0001 THE WFST VAN NEWS August 24, 1998. E-rl I ~r+. r„ ~ rr ~'rqrli. « ~r as r \'p hqx0 ~'tmr- . :'yo-'r rc 'rr 'iwr A-'rri .irr' r%r V 'rr'r, rv r ~ rrrrr r r rrc THE BURNING BUSII By Subadar Pankhurst or more appropri- ately "Spankhurst" days came to London the other day, when Miss Joan Conquest, the novel- ist, waved one of her own brain waves under the nose of the Bishop of, Winchester as the latter was preaching in St. Paul'0 Cathedral. She demanded to address the multitude, stating the brain wave in question called upon the Church of England to take up the case uf the slum dwellers. Now it just happens that the Church of England has for many years been particular- ly active among these unfortun- ates, also the Bishop of IVinches- ter undoubtedly hss forgotten more about the London slums than bliss Conquest ever knew, having been in charge of a South London diocese crammed with these dwellings until quite recently, when he was elevated to Winchester. The present Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London were noted slum workers and for years the Oxford Mission has worked assiduously among the Whitechapel poor. All this Miss Conquest knows. Wherefore she should be soundly spanked snd her nose rubbed in the mud. This brings up the question of why people will herd together in city rstholes, where the chances are so good of starving to death in squalor? God made the country, and msn makes the city, and being only msn, he usually makes an ungodly mess'f it. Give me the open road, the far horizons snd mother nature. Then come rain or sun, come heat or cold, there is at least God's clean air, snd sleep, even the long sleep, next to the good earth from which we sre sprung and to lvhich we must return. Phone West 469 Phone ((Vest 46 Smith s Grocery JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATSGovernment Inspected Only 1 Store at llollyburn, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS--"'„"„,"'„;",'„, mm SHREDDED WHEAT or MUFFEES .................... 104 ncd S While I'EAS. Nw ~ sieve Choice quality..................1 Usx zhc SLICED PINEAPPLB, Birk's British crows. No. 2 Us..... 14e PORK Jl BEANS, Crosxs S Slack- vvn's. 18 qa Us ...................... sc CAKE, Special Atmsad Sqssre .... each Ssc SODA BISCUITS, hiecorwick'4 Large Ua psux ............... Shc STONED %I(EAT THINS ........ 144 BLACK FIGS, New Stock....S Iba 254 LARD, Svitl's Skvvrlvat I kc carlos ......,....,............. 12e MALT VINEGAR, Croxxc S Black. ven'x, large bo(Uc................, Shx JL'MBO CARBOLIC SOAP h(ade is B.C...S cakes sc SPRING CLOTHES PINS...S dux. 104 BLUE, Rcckkc's................... 2 tor 9c .'BAPLE SYRUP......bottle 28c PANCAKE FLOUR Assi Jcsdma ........ pxckxze 154 Cnk.'( STARCH......1 IK package 9c RICB, Clean vhke Ksrscixi. 4 lbs. 194 RAISINS, Fisxsi Asxirxnxs. 8 ibs Shc MAYONNAISE or RELISH BPRRD Best foods .................. 8 sx 19c I'RENCH DRESSING. Best Foods Some(hing Qxiic NEIV.......... 25c Red S Ivhkq COFFRE I lb. Us SSc hiiLK, Pxeise ........2 Usx 27c Red (I Wbue SAI.SION, Seekers Tall Us .. CRAB SIEAT, M» .., ...........Us 28c Red Ih White LOBSTER. lb...Us 25cHx,.,............., Un 154 LUNCH TON(IUR, large Uxs........ Sxc COOKED HAS( with Drcxxixx 'Virginia'tyle ............Il Ib Soc SLICED SIDE BACON, Shamrock F(next quxniy. H lb. packet 18c I'EANUTS, Fresh Boas(cd ....lb. Ioc RUTE'ER- GOLDEN MEADOW ..2 lbs. 614 MAIDA YALB .......... 2 lbs. 47c Teacher: "Tommy, give me what you'e got in your mouth." Tommy: "IVish I could. It' toothache." and all Building hlaterial of Best ()uslity nt I.ow I'rives BUILD NOW I EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD. coa 741 peti fsr cuit'bs Is~hi I the I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone West 368L 15th and fllarine "Right Service -- Right Grades" Objectionable Customer: "Do you serve lobsters here?" Waiter: "We serve anybody; sit down." CLASSIFIED ADS The race for Class(sad hdverUxemesi~ Ix 2 ccsis pcr word, wislmxw Ig 25 cxsca Exccpi is Ihe csxs ot cbmx hsviss cvxxisr sccossis, xk clsxsi. Sedx are payable strictly Is sdrascxc Rcwswbcr ClxxxlSsds is ibe Wqxt Vsa Nsvx xei iwawdi~ I~ rvxukx. r PRINTING -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News, West 868, Williamson's Dairy,'„",",'„",&, JERSEY MILK - CREAMS 9489 Buttermilk - Butter, Etc. Wholesale xsd kecaii Daily Delivery in West Vancouver I,OS'I' Brown Purse 6 or 9 is. long, containing house kvr (Pe4rboro Key) between Gordon ssd 6ih St. Phone West 104L1. isg st fer to 6nk SALE-- lhqsble 14dx4ad large xlxcd baby's crib. Phone West 829L FOR RENT -- Large veil-txmlxhxd home; delightful location; tour bed- rooms, piano, two srepiacss cski. vsicd Sroundp, 0 months or fosser; reasonable Co Zqad 4nxx4. Bax 19 West Vsn News. WANTED FOR kENT -- Modern house, three bed-rooms, furnace, ws4rtront, preferably between Bandy Cove snd Duxdxrave. West 480RI. WANTED TO RENT--Small Uxtxrs- ixhsd Cottage near ferry. Will Iesxe. Box 17, West Vxs News. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING. Ak ersdoss, ctc. Boy' pants ~ special- ty. Phone West 74RI. 541 Lonxdale Ave., North Van. North 2?I 1033 24(h SI. Wcs( Van. Phone West 80 $ 17.50 or Less Io Perwxsesi Tenant, 6 room bungalow, tqrsiahcd, sre- place. Immediately. Phoae West 290L. TO LEr--I Roomed Huuxe with bxib, September 1. Phone West 1451 FOR SAI.E--Three- piece Ches4rscld Suite with loose covers. West 2SSR FOR RENT--Sake, Hoi Water Heel- ed; also modern house on Water- front, electric stove. Apply Holly- burn Block, 10th ssd Msriss. West 066R. There is a radio fsn who rec- ently wrote 0 letter in the Van- couver press about some of the singers one hears over the air. The following is an excerpt: "Sir,--Are there no people of cultivated musical or phonetic taste in Vancouver to protest against the dismal wailings and calf-like bellowings of the in- famous misengsged persons who apparently, draw money for in- ilicting their most infernally hideous, meaningless, tuneless snd unmelodious vocal vapidity upon'hat long-sufFering minor- ity of the public who have s little understanding." He's a word artist snd I offer him my profoundest salaams. He's got every ser- geant instructor I ever suffered under skinned forty ways, snd one is simply lost in admiration. This reminds me that for the sake of the sanity of many of our city singers I wish some one would rise up and tell them who is Sylvia. For the last two years one hss hardly been able to listen to a concert in Vancouver with- out some vocalist bleating about this girl. Nobody knows who she is apparently, and it"0 a shame. I hereby request that sny person or persons possessing the infor- mation broadcast the same in the press, and thereby put all these singers and their audi- ences out of their misery. LUMBER FOR RENT--Comfortably Furnished room with board. Phone West 8. lvANTED -- S(sves, Ranges, I"srsi. Iurs, Sonics, Sacks, etc. North Shore Junk, Phone North 481. N sv WEST VANCOUVER PROPERTIES For Bale asd Wanted. C. J. Archer, 791 Dunxmuir Si. Seymour 6964, Residence (Vest 225. SERVICE Bnd QUALITY Vancouver Prices Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. '""„„;"' 0k RENTBepl 1st, Well txrsixhed bungalow, wsiertrast, 287S Bsks- vue; fully modem with tsrnsce; yearly tenant prcterrsd. Phone Jervix, West 889, evenings. OLD GOLD -- Best Price Paid. Weve Vsn, Jeweler, 1522 Marine Drive. CORSEI'I ERE -- Chsris touxdxnos garments. Phase West 74R1. hiARCELLE SHOP -- Mxrcese, 60 cents; reset, 86c; linger wave, 60c. Phone Mrs. Kins, West 804. MARCEL, FINGER WAVE OR SHAMPOO, 264. Permanent Waves $2.00. Hokybxrs Academy ot Beauty Culture, 1648 Marine Drive. No sppolsimests necessary. FOR RENT -- House on Wsicrtrosi, yearly lease. Phone West 68RI. FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. Best material ssd workmanship. GEP 51Y FREB ESTIMATES os PsisUss, Papering ssd Kslxomis- Ins. C. Ir Koqisgs, Res. Phone West 894R. 8 N FOR SALE -- kewisstos Nw 10 typewrken $264 ales 20"x40" dres- ser, $9.00. 14SS Marina Drive. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAk BEST -- Dusdsrxve. COLIN TURNER, Csrpca4r ssd Builder. Aiterstioss asd repair h Phone (Vest 079R. V RESULTS OF FINAI.S IVest Vancouver Tennis Club Annual Tournament. Men's Singles -- K. Stauffer beat Geof. Cornish, 6-4, (Ld, 8-6. Ladies Singles--Mrs, N. Msc- Neil beat Miss E. Brine. 8-6, 6-4. Mixed Doubles--Mrs. N. Mac- Neil and Mr. Jim Cornish beat Miss D. Gillham and Mr. K. Stsuffer, 6-1, 6-4. Ladies Doubles -- Miss E. Brine snd Miss P. Leckie beat Mrs. N. MacNeil and Miss P. Clifford, 6-4, 56, 7-6. Men's Doubles -- Mr. J. Grise- dale and Mr. L. Brooks beat Mr. K. Stauffer snd Mr. W. Durrsnd 4-6, 4-6, 7-5, 6-2, 6-2. These matches were played on Saturday and Sunday, August 19th and 20th. The draw has been completed for the West Vancouver - North Shore open tournament and Brat round matches are scheduled to be played during the current week This event ls attracting considerable interest H EDQUARTBRS tor Ail Ibs Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, ssd Fish- ins Gsdzxis for Iocsi wstsra Ambiexida Tes Rooms.CI ENTRANCE of Westinghouse WASHERS FUkNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses Ic Rent. Houses, lots. ssd acreage for sais. John Lswxos, 17ih xsd hiarise, Phone West 55. FOR I'LUhiBING kRPAIRS -- Rss. idesos Phsss West 241R. GORDON HOBSON Barris(er -- SoSckor WEST VANCOUVER- Oitics Nw 1447, Msrise Drive Phone West 408. 10 Io IE VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suks SOI: SIO Hssuses SL W. Pboss, Seymour 6109. 2 10 5. Perhaps sever again will West Vancouver resi- dents have the opportunity co purchase electric wssbisg machines at such LOW prksx. We srs Hearing them at the request ot the Wesnnshosxq Company wbo hss asked sx to dispose ot the balance ot their stock. Ail these machines are new ssd, as ros know, are the Snsxi wsshers money can bsy. Shown ix model W2 which sells regularly for SII7.60; dsrisg this clearance it is only $59.50. The other models have similar redscUosx. Herc they are: Model W1 res. $91.50 NOW 67S.50 Model WS reS. 144.60 NOW 114.50 Madel A res. 99.00 NOW 8480 Model B rcg. 124.00 NOW pphs Gescrqxs Allowance for Your Old Washer. STAMP NEWS The time is getting short for the school boys and girls of West Vancouver to get their col- lections or frames fixed up for the competition being held by the West Vancouver Stamp Club at the Horticultural Show on September 9th. The closing date will probably be September 6th. There are two classes (I) Collec- tions, (2) Frame of any subject, type or country, snd there is no entrance fee. It is hoped that there will be 0 big entry. Don't forget that stamps must have been put In albums or frames by the competitors. Easy TCFlllS GEO. HAY Noisrr Public sexi Frl~Is B Isssrxscs Listings WantedG APPLIANCE STORES Elsie Kynoch wrote the coun-cil regarding platform in front of store at IVest Bay. The mat- ter was referred to the engineer for report. W. Arnold wrote the council regarding dangerous trees on municipai property next to 1076 King's Avenue. Referred to the engineer for attention. I (05 fuxriss Drhs I'hoss Wssi 21 or Sxrwosr 1240 Evesixss West 80(X BRITISH OLUMBIA EL ' 'WAY, CO LU BER'~