0001 mh tr «,h «thh hrv~ r«thhh h tffff «Srff wu' p«tiV t ~ 4, tt 't;tx v't. it ttt«ttttw '44 tttrt t ~ '~' ~ «rrt h t ~ «tht«rrrr:«rrrrrr 'ttrrt 1 ffs«« t '.ffip«r ««rrffr«hV,% ««ran ff rffrrr'«r«r««r vrt~r«r- r r«rr«t'rr«« «rrffr«r ffttt r««.«r Phone West 469 8 Phone IVest 46 Smith 's Grocery QUICK DINNER, Htdiuad's I Ilx Ua ...................... Ssc ROLOCRBAIB OATS Oats, Bras. Flax .IH Rx ptg. Iic hi)LE. ak brands. tall Ua ... 94 MARSHMALLOWS, Ttmsttd .Ib $3e SERVL&S CHEESE. M IK pki. Ihc SHAiiER SAI.T, Regal 2 nx carton ......................... Slit BULK DATES, Frtah dean stock 3 lbs. I?e PORK 31 BEANS Crmwt e BixtkwtR'4 18 ox. Uax 9c HONEY, New Staxott'x 2 Itt nx Ua ... .................. ... $$c JUMBO CARBOLIC SOAP Made ia KC .. 2 cakes 9c Rtd B White CUT GREEN BEANS Sidngltm ....................... 2 Uxx Ssc SHORTENING. Crtxceai I lb. carom................. 1st PICNIC HAMS, Swifi'x About 5 to 8 lbs.......... lb. 1st Rtd e Whne FLOUR 24 lb. xxek 79c: 49 nx xact 51.50 Rtd e White SOUPS varieutx .,........Ue lee C E SPlX'IAL- ~ X LE$ION SQUARE „. each Sse ROYAL I'ROIVN SOAP.. 9 bare 2$4 Seve the wrappers for useful gifts Rtd e 'iihue PEAS Swtti xad tender.....1 Uax Mk COOIiiNG CHOCOLATES, I"ry'x )1 nx cato .............................. Ssc BHOE POLISH--kiwi Black or Brown . Ua Ihc Red e Whnc SPAGHEI'Ti I Iix Ua ................................... 1st ASSORTED BISCUITS, Fancy ('htitut'x I'xtagon .....I Ih pki. Spc TOII.RT ROLLS--Hxroa The large 4 tm. run .. 3 rolls Iec STONED WHBAT THINS per pxctti ................ 14t RED I'11TED CHERRIFt) Nahtth Sx.......... 'I iixt Ssc Rtd e Vfhiie PEANU1'UTTER 1$ ox. 81&sll bxttti.......,.............. 1st Rtd e iyhue COFFEE Vacuum packed .... I lb. Un $?c Rtd e 'ivhite TEA BISCUIT FLOUR Ready ix 2 minutes........... pki. Ssc , Rvd Ik Whke Sotkeye SALMON Ylsi tins ............2 tins $54 ROYAL CROIVN IVASHING SODA hixde in ILC.............large pki. Sue CORRESPONDENCE Dear Editor: I would like to acquaint your "Subadar" with the rennaisance of that "Sylvia" pest. Back in '15 her re-incarnation lived at an estaminet near St. Omar with her grandmere or aunt or something, an ancient beldame whom the Manchester Regt. instantly named "Hairy Legs." This Sylvia person was as brainless as a nit, a modern Cas- sbianca but because she was easy on the eyes some other nit has to start yodeihng that sticky ballad as to who she was. ~ The evil that some do certain- ly lives after them, for by 1916 it had spread like the flu or a peace rumor from La Basses to Neuport until it amounted to a new horror of war. Not a con- cert in any back area but what some bile bean of an alleged . tenor with a hypertrophied gall would have the brazen effrontery to inflict it on the long-suflering troops. Up the line strong pati- ent men arose in wrath and de- clared that they didn't know or care a damn who she was but if she ever came into that sector measures "strum und drang" would be used. One couldn't get away from it. There was an argument in Rouen as to wheth- er the statue in the market place was Sylvia or Dolly Gray. The last I heard of it in the service was in the cellar of the C.D.D., Buxton, when the performer got crowned with.a pint pot. In the event of another strafe I would favor the drafting of every crooner in Canada into shock battalions. That would hold them. OMNIA AUDAX. The council granted the ap- plication of R. Davenport and IL Harvey for an extension oi 60 days on their option on the N)tk of D.L. 1046 Ex. Easterly 88 ft. and Ex. 50 ft. strip of land on the West side of the lot sub- ject to the payment of 8800 and the condition that, if the bal- ance be .not paid by the date agreed, previous payments be forfeited to the municipality. Support the 85/00 Welfare Drive. Support the 85,000 Welfare Drive. LIC914'f S DID THE WFST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH By Suhadar It is recorded that in the gold rush days Kjondyke Kate once collected 8750 for 0 night's talk. It's 8 pity that the candidates for election who are already on the stump can't be paid at the same rate for a few nights, for then some of them might be persuaded to step down. This provincial election promises io be a regular farce with so many difl'erent kinds of candidates that the voter is bewildered as to who to vote for. In somb ridings they are as plentiful as fleas on a dog, what with those whose names have been an- nounced and those one hears will be put up. And one might just as well st thepoll follow the dog's example; scratch one'8 8elf and take a chance on which candidate one gets. Personally, if I could only scratch my left ear with my right hind leg, I'd vote. As it is, I am seriously considering not voting at all. One just hates to possibly send any man to his death in the Donnybrook which will certainly occur in,Victoria next session. \ 4 ~ Divorce is stated to be much on the increase in the whole western world, that is excepting our own Prince Edward Island. They marry for life or strife there, and stay with it like bull- dogs. Married couples sre get- ting very pernickity--I hope the spelling is right--these days. One woman wants 8 divorce be- cause her husband will persist in lifting his teacup and little finger at the same time, Some man says his wife whistles through her nose at night in- stead of snoring, and he can' stand it any more. Another woman has 8 nearsighted moth- er-in-law who treads on the children. A man comes up be- fore the beak howling for blood because he's got 8 spavin on both legs from falling over chairs in unlighted rooms, the result of his wife's endeavors to keep the electric light bill down. And so on, and on, and on. No wonder the upcoming genera- tion exclaim at the mention of marriage, "what a hope!" At last the identity of Sylvia has been established. And I did it with my little typewriter, a letter in answer to my plea hav- ing been received by the editor, who is publishing same in this issue. The Vancouver press will please copy. She appears to have been a nuisance in 8 section of the front I mercifully escaped, and one can only hope she has choked long ago, also that 8 like fate will befall any singer who has the impertinence to bleat a- bout her after this. There are things humanity has to put up with, such as grand opera, mil- lionaires, the man who persists in putting his arm round your neck when addressing you, the girl whose skin you'd like to scratch, the kid whose neck you'd like to wring, and all up- lifters. Let Sylvia rest in pieces. She's done quite enough harm already. Your bridge game willi improve with better light. Replace your JIO-watt lamps with 60'6. They use only j/45 of H cent in added current for an entire evening. t ~ ~ mtt ~:ItIIII1 Eefe]RBI tlilF%HEKeBI II& F3lkv~l-'ViEefeg A number of married men were recently dining together at their club. The question was asked, "What trait in your wife do you consider the most ex- pensive one I" The answers were as numerous as the men in the party. With one it was van- ity, another religion, or charity, or love of dress. The last man to whom the question was put answered oracularly, "Her tears 1" h Hint ut Ihe Htex Abbie, the little girl of the famny, wxs seated at the brtmkfxxt table oae morning. As exuxi eggs were served. Either she wax aot hungry or xhs hxd grown tired of the bill of fare, for very earnestly sod soberly xhe remarked: "I do wish hesx would ixy some- thing besides eggs." SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS-- ',"„"„""„.'„, 'eptember 21, 19SS. CLASSIFIED ADS The rata fot C)xmistd Adrtrkxemtxix ia 2 ttn4 ptt word. minimum 25 team. Exttpi ix iht cmm of those hxriag rtgulxr xttoxsis. xk dam)- Beds are payable xitkU? ia sdraace. Rtmtmbtir Clamisedx ia Iht West Vxx News gei Immtdiaie texxiix. BNGLISH PRAM -- Vitiadx Style leather hood xttd apron, gottd wxndi- Uon, $5.00. Phone West 498Y. WANTED -- Stmtone who leaves North Vancouver regularly at 4:40. Phone West SSSR. TUTORING AND COACHING--High School subjects. Senior hixiric. Mathematics and French. Fred J. Patterson. 1487 Gordon Ave. West 292L. LOST -- Pink aad Brown Crocheted Hai, between 16th xnd Waierfmni, last Tuesday week. Phone West 624L WANTED TO RENT -- With option m purchase, house vr bungalow, 8 bedrooms, must be within easy walking distance of good school. Large Iot or garden desirable. Ap. ply Box 2, West Van News. PRINTING For all kinds of printing phone IVest Van News, West 863. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING, Ak- ereuonx, Boys'enis specialty, Charix fouxdxfloa garments. Phone West 74RI. MARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thermieee Permanent Wave without danger of burning. Marcel 60c; reset $6c; Finger Wave 60c. Phone hfrx. Kink West $04, 1620 Marine. Support the 85,000 )Vejfare Drive. REEVE LEYLAND CRITICISES PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT Reeve Leyland charged the provincial government with hav- ing broken faith with those who voted for liquor control and sale when he appeared yesterday be- fore the Royal Commission on Municipal, taxation, in Vancou- ver. Under the system of liquor control approved by voters in 1921 the promise was that muni- cipalities should receive fifty per cent of the profits after 8 re- serve had been provided for," said Reeve Leyland. "In 1922 there was an amend- ment taking 16 per cent for hos- pitals and leaving the municipal- ities S5 per cent. In 1924 8 per- centage was deducted for moth- ers'ension. In 1929 municipal- ities were cut to 23 per cent. In 19SO they were limited to their pro rata share of 8 round 81,- 000,000. In 1938 they get noth- ing." The reeve said that, in the case of his own municipality, it it meant a decline in revenue from 1922 to 1938 of SIS,700. Now the municipality must find its share of mothers'ensions. It means 41'ills on the muni- cipal rate or, under present con- ditions when a collection of only 61 per cent. is being made, sn addition of 61+ mills." WANTYD -- 10 ia. kgglsg ~t ~ ixe 7)b or 8. Good cond)Eon. B +Jl West Vxn News FOR RENT -- Smail Cottage, fum- ixhtd ot usfurmxhtd. Phone West 169RS. LOST -- Boy's Spectacles is case be- tween 22nd and 23rd. Please phone West $29L YOR RENT Wxitrftoxi ikiixgt. furnace, full plumbing, luw win. iedx rent. Phone West 4. "DOROTHY SIMPSON" Not tnitx, "hiYRTI.E FISHER," Head I'xlnkd Novelties, Fancy Printing. Holi@- burn Gift Shop, B. Ct "The One and Only." BPIREI.LA CORBEPIERB -- Phoae West 487L. OLD GOI.D -- Best Price Paid. Wxxt Vxn Jeweler 1622 hixrine Drive FOR RENT -- House oa Wauwftont, ytmrly lease. Phono W $4 8$RI. FHIST.CLASS SHOE REI'AIRING- 14th at Ferry. Beat material and workmanship. FOR RENT--Sake Hoi Water Heat- ed; alta modern house on Water- front, electrk xiovm Apply Holi@- burn Block, 18th ssd Marine. West Sssk. MARCEL, FINGBR WAVE OB SHAMPOO, 264. Penoaxcni Waves 8? 00. Holi?burn Academy of Beauty Ceiixre, 1648 hiarise Drive No appointments necessary. GLT hi Y FREE ESTIMATES os PaiaUxg, Papering aad Kxlxomin- ing. C. L Koningx, Rts. Phone West S94R. )VERB'S SHOE kEPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dundarave. COLIN TURNER, Carpenter sad Bander. Aiieranoax and repairg Phone West 8'19R. HEADQUARTERS for AR ihe Poiv uiar Cigarettes, TIbaccos, aad Fish- ing Gadgets for local waters Ambieside Tex Rooms FURNISHED AND UNYUkNISHSD Haexex io Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for cairn John Lxwxoat 17th aad igariaa, Phone Weai 65. YOlk PLUhikING kEPAIRS -- ktx idtxtt Phane IVexi 241IL GORDON ROBSON Bxtrixier Sttktuer WEST VANCOUVER- Oifice No. 1447, Marine Drive Phono Wast 40K 10 io IX VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501: 610 Hxxkags Si. W. 1 P Phoae. Seymour 4109 2 ie 5. GEO. HAY Notary Pebik Reel Exixie e Isxermtce LlstifhgB lVanted 1405 hixtltm Drive I'htmt Wmi $ 1 or Seymour 1280 Ertaisgs Wimi 204X Support the 65,000 Welfare Drive. Support the 65,000 Welfare Drive. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at llollyburII, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU SERB and all Building hlsterial of Best Quality at lmw Prices BU I I. D N OW! gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER ('0 LTD Phone West 115 Res. I'hone )Vest 368L 15th and Sisrine "Itjght Service -- Right Grades"