West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Sep 1933, p. 3

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0001 September 21, 1983. THE WEST VAN NEWS tbe for' Ibis orna eM. Rzt forb Ciels it is slid. IWIR I4 th eglo- this fthe Ioys tlloW the obis from Iof isnd emUI- Iles ,RRR 2eg eilbs bred Ideip uzIsl NWS dsfd Bibe bzemy IzOe. '0. h WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. Support the $67000 Welfare Drive I Anbbleside Sheet MetalWorks LZURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING WEST VANCOUVER A.A.A. A large crowd attended the Dance in the Orange Hall on September 15th and enjoyed a real evening's entertainment provided by the W. V. A. A. A. The public are asked to watch the advertising columns of this newspaper regarding the big Military Whist Drive and Dance to be held shortly. Good prizes are being oifered and real snappy dance music will be pro- vided all for the sum of 25c. K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, TVest 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies Wood, Coal Dump Truck Work ~ . WOMENl 8 EX-HIGH BASKETBALL Though the weatherman did his best on Tuesday last to dam- pen the ardour of the basketball players of the municipality, large numbers turned out to the first practice of the season. Two games between teams from the floor started things under way--we ask you where". Then it merely remains for those interested to turn out next week. Girls at 7:30. Boys at 8:30. Support the $5,000 TVelfare Drive. J. L. Smuck wrote the council re diversion of water to stream flowing through 19, 20, 21 - 4- 655. Referred to the engineer. Canmore Bri(tuetteo (Ii.ses s.v. U. ccr lb. ) at $ 12 per ton Unsurpassed for FURNACE 0I RANGE WEST VAN. AGENT ~ MISS DOWAL WEST 822 X C 0 A L AT RECOLAR TRICES L.O.L. 8th Anniversary DANCE Orange Hall, Wednesday, Sept. 27th Buck blcclnry nnd hi~ Tune in Tonight at S.ZO B.C. RANGERS'RUHESTRA over GILW.X. NOVELTIES Dnnclng 2 So ls ADMISSION 35c. Nolly Edwards Jerry Mathisen LEARN TO DANCE Join a I.imbering or Tumbling Class. Commences Thursday, September 14th, DUNDARAVE HALL, (Also at North Vancouver) Classes for all ages in DANCING (all types) ACROBATIC ~ ) and TAP, ADAGIO, BALLROOM, TUMBLING, LIM-BERING and BODY BUILDING, SWIMMING and DIV- ING (Crystal Pool). For information and monthly rates Phone West 436RI. ST. JOHN'S ANBUI.ANCES TENNIS CLUB FINAI S CLASSES St. John's Ambulance First The finals of the Open West Aid classes, conducted by Dr. A. Vancouver Tennis . Tournament C. Nash, will commence on will be played on the courts of Thursday, September 28th, at the club Saturday afternoon and 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal HalL Sunday. Candidates are requested to bring two flrst aid bandages, C.C.F. NOTES forty inches square and made of soft, pliable material, also the There wasarecordattendance First Aid Manual costing sixty at the Orange Hall last week to live cents and procurable at the hear E. J. Garland, M.P. of Bow headquarters of the St. John's River, Alta., one of the leaders mbulance Association, 195 of the C.C.F., brought here by Fender Street East, Vancouver. the joint C.C.F. Campaign Com- Notebook and pencil should also mittee of the North Shore Rid- be brought. ing. The audience had the pleasure of hearing a speaker Support the $5,000 Welfare well versed in economics, in Drive. statesmanship and in humns understanding and who held their attention all the time. The meeting lasted till a late hour.i~ H. C. Anderson, C.C.F. candidate for this riding also spoke while Mark Phillips made a plea for funds to carry on the campaign. School Trustee, T. Russell pre- sided. Local and Mrs. Kenneth Lopatecki, 8034 Procter Avenue, and Mrs. Les- tock Reid, 25th and Waterfront, are giving s bridge for the Wel- fare Fund drive at the Tea Cup on the afternoon and evening of the first Wednesday in October. Those wishing to reserve tables are asked to phone West 23L3 or West 339. o ~ Nrs. Hindmarsh and famfly, who formerly resided here and who have been spending a holi- day in West Vancouver, have returned to their home in the city. o ~ ~ Mr. Bnd Mrs. Harroway, who have been spending the summer at 19th and Bellevue Avenue, have returned to Vancouver. Mr. Garnham is building a new house on his property at 24th and Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ ~ Miss Ziegler, 2448 Bellevue Avenue, has returned from a two weeks'isit in Edmonton. S. C. Dowling, 21st and Belle- vue Avenue, is away in Nanaimo for a few weeks on a business trip. ~ ~ A charming wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, 13th instant, st Brighouse Anglican Church, when Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Marshall, of Lulu Island, was united in marriage to Mr. Alex. Horne, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Horne of Richmond. After a honey- moon to be spent in Seattle and Tacoma, the happy couple will take up residence in West Van- couver. ~ ~ Mrs. Montgomery of Banif, is the guest of her daughter, Miss H. Montgomery, 2448 Bellevue Avenue. Miss Barbara Raid, 25th and Waterfront, will enroll as a student at the U.B.C. next week at the opening of the university year, and during term will reside in Kerrisdale. v ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Flack of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, and Mrs. H. Reid of Scott, B. Cv were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cripps, 2361 Marine Drive. George Smith, 2631 Marine Drive, hss left here for IVilliams Lake in the Cariboo country. Mr. and Mrs. J, Neill have moved from 1318 Argyle Ave- nue and are occupying a house at 1303 Clyde Avenue. ~ \ ~ Colonel and Mrs. Tristram of Garrow Bay are leaving shortly for a visit to England. v W. Wilson has moved from Vancouver into a house at 1375 Marine Dnve. Miss Pat Davidson, who has been holidaying on Vancouver Island, has returned to her home at 2303 Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ ~ W. R. Dunlop, F.R.G.S., spent the week end at the Clachan. o ~ ~ Mrs. H. L. McLean, 2566 Marine Drive, has been confine to her home this week through sickness. o v ~ Mr. and Nrs. G. C. Byrnell have moved from 1766 Duchess Avenue into' house at 1329 Marine Drive. ~ o v Don't forget the dance of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society, West Vancouver branch, which is being held at 8:30 p.m. tonight in the Clachan. This is the society's flrst dance this sea- son, and those wishing to be- come members aiw asked special- ly to attend and flll in their ap- plication forms Drl at o Mrs. Royston of Vancouver, has purchased property on 22nd Street from A. R. Gsrthorne, 22nd and Marine Drive. o ~ o Miss Phyllis Neale of the B. C. Telephone staff here. has ro turned from s steamer trip up the west coast of Vancouver Island. v ~ A. Gracey, municipal building inspector, is on his annual vaca- tion. ~ v ~ G. Lancaster has moved from 2175 Argyle Avenue into s house at 2257 Fulton Avenue. v ~ ~ Dr. B. C. IL Harvey of the faculty of the University of Chicago, spent last week as the guest of his sister, Mrs. A. F. McFadyen, 1329 Fulton Avenue. \ o ~ Bidding farewell to Nrs. E. Perrin Baker who is returning to her home in Edmonton after s holiday at the coast, and to J. Edward Norcross who is leaving for the old country, a number of city journalists form- erly connected with the News- Advertiser and Daily World gathered at the home of Mr. Bnd Nrs. Cromar Bruce on Saturday evening, when many interesting events from s newspaper stand- point were recalled. Miss Hazel Strattem, who has been spending a holiday in Cal- gary, hss returned to her home at 1468 Marine Drive. Bob Parkin of the B.C. Elec- tric Co.'s staff on the North Shore left Saturday night for a huntrng trip in the Cariboo country. o o Mr. and Nrs. Partridge of Vancouver, are moving into their new home st 23rd snd Hey- wood Avenue. o Mrs. H. G. Selwood, 23rd and Nelson Avenue, has returned from an enjoyable fortnight's 'olidayin Victoria. While there she met Mrs. Rotherham and Mi's. Stevenson (nee Vivian Jackmen), both of whom form- erly resided in West Vancouver. F. Smallwood, 2384 Lawson Avenue, is a patient in the North Vancouver General HospitaL \ o Mrs. J. U. Holt, 17th and Marine Drive, who recently und- erwent an operation in the North Vancouver Genend Hospital. re'- turned today to her home here.\ The council ordered transfer- red the sum of $1,500 from the Ferry Savings Account to the Corporation General Sshqngs Ac-, count. Cemmlil's Drug Store Tbo Stoco ol Sorvica. 1402 linden Delve Emergency Plmno Wml Zzl lafior 2 p.m.l HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY nnd SATUBDAY September 22nd oad 2zcd, "Forty-Second'treet" EON. -- TUBS. -- WED. Sept. 25th, 2eih ond 27th. "TOPAZE" A Lhberty Four SCar Picnics fsuturing JOHN BAREYMORE Ancllosi Wcducsdsy. Support the $5,000 Welfare Drh e. C. J. Overiagton PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 STRATTON'S BAKERY BREAD - CAKES PASTRIES VARIETIES ALL FRESH DAILY bfsde at 1468 biarine Drive Phone West 27 Williamson'8 Dairy IRILK. CREaM. BUTTERMILK AND BUITER Pbsm Enl 22 ~ Nenb Ell Support the $5,000 TVelfare Drive. West Vaytcoutyer Tettttis Club A at thetltllled *- Wednesday, Sept. 27th Dmdmf 2 eo IZ TICKETS 36 CENTS Hollyburn School of Physical Culture NEW ASIBLESIDE HALL (nbovo Gcmmilrs Drag Stove) OPENING OIV OR ABOUT SEPT. 25th WEIGHT REDUCLNG BODY BUILDING Wby auger from Consilpnlion, Hondnchoo, Wonb Lungs, Nvevons Bconhdown, stc., when wo cnn give you pscloct hcnlehf lrhy worry shout being too fat I We, gunmnico to voducs your weight or eo chnvsv. Privnio Tuiuon -- forming Cinches now. Electrical vvdudng mnchino. Special eeevne4n pnld to childron. For Infovnmibm PhonTI West 217m. PerSOnal CEMMILL'S SPECIAL Ncm Nark)e. 2119 Marine COUGH 13 ycws ve, has moved into a house 1456 FUI4m Avenue. RELIEF r~ r' v v uo u. vr q