0001 THE WFST VAN NFWS September 2(I. 1988. W V S 4 wr SIC rwr44 I J44WC JC J-Cvs rc IIW JlJ 'I"'SC'V sl sc rl rrr-'JSRVICC 44II 'I',ll,nl4Crcl s*c Scrrs I'r ~%rrrc- .s I S-C: J" I ~ ' Vr* . ~rvr rc'rrrc '"~-W Cr 'r 'V Ivvrr~ Ircrr Vv~rIvrc rrr ~ VSV w'rvr C'cr v rrvrvr r„.vrvrrv 'rrv nr rr r r' rrCrv r w wrrrrrrvrCVCc rvrv em rv v WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCII EDIFICB DR G. D. IL Sh,ALE DENTIST Hcy Block, Iilh cmi kicrisc Dr. Ofncc Hours 9 to 4 p.m. i Eccclsgc by cppcictmcsz Phase Wcct 72 Support the 8$,000 Welfare Drive. 20th csd EcaclmcR, Hcuybcrc Thic Society Ic c Branch of The Hllthcc Church Thc Fire( Church cf Chrici, Sciccucu In Boston, Mcccschuccttc Sksdcy Sccviecl 11:20 s.m. i)f. Marjory McCubbln DENTIST Hcuccl 0 ~. m. Ic 0 p. m. Sctsrdcyc: Io c.m. Io I p.m. Evcsblgc clxi Sciccdcy A(me CColm by cppcicmlcnc only. Royal Bank Bkiidixg I'hose West 440 Rccidcscc I'hcsc Wcci 292. to play the new North Van. team at hiahon Park on Satur- day next Sept SOth at 3 p m the team leaving Dundarsve at 2 p.m. sharp. Sunday, October 1, 1938 Subject: 4UNREALITY" Saxdcy School at lolsa ~.m. Tcckbscsy Mcciixg Wcdkccdcy ck Sl16 psm This fscici treatment will rcmove tiny wrinklcc, largo pores or bicckbccdc. Gffjeytn'os u Beauty Shoppe 7546 Mar(ac Dc(ca Phoae JVSSI 117 Support the 85,000 )Velfare Drive, PRESBYTERIAN MISSION Orange Hall Service: 11:15 s.m. Speaker: Mr. J. Reynolds Esler. Everybody welcome. BAPTIST CHURCH Services: 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 7 430 p.m.--Rev. G. Csmeron, Hastings East Church. 8:00 p.mr hIonday--B.Y.P.U. 8:00 p.mr Wednesday--Prayer and Praise. 8:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir ~ Practice. Hot Rater Bottles Wonderful values from 75c to $2.00 AMBLESIDE PHARMACY W. L KER, Prop ! 1401 Her(ac Drive Phone West 828 FREE DELIVERY CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST "UNREALITY" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be read In all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, October 1st. Among the citations which~ comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: "For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee& Fear not; I will help thee." (Isaiah 41: 13). The Lesson - Sermon also in- cludes the fallowing passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Since God is All, there is no room for His unlike- ness. God, Spirit, alone created all, and called it good. Therefore evil, being contrary to good, is unreal, snd cannot be the pro- duct of God." (p. SS9). The News ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH October 1st -- 16th Sunday after Trinity. Harvest Festival 8:00 s.m.--Holy Communion 10 dt 11 I16 a.m.--Sunday Schon(9 11:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd Ser- mon. Preacher, Rev. EI. P. Barrett, of St. John', North Vancouver. 3700 p.m., St. Fraltcis In the Woods--Harvest Festival The Rev. W. J. Minto Swan will be the Guest Speaker at the Harvest Supper in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, October 3rd, at 6ISO p.m. There will be an at- tractive program. The officers of the A.Y.P.A. were installed in oifice at their meeting on Monday night by the Rector. The oiiicers are: Presi- dent, W. A. Robertson; Vice President, T. Crickmay; Treas- urer, Miss B. Edwards; Secre- tary Miss P. Cornish; Job-Mas- ter, F. Dolman; Entertainment, N. Sewell; Refreshments, Miss Jean Lettner. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Pbcsc Wcc( 9 FERTILIZERS Of all RindS Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies BUILDING PERMITS 311,020. The municipal hall issued this month 12 permits for a total of 611,020, made up of 6 dwellings 89,800, 8 additions 81,020, and 3 garages 6200. This compares favorably with the figures for September, 1932, when 9 per- mits were issued for 810,425. 'Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, AatcmcbBC, Burglary, Accident ssd Sicksccc, ctc. 2557 ging'4 Avc. Phoae W. 42Yg Support the 85,000 Welfare Drive. EcicbRshcd on North Shore 20 Yccrc. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAIEI SOIN gIIneral Qirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 North Shore Agency l 29 Loncdale Ave., North Vancouver Fall Samples are now in. Drop in lo-day or Phone North l06 and our representative will be pleased Io call on you. ~twjST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Sunday 9700 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:16 a.m,--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:16 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:15 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 8:00 s.m.--Holy Mass. 7:46 p.mw Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:30 p.mw Saturday -- Confes- sions. OPENING MEETING of Mr. Herbert S. Wood's CAMPAIGN Thursday, October 5th, at 8 p.m. HOLLYBVRN Barber Shop 15th A Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor. Is the Orange Hau SPEAKEP S:--Herberi S. Wood, K.C. General Vm(or Odium and other prominent citizens. THB West Van Nerj(Js NOTICE The annual tax kale in accord- ance with the Municipal Act, Chapter 179, section 262, will be held at, the municipal hall next Saturday, 30th instant, at 10 a.m. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. Psbuchcd Every Tbcrcdsy PsbBchcr F. F. IA)VEGROVE Phone West 363 Burrard Laundry Ltd. 'ubpENDABLE LAUNDRY SERVICE Bccisccc ssd EdRorici Ogicc Iflb csd Mccisc Drive (Next Ic Hcuybkrs P.0.) Phone West 363 MsH Addccccl P.O. Bcx si, HSBybsrs, B.C AVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--Vfekt 69IL or North 1310 LEGION NOTES Legion Eentertainment Comrades and Sister Conk rsdes sre asked to please keep in mind the box social for next Saturday, September 30th. Fire- works to start at 8:80 pm. in the Legion hall. A good time is Ave. assured, 86000 Welfare Drbe & GRAVEL CO. North Vancouve 123 Lonsdsle 5L00 4 year by by slc idge, North Vaacouver rlvewsys and garden paths. Phone, Alf. Ellis, West 160Y. ~ ~ ccrNcc: 62.00 s year Support ihe 85,000 Welfare IL Drive. HOLLYBURN HALL On Saturday last West Van.I'I DAY CILPT 29th United pla) ed North Burnaby "Silverleafs" st Will(ogden Park In their first game of the Junior Alliance Schedule. In the sb-Hiuctrctcd by Lantern Views, we all wish the best of luck in"I.OST ANO FOLNDJ his new venture). Tlmbrell, asSpcckcr: skipoer, won the toss snd chose hlr. L Axdcccck. wisely to plsv un hill with a SUNDAY, OCT. 1st cross wind si(ghtiy in United'0 favor, The first half was fastTMTIMuNY'M~INII, d th ~tators»w some All hccrtuy wcicorcc. good football, the weather con- Sunday schcci. Io c.m., ditlons being ideal. However, half time arrived with neither UN FED CHURCH team findlng Friday, (tomorrow): second half United hsd it down- 8:00 P m -- PrePsrstory Ser- hill with the sun in the Silver- vice. leaf's eyes, so the West Vsn. Sunday: boys started an intensive bom- 10:00 s.m. -- Sabbath School bardment on the Burnaby goal, and Bible Class. seldom letting them out of their 11:15 a.m.--Lord's Supper, own territory, although when 7:16 p. m. -- Minister will they did get away they were al- preach: subject "Conver- ways dangerous, Fifteen min- sion and What It Implies" utes after resuming play D'Eas- Monday, 8 p.m.--Senior Y.P.S. um, after, some clever maneuv- ering best Hansford, who is 0 1V. C. T. U. smart goalie, snd registered the only goal of the game. In the The West Vancouver W.C.T. last minute Burnaby looked like U. held their flrst meeting of equalizing and forced 0 corner the season st the home of Mrs. as the whistle blew with the re- hIerrick, 2103 Bellevue Avenue, sut Burnaby Silverleafs 0, West on Thursday, September 14th. Van. United 1. hirs. Hibberd, Mrs. Reid and Next Saturday, September 30, Mrs. Baldwin were appointed st 3 p.m. Ambleside Park, West delegates to the W.C T.U. con- Van. United play Kerrlsdale vention held in Vancouver. The Athletic. resignation of Mrs. Reid was re- It is hoped that as many gretfully accepted. Mrs. Herrin people as possibk will be present was appointed recording secre- that afternoon for they are as- tary. Reports were read from eared of a good ninety minutes several departments of the action. work. The hostess served Lineup for Saturday Sept, 30; lightful refreshments at the Lamia, White, Tearoe, Fiddes, close of the meeting. McLean, Normand, Vaughan, Stratton, Dsvie, Timbrell, D'- WEST VANCOUVER Essum. Spares: Kendrick, Neill, TENNIS CLUB FIN LS Brooks Grfsedsie (Open to residents of the North Rangers The Rangers took the Radar'0 El Dutchies into camp on Saturdaylast at Ambleside Park to the tune of 2 goals to 1. A very fast frame was played the Rangerthe rst set of this match snd d I t f th t» k, d but for the lack of finish in front f the gordcame d been much lsthe top of her game in the secon set and gave Miss Young htt e voile In provement was shown over the e pievious week's display 0 8 th The third set was gust neck and ss D,s with Inuch more speed snd pre-driving splendidly but hOss Dea- con steadied down in the last four games and with well placed chop strokes snd volleying took TIP TOP TAILORS the last set 7-6. Both players are to be congratulated on their playing in this match. It was an exhibition of splendid place- ments in most every stroke of tennis. In the bien'0 Singles, Doug. Cameron of North Vancouver, best Tom Butt of West Vancou- ver, in three Straight sets, 6-1, 7-5, 7-5. In the Ladies Doubles, Miss C. Deacon snd Miss E. Young best Miss E. Brine sfid Mrs. Joyce Finley hiscNeil of West Vancou- ver, 6-3, 6-1. The Mixed Doubles also proved to be an exciting contest between four North Vancouver players, and after losing the first set badly, hiiss E. Young and Doug. Cameron best Miss C. Deacon snd Bob Hooper, 1-6, 6-0, 6-4. Another very close match was the finals of the Men's Doubles in which Messrs. Tom snd Jack EVERYBODY WELCOME Butt of West Vancouver beat Messrs. D. Siddons and Bob Hooper of North Vancouver, in five sets, 7-5, 1-6, 6-4, 3-6, 54. P. T. A. At 0 meeting of the executive of the P.-T. A. on Monday, Sep- tember 25th, it was decided to hold 0 special meeting in the High School on Monday, October 2nd, st 7:30 p.m. to which all Support Ihe are invited to attend. Miss Eileen CASCADg Hampson, 814 20th Street, Hol- Second Narrows Br be glad to reedve the mmes and Spedsl dressing for d Pho: North IS68; Ni ht volunteer to give lectures or help in any wsy.