0001 mr rr I. rr rIrr l ~vvu~ vm rvuV' * r v ~ 'm ~ u ~riV" m rkrrrer~ rr c c'rrsp rm 'rd"r rr.e rr rr ~ v c sr Crrrrrvrrr rrrv 'rrv vrvv rrrurr.-rSir rrv ~rr 'VVrrr rrVrrrrr V ~ vrvrrrvvu Vr rrVr'rr err- rr rvrvu rv Perman- 'nt Waves WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDlFICR 00th ssd Ssesrmsrrr rroUybsvs This Society R s Bvsoch of The hrurhcc Church The First Ckorch of Christ, Scient(sr, rs Bourse, Rsssschsssrrs Sunday Sscvlcsr rr:So s.m. THF. WEST VAN NEWS HOLLYBURN HALL rlrh snd Duchess SUNDAY, SEI'T. 17th. ?rSO p.m. Gospel Service An Address by hlR. T. Mcl.AREN, Sunday, September 17, 193S Subject: uhlATTER" Sunday Scbool at reroo s.m. Testimony hlssrrsg Wodxssdsy at 0;rs pxs. This mosrh we are fcsrovlng syc- lash sad cys-brow tinting at rbs Sunday School, ro s.m. GfJJeyfdolyft Beaftty Shoppe UNITED CHURCH Sundny Services 11:15 a.m and 7:16 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class 10 a.m. Senior Young People, Monday at 8 p.m. Tuxis and Trail Rangers, Tues- day at 7:15 p.m. Prayer Service, Wpdnesday at 8 p.rrr. Choir Practice, Thursday at 8 p.rrl. C.G.I.T Groups, Friday st 7:15 p.m. Girls'hoir. Saturday at 10 s.m. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary So- ciety will be held on Tuesday afternoon, September 19th, in the church hall. The new stu&ly book, "Living Issues in Chins," will be introduced, snd all ladies of the congregation are cordially invited to attend. The W. A. to the United Church is planning to put on a Fall Tes on September 26th, when there will be a speaker on some vital topic. There will also be a sale of home cooking. r666 Rsciso Drive Phoae West rrr BAPTIST CHURCH Services: 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 7:30 p.m.--To be announced. 8 f00 p.m., Wednesday--Prayer and praise. 8:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir practice. HOLLYBURN HALL There will be a gospel service at Hollyburn Hall at 7:30 p.m. next Sunday, when the address will be given by Mr. T. MCLaren. Sunday School will be held as usual at 10 a.m. Support the $5,000 YVelfare Drive. PRESBYTERIAN MISSION Orange Hall Service: 11:16 s.m. Speaker: hfr. J. Reynolds Esier. Everybody welcome. School Requirements Wo cscvy s sroclc of Scribbrsvs. Exercise Boats Loess-Losf R Typsvvirsr Paper Pans. Pencils, Paints, Erc. AMBLESIDE PIIARMACY ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH September 17th -- 14th Sun- day after trinity. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion 10 & 11:15 s.m.riundsy Schools 11:15 s.m.--Matins snd Sermon 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. 3:00,p.m., St. Francis-in-the- )Voods, Caulfeild. Thursday, 21st; Sept.--St. Mut- thew's Day -- Holy Communion 10:15 s.m. Monday, 8 p.m.--A.Y.P.S, Tuesday, 8:15 p. m. -- The Church Committee meeting. Wednesday -- Choir Practice snd meeting, 8 p.m. Thursday -- Junior Choir, 4 p.m. The first meeting of St. Step- hen's Wolf Cub pack will be on Wednesday, the 20th, st 6:30 in the Parish Hall. The Scout troup meeting at 7:30, in the Parish Hall on the same even- ing. W. L KER, Prop rior Sfsvrao DC(vs Phone West $2$ FREE DELrvEBY VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phoae West 0 FERTILIZERS of all kinds PVT. A. There will be s meeting of the Parent - Teacher Associa- tion in Pauline Johnson School at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, September 19th. Dean Bollert of the Uni- versity of B. C., will give an ad- dress on the topic "As Youth Looks at Civilization." Dean Bollert has been in contact with many young people, both in our own university snd recently from many parts of the world at Chicago, and has found their reactions to their environment deeply impressive. She hss, therefore, 0 very vital message to impart to psrentm There will also be 0 musical program. Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Frrs, Asromobirs, Bsvgrscy, Accidsst sad Sic)races, crc. rssr King's Avs. Phoae W. CSYS Esrsblisbcd on North Shove Zo Years. (Lady Assisrsnt) HARRON BROS. Sr VVILLIhhiSON fIInerailIIrettars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 OXFORD GROUP MASS hiEETING A meeting in connection with the Oxford Group work in Van- couver snd West Vancouver will be held in the Orange Hall near 22nd and Marine Drive, on Fri- day, September 22nd, at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Sunday 9:00 a.rrL--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:15 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:16 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:16 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 8:00 a.m.--Holy Mass. 7:46 p.m., Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:30 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "Matter" is the subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, September 17th. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: uWho hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his coun- sellor hath taught him?" (Isai- ah 40: 13) The Lesson - Sermon also in- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science snd Health with Key to the Scriptures'y Mary Baker Eddy: "Matter snd Mind are opposites One is contrary to the other in its very nature and essence; hence both cannot be real. If one is real, the other must be unreal. Only by under- standing that there is but one power,--not two powers, mat- ter and lriind,--are scientific and logical conclusions reached." (p. 270). 16th 0 brscins ExPERT BERvrcE E. HARSH, Proprietor. THE West Van Nevus Psbrishcd Every Thscsdsy PsbUshcc F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bsslsoss ssd Editor(st Ogrcsr rfth smt Rsviss Drive (Next ro Horrybara P. O.) Phone West 363 Rail Addcsssr P.O. Bsx er, Hsllybsca, ILC. North Vancouver Oglcer r 123 Lonsdale Ave. 01.00 s yssr by «sevres: SX00 ~ yssc by waiL The mat,ter of the tents on the Bradner property, D.L. 1059, S.E.I/6 Lots 7, 8, 9 etc. came up before the council. The build- ing inspector was instructed to attend to their removal snd the police department to investigate complaints re the discharging of firearms. LEGION NOTES The next general meeting of the local branch will be held at 8 p.m. Friday next st the Legion Memorial Hall, when 0 good turn out of the members is ex- . pected. With the coming of the winter season programs of ent- ertainment, etcu for the welfare of the branch should be of inter- est to sll. An unemployment committee hss been formed with Comrade G. McNeil in charge, snd members aifected sre speci- ally requested to bring their problems before same for satis- factory solution. If hss been shown from time to time that the ex-service man without a pension, and in most cases in poor health snd 'strength, re- quires special consideration and s y m p a t h e,t I c understanding which csn only be given by the ex-service msn himself. September 14, 1933. I.EGION W. A. The lmg(on W. A, badminton season has now opened and those desirous of becoming members please get in touch with the captain, Mrrk C. E. Sherman, phone West 99L, or Mrs. D. W. Graham, secretary, phone )Vest 473R. Arr invitation has been received from the Legion inviting members of the W. A. snd their friends to a whist drive and dance on Satur- day, September 16th, at 8:15 p m. in the Legion HalL Mrs. Geo. Bulkley of "Dreamy Nook," 26th and Bellevue Ave- nue, won the prise for the. best essay on the show of the Dlck- xon Tea and Col?ee Importing Company at the exhibition. tJR G D H SEALE DENTIST Hsy Slack, rlrh ssd krsckm Dv. Orscs Hours 0 ro rl p.m. Evssrsgs by sppolsrmoor, phoae Wosr rz Dr. hi nrjory hfcCubbln DENTIST Hours: 0 ~ . m. Cs 0 p. w. Ssrsvlrsysr ro s. Is. Co 1 p. rs. Evenings sod Ssrocdsy Afmv- oosss by sppolarmoef only. Ruysr Bank Building I'hoss Wcsl lls Rcoidcsco I'boss ryssl Sss. Support the $5 000 Welfare Dr rve. Organization Meeting-- -C. C. F. Club "~,",."„.L„„., ThurSday, Sept. 14,,„"., SPECIAL SPEAKER 5 AS interested are cordially invited. MISS BLANCHE NEVILLE Teacher of PIANO and THEORY OF hiUSIC Special attention to beginners. Pupils prepared for Examina- tions. Class tuition or private lessons. Beginners or advanced pupils. Studio: 2215 Marine Drive, Phone West 129L or Fair. 1143R Burrard Laundry Ltd. DLPENDABLE LAUNDRY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 691L or North 1310 Support the $5,000 Welfare Drive. CASCADE SAND & GRAVEL CO. Second Narrows Bridge, Norih Vancouver, Special dressing for driveways snd garden paths. Phone: North 1363; Night Phone, Alf. Ellis, West 160Y. "Yes, sir! I owe my job to my telephone'" "Oh. boy I Ir Feels good ro be working again," Frank wss veiling a friend. "I'm certainly glad now that I kept my relcphone." "What did your rckphonc have ro do with rr 7 " asked the other. u Why, the boss said he had work For only ~ Few men, ro hs gave the preference ro Fclkmvs with rclephoncs, be. cause the others were roo hard ro reach. Ycs, sir I I owe my job ro my rslsphonc." The cnsn wirh a telephone har rhc best chance oF gcr- ting s job. B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY Support the $5,000 WelfareDrlve. MRS. F. X. HODGSON, L.A.B. ysdCIII R OI Voice Producti oft aftd Soug hzterpretati oft Study with a good accompanist. Students trained for Operatic, Concert, Radio„Oratorio or Church work. Also for Examinations in Associated Board and Toronto Conservatory. Over SO medslista and finalists in Victoria snd B. C. Musical Festivals. STUDIOS: 2310 Bellevue Avenue; )Vednesdsy & Friday, 113 Granville Mansions, City TERM COMMENCES hfondsy, 11th Sept. 19SS. West 666R.