0001 sd,'trr 'vA sr v rtrt r vrrt w 'er e ve '*ree ere .I we tw «t t ~ t t r"el 'hatt t~ ~r tr t't'tr 'e'~ t r 'rrrerr r~tv rrru% ~rrr ~ rrrrr're v r~'rr a e'rrt rrrrrrrerrtvr-'rrvrr«vrrrrrrrrrvrrrrr v tdwe rrvr vrr rrr rrrrr~rvrv. rv rr. Permanent Curls 20c each Why ge thtwegh Ihst aasidy stage with your Penaaaeai Wave whee 4 few extra cutis will freshen is up so beautiful- ly 1 G'ff)endolyn Beauty Shoppe 1340 Marina Drive Phoae Wexi 111 lev Appoiaimwet, The News Telephone ) 2 3West For 40 DRUG STORE REOUIREMERTS AMBLESIDE PIIARMACY W. L KER, Prop Ilsi Metisw Dtira Phone Wast 323 FREE DELIVERY VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phoae West 0 FERTILIZERS of all kinds Wood, Coal, Builders'upp)iea WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE Seih ead Esquimsih Rwuybeta This Society is 4 Branch of The Mother Church The First Church ef Christ, Scisaiiss, ia Boston, Massachusetts Saedxy Services III30 a.m. Sunday. August 27, 193S, Subjects "CHRIST JESUS" Sunday Seheei at 10:00 ~ .m. Testimony biesting IVwdnesdxy ss Stie S.m. BAPTIST CHURCII Services 1 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School snd Adult Bible Class. 11:00 s.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 7:30 p.m.--Rev. Bowbrick, (Nsnaimo Baptist Church) 8:00 p.m., IVednesday--Prayer and praise. PRESBYTERIAN MISSION Orange Ha0 hfinister: Rev. Jas. F. Cuddeford 11:15 s.m.--Morning Worship. Speaker: Mr.J. Reynolds Esler Subject: "An Important Ques- tion." Everybody welcome. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: The Clschsn, Sunday 8:80 S.m.--Holy hfsss -- Ser- mon. 9 130 s.m.--Sunday School. 10:15 a.m.--Holy thisss -- Ser- mon. 7:16 p.m.--Devotions. 1Veek Days 7:30 s.m.--Holy Mass. Confessions before hfass. 7:45 p.me Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:30 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. Philip C. Chapman UNITED CHURCH 10 s.m.--Sunday School snd Bible Class. 11:15 S.m.--Public Worship. Professor Odium will conduct the service in West Vancouver United Church Sunday morning at 11115. There wm be no even- ing service. General Insurance Agent Fire, AatemobBe, Batgiery, Accident aad Sickness etc. 3331 King's Ava Phone W. l2YS Established on Nottb Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. (k WILLIAMSON j'uueraIlIIrertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th R Marine EXPERT SEBVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor. THB West Van Nems Psbiishsd Every Thetsdey Yebushes F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bssiessw sxti Etuiotsel Ogisws 11ih esd Mssise Drive (Next te HoBybura P.O.) Phone West 363 Mall Addrsest P.O. Bwx 01, HwBybata, IL C. North Vancouver Ogicei 123 Lonsdsle Ave. 91.00 4 ywes ity cartisxi 32.00 4 psst ity walL Mise Jean Watson, 1328 Duch- ess Avenue, spent the week end at Selma Park. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH August 27th; 11th Sunday after Trinity. 8:00 S.m.--Holy Communion. 10 - 11:15 a.m.--Sunday School 11:15 s.m.--Matins and sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd ser- 9:45 s.m.--Holy Communion, St. Francis, Caulfeild. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "Christ Jesus" is the subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be read in sil Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 27. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible:" And Peter said unto him, sEneas, Jesus Christ msketh thee whole: arise and make thy bed. And he arose immediate- ly.r (Acts 9: 34). The Lesson-Sermon also in- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book, "Science snd Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Christ, as the spiritual or true idea of God, comes now ss of old, preaching the gospel to the poor, heaBng the sick, and casting out evils," (p. 347). THF. WEST VAN NEWS HOLLYBURN HALL 14ih aad Dwcbess SUNDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1:30 p.m. Gospel Address Spweksr I tIIR. JOHN hleLAREN Subject: '"I'he lleart of the Gtospelr A cordial welcome; Hearty sisgisg; No conmtiow sakes. School wiR be tssumsd at 10 t.m. Sunday, September 3rd. SCHOOL OPENING Arrangements have been made for the principal to meet new students and parents, for con- sultation snd enrolment at the lVest Vancouver Schools, as fol- lows: INGLEWOOD SCHOOL for junior snd senior high school pupils, grade 7 snd upwards, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- day, August 30th, 31st snd September 1st, morning snd aft- ernoon. PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL Friday afternoon, September 1st Pupils formerly attending Dun- darsve School will report at Pauline Johnson. HOLLYBURN SCHOOL, Mon- day afternoon, September 4th. Public hleetlng A meeting will be held in the High School Auditorium on Fri- day, September 1st, at 8 p.m. for parents snd guardians of students attending junior and senior high, who wish for any information on - the new high school courses. August 2i 19'l7 St. Patt.tcta Scbool! Esiabbshed l 926 Gysssnusius» Kindrrevrsrn se Afusrshuivsien Mussr - Eierusien - A rl IJv »ring FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 701 Transportation For small Chddren PRINCIPAL - stIISS J. DUkIIIN, MAR GARL&'T McINTYRE Licentiate of the College of Viollnists, London, Eng., (late Royal Manchester College of Music) TEACHEII OF VIOLIN and PIANO hlrs. T. E. Snelgrove, Associate Teacher. Classes re-open Thursday, September 7th. Studio--2047 Gordon Avenue. Phone West 462L. Mrs.T.E. Suelgrove Violin aud Piano Pupils'uccesses is London Academy, Trinity C40ege xsd Toronto Cossetvxtmy. DR. G. D. II. SEA LE DENTIST Hay Block. 14th xxd Marina Dt. Oince Hours 9 io 3 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 12 Dr.MRrjory MCCubbjn DENTISTWest 210L Hours'sam seep m Saturdays: 10 a.m. Ie I p.m. Evenings snd Saturday After- noons by xppoisimsst only. Royal Bask Building Phone Wssi 440 Residestw Phone West SSIL DEATH OF CAPTAIN t 4 GEORGE H. JACKSON Captain George Henry Jscls- son, 1370 Haywood Avenue, passed away last Thursday. He had uot been well for some time, and death apparently overtook him suddenly while he wss visit- ing his chicken ranch on Baby Mountain. The deceased, who was in his 71st year, had hsd a long snd eventful career on the deep seas, during which he hsd successively command of a num- ber of large vessels. Latterly he hsd been connected with the ferries here. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife snd two sons, School Trustee G. W. H. Jack- son snd Captain Ronald Jack- son. The esteem in which he wss held was shown by the large number including many promin- ent in Vancouver shipping circl- es, who attended the funeral services, which took place in North Vancouver at I p.m. Mon- day, Rev. F. A. Ramsey ogicist- ing. Interment was made in Cspilano View Cemetery. Biltou House School 229 - 29th SI., West Vastwevet Private Day and Boarding School for Boys. MODERN CURRICULUM Apply Headmaster K. B. FOYSTER Phase West 130YS GIVEN AWAY FREE IV. V. A. S. C. 8-Cyl. Pontiac Coach Value $ 1200 The West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club is holding its annual mile swim for the Watt trophy from Dundsrsve to Hol- lyburn next Sunday, the 27th of August, at 2:30 p.m., starting from Dundsrsve pier. This race is open to club mem- bers only. Trip to Europe Value $ 1000 Cash Trip to Chicago'3 World Fair Value $500 Cash Four carloads of members went down to Kitssp Lake about 8 miles from Bremerton, Wash., for the Washington State Junior Championship. Edith White came second in the 50 yards Junior Champion- ship snd placed second to Olive McKesn, member of the Olympic U,S. Relay team, in the open Senior 50 yards. This is quite an outstanding feat for Edith White as Olive McKesn hss taken Helen Msddison's place. They are sll very proud of her. Linda Adams of the Vancou- ver Amateur Swimming Club, who accompanied the West Van- couver Club, snd is just 12 years old, won the Ladies Amateur Diving Championship oft Wash- ington State. The trip wss enjoyed by sll and the team from West Vancouver was entertained by the mem- bers of the Crystal Swimming Club, Seattle, after the gala. Don'I mise the 1933 Canada Pxcisa Exbibluos-- Ihe "show window oi British Columbia." Greeter-Ihxa- ever educational sad amwti~ ieisest ieasutea! Horse Raoisg wtety day, Gws your tickets early SPECIAL PRIVILEGE COMBINATION TICKET (eeiuies holder Io pstsicipxtw 1st Ihcal xw ~ tds) Goal fut one admission Io grounds ssd greed stead, any dxy. QUALIFICATIONS FOR VOTERS An idea seems to be quite prevalent that only property owners are eligible to vote in provincial snd federal elections. This is quite wrong. The only qualifications necessary are: Voters must be British sub- jects of 21 years of sge and resi- dents in the district for one month preceding an election and six months in the province.. They must, of course, be on the list or make application to be registered. $1.00 Vancouver, B.C. Aug.30 - Sept.6 CANADA PACIFIC EXHIBITION L.O.L. No. 2990 The officers snd members of the above lodge have been invit- ed to attend the annual Psst hissters'eeting and banquet to be held in the North Vancouver Lodge Rooms on Monday, Aug- ust 28th. West Vancouver mem- bers will meet at the Orange Hall at 7:30 p.m, Policemen (to schoolboy) I rWho owns this cew sad cail'I" Schoolboy: rI don't know who owns the cew, but I have an Idea wbo owns ibe calf." Poiicemxnt "Well, who owns ibe tail tr Schoolboy: "The cew.r Cross and Shortsighted Old Lady (in antique shoh): "And here, I suppose, is another of the horrible portraits you call art!w "Excuse me, madam,w said the shopkeeper, quietly, "but that's s mirror." CARD OF THANKS Mts. G. H, Saskatn, 1319 Heywood Avenue, ssd ber iwo ~oas, wish to sxptem their sin- cere spptecixtios ef the deep sympaihy shown them ix their severe loss, xsd for the bwaeti. fsi Serai tributes. They woeid ~iso extend Ibeir best thanks to the Csssdisn Legion, the Ywiice, the Boy Scatis, ssd sii those who heyipai is ihe search. CASCADE SAND & GRAVEL CO. Second Narrows Bridge, North Vancouver Special dressing for driveways snd garden paths. Phone: North 1868; Night Phone, Alf. Ellis, West 160Y. ih's„