0001 933 A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingin the District of Wnt VamofJYrer-Amblcside, Hollyburn, WgJJon, Dundarafrg 61.00 per year. Cyprgss Park, Caulfeild, Whytecltff, Etc. Sc per copy at newsstands. Vol. Vill HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 24th. 1933 No. 16 IL aaa atrrll \ ar aaria. io t riaaa '-'L taiiaa DR Wana af Drie S e asia. Piece ~ai saizz ,Dap. iPish. rates DRRD a, aat avaaa, tDL -Rro Q h)l drr r .W. a i. isa ',NS ,tc, I Vaa IVEST VANCOUVEII'S FI.ORAL EXHIBIT MISS MARGARET MclNTYRE TO RESUME TEACHING Miss Margaret McIntyre will resume the teaching of violin and piano foflowing the summer recess on Thursday, 7th Septem- ber, at her studio, 2047 Gordon Avenue. Parents who wish such instruction for their children or any others interested are re- quested to call at the studio or phone West 462L. FERRY EXCURSION TO KEAT'S ISLAND The West Vancouver Municip- al Ferries are running a cheap excursion by Ferry No. 6 to Kent's Island next Saturday, 26th instant. The boat will leave the Vancouver dock at 1:30 p.m., and Ambleside at 2 p.m. The fare for adults is 50 cents return and for children up to 12 years of age 25 cents. It is requested that any intending to make the trip get their tick- ets early, as only a limited num- ber can be taken. These tickets may be obtained from the ferry office or from any of the mates or bus drivers. About four hours will be allowed on the island, where tea and coffee will be supplied free by the commit- tee in charge of the West Van- couver Schools Band, who will return on the boat from their ten days'amp. MRS. SiVELGROVE OPEN FOR PUPILS iklrs. T. E. Snelgrove, 992 Duchess Ave., is now open to receive pupils in violin and piano following the summer re- cess. Her pupils have had suc- cesses in the exams of the Lon- don Academy, Trinity College and the Toronto Conservatory. Miss Durbin, principal, wishes to announce that the High School course offered to students at St. Patricia School will be that of the three years, but those so desiring will be prepar- ed for the yearly governmental examinations, thus taking four years to complete the course. In the Junior Department boys will be accommodated up to the age of nine, so preparing them for the preparatory or boarding school. AB pupils for the Kindergar- ten and Primary Grades are re- queted to report on the morning of September 5th, aB others re- porting on September 7th. Arrangements have been made for new students and par- ents to meet the principal for consultation and enrolment as foflows: LVGI.EIVOOD SCHOOL for junior and senior high school students, Grade 7 and up--Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August'30th, 31st, and Sept. 1st, morning and afternoon. PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL, Friday afternoon, Sept. 1 Pupils formerly attending Dundarave School will report at this school. HOLLYBURN SCHOOL, Monday afternoon, September 4. I'UBLIC MEETING in the High School Auditorium at 8 p.m., FRIDAY, Sept. 1st. For parents and guardians of students attending junior and senior high, who wish for information on the new high school courses. The IVest Vancouver Horticultural and Agricultural Soci- ety have completed afl arrangements for the floral exhibit which it is putting in this year's Canada Pacific Exhibition on behalf of the municipality. A plan has been prepared by an expert, but naturally it has to be worked out almost wholly with flowers, and for this reason and owing to the fact that it is a civic exhibit, every citizen is asked to make a contribu- tion of some of the best flowers in his garden. liiost of our residents have been to the exhibitions at Hastings Park, and are fully aware of the many thousands who are attracted by the floral exhibits staged annually there in competition. The road through Stanley Park with which is wrapped up the First Narrows bridge is now under discus- sion, and, should a plebiscite be found necessary, most of those thousands are going to have a vote. We want to drive home the fact that West Vancouver is a place of beautiful gardens, that those private gardens have flowers just as beautiful if not more so than any reared under the expert care of the Stanley Park gardeners, and that there are fifty Stanley Parks awaiting them here. The winning of one of the valuable prizes, though aB to the good, is not essential. The main point at issue just at this time is to sell the beauties of our municipality to the people of Greater Vancouver, and with this in view we are sure that afl our residents will give of their best liberally. DUNCAN LAWSON WEST VANCOUVER CHAPTER l. O. D. E. 'I.ORAL DISI'LAY 0o XCHANGE A committee has b fo to take charge and assemble afl This year the ChaPter will flowers that are contributed to oPerate the Book Exchange in .the West Vancouver Floral Dis- the High School, where acco . play. Citizens are asked to as- sist and themselves deliver their the convenienceof thePuPils. quota of flowers to the store Starting on Wednesday 30th located at 1421 Marine Drive. August, the Exchange will be AB flowers should be cut with open every afternoon until fur long stems and kept in fresh con- ther notice fronrdhtrsn -Co 5 p™ dit?orb Deliveries sliouh? be- Pupils taking advantage are made on Tuesday morning or asked to send in their books afternoon, not later than 5 p.m. promptly and in good shape The Place--1421 Marine Drive The Date--Tuesday, Aug. 29, ANNOUNCESIENT The Time--Up to 5 p.m. Those who are making ferry The Entertainment Commit- connections and those coming tee of the West Vancouver A.A. down on the buses to meet the A. wish to notify everybody that ferry can leave their flowers in a real snappy dance is promised the ferry waiting room, where for the evening of September they will be transferred to the 1st, 1933, in the Orange Hall, store, ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL 22nd and Marine, commencing at 9 p.m. MR. J. lif. BRYAN EXPLAINS The Committee have been In a letter to this newspaper working hard on this aifair and from Mr. J. M. Bryan he aBeges can guarantee you the best that he has at no time made any dance of the season. A real endeavor to have recognition of snappy orchestra will provide his candidature extended to him peppy tunes and also sweet waltz by Mr. Pattuflo. refrains. AB athletes attending this HOLLYBURN HAI,I, dance are asked to wear their At the 7:30 p.m. service next respective sport sweaters. Sunday evening Mr. John Mc- Watch for the ad in the col- Laren will give a gospel address, umns of this newspaper for taking as his subject, "The further particulars. Heart of the Gospel." Hearty singing and a cordial invitation BAND CAMP NOTES to afl. No collection taken. School will be resumed at 10 The West Vancouver School a.m. Sunday, 3rd September. Band is again encamped at Keat's Island and thoroughly enjtaying the tine weather The IVest Vancouver Board of School Trustees boys are practising daily but spend most of the time swim- SCHOOL OPENINGor throwing horseshoes, Regular tournaments are now in pro- gress in each of these sports and the big camp regatta will take place on Friday. It was certainly pleasing to see so many anxious to make the trip with the band to the camp last Wednesday and afl are look- ing for a good turnout next Saturday when the band will be at home to the many visitors who make the trip. Tea, mflk and sugar will be provided by the hand so visitors need only bring their lunch. Mr. McCartney paid a visit to the camp on Monday. The band will give a program on its return, playing on Amble- side pier on Sunday from 8 to 5 p.tll. BRING YOUR FLOWERS The Editor, t. West Van News, West Vancouver, B.C. Dear Sir i A n announcement h a s been made that the West Vancouver Horticultural Society is sponsoring a Floral Display in the Can- ada Paciflc Exhibition which opens on August 30. This lii u n i c I 9 a I i t y M known far and wide as a community of homes, beau- tiful gardens, and with a natural setting that is dif- ficult to exceL It should be the desire of every good citizen that this display should be one of civic pride in order that the thousands of visitors to the Exhibition may see something that in quality and design wfll typ- ify the true spirit of West Vancouver. A display, worthy of the Siunicipality, is afl the more desirable at this time when West Vancoaver is receiv- ing such favorable attention in the eyes of the general public of this Province, and when our hopes are running very high. The Directors and mem- bers of the Horticultural Society are putting in a tre- mendous amount of work, and I would nrake a pereon- al appeal to every citizen who can do so to assisi by making a contribution of ilowers in order that their venture may be an out- standing succersr. What more appropriate publicity could we have, in this year of our "coming of age," than a floral display of real merit at this Prov- incial Exhibition? Yours faithfully, J. B. LEYLAND, Reeve. C. J. ARCHER LTD. TO OPEN HERE Captain C. J. Archer, who has been a resident of West Vancou- ver for fourteen years and act- ively connected with its develop- ment announces that C. J. Arch- er Ltd. will open an office at 1415 Marine Drive about 1st September, specialising in West Vancouver real estate, general insurance, and stocks and bonds. The latter is a new community service. AB enquiries and list- ings will mceive personal and courteous attention. The city branch oifice is located at 791 Dunsmuir Street, Seymour S9o4, and the West Vancouver phone will be IVest 225. Captain Arch- er is more than satisiled that West Vancouver is now on a pro- gressive movement and is des- tined to take its place as one of the most attractive residential areas on this continent. HILTON BOUSE SCHOOL Bilton House School will shortly open for the fall term. It is a private day and boanling school for boys, has a modern curriculum, and is situated at 229 29th Street. Parents and others interested are requested to kindly phone the headmaster. K. B. Foyster, at IVest 150Y2 for full particulars. W. V. A.. A. A. Baseball The North Shore Junior Base. bsB league hss been completed with West Vancouver topping the league. Playoifs between B.C. Coal and West Vancouver started on August 10th. AB playoif games were played at Mahon Park. North Vancouver. Result of games sre as follows: August 10th -- B.C. Coal 2, hyest Vancouver 1. August 15th -- West Vancou- ver 2, B. C. Coal--. August 22nd -- B.C. Coal 6, West Vancouver 5. As a rezlll't of the above, B.C. Cod are declared the North Shore Junior Champions. Softbafl A very close and exciting Soft- ball game was played at Amble- . side Park on Saturday evening hast August 19th between s West Vancouver Girls AB Star team and the I.X.I Laundry from Vancouver. The game was won by the IBC.L by the dose score of 11-9. WELFARE NOTES l~'t an executive meeting on Tuesday evening tentative plans were laid for a community drive for funds to be held in October. The Welfare bus is chugging a- long up a very steep hill, and constantly changing gear to try to get over the top. Some of the useful activities such as boot repairs, etc., have had to be sev- erely curtailed to prevent a com- plete stoppage of the rescue car. It seems incredible that the residents of IVest Vancouver, always so public spirited, and so ready to help will allow a complete breakdown, when things generally are showing signs of brightening. Tbe ex- ecutive, placed in the car by citizens at a public meeting, have done their very best to al- leviate and often prevent suifer- ing, but if the wherewithal is not provided for their use their hands will be tied. A kindly thought prompted someone to send a gift of 65 last week part of a gift she had received. That is the spirit that makes the world go mund. A few mors of these thoughts and afl wouM be well. The Passing of the Third Fkror Bosk Dates to be marked at once on the calendar to prevent dis- appointment are Tuesday and Wednesday, September 19th and 20th, when the local Community Players will present "The Pass. ing of the Third Floor Back" at the Hoflyburn Theatre. A- part from the fact that local talent always attracts big audi- ences, the fact that Frank Vyvyan of the British Guild Players is directing the produc- tion, will certainh. mean packed houses. The production is being sponsored by the Welfare As- sociation. Mom of the play and players anon. Annual Meeting A public meeting to hoar re- ports, and to elect oificers for the ensuing year will be held on Tuesday, September 12, In the basement of the Orange HalL As this is essentially a community association, and of vital interest to afl residents, a full meeting is requested, The council authorised an ex- penditure not to exceed 630 for the Forest Protection telephon* 1