0001 ( pe Fir Stumps Removed "The New %Vay." Without Powder or Danger of Blasting For Infotmsoon--Phone West 21 Evenings-.West 204X "My poor fellow," said the old lady, "here is a quarter for you. Goodness gracious, it must be dreadful to be lame, but just think how much worse it would be if you were blind." "Yer right, lady," agreed the beggar, "when I was blind I was always getting counterfeit money." s SALMON I BOATS FISHING for hire Ambleside Beach - Wm. Carley SWIM MING Coaching Schedule W.V.A. S.C. Classes for Beginners Only 2.30 p.m., Ho8ybutn Beach 4.00 p.m., West Bay Advanced Swimmers 5.00 p.m., Dundstsve Aii chiidtsc must swed in names tc IsRS. G. VANCE West, 22QL scd ststs which beach they want tc Usc. K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate g~Finance and Insurance ~ WOMEN I 8 tc ottsls --.tl. ~ S vest t DiLu sos h vs Ytsc wwttttttsI else Q tstwc ~tun~ ltzslRDv co ~caytctstts St Tctcstc, Csssss lifrs. F, Jones returned last Wednesday to Saskatoon, after an extended visit to her daugh- ter, hirs. J. E. Hill, 1337 Esqui- malt Avenue. ~ c ~ bliss Nancy Rudolph, 2976 Mathers Avenue, has left for a short visit to Victoria and Se- attle. ~ ~ ~ Nr. and Mrs. W. Partridge, 2212 Bellevue Avenue, have left for a two weeks'oliday at Gull Lake, Saskatchewan. c s v Nrs. Cyrus Bean of "Shore- dene," 24th and Bellevue Ave., is visiting in Victoria. While there she will attend the wed- ding of her niece, Miss L. Hunt- er, daughter of Captain Hunter of the S.S. Princess Marguerite. ~ s ~ Mr. Rnd Mrs. A. Harvey Smith and family, 15th and Marine Drive, have returned from spending a holiday in the Cari- boo. s I c Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Froud and famibt, 19th and Bellevue Ave- nue, spent the week end in Se- attle. Among the visitors at Kew Beach Sunday were: Mrs. J. 5L Hill, Miss May Jack, Mrs. T. S. Marsh, Mrs. L. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ajello, Julian Ajel- lo, D. E. Pearsall, Miss Sybil Chapman, Harold Mahom Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Garrard, Miss C. Hill, Mr. Harold Thompson, all of West Vancouver; Mr. Rnd Mrs. T. K. Diplock and family, Mr, W. C. Russell Mr. Jack Rus- sell, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Kirkby, Betty Kirkby, Alex. Bellman, Betty Hartley, J. T. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Ames and son, all of North Vancouver; Mr. A. Abrey, Victoria; C. J. Dill, C. G. Trotter, Mr. Rnd Mrs. H. T. Boyes, Nr. and Mrs. G. T. Temple, all of Vancouver. s The successful Grade 8 pupils of Pauline Johnson Schol may obtain their Entrance Certifi- cates at the school during the afternoon of Friday, August 25th. s ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. MacVean of Lethbridge, are the guests of the formerls brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. MacVean 2365 Bellevue Avenue. "Always keep two bears at home--bear and forbear." Improve your complexion by having A FREE DRINK AT KEW BEACH MINERAL SPRING Ambleside Sheet Metalworks LAURiE SPECK, Proprietor 1446 Marine Drive Phone IVest 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies %VooEI, Coal Dump Truck Work WEST VAN A. A. A. DANCE--Sept. 1st, --'"-'- 26s GOOD MUSIC August 24, 1933. WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN Calls attention to ANNUAL 5IFFTING SEPTEMBER 12, COMSIUNITY PLAYERS, SEPT. 19 gt 20, BIG DRIVE FOR FUNDS IN OCTOBER THE WEST VAN NEWS Have you seen the Post Canis of 1VEST LAKE SKI CAMP? Local and Personal Miss Winnie Bresley has re- turned to her duties at the muni- cipal hall following a vacation in Victoria. s ~ Nr snd MrtL K A Ray and family, 21st and Argyle Avenue, spent Sunday at Harrison Hot Springs. ~ s c G. H. Hawkes has moved from 2360 King's Avenue into a house at 17th snd Inglewood Avenue. c Mrs. G. D. Elgar, 1566 Gor- don Avenue, who has been sway on a trip to Scotland, returned here hionday. She was accomp- alued by her mother. s ~ I. T. Neglaughlin, manager of the B. C. Electric office and store here, is on his annual va- cation. Mrs. J. Eric Allan, was host- ess last Saturday afternoon at a tea at the home of her mother- in-law, Mrs. J. Dodd Allan, Rad- cliife Avenue. Miss Freds Garthorne, 22nd and Marine Drive, left here on Saturday for s trip in Northern British Columbia. c v ~ tuiss Barbara Raid, 25th and Waterfront, has returned from s visit to Seattle. ~ s c The many friends of Tom Tanner, 18th and Duchess Ave- nue, will be pleased to hear that he is making good progress to- wards convalescence after a seri- ous illness. Miss Wenonah Young, 24th and Hsywood Avenue is visiting in San Francisco. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Harold Maltby and Mrs. Thomas Field, both of Regina, were visitors in West Vancou- ver over the week end. s David Sharp, 1590 Marin Drive, has returned from a fish- ing trip at Seymour Narrows. ~ \ Dr. snd Mrs. Pearson, who have been occupying s suite at the Fortune Cup Inn for the past month, have returned to their home in Vancouver. Miss Lorna Thomson of the Hollyburn Postal Staff, hss re- turned from a vacation at Cultus Lake. s James Cornish, who has been on his annual vacation, has re- turned to his duties at the Royal Bank here. ~ t Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bryan of Innisfail, Alberta, arrived here on Sunday, and are at present staying with their daughter, Nrs. M. H. Allwork, 1731 Belle- vue Avenue. They expect to take up permanent residence in West Vancouver. A collision occurred Thursday evening at the corner of 14th and Duchess Avenue between an auto driven by ClsytoII Stewart and an Alberlan csr, m which the body and fenders of the iirst car were badly smashed. No- body was injured. c c ~ Nr. and Mrs. Harry Blowsy recently entertained informally at their cottage at Whytecliif when the guests were Mr. and Nra Albert Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrll Paxton, Mr. and Mrs. Austin McDonald, Dr. and Nrs. W, D. McLeod, Dr. and Mrs. Gil- bert Hobson, hiiss R. Scott, Miss J. Clark, Nr. L. Worley and Mr. Fred Clark. Reeve J. B. Leylsnd and Coun- cillor W. Dickinson were in Vic- toria the first part of this week.\ . D. E. Scholtz hss moved into a house at 2407 Haywood Ave- nue. A daughter was born last Sun- day, 13th instant, to Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Wilson of 13th and Haywood Avenue, in the North Vancouver General Hospital. c \ W. H. Gillman has moved from Vancouver into a house at 2246 Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ Adjutant Margaret Stratton, who hss been spending her vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stratton, 1468 Marine Drive, left here last week to re- turn to Calgary. The ferries had a busy dsy last Sunday, carrying a total of 3143 Passengers. c Foundations are being laid for the new addition which E. Keith proposes to build to the Keith Block at 15th and Marine Drive. t s J. O. Braine of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 1434 Jefferson Avenue. t' ~ Horses will shortly be avail- able for any,who wish to ride to the new ski camp at West Lake on Hollyburn Ridge. A new trail with specially broad bridges has been built for this purpose, E. F. Lstta of North Vancou- ver, is occupying a house at 2642 Lawson Avenue. Miss Kathleen Bartlett of Langley Prairie, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Stratton, 1468 Marine Drive. c A mhcellaneous shower was given at the home of Mrs. Bos- quet, 14th and Argyle, in honor of Miss Rose Bigger, whose marriage takes place shortly to Mr. Bill Thompson. Mrs. S. Holden presided at the tea table which was centred with sweet peas in pastel shades. Nrs. Big- ger assisted in serving. Others invited were Mrs. S. Mason, hfrs. A. Bossenberry, Mr. C. Ray, Mrs. D. Danvers, Mrs. N. williamson, Nrs. B. McIntosh, Miss Nellie Mason, Nrs. A. Har- rison, Mrs. H. Woolstone, Nrs. G, Birch, Mrs. C. Cullin, Mrs. F. Cliif, Nrs. Hiams, Mrs, J. Burkhart. \ s ~ Three Vancouver youths had a narrow escape from drowning last Sunday morning, when the boat in which they were rowing from Jericho Beach to Dundar- ave capsized in the tide rip oif IVeston. One of them started for the shore for help and after swimming for some distance was picked up by persons in a row- boat and taken to Weston. Meanwhile his two companions clung to the overturned boat and were rescued by S.S. Lady Cecilia outward bound for Pen- der Harbor, whence they were returned to Vancouver. Their boat was found later in the day in the vicinity of Jericho beach. Gemmill'I Drag Store Ths Stets st Sctvtcm IS02 Nsttss Drive West $2 Eatstgsacy Pixies Wsst $21 IAftss 2 P.m.) HOLLYBURN THEATRE FBIDAY sad SATURDAY Awgcst 22th sad ESQL "Sleepless Nights" Another gccd English Ccmcdy. Aisc good Iwwgtsm of Shctt 'ubjects; Nmmi Csttcctt NON. -- TUES. -- WED. Awg. 2$ , 2$, swd $0. GBORGB ARLISS "The King' Vacation" siss Ccmsdy, Cartoon asd other Ncvvdtics AUCTION NIGHT Every Wsdwssdsy C. J. Overington PIOltIKER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 STRATTON'S BAKERY Breads, Cakes, Fastriesy Varieties ALL FRESH DAILY Made at 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 WEST VANCOUVER MUNICIPAL FERRIES. Get your tickets early from the ferry office or from the mates or bus drivers, as only a limited number can be taken. Burrard Laundry Ltd. ,„„LAUNDRY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSOixl, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 691 L or North 18io EXCURSION TO KEAT'S ISLAND by Ferry No. 6. SATURDAY, AUG. 26th Leatte Vancouver Dock it30 pun., and Ambleside 2 p.m. Fares--Adults, 50c return; children under 12 years, 25c. rr st' v4rt4 vI vamww4 w4. ~ vrr4s A h V'w r sA44trt 44