West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Sep 1933, p. 2

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0001 * APg 'rt r trwV't I 'lrtrer h ~-rr rMted tt t lar ':rr '~ 't' ' ~ % w'rrrts r 't rr r rr 5 rrr»' Vt ~ rrrrrrrrr 'r rrrrrrr %rrrrrrVr re wrrr - ."rrr ~.rrrrrrr .brrrr rr t ptrmxoeoi Curls 20c t Wlur go through that untidy stage with your Permanent Wave when a tew extra curie will freshen it op eo beeetitoi- Iy7 Geoe»doly» Beauty Shoppe 1548 Hxrioe Dtira Phoae West 117 for Appoieimeat. The council ordered the trans- fer of $1,600 from the Ferry Savings Account to the Corpor- ation General Savings. School Requirements Wr carry a stock of Scribbietx, Exercise Books Loose-Leat a Typewrimr Paper Pens, Pencils, Paints Eic. AMBLESIM PHARMACY W. L KER, Prop 1401 Itarioe Drive Phone West $28 FREE DELIVERY VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLE Pbooe West 0 FERTILIZERS of all kinds Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident end Sickness, eic. 2557JLmg'4 Ate. Phone W. 42YS Eeixbiixhtd oa North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. 81 WILLIAMSON funeral 1trectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th dt htxrioe EXPERT SERVICE E HARSH, Proprietor. THE West Van Nems Pobiithtd Every Thettdxy PobBxber F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 36$ Bpxieme acti Edaotlel Ogitet 17th aad Hxriae Drive (Next io Heiiybora P. O.) Phone West 368 stoa Addrtest P.o. Box 81. Heiiybers, ILC. North Vancouver Office i 12$ Lonsdaa Ave. 51.00 e year by carrier: 524)0 ~ year by mxiL THE iVEST VAN NEWS HOLLYBURN HALLWEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society 14th end Duchess S(iiNDAY. SEPT. 10ih, 7750 p.m. CHURCH EDIFICE 20th aod Eeeeimea, HeByboto This Society a a Breath of The Huther Church The I"itxi Church of Christ, Scientist. in Boston, Iixexxchott'ite Sunday Servicet 11720 ~ .m. An Address by thill. JOIIN REID ot 5(othotwtn, Scoiisod Subject: "Out of the Depihs" Sunday School, 10 e.m.Sunday, September 10, 1933 Subjec(1 "SUBSTANCE" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Ideetiog Wednesday at st15 p.m. THE BURNING BIJSil By Subadnr Our pioneers! IVith what scorn they must look down from the shades on the many young men of this generation who refuse to leave the bright lights for 0 life in the back country. These old fellows were real men. They lit- erally hewed their homesteads out of the wilderness, asking nothing but good health. Of course, we say that life. hae changed and that our youth can- not be expected to rough it in the wilds. If this is so, then the decadence of our race has set in and we may as well hand over our province to thc Orientals, Sooner or later wc shall have to go on the land, thousands of us, not for profit but for a living. And, when that times comes, lii'e will be more natural and, there- fore, happier. BAPTIST CHIJRCH Services: 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- rey8. 7:80 p.m.--hir. J. hIanley. 8 100 p.m., Wednesday--Prayer and praise. 8:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir practice. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: The Clachan, Sunday 8:30 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 9:30 a.m.--Sunday School, 10:15 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 7:30 a.m.--Holy hiass. Confessions before Mass. 7:45 p.m., Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:30 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. GIRL GUIDES The IVest Vancouver Girl Guides are having their first meeting of the season on Friday in the United Church Hall at 4 p.m., h1iss Winnie Dorchester has been granted leave of ab- sence and Mrs. Bert Thompson will take her place as captain. thIiss Betty Savory is reporting back for duty as lieutenant.UNITED CHURCH Regular church services will be held in West Vancouver Unit- ed next Sabbath in the morning at 11:15 a.m. and at 7:15 p.m. in the evening. The Sunday School and Senior Bible Class will meet at 10 a.m. The Senior Young People will meet on Monday evening next at 8 p.m. to organize for the winter work. Canadian Girls in Training will meet at 7:16 p.m. Friday. All girls 12 to 16 years are cordi- ally invited to attend. A meeting for Bible study aud prayer will be held on Wednes- day, September 13th, in the Church Hall and will continue during the winter months. A cordial invitation is extended to all to these meetings. Tuesday 2:16 p.m. -- First meeting of the season of the IV. A. in the church hall. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH September 10th, 13th Sunday after Trinity. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 (k 11:15 a.m.--Sunday Schools 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. The early service on Sunday is to be the Corporate Commun- ion for the Young People and Sunday School teachers. Choir practices will be resum- ed on Wednesday (September 13), for adults, and on Thursday at 3:45 p.m. for the junidrs. Tuesday, 2:30 p.m. -- W. A., First meeting of the season. Business meeting. Hear My Impressions of RUSSIA by ROBT CROMIE Ednor ot the Vancouver Suo. PRESBYTERIAN MISSION Orange Hall 11:16 a.m.--Morning Worship. Mr. Reynolds Esler in charge. All Presbyterians are invited to the above service, A human, ciore-ep word picture gained tmm peteonei interviews with youths, commixtxtt, meo xnd women In xii wxikr of lite. in K. P. Hall, North Vancouver Tuesday, Sept. 12th et 8.id p.m. QUESTIONS AD51ISSION FREE Ie loving again)IBRANCE OF 5IY DEAR HUSBAND JA5IES TYLDEN PONT Who passed away September 5th, 1000. rAI Rect" C. C. F. NOTES The Campaign Committee for the C.C.F. candidate for this riding, C. H. Anderson, is doing good work. Meetings have been held in West Vancouver, North Vancouver and Lynnmour, and arrangements made for exten- sive advertising. Speakers have been arranged for these places, besides E. J. Garland and hfr. and Mrs. McInnis for West Van- couver, the two latter have been obtained for North Vancouver, with W. Pritchard for Lynn- mour. There is a strong pos- sibility that Mr. J. S. Woods- worth will also visit the North Shore on his return to the Coast. While the Socialist party is the foundation member of the C.C.F. in British Columbia and has done the spade work in the new movement the members of the S. P. of C. welcome the new C.C.F. clubs, several of which have been formed in North Vancouver, while one is now in the process of formation in West Vancouver, activities to com- mence i)nmediately. Sepiemiter 7, 1933 WOttIEN'S CHRISTIAN TEhlltERAiviCE I'N ION The West Vancouver Union will hold their monthly meeting ut the home of Mrs. Merrick, 21st and Bellevue, on Thursday, September 14th, at 2:16. It is hoped that sll members will make a special eifort to attend. DR. C. D. fl. Setd LE DENTIST Hey niotk, 14th xed diatise Dt. ! Oiiice Hours 0 io 8 p.m. Evtoiogt by xppoietmroi. Inttme West 72 M. F. Giiford wrote the coun. cil re drainage on Radcliife Ave- nue. Iteferred to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer. Mrs. Charles Burbridge TEACHER OF Piano and Theory Re-opens Tuesday, September 5th. STUDIO---2309 Marine Drive Phone West 88X All pupils gained First-Class Honors in Toronto Conservatory of Music. Examinations I 933 MRS. F. K. HODGSONp L.AtB. TEACHER OF Voice Prod»etio»a»d So»gl»terpretatio» Study with a good accompanist. Students trained for Operatic, Concert, Radio, Oratorio or Church work. Also for Examinations in Associated Board and Toronto Conservatory. Over 30 medalists and finalists in Victoria and B. C, Musical Festivals. STUDIOS: 2310 Bellevue Ave.; Wednesday and Friday, 116 Granvtlle Mansions, City. TERM COMMENCES Monday, 11th Sept. 1933. West 666R. Passed with First Class Honors Vocal Work for A.T.C.M. examination in June. Violin, Piano and Theory MRS. F. KNIGHT-HODGE will resume teaching Fall Term Sept 11 1933 Students prepared for Examinations in the Royal Schools, London, England, and the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Over 300 successes, many distinctions and honors, Twelve successes June Exam, 1933. Theory Taught in Class. STUDIO'332 Duchess Avenue West 624R Mrs. Colin MacLean SOPRANO TEACHER OF SINGING Season opens Sept. I gih STUDIO- 203 l Marine Drive Juntoe Chtnr Season opens Sept. 16th. Mrs. Clara Wilson Tracher sf Piuno and Theory Miss Hilda Wilson, A.r.c.M. Trucker of l'iage, Flarntony, Countrrpei nt Thorough Groundwork, Authentic Inicrpeeiaiionx Confidencc in Fceformancc ensured by rnonihiy playing classcx. Residence Studio---2367 hiarine Drive, Hollyburn Phone Weei sxex MISS BLANCHE NEVILLE Teacher of I'IANO and THEORY OF MUSIC Special attention to beginners. Pupils prepared for Examina- tions. Class tuition or private lessons. Beginners or advanced pupils. Studio: 2215 Marine Drive, I'hone West 1291. or Fair. 114311 Dr Marjory McCubbin DENTIST Bours: 0 a. m. Ie 8 p. m. Slliotdsytt 10 ~ . m. Ie I p. Is. Ereaiogs eed Saturday Atter- The engineer reportml to the coons by eppoieimeot only. council on: Royal Batik Bogdieg Culvert across 14th Street at I hone next 44li Heywood Avenue. An expendi- tire(deere Phoae West SSS. ture of not more than $60 was approved for timber required to The ferries carried 94,834 reconstruct the culvert named. sengers last month. MARGAA'E': I" kAINTYRE Licentiate of the College of Violinists, London, Eng., (late Royal hianchester College of Music) TEACHER OF VIOIelN a»d PIANO hire. T. E. Snelgrove, Associate Teacher, Classes rc open Thursday, September 7th. Studio--2047 Gordon Avenue. Phone West 462L. j'fii glj !