West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Sep 1933, p. 2

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0001 THF. WEST VAN NFWS September 21, 1933. VIM v r0rrrr r r ~ ' ral r' ~I*4 I 'Iu Iwp * I t ~ 'rIo~ r'r 'to'~ r'rlr%I ,r ~t~' r*:.i .'. rrrrr4'r ~ rrrlrr vrrr ~ rrrr'rrrIv 'r vrrrr'~'rrr rr rrrrv/rrrr .rrrrrr«errr vrvI-rrr . r rrrrl rrrr rri rrvrrm. rvrrv v HOLLYBURN HALL WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDipiCE 90th eed Shou(malt. HoSybete This Society M a Branch of The bio(bar Church Tho First Church of Christ, Scientteb ia Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:50 a.m. sunday, September 24, 1933 Subject: "RE A L IT Y" Sunday School at 10:00 ~ .m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at sns 04m Prepare for the Fall zonal 74th aad Deehess SUNDAY, SEI'T. 24th, 544me wnil 4 LikA 7:$0 p.m. Gospel Service An Address by MR ERIC IIUNT CAVCUziio PAC(AL"- k.iL S.J This facial treatment will remove tiny wrinkles, targe pores or Sellday School, io s.nl. UNITED CIIURCH Sunday Services 11:16 a.m and 7i16 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class 10 a.m. Rally Day service at 11:16 in the West Vancouver United Church. Rev. E. R, McLesn wiU be the speaker The Rev. Hfllis Wright will occupy the pulpit in the evening. Mre. Helen Gregory McGifl, former judge of the Juvenile Court in Vancouver, will be the guest speaker st the tea and sale of homewooking to be held at the United Church Hall on Tuesday, September 26th, under the auspices of the Women' Association of the Church. Her subject, "The Obligations of Women to the Community," is of such vital interest that s cor- dial invitation to attend is ex- tended to women of sfl denomin- ations. A musical program is being arranged and the hall will be made to look as much like a home as possible, so whatever the weather, s good attendance is hoped for. biaekheoda. Gffocyfitolytt Beauty Shoppc 1640 Mariae Drive Phoae Wast 117 BAPTIST CHURCH Services: 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School Rally Speaker: Mr. Birch. 11:00 s.m.--Harvest Thanksgiv- ing Service; Rev. H. P. Humphreys. 7:30 p.m.--Harvest Thanksgiv- ing Service; Mr. Efliott. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday--Prayer and praise. 8:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir practice. The Church will be open on Saturday from 2:30 until 6 p.m. to receive gifts of flowers, fruit and vegetables. These will be given to needy families. Under the auspices of the West Vancouver Baptist biission Circle 0 missionary meeting will be held in the Baptist Church on Tuesday evening, September 26, at 8 p.rn. Special speakers are the Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Church of India, now home on furlough. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all interested. Come and hear what the Lord is doing through His faithful servants in that darkened land of India. AU are welcome. Silver collection. Hot Water Bottles Wonderful values from 75c to $2.00 Al)ILESIDE PiiARNACY W. L KER, Prop f401 Marine Drive Phone West 323 FREE DELIVERY "But I'm talking about my- self again," he said. "I hope you don't think I'm conceited." "Oh, no," she replied. "I was just wondering how you keep from giving yourseH three hearty cheers every time you look at yourself in the glass." VERNON FEED STORE A. C, SRARLB Phoae West 9 FERTILIZERS of all kinds WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASSN. At a social evening in Dun- darave Hall on Friday, Septem- ber 15th, Mrs. Donald McTavish, wife of the President, presented the prizes won by the successful exhibitors at the 17th Annual Exhibition held on September 9th. The Directors of the As- sociation gave reports on the merits of the exhibition. A spec- ial feature of the evening was the presentation to the munici- pal council of the silver medal certificat won by the Associa- tion snd citizens of West Van- couver at the Canada Pacific Exhibition in the District Floral exhibit. Donald McTavish, president of the Association, presented the certificate on behalf of the As- sociation snd citizens to Reeve J. B. Leylsnd who thanked the citizens snd Horticultural As- sociation for their splendid community effort in bringing the second prize to West Van- couver on her 21st anniversary. Dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Trust and the ladies of the Association. The last Parlor Show of the season will be held in Dundar- sve Hall on October 19th when it is hoped there will be 0 large exhibit of chrysanthemums, Michaelmas daisies and hardy border flowers. Wood, Coak Builder'uppfles PRESBYTERIAN MISSION Orange Hall Service: 11:15 s.m. Speaker: Mr. J. Reynolds Eskr. Everybody welcome. Philip C. Chapmaa General Insurance Agent Fire, Aeiomob04I Burglary, Accident aad Sickeese, vie. 4557 Kiag'4 Ave. Phone W. 4ZY6 Retabnshed oe North Shore Zo Yearn. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON j'uneral Sirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 76th A Marino EXPERT SERViCB E. MARSH, Proprietor CHURCHES OF CHRIST, "Reality" is the subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be read in sfl Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, September 24th. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bibk: "And we know that afl things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his pur- pose." (Romans 8 28). The Lesson - Sermon also In- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book, "Science snd Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionsbly to their occu- pancy of your thoughts." (p. 261). THB West Van Nerjjjs Pebiiebed Every Tbersdsy ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Sunday 9:00 s.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:16 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:16 pm.--Devotions. Week Days S:00 a.m.--Holy Mass. 7:45 p.m., Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7i30 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. Pebiieber F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 36S Beeieeee and Editorial Odfcei 17th aad Marine Drive (N«zt to HoBybera P.O.) Phone West S63 1feB Address i P.O. Bos St, Holiybara, B.C. The matter of the proposedconcrete sidewalk, North side of Marine Drive from 14th to 15th and 15th to 17th Streets was referrdd by the council to the engineer for estimated costs snd details bf procedure under the Local Intprovement P)sn. North Vancouver Officei 128 Lonsdsle Ave. 51.00 ~ year by carrieri 52.00 ~ year by man. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH September 24th -- 15th Sun- day after Trinity. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion.'0 & 11 i15 a.m.--Sunday Schools 11:15 san.--Matins and Sermon 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. 9:45 a.m.--St. Francis-in-the- Woods. Friday, September 29th, St. Michael and AU Angels -- Holy Communion 10:15 a.m. Monday, 4:15 p.m.--Junior G. A. at Mrs, Shsrmsn's, 967 20th Street. 4:16 p.m~Intermediate G. A. at Mrs. Silva-White 2685 Marine. Si15 p.m.--A.Y.P.A. The Harvest Festival Seieiice will be October 1st, and the Harvest Supper on Tuesday, October 3rd. Rev. W. J. Minto Swan will be the Guest Speaker. C.C.F. CI UB FORMED The C.C.F. Club formed last week in the Legion Hall enrolled thirty members for 0 start. At this Wednesday'0 meeting they expect to double that. There was an enthusiastic attendance addressed by Mr. Richetts, org- anizer of the C.C.F., Mr.Stehe- Un, secretary of the Vancouver Dist. Campaign Committee, and H. C. Anderson, C.C F. candidate for this riding. The following officers were chosen: Chairman, C. G. McNefl; 1st Vice, Major A. M. Laster E 0 Lunn secretary treasurer, with this executive: S. J, Nasmith, Councillor Robert Fiddes, Mrs. S. Herring, W. C Crosby and H. P. Allen. On Wednesday, September 27, at 8 p.m. in the Legion Hall, an- other meeting will be held under the auspices of the Joint C.C&. Campaign Committees of West Vancouver, North Vancouver snd Lynnmour. The speakers will be Angus McInnes, M.P. and his wife, Grace, daughter of J. S. Woodsworth. nR c n tt sEAJ.E t DENTIST Hay Block, 14th aed Merino Dr. Ogive Boers 0 to 0 p m Evvoiiige by apfmbitmeo Phono West 79 Dr hfarjory McCubbin DENTIST Hoemi 9 ~. m. te 0 p. Im Saierdaym io s. m. Lo i p.m. Eveahigv end Saturday After- aooee by appoieimeet only ~Royal Bash Building Phone West 440 kreideace i'boas West SPL I.EGION NOTES Entertainment At the social given in the Legion Hall last Saturday 0 good time wss had by everyone pres- ent. Eleven tables of Military Whist were in play; the prlze- winners being Mr. snd Mrs. Stuart, Mrs. Gleam and Mrs. Doherty. The Novelty prize for the dance went to Mr. Wicklng and President, Mrs. Wicktng of the W.A. On Saturday, September 30th, ~ a box social will be held for Legion members and W. A. members only. Please keep this date open as there will be some- thing new put on and afl are as- sured of 0 good time The Ent- ertainment Committee are work- ing hard to put on these socials for the coming winter so it is hoped there will be a full attend- ance. It will help those attend- ing to forget the depression The regular winter dances will be started on the 2nd snd 4th Fridays of each month, begin- ning in October. Further an- nouncements will appear in this paper. ORANGE I,ODGE HOLDS SOCIAL LO.L. No. 2990 held last Tuesday evening their eighth anniversary social in the Orange Hall, when they had ss their guests North Vancouver L.O.L. No. 1840, North Vancouver Ladies Auxiliary and Ruth Lodge L.O.B,A. West Vancou- ver. A splendid program was put on by radio artists from CK MO and CKWX. After the con- cert dainty eats were served in the lower hall. The tables were gaily decorated snd a large birthday cake with eight candles was placed at the top table. Several addresses were deliv- ered. The B. C. Rangers sup- plied the music for the dance. It wss the most successful social ever put on by the Lodge and afl are looking forward to Wed- nesday, September 27th, for tbe Orange Annual Dance. Very Knowing History wss the subject of the morning lesson in the boys'chool. "Tommy White," said teacher, "tell the class what you know of the peculiarities of the Quakers." The boy got faltenngly to his feet, but not a word came from his lips. "How does their wsy of speaking differ from yours and mine?" the teacher put in coax- ,ingly. "Well, sir," said Tommy, "they don't swear" . LEGION W. A. The W. A. to the Canadian Legion will hold their opening meeting of the season on Mon- day, September 25th, in the Legion Memorial Hall at 216 p.m. It is hoped for a good at- tendance. The branch are hold- ing a whist drive at the home of Mrs. D. W. Graham, 2128 Belle- vue Avenue, on Saturday-even- ing September 23rd at 8 o'lock Members and others are asked to bring their friends and phone West 473R for reservations. Nut snd Potato Croitue(tes 2 cups hot riced potatoes /4 cup cream or milk /9 teaspoon salt /0 teaspoon pepper Few grains cayenne Yolk of 1 egg 173 cup chopped pecan nui meats '/9 teaspoon baking powder Mix sfl ingredients with fork until light. Shape as for croquettes Roll in bread crumbs. Dip in egg which hss been mixed with 0 little cold water. Roll in bread crumbs again and fry in deep hot fat until brown Drain on unglazed paper and serve. The train crawled along the sub- urban line ead then stopped dead. "Goatdi" shouted a jovial passen- ger, "may 1 get oet and pick some Aowersf" "Afraid yoe won't find many about this time of year," said the guard. good-buieorediy. "Ob, tberoel be heaps of time(" replied the jovhd one. "Ive brought a packet of seeds." She Wouldn't Tell Bill: "A woman can't keep a se- cret." Beetricei "Oh. 1 don't know. I'e kept my age a secret since I was Zi." Bill: "Yes, and some day you'l Mmply have to tell ii." Beairicei "No, I won'. 1'vo kept it a secret seven years aad that proves 1 know how" The Community Players will present the play "The Passing of the Third Floor Back'o the patients of the Shsughnessy Military Hospital early ln Oc- tober. Support the 65,000 IVelfare Drive CASCADE SAND & GRAVEL CO. Second Narrows Bridge, North Vancouver Special dressing for driveways and garden paths. Phone: North 1863; Night Phone, Alfl Ellis, West 160Y. Burrard Laundry Ltd. Q~bPENDABLF LAUNDRY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 69)L or North 13IO mr I