West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Sep 1933, p. 1

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0001 kc Ii I '..'. xe ll:S'..'llÃ!)..&:.'((:I)()?S A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingin the District of West Vancouver-Ambicsidc, Hollyburys, Wcstoys, Duysdaravc $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytccliff, Etc. 5cp remat~sstam)s. -a r I Vol. VIII cazsfinw HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th. 1933 No. 18 SCHOOLS BAND AGAIN WINS CHAMPIONSHIP L AND BRASS QUARTET Last Thursday afternoon the brass qusrtette from the West Vancouver Schools Band consist- ing of John Wright, Bob Mc- Cartney, Angus McTsvish and Ted Elfstrom won premier hon- ors at the Canada Pacilic Exhi- bition. The boys were highly praised by the adjudicator for their fine playing, tone color and harmony. The Schools Band were at their best in the evening when they played before an overpack- ed house and again won the Ex- hibition Trophy for High School Bands. DEATH OF W. S. BOSWORTH Walter Scott Bosworth passed away last Thursday at the fam- ily residence, 1276 Keith Road. The deceased, who waz in his 65th year, leaves to mourn his loss his wife and two daughters, Mrs. J. G. Church snd Mrs. L. M. Proctor, both of Vancouver. Funeral services were held last Saturday at 2 p.m., Rev. C. W. Houghton oi?iciating, snd inter- ment was made in the Masonic Cemetery, Burnaby. WEST VANCOUVER EXHIBITION Directors of West Vancouver Horticultural Association under whose auspices the Seventeenth Annual Exhibition will be held in Dundarave Hall on Satunlay, September 9th, announce that those intending to compete in any of the sections are advised that entries should be made on Friday, September 8th, from 8 to 10 p.m. in Dundarsve Hall. In the meantime entries must be sent to S. H. Trust, Secretary, 1471 Duchess Avenue, Phone West 170L. The exhibition will oil'er the usual exhibits of fruits, veget- ables, cut flowers, domestic sci- ence and needlework. A special prize will be awarded by Mrs. H. B. Garland for the competitor gaining most points in Needle- work. The Best Boulevard open since September, 1932, not less than 33 feet, will also be offered for competition. A special feat- ure will be a Stamp Competition sponsored by the West Vancou- ver Stamp Club. The exhibition will be open at 2:30 p.m. The directors of the Associa- tion also wish to voice their ap- preciation to the many residents wha so generously donated of the best in their gardens, result- ing in the West Vancouver Flor- al Exhibit winning second prize at the Exhibition. CHORAI. SOCIETY SOCIAI. The West Vancouver Choral Society are holding s social evening in the Legion Hafl on Monday, September 11th, at 8 o'ckck, to which ao former snd prospective members are cordi- ally invited. The enrollment of members and distribution of music will occupy the iirst part of the evening, in preparation for the first rehearsal on the fol- lowing Monday. Military Whist will be played later, and refresh- ments served. AB members are urged to be present. LITERARY SOCIETY EXCURSION The Literary Society hsd its annual outing on Saturday aft- ernoon, when a visit was made to the Vancouver Art Gallery under the capable guidance of Mrs. Hamilton Smith, who con- ducted the party round the pic- tures, and afterwards answered questions regarding those in which certain members were specially interested. The party, after its return to Hofiyburn, was entertained to supper by Mrs. Duncan, wife of the vice-president, assisted by Miss Jean Duncan. Rev. Hillis Wright presided and dispensed the goad things with a skilful hand while keeping the conver- sational ball rolling merrily. The- party included Rev. and Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Lswson, Mr. and Mrs. Selwood, Mr. and Mrs. Brealey, Mrs. Hamilton Smith, Miss McKenzie, Mr. and Miss Porter, Mr. Pitman, Mr. and'rs. and Miss Duncan. After supper the chairman called on the editor to submit his draft program for the com- ing session, which it is hoped to make specially interesting in view of the fact that the society was started in October, 1913, just twenty years ago. The thanks of the company to Mrs. Duncan for her graceful hospi- tality were proposed by Mrs. Lawson, seconded by Mrs. Hillis Wright, and conveyed by the chairman in a neat speech, to which Mrs. Duncan replied. e ( WEST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYMENT ASSN. The regular meeting of the IVest Vancouver Unemployment Association will be held on Fri- day at 8 p.m. in the Socialist Hall,, Marine Drive. As the rainy season has commenced, and the problem of adequate clothing and nourishing food for the men on relief work looms large, s full turn out of mem- bers and friends is urged. The children too, have gone back to school many of them unsuitably clothed snd shod, snd their int- erests also must be looked after in the immediate future. The President and Executive ask members to attend this meeting, bring their problems and ideas for betterment of present con- ditionss. MISS NEVILLE TO OPEN STUDIO HERE Miss Blanche Nevine, a former resident of West Vancouver, and well known in musical circles here, has resumed piano snd theory classes in the city. Miss Nevifie is also desirous of start- ing a class in West Vancouver. Pupils will be prepared for the Toronto Conservatory or the Associated Board examine)iona, if so desired, and her studio here will be at 2216 Marine Drive. For full particulars please phone West 129L or Fairmont 1143R. i p r )z of ls ip s gg MOLLY EDWARDSTO START DANCING AND TUMBLING CLASSES Miss Molly Edwards and Jerry Mathisen of Winnipeg, who has specialized in adagio dancing and physical culture, sre com- mencing classes for ao ages in dancing (an types), acrobatic and tap, adagio, ball-room, tumbling, limbering and body building, swimming and diving (Crystal Pool). Any interested are asked to phone West 436RI for information and monthly rates. HOLLYBURN HALL The speaker at the 7:30 p.m. service next Sunday, 10th inst- ant, will be Mr. John Reid of Motherweo, Scotlnad. He will take as his subject, "Out of the Depths." There will be Sunday School as usual st 10 a.m. I EGION NOTES The entertainment committee wish to announce that at their last meeting it was decided to commence the season's activities of whist drives, dances, and frolics on or about the first week in October. Watch for their an- nouncements in this paper. A social evening in the form of a whist drive and dance for members and friends will be held in the Legion Hall on Saturday evening, 16th instant. The mem- bers of the Legian W. A. are specially invited to come and bring their friends. A good time is assured to ao. es Izs ISI I WEST VANCOUVER A.A.A. Ex-High Association Notice The iie-arganizistion meeting of the IVest Vancouver Ex-High Association will be held in the Inglewood Auditorium on Tues- day, September 12th. Those interested in playing Basketball and Badminton sre asked to be present. Mr. snd Mrs. J. McGowan, 2612 Bellevue Avenue, are back from a holiday, which they spent at Quslicum Beach. I. O. D. E. The I.O.D.E. book exchange wfil be open at the Inglewood School afi this week and orders will be taken for new books. The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Gourlsy, 23rd snd Bellevue, on Monday, the 11th instant, st 2:15 p m. I The Seventeenth Annual I EXhibitiOn in Dundarave Hall SATURDAY, September 9th, 1933 Fooibaa There will be an exhibition football game at Ambleslde Park on Saturday, September 9th, at 3 p.m, between West Vancouver United snd the Rangers. L30 io IO p.m. Please try to have entries In by Friday n)aht ~)) 4, West Vancouver llorticultural I Agricultural Society SCHOOL BOARD HOLDS PUB).IC MEET)NG Quite s number of parents and others interested attended the public meeting held by the West Vancouver School Board last Friday evening in the Ingk- wood Auditorium to explain the new high school courses. Chair- man Kendrick opened and closed the meeting with brief addres- ses, and Reeve Leylsnd also spoke. Particulars of the new courses were explained by Prin- cipal Mitchell and those teach- ers who will be in charge of the cksses at the high school, and an opportunity to ask questions was given by each of them and largely taken advantage of by the audience. Grades 7, 8, and 9 win comprise the junior high, the subjects taken up being as follows: Grade 7. -- English, Social Studies, Health, Mathematics, Practical Arts, General Science, Music, Art, French, General Science (Laboratory) Study. Grade 8. -- English, Social Studies, Health, Mathematics, Practical Arts, General Science, Music, French, Art, Study, choice of Latin, Typing and study, Additional Practical Arts. Grade 9. -- Much the same as old system but more courses. Commercial Course, Grades 7 to 12. -- 4 years'ourse gives senior diploma, which equals senior business college course. A special commercial cksa at $5 per month to those who have passed junior or senior matricu- lation. MRS. F. X. HODGSON TO RESU51E TEACHING Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, L.A.B., will resume her teaching of voice production snd song interpreta- tion next Monday, 11th Septem- ber, at her studio, 2310 Befievue Avenue. She wiB also teach on Wednesdays and Fridays at her city studio, 116 Granvioe Man- sions. Students are trained for operatic, concert, radio, or church work, also for the ex- aminations of the Associated Board and of the Toronto Con- servatory. Over 30 medalists and finalists in the Victoria and B. C. Musical Festivals. Mrs. Hadgson passed with first class honors, vocal work in the A.T.C.M. Examinations last June. SUN EDITOR ON "RUSSIA" "MY IMPRESSIONS OF RUS- SIA" will be the theme of a lec- ture by Robert Cromie, Editor of the Vancouver Sun, in the K.P. Hall, North Vancouver, at 8:16 p.m., next Tuesday. Mr. Cromie has just returned from Europe during which time he spent several days in Russia flying by'lane from one point to another. During his visit there, he had one hundred and ten interviews with people in every walk of life. At the close of his lecture, he will answer questions. Everyone is wekome. The lecture is free NO FISHING CO31PETITION Owing to the fact of their being practically no salmon run and the consequent poor catches made by anglers, the Ambleside Tea Rooms have decided not to hold their usual Ambleside Fish- ing Competition this year. WELFARE NOTES Attention is called to the an- nual general meeting to be hekl in the lower Orange Hall on Tuesday, September 12, at 8 o'- clack sharp. A resume of the year's work will be given and oificers ekcted to carry on the work for another year. The ex- ecutive) ss at present constitut- ed consists of Chairman, Rev. F. A. Ramsey; 1st Vice, Mrs. A. M. O'Donnea; 2nd Vice, G. Gem- mill; Secretary - treasurer, L. Wrysberg; and the fofiowing chairmen of committees: Main- tenance, Mrs. W. B. Small; Clothing, Mrs. J. C. Young; Fuel, H. E. Walker; Gardens, G. McNei); Handicrafts, Mrs. B. Hayes; Press and Publicity, Mrs. Cromar Bruce. A request has some in for a pair of shoes, 4iik or 5, for a school-girl. More foad k re- quired for Saturday distribu- tion. COM3IIP ITY PLAYERS L4 CHARACTER PLAY When "The Stranger" in "The Third Floor Back" makes the fooowing remarks, "It is the Helpless and the Fallen that hold in their hands the patents of nobioity," "The fear that keeps men little is the fear of being great," and "AB the best fun in life is in giving," the audience cannot help ealizing that here are three very great truths, ap- plicable especially to the dsy and age in which we live. The same character s)so says "the business of Art is to re- veal the beauty underhdng afl things," and again in a dialogue when the littk maid of ao work remarks "still keeps foggy don' it?" he replies, "I see blue skies and sunshine-" This is the type of man you will find in the Stranger, one of the prindpal characters which the losel Com- munity Players will present at the Houyburn Theatre on Tues- day and Wednesday, September 19 and 20, in aid of local Welfare Association Funds. In the Pro- logue the audience will also meet a Satyr, CowanL Bully, Shrew, Huzzy, Rogue, Cad, Cat, Snob, Slut and a Cheat, snd wBI note the change in characters as the play proceeds. Frank Vyvyan is directing the pnxiuction. LEGION W. A. The military whist drive on Saturday night was very enjoy- able. Mr. Walker, Mra Rankin, and Mr. and Mrs. Low were the prizewinners. fifeeting of the District Coun- cil tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Disabled Veterans'oom, 406 Homer Street. L O. L Arrangements have been made far the 8th anniversary dance to be held Friday evening, Sep- tember 29th, in the Orange Hall. The B. C. Rangers'rchestra from CKWX have been engaged. The council granted the appli- cation of Lash France to pur- chase D.L 565, 10B, 1, subject to her compliance with the usual terms governing the sak of tav. sale property. In connection with s letter re- ceived from the minister of labor in Victoria regarding the school building project the council re- ferred the matter back to Mrs. Winifred Reid, secretary joint committee, P.-T. A., the munid- pal council and the school board. S 'h V %h