0001 August Sl, 19SS HOLI.YBURN PAVILION LABOR DAY DANCE Ftue transportation from North Vancouver, stage leaving Lonsdale Ave. at 8:46 p.m. Dancing: 9 to 12 Admission 35 cents SALMON i BOATS FISHING ~ fochlre Ambleside Beach Wm. Carley SWIM MI NG Coaching Schedule W.V.A. S. C. Classes for Beginners Only 2.j0 p.m., Hoiiybum Beach 4.00 p.m., West Bsy Advanced Swimmers 5.00 p.m., Dundsrsve All childpcu musl, scud iu names ic MRS. G. VANCE Wssc YlsL sud state which beach Lhcy want tc usc. iLW.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance ( .,:,u:) 0~ IIRI .II viN scs, Ncs swusum'c ucw bcs sc dmswscs cmss, cuded ss Recelss os svse. 5 zsucsasocsum sziiznv oo.~uu Viclcris SS Vosculo, Csusss 8 Ambleslde Sheet Metal%Forks IAURIE SPECK, Plspricicr 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING Mr. and Mrs. James McIntyre, 20th and Gordon Avenue, and Mr. and birs. K. Burton-Forster, 2009 Fulton Avenue, are away on a fishing trip to Vancouver Island. Dr. G. D. H. Scale, whose oifice is located in the Hay Block, 14th and Marine Drive, returned last week from a visit to his parents at Birtle, Mani- toba. He also spent a short time in Chicago at the exhibition: Miss Wenonah Young, who had been visiting in San Fran- cisco, has returned to her home at 24th and Haywood Avenue. ~ c ~ A number of West Vancouver citizens met at the Municipal Hall on Monday night when it was decided to sponsor a cam- paign to aid the local Welfare activities. The objective has- been set at $5000. Complete de- tails will be presented in the next issue. The new house which Mrs. Dundas is having built on Creery Avenue, West Bay, is about completed. E. Layman of Saskatoon, is having a house built at Sandy Cove. ~ ~ ~ Miss Gwen Clay of the Gwen- dolyn Beauty Shoppe is spend- ing a holiday at Sunset Beach. ~ ~ s Mrs. G. E. Brayfield and children, who have been on a holiday in the Cariboo for the past two months, have returned to their home on 20th Street. Considerable gold panning is go- ing on in that section of B. C. Bilton House School 229 - 29th St., West Vancouver Private Day and Boarding School for Boys. MODERN CURRICULUM Apply Hcsdmsstcr, K. B. POYSTER Phone West 160Y2 Improve your complexion by having a FREE DRINK AT KEW BEACH MINERAL SPRING TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, , Builders'upplies liood, Coal Dump Truck Work I Isul I pusl ~ CASCADE SAND & GRAVEL CO. buts Special dressing for driveways and garden paths. Phone: North IS63; Night Phone, Alf, Ellis, West 160Y WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. NOTICF~The West Vancouver Welfare Association wol hold its 2nd Annual Public Meeting and Election of Of- ficers on Tuesday, September 12th, in the basement of the Orange Hso at 8 p.m. THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Personal SCHOOL SUPPLIES as usual. A Mr. and Nrs. John Tears, who have been away on the prairies since last Call, returned on Sat- urday to their home at 12th snd Inglewood Avenue. s ~ ~ L.O.L, No. 2990 wHI hold their regular meeting next Tuesday, 5th September, at 8 p.m. in the Orange HalL s ~ ~ Mr. snd Mrs. E. I. Lane, who have been visiting bi'rs. Lane'9 parents, bir. and Mrs. A. J. Ritchie, at Galiano Island, have returned to their home at 3063 Marine Drive. c c c Fish generally seem to be keeping sway from B. C. waters this year. There has been the disappointment of the pilchard runs, snd so far the cohoes are a month behind in English Bay with not much chance according to authorities of their coming in at this late date. A run of pinkn recently went up Indian River, but few of them turned into the Capilano. As a matter of fact very few salmon of any kind have been seen in our waters. ~ s \ A number of West Vancouver citizens inet at the Municipal Hall on SIonday night when it was decided to sponsor a cam- paign to aid the kmaj Welfare activities. The objective has been set at $5000. Complete de- tails wiH be presented in the next issue. s E. Nelson of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 1113 Mathers Avenue. Miss Jessie Casteo, domestic science teacher in the West Van- couver schools, has returned after spending the vacation with her parents st Belmont, bIani- toba. s ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Payne of Woodfibre, B. C., who were guests at the Clachan, last week entertained to dinner bir. and Mrs. W. S. Rawlings of Stanleyu Park, in honor of their daugh- ter's birthday. s Miss Jenkins of Calgary, is a guest at the Teacup, 25th and Waterfront. I ~ birs. T. Seamon of Calgary, hss moved into 119 14th Street. ~ ~ Miss Violet Blair arrived here on Sunday from Innisfail, Alber- ta. and is visiting her father, bL O. Blair, 17th and Beoevme Ave- nue. ~ ~ \ Mr. and bfrs. A. G. Evans, 19th and Marine Drive are mov- ing to 2126 Marine Drive. ~ ~ Rain to a depth of .4 inch fell in Hooyburn on Monday night, this equalling the total for the whole of August up to that time. Peter Green, 2046 Marine Drive, cut one of his wrists very badly with an axe while chop- ping last Thursday. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital, where his In- jury received attention. ~ c ~ Miss Ola McLean has return- ed to her home at 2120 Bellevue Avenue, after a holiday at Bsnif. c Mr. and Mrs. IL R. Bloomfield of New Westminster, were guests at the Clachan over the week end. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Garland snd family, 23rd and Heywood Avenue, returned on Monday from a trip to the Peace River. s ~ Nrs. Parson and family, 12th snd Esplanade, returned last week from a holiday at GusH- curn Beach. c c s W. L. Sommervloe of Van- couver, started Monday on the foundations of a new house he is building st 27th and Lawson Avenue. c The reeve and council last Saturday made a tour of inspec- tion of the work which the Brit- ish Pacific Properties Ltd. are having done on the upper levels. George Hay, School Trustee W. N. McDonald, and S. J. Na- smith returned last week from a short trip to Toba Inlet. ~ ~ Mrs. Garness of Edmonton, is the guest of Miss Ola McLean, 2120 Bellevue Avenue. s ~ ~ Mrs. Wioism MacLsren and daughter Jean, 23rd and Jeifer- son Avenue, have left for Ker- risdale where they expect to re- side in future. c Mrs. CosteHo is moving on Saturday from Vancouver into a house at 1554 Waterfront. \ c Mrs. Watson, who has been occupying a summer cottage at West Bay, has returned to her home in Vancouver. Mrs. E. Payne, who has been a guest at the Clachan, hss re- turned to Victoria. J. WHson moved on Monday from 2241 King's Avenue into a house at 1125 Duchess Avenue Mrs. Bentao Brown and fam- ily of Vancouver, are spending s week at the Clachan. c s ~ bir. snd Mrs. R. S. Price and family, 26th and Beoevuh Ave- nue, have returned from Vic- toria after spending a two weeks'isit there with their parents. A collision took place last Thursday at the corner of 14th and biarine Drive between a motor cycle ridden by Jerry Con- way, who was coming down 14th, and an auto driven by Jack Parkin, which was proceed- ing along the Drive. Nobody wss hurt, but the motor cycle was badly smashed. ~ s c Mr. snd Mrs. W. II. Payne who have been stayIng for the past two weeks at the Clachan, have returned to their home in Woodfibre, B. C. ~ ~ Miss Phyllis Bell, agent here for the B. C. Telephone Comp- any, who hss been io most of the summer, is now able to be out and around again. ~ ~ ~ Miss Connie Page of Dundar- . ave, is spending a week's holi- day at Salt Springs Island. ~ s c Mrs, Klndleysides, who has been occupying a suite ao sum- mer at the Fortune Cup Inn, is returning today to her home in the city. tfemmill'I Drag Store Ths Stere sf Scsvua ldsz Msriss Drive West 22 Passu West Zzl (Aries 9 p.m ) HOLLYBUBN THEATRE FRIDAY sud SATURDAY SRPtslshcr 1st sud zmL WHEELER S % OOLSEY 'Hold 'Em Jail'ccd prcgrsss cf churl subjects. MON -- TURK -- WEIK SePt. 4th, 6th, 6th. The Phantom President A gccd Comedy for the entire fsmily. slue PLEASI.RE ISLAND A musical ucvcliy in color. "COURTING TROUBLE," Comedy with Charlie Murray. MICKEY MOUSE ~sd Screen Scuvcuira inATINEEI Mcudsy, Labor Dsy AUCTION NIGHT Every Wednesday C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and iblarine Expert )York Phone West 135 STRAlTON'S BAKERY Breads, Cakes, Pastries, Varieties ALL FRESH DAILY blade at 1468 Narine Drive Phone West 27 Established 1926 Kindcrgapt pn so .'Ilvsriculvtion Music - Elocution - Adrs Gymnasium - Dvnring FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. Iih Trsosponsiioo for small Children PRIVCIPAL -- lllls I. DIIRSIV Burrard Laundry Ltd. „,.PKNDABLE LAUNDRY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Repsuseatatlve Phones--West SSIL or North lglo St. Patricin Scbool A P PV W c Mw W 'A uAd&i ~ ' ~ S~ m ~l P u u&wh"