. J TEAROE & SGN Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Iauilders'upplies 1Vdpd)d, Coal Dump Truck Work Support the 35,000 Welfare Drive. Support the 35000 Welfare Drive. Caumore Briquettes I ittat natu. par lb.) at 312 per ton Unsurpassed for FURNACE or RANGE WEST VAN.AGENT - MISS DOWAL WEST 022 X C 0 A L AT RECUIAR PRICES Hollyburu School of Physical Culture NEW AMBLESIDE HALL (shove Gommin'a Drag Store) NOVV OPEN~ WOMEHI 5 ~KNI~ asoisnv co.~~ MOVOaafbSC.Zmmaaommb 'S WEIGHT RBDUCING BODY BUILDLNG Why auger from Conotipation, Hoadaohaa, Weak Loago, Nervous Braakdown, oto., ebon we asa give yoo patfoct health l Why worry about being too fat I We guarantee to todnto your weight or ao charge Private Toition -- forming Cloaooo aow. Electrical todooiag machina, Spatial attention paid to chlfoa. Lady loatrootor for Chlron. For Information Phono Woat 21TIL ivo BANJO, 1'.ANDOLIN) GUITAR Taught by REG. CLAY. T.C.L. at 1548 Marine Drive Winter Orchestral Club Forming Now B.N.G. or )V. C, S. Diplomas Issued Phone fs Bayview 3698X ;0. )007., )Vest 117 (I September 28. 1933.1, WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. Support the I $6)000 Welfare Drive! 'I h 9 hm h*'- ~ a I