0001 Phone West 469 THE WFQT VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH Phone West 46 ~ By Subadar September 14, 1988. i 0?m ~ ««rc'c « ~ h Jr ?c SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS FRIDAY 4 sAT. QUICK OATS. "Beck?ye" 0.1L ck. Ssc APRINTS, Scud?lcd Whole Fccii pcc lb........„,.........,............. 16c BLACK FIGS, New SiccL...S Iba SSc PRUNES, Large Basta Clara, 2 lbs. SSc RAISINS. pie?et Aevi?clice 2 lbs. 26c RICE Jcp.................. ~ lbs. Isc BEANS, Small %sita .......4 Iba 194 SAGO or TAPIOCA ...........8 Iba ISc CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE Special .................................. 264 WI'TCH HAZEL TOILEI'OAP 2 cckcc Sc Rcl a While COCO.4, pie?et Qccliiy Vc IL tia ..................... Sic PINEAPPLE Bick'4 Sliced British Grown .......... 2 tice Sfc Rcd A White EXTRACTS Lemon or Vccinc....s cc. bottle ISc Rcd S WMtc BAKING POWDER 12 cc iie .................,.... 19c PEARL WHITE SOAP,.......S bars lpc Save the Coupons for Premiums. MALT YINBGAR, Impoitcs English 12 oc bcidc....lice 26 cc. bot... 194 Aunt Mary's Tea---lb. WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASSN. The seventeenth annual exhi- bition was held on Saturday, September 9th, in Dundarave Hall. The judges were: Flowers, Geo. Moore and A. Leach of Van- couver; Vegetables and Fruits, W. Sandau of Vancouver; Dom- estic Science and Needlework, Mrs. M. Murphy of North Van- couver'. Mrs. Murphy who acted as', judge, spoke highly of the fine quality of the needlework, of the " 'asteful staging of the exhibit, also of the fine exhibit of home- cooking and bottled fruits and wine. The Stamp Competition, a new feature this year, sponsored by the West VancouverSiamp Club also attracted much attention. In the evening the president thanked the exhibitors for com- ing forward with so many beau- tiful exhibits and also spoke of the helpful assistance rendered to the association in au their ef- forts by Reeve J. B. Leyland and especially in 'staging the Dis- trict Floral Exhibit at the Can- Rcd A White Mcichec. csee ...2 for Ipc Iicl a White FLOOR WAX, I lb. tic ...,.................... .... . 28c WATER ICE WAFERS. Special Acccri?4 Sc?oic........ lb. SSc SAUSAGE Swift'c 8??mkkcM - IL ccitoc ................... 18c STRAWBERRY JAM, Pure Frail cul Sugar. This season's peck l IL iiu 49c ICING SUGA~ 2 lbs. 17e IXN'OANUT. ShicddeL... pci IL 194 SHELLED WAI.NUTS Ciecc vhn» pieces.......-- Vi lb. 184 CAKB FI.OUII, Fciiyiight...pka 234 TASTYCREAM HEAI.TH OATS Finest qcciity Nc. I Oats 24 ca pcckcsc ..., ... 15c Rcd S White 1VHOLE CLAMS Tcn tins ...................... 2 for 'SSc SARDINFRL Nabob Fiacct Nore?egica.........,..S linc 25c Rcd S White TOSIATO SOUP 8 tice 25c LARD, Svifc'c Siiiciiccf I IL cartons............. 2 for 23c JIF SOAP FLAKES The NEW icigc package.......... 19c 33c and Coffee lb. 30c. ada Pacilic Exhibition. Reeve Leyland spoke brlefiy on the good work being done by the Association, and Rev F. A. Ramsey on the fine stamp ex- hibit. The prizes will be pre- sented at 8 p.m. Friday, 15th instant, in Dundarave Hall. UNEMPLOYMENT ASSN. OF 1VEST VANCOUVER Negotiations which have been carried on between the Execu- tive of the IVest Vancouver Un- employment Association and the Reeve and Council culminated on Monday night in an allowance of $10.00 being made for work, clothes to men on work relief. This sum is to be worked out by 8 system which permits the men to work extra days as ar- ranged by the foreman to pay olf this indebtedness. It was originally asked that the old scale of relief be paid, but this was pointed out by the coundl to be financially impossible. The next meeting of the As- sociation will be held on Friday, September 22nd, in the Socialist Hall, Marine Drive at 8 p.m. Support the $5,000 Welfare Drive. cccuimmcscse the causes of struggles between peoples of this world is that those who have possessions think in legal terms of having, while those whose material wealth is not great think in tenne of natural having." There's 8 world of wisdom in that short remark. The nations who have suificient territory for their population, Eingland and the U.S. think in legal terms of having, in other words, are all for peace. On the other hand Japan and Germany with insuf- ficient territory, think in terms of natural having, which in prac- tice means taking sll you are strong enough to get. ~ ~ ~ Clsire Windsor, the screen actress, has been recently before the beak for alienating the af- fections of some other woman' former man. Being "8 former," I can't understand what all the fuss is about. It was a very wet ease, for the msn is said to have wept when he penned his letters to Claire, and she wept when they were read in court. I ex- pect he swore Love letters are sometimes the worst kind of boomerangs. Why my friend, the editor knew a couple whose children delivered their father' love letters to their mother round to their neighbors when playing at postman. I'd have killed those kids, had they been mine. To return to Claire. A- mong the evidence submitted there were forty-seven snaps of Claire and the man in "affection- ate poses." I call that tough, and, if Claire was responsible for the photographer, "she done 'im wrong." One expects a younger brother to rise up be- hind the chesterfield and upset the applecart, but a photograph- erl Ye gods! And that's what comes of making love to a screen actress. My brothers, beware, and especially of Claire. LO.D.E. Book Exchange The Book Exchange whlq)f has been in operation at the Ingle- wood School for the psst two weeks will close this week. Over 1,000 books have been handled during this time, and many parents have expressed their appreciation of the benefit they have derived from it. g4 JLfTS + COSI$ 4Rl'upport the $5,000 WelfareDrive. ~ 1 A Dr. hiargaret Fry, in speak- m&tn s grocery en's Canadian Club in Vancou- ver, had this to say: "One of and sll Building Material of Best Quality at Lovr I'riess BUII D NOW! gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER QO LTD I'hone Ivest 115 Res. I'hone IVest 3681. 15th and Iilarine "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS cci ~ ic 2 cents pci word, miaimcm hccicg ccgclcc ccccccic, cii ciccci- Vcs Ncvc gci Immcelcic icccitc. The rats fci Cicc?15?4 Advccticcm 25 cceic. Except ic ihc cccc of tbccc Sclc are psychic strictly ie el?ceca Rccicmbcr (1ccciaclc ie the Weal L PRINTING -- For all kinds of rinting phone West Van ews, West 868. "DOROTHY SIMPSON" Nor?itive, "MYRTLE FISHER." Hand Pciemd Novelties, Fancy Printing. Boll@- burn Gift Shop, B. C., "Thc One cnd Only." Su'AP -- Blue Coci, ciik lines vlch Seal collar, for male fcx I??rice puppy. West 108X. WEST VANCOUVER I'ROPERTIES For Scic cad Wanted. C. J. Archer Lid., 1415 Me?ice Drive. Phono West 226, Seymour 5954. Foii SALE -- Iiclic Scape? Mantel sets Sm.60, $29.60; Consols Sets, $89.50, $99.60; Mcifct Range $27.ilo; Rcmiugtcn No. 10 Typewriter $26. Radios repaired, tubes tested. North Shore Radio. Phone West 81. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING, Aii- cicticnc, Boys'ants specialty, Chciic foundciicn garments. Phone West 74RI. SPIRELLA CORSHPIERE -- Phone West 487L. POR IIILIT -- Modern, cafe?sich?4 bungalow civic tc ferry. Phone West SSIX. hIARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thcrmiqcc Permanent Weve without danger of burning. Mcrcci 60ci reset 86ci Finger Wave 60c. Phone Mic. King West S04, 1620 Marine. WANTED TO RENT -- By Pensioner semi-furnished house, not more than 812 pcr month. Phone West 243LS. Support the $ 5 000 1Velfare Drive. The council through Ames a Co., made an exchange for sink- ing fund purposes of 616,500 C.N.P. 4%i bonds due April 2nd, 1950, with principal and interest guaranteed by the Province of British Columbia for $81,000 Province of Alberta 4% bonds due July 15th, 1958, st $81.42 plus accrued interest. OLD GOLD -- Best Price Pcid. West Vcn. Jeweler, 1522 iscriuc Drive. MARCEI.LE SHOP -- Merc?04, 60 cents; reset, 86c; Scgcc wave, 60c. Phone Mcc. King, West 804. FOR RBNT -- Hcccc on Wcicificet, yearly lease. Phone West 82RL PISSY-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. Best material ccd woriimcschip. FOR RENT--Suite, Hct Water Heat- ed; also modern house on Wcici- front, electric stove. Apply Holly- burn Block, 18th cud Marine. West 865R. MARCEL, FINGER WAVB OR SHAMPOO, 26c. Permanent Waves $2.00. Hciiybuce Academy of Beauty Culture, 1648 Marine Drive. Nc cppciutmcctc necessary. GEI'IY FREE ESTIMATES ca Painting, Papering cud Kciccmis- ing C L'cuingc Rcc Phoae West 894R. WEBB'S SHOE REI'AIRS WEAR BEST -- Duudcccva COLIN TURNER, Carpenter ced Builder. Aitcictiosc cud repairs. Phone West 879K JEFFERIES'UPER!OR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at IlollyburIIp next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER c err«re I"r «cr ~ *' rr 4'rrr rrrr:rr p«re rrr 'rr rrrrr V?"r««cr«v c'« . -rr c «c'r '«r wr? r«re'«rr " «c'« rr rr'rrr «rr wrrr«rrr rrrr Are you straining your eyes for lack of a little light? A bo-watt lamp costs no more to buy than a J4o and only I/J6 of a cent for added current for a whole evening. c ~ I ~ kl .'Ik 8 KI 5 Ksf01 88 IAI:I r % E B scs 2'.\ Ie8:Ll I ki I'71 KcCsg EsT +AN MBTBRB (BILL GROUT) 1451 Marine We Spcdcscc In Picccicg thc Cccuimcc West 268 Complete Automotive Service! Wet Weather Ahead! '"'"'"'"""'"'umbler Top DressingAuto Top with for $ 1.50 HEADQUARTERS for Ail the Pep+ uici Cigarettes, Tobaccos, csd Fish- ing Gadgets for local waters. Ambiccidc Tcc Rccma FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses io Rent. Hcuccc, lots, ssd acreage for sale. John Lsvcou, 17ih ccu Marine, Phono West 56. FOR PLUSIBING REPAIRS -- Bcc- idcncc Phono West 241R. GORDON ROBSON Bcrcieu?r -- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER Oificc No. 1447, Sfcciec Drive Phone West 408 10 ic 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Seitc 501: 510 Hcctisgc Si. W. ~ Phone Seymour 4199 2 Ie 5 Notary Pcblk Real Bclcic a Icceicscc Listings 1VanteSa 1405 Mciiec Drirc i hcec Wcci 21 or Seymour 1200 Evcciagc Weel 204X Support the $5,0011 Welfare Drive.