0001 September 14, 1933 THE WEST VAN NEWS 3 I, WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. NOTICI" The West Vancouver Welfare Association will hold its 2nd Annual Public bleating and Election of Of- Ficers on Tuesday, September 12th, in the basement of the Orange Hall at 8 p.m, Molly Edwards Jerry Mathisen LEARN TO DANCE Join a Limbering or Tumbling C)stm. Commences Thursday, September 14th, DUNDARAVE HALL, (Abm at North Vancouver) Classes for all agee in DANCING (sll types). ACROBATIC and TAP, ADAGIO, BAI,L-ROOM, TUhiBLING, LIM- BERING and BODY BUILDING, SWIMMING and DIV- ING (Crystal Pool). For information and monthly rates Phone West 436RI. B.C. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY West Vancouver Branch First Dance of the Season te be held at THE CI.ACHAN THURSDAY, Sept. 21st, at 8.30 p.m. Quadrilles, Lancers, Reels, Etc. Admission 25c. DANCING a BODY BUILDING DUNDARAVE HALL -SCHEDULE Ambleside Sheet Metal%rorksI LAURIE SPECK, Ploprletar 1446 bfarine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING Tuesd ay-- 6-7:15 p.m.--Boys dt Young Men. 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. -- Business Men. 8:46-10 p.m. -- Adagio and Ballroom. Thursday-- 4 - 5:SO p.m.--Junior Tap and Acrobatic. 6:45 - 7:46 p.m.--Senior Tap and Acrobatic. 8 - 9 p.m.--Boys, and Young Men. 9 - 10 p.m.--Business Men. Friday-- I:30 - 2:30 p.m.--Children' Dancing (under 6) 2 130 - 3:30 p.m--Women. 4 - 6:SO p.m. -- Children' Dancing. 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. -- Business Girls. 8:SO - 10 p.m.--Ballroom. Saturday-- 9 - 12 p.m.--Juvenile snd Jun- ior Boys. K.W.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Williamoou'8 Dairy MILK, CREAM, BUTTERMILK AND BUTTER Waoleeele awe Soleil Phoae Weu 89 et Nenh 271 SALMON i BOATS FISHING I for hireTEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies lVood, Coal Dump Truck Work Ambleside Beach Wm. Carley Biltou House School 229 - 29th St., West Vancouver Private Day and Boarding School for Boys. MODERN CURRICULUM Apply Headmaeter, K. B. FOYSTER Phone West 169Y2 smew xwlhs xx wcess~KNt~ SBMSDV CO.~M aaVhewl~ Se„xoiealo, Cwwea .CC)mmunity Players "The Passing of 'he3rd Floor Back" IN HOLLYSURN THEATRE Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 19th & 20th PROCEEDS IN AID OF WELFARE FUND Admission 25c and 35c. A Fcw ececrved seats st 50c. Plea of Theatre at Gemmgi' Drug Store, 14th and Maetae Local and Personal TORCH BRAND Mr. and Mrs. William Gorham, who have been visiting Mr. anil Mrs. A. H. O. Freemantle, 1751 Heywood Avenue, have returned to their home in Winnipeg. Mrs. Gorham is a niece of bfrs. Free- mantle. ~ ~ ~ hfr. Bnd bfrs. Fence, 1443 Duchess Avenue, are moving into the Neill house at 130S Clyde Avenue. e ~ ~ MIss Phyllis Neale of the B.C. Telephone Co.'s staff here, who is on her annual vacation, is tak- ingg a boat trip up the west coast of Vancouver Island. e e D. C. Grantham and son of Vancouver, are staying for a week at the Clachan. ~ ~ Mrs. W. White of Toronto, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and bfrs. A. Webb, 25th and Marine Drive. e e e Mrs. Jim Holt, 17th and Mar- ine Drive, was rushed last hfon- day to the North Vancouver General Hospital, where she und- erwent a successful operation. v Little Moreen hfurphy, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Murphy, wss knocked down by an auto last Friday in front of her home at 19th and bfsrine Drive. She was very badly cut and bruised but fortunately escaped serious Injury. e Support the 35,000 Welfare Drive. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Perkins, S28 East Twenty-sixth Avenue, Vancouver, announce the en- gagement of their only daugh- ter, Winifred Ena, to bfr. Ern- est Grisedale of 149 16th Street. The wedding will take place in October. v The Imperial Oil Ltd. wrote the council re installation of oil tank at Ross Crescent, Cypress Park. (A. White's application.) The use of the land for the purpose stated was granted sub- ject to the approval of the eng- ineer and at the pleasure of the council in respect to the discon- tinuance of such use. Malt aud A son was born on Tuesday of last week at St. Paul's Hospital to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph La Fleche, 13th anrl Clyde Avenue, ~ v The many friends of Mrs. Vase will be pleased to hear that she is making progress towards recovery. ~ ~ Alan Bean, who hss been a patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital, has returned to his home at 23rd snd King'4 Avenue. lhfr and Mrs. W. B. Small and Mr. and Mrs. B. Hayes sre spending a holiday on Hollyburn Ridge. e Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Daniel and family of Vancouver Island, have purchased the Hawkes house at 24th and King's Ave- nue, and have moved in. Mr. Daniel is one of the firm of Brod erick dt Daniel, Photographers, of 1436 Marine Drive.\ Mrs. Cyril Graves who hss been the guest of Joseph Tite and Mise Grace Tits, 16th and Marine Drive, has left to return to her home at Mortlach, Sas- katchewan. A. Baxter of Vancouver, has taken the Ireland home at Rad- cliife Avenue, West Bay. e At the opening of the schools last week for the fall session there wss a receiving class of twenty new scholars at Pauline Johnson, that at Hollyburn be- ing twentywne. ~ ~ Mrs. Hall and family have moved into a house at 24th and Marine Drive. ~ e e hire. C. J. Marshall snd daugh- ters, who have been spending the summer at Lang Bay, re- turned last week to their home at 30th and Palmerston Avenue. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Peacock have moved from North Vancouver into the MscDaniels house at 15th and Duchess Avenue. Mrs. Goodsll and family have returned to the city after oc- cupying their summer home at 24th and Bellevue for the past few months. George Bulkley of "Dreamy Nook," 26th and Bellevue Ave- nue, is on a visit to his.children in Portland, Oregon.\ ~ N T. Shirlaw, 2396 Nelson Avenue, arrived back here last Thursday after a visit of some months to the Old Country. hir. and Mrs. Kloepffer have returned to the city after spend- ing the season at their summer home, 196S Bellevue Avenue. ~ \ e Mrs. I. M. bfcLean of the Hol- lyburn Post OfFice staiF, is tak- ing her annual vacation. e e e E. V. McNeil was a guest at the Tea Cup, 25th snd IVater- front, over the week end. e Mrs. Douglas Dewar snd her children are leaving shortly for their home in New York after spending the summer with Mrs. Dewar's parents, Mr. and hfrs. W. A. Adair of Caulfeild. e ~ e Junior Choir The Junior Choir are asked to be at the United Church Hall promptly at loa.m. next Satur- day to start practising for the. season. e ~ ~ W. V, A. A. A. There will be an exhibition football game next Satunlay, September 16th, st 3 p.m. be- tween West Vancouver Ulted and Rangers. This will give an opportunity to see in action West Vancouver's entries in the Junior Alliance Cod Liver Oil S1.25 Gemmill'I Drug Store The Store ef Seerke. 1492 Maeiae Deeee Weel 22 Emergeaey Pbmm West 621 (After 9 p.m.) Support the 65,000 Welfare Drive. HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY asd SATURDAY September 16th ssd 16th, "The Half Naked Truth" An excellent fast mpeimt Comedy with Lee Tracy ssd Lepe Vetch'. a)co "NORTHEILI EXPOSURE" A very beaxttfvl Maiical Nov- elty Ia Color Cartoon News and Semdc IEON. -- TUES. -- WED. SepL 16th, 19th sed gseh. "The Passing of the Third Floor Back" ay the Cmameatty Playeee I Dress rehearsal Monday) No Aeettoe Wednesday. Support the 35,000 Welfare Drive. C. J. Overiugtou PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 STRATTON'S BAKERYSupport the 35,000 WelfareDrive. BREAD - CAKES WEST VANCOUVER PASTRIES sc(yprlsH socIETY VARIETIES The first meeting of the Scot- ALL FRESH DAILY tish Society will be held on Fri- day evening, S ptember 15th, gt ~e at 1468 bi~ Drive 8 p.m. in the Clschan. After the busmess meeting the evening will take the form of a social. Members are urged to be pres- hfarine Drive, is spending a holi- ent. day in the south. W A PHOTOGRAPH Newly equipped and modem. Our studio oiyere Wcet Vancouver splendid portrait quality at prices ranging From $5.00 PER DOZEN UP m BRODERICK IF DANIEL ~ PhotograPhers 1436 MARINE DRIVE~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mt WEST VAN A. A. A. Dance-Friday, Sept. 15th - '„ ADMISSION 262 GOOD aIUSIC