West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Aug 1933, p. 4

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS August 17, 1833 rvr * ~ I jr rr. &W rr&~, vv' A~ j h v vv ~r tv*j 6vvv vr v'vj ~ x j j~'~ hji jjjri Njvjvx j j I jii '&'w .:'j.j~ Itr w j 'j; v u)jvsj ~jxx jjj jpvt rjj j jr~v , r, jxcrv~~~'r vew.r'j rvr F j'vvt !jjrrj )erro"v 'x 'v!rr j" ~ ~v+rv r 'V~.rrx'rr rrri ~ +yc! ~ vrrv rrv vF'r rvvv vrvvr%v Pre v'rrrrrrv rrrrvrrrrrrrvrrvrj'rjrr rrrrrrr - rrrvj vrvrv~r ~Nr 'vrrrr vvrvvr vvvrvvrrrvrrrr Phone bVest 469 Phone bVest 46 Smith 's Grocery SHOPPING SUGGEST RUT('Ek- ((OI.DEN MBADO')V .....2 lbs. 51( MAIDA VALE.. '2 Ru. 47c Rcd e Whkv TOMATOES Large (isx, 3 for zsc; xqxx( ibis sc T(.'NA FISH. )Ix 1(c; V)x 23c SAL!SON- Fiaex( Soekeye. Sa( Oa.... 184 Finest R&d Spring, Sx( Ox, . 114 ROYAL TABLE kELISH Cruu (9 Bixckvek'x, 18 ss Jara '83c ALL BkAN, Kekogg'x, large pkg, Is& PICKLES, Sweet bnx(d or Swvv( Mxx(wd large ixr Szc MACARONI or SPAGHEITI Finest quality ........... 9 ox. pkL 6c COkNKD BEEF, Bovrk, per tia 1(c I'RUNES. finest Sas(x C(ws Valley Fruii .......... 2 lha. 28c kvd 8& Whne CHEESE Svrvllll Brxad .. &1 nx cxl'(ou 15c NEW kOYAL CROWN SOAP POWDER, large pxckcl.......... 194 Save the Coopasx for Prem!uinx. OXADE--Rsxpbvrryxde, Lemonade, Orangeade, yer package ............ Sc Fuch Packs( makes 2 Glasses. SODA BISCUITS--Red Arrow Family x!xv ps&he( ....... (se I'EARL WHITE SOAP, per bxr 4c Save the Wrappers for Pre)xiumx. WEST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYMENT ASSN. The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Unemployment Association was held on Friday, August 11th, when matters per- taining to work on the hill, the 40% single men in bsd health, and other matters were discuss- There wss s resolution pass- ed that the Reeve and Council be approached by house-owners on relief to obtain extra work for municipal credit against their taxes. This matter wss brought up once before, when it was definitely turned down. Now, however, as other munici- paiities snd cities are giving it favorable consideration, the org- anization decided to re-open the discu08(on. A special meeting of the As- soociation wss called for Tues- day, August 15th. All members being notified. The News IONS FRIDAY xsd SAT.Aug. 18(h xsd 19(h '&)G FOOD--Kea-L-Rx(lux krkixh )xadv Ixtg\ (is 13( COTTAGE ROI,I.S, Sw(f('x Small xixe ...,....„...................... Rx 184 OVALTINE- Ge( yuw csupsa with ~ (ix (ck- ing you how (q Sc( an Orphan Assis shake-up )aug FkEIL Largest xlxv (ix......... 81.09 GOLDEN VVAX BEANS. No. 3 (ix 12c i JELLY POWDERS Axur(jd Savors ........... 3 DAta. !fc , biARbIALADB--Crqxu R Black- wvk'x 8 o'clock....16 sa ix) 254 I'EARS--Dekcioux B. C. BartlettPears.... per (ix Iic BAKED SAUSAGE--Burns'hs)x- ro(k ....... I ib. (ia 22c CokjN FLAKES, Quaker ..... 2 (&jr 154 Save coupoxx. ked 8 )rhi(e I'LOOR WAX I lb. (Is ................... ............... 38c CAKE--Light I"rsn kcd 4( White Speci~ I ...... Zsc 'WEET SANDWICH BISCUITS Five Sisters, Axur(jd ycr ib. 234 '.(LICED BACK BACON Svlf('x Premium. H) lb. package 15( Fish Chowder 2 or 3 slices salt pork 6 medium-sized potatoes I small onion 3 lbs. fresh fish 2 quarts milk 2 teaspoons salt 56 teaspoon pepper Cut pork in dice pieces, fry crisp snd turn into chowder kettle. Pare q(nd cut potatoes into pieces. Peel snd chop onion line. Put potatoes into kettle with part of onion. Cut flsh inN) convenient pieces and lsy over potatoes. Sprinkle over with rest of onion; sdd sea- soning snd enough water to come to top of fish; cover close- ly snd cook until yotstoes are soft; sdd milk snd let it scald up again. Crackers split and soaked, msy be added just be- fore last boiling. If milk is not available s smaller quantity of water msy be used. I have always hxd s presenti- ment," xhe said, "that I should die young." "Well, my dear," remarked her woman friend, "you didn', after xB, did you?" I &gooRKSSHI stafteitjkIITS I Successful, enterprizing merchants are increasing the intensity of their store and window lighting. Good lighting ottracts customers and moves goods. It speeds Up the hesitant buyer. Let us moke o survey of your lighting now. There's no obligation. ~:USSL'I.'Ksfejfigfrl IFVSSgssS II& 111K) &IXRsteE THE BURNING BUSII By Subadar There is going to be a prov- incial election "some time soon pretty quick," as the farmer (x)- marked about the rain, snd a most remarkable searching of hearts politically is taking place. One observes s deal of breaking up and telescoping among all parties, both old snd young, snd new candidates representing afi kinds of ideas are popping up every minute with u bang just like so many jack-in-the-boxes or jacks-in-th'0-box. The first is right, brother, whatever the grammarians msy say, because you never ssw more than one jack in one box. Present indi- cations point to the next session. in Victoria being just bedlam. The speaker should be an Irish auctioneer handy with the ham- mer, because otherwise nothing will be done. There is only one rule by which the voter can as- sess s candidate's promises, namely, that most of them will never be kept, snd, if any are, theyql cost money. The one con- solation is, that there need be no campaign funda. (Vith so many in the field the campaign should be cut out snd the candi- dates made to run instead of standing for election, the pari mutueis being used and the pub- lic betting instead of voting. The results, of course, would be entirely unsatisfactory, but then they always are--to the van- quished st the time, to the vic- tors six months afterwards snd from then on, an&i to the voters as s body nlwsys. Ain't it awful, Mabel? snd aU Building bluterisl of Best Quality at lx)w Prices. BUII.D NOW I gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER (;0 LTD I'hune West 115 lies. I'hone West 3681, 15(h and lilurlne "Right Service -- Right Grades" j'LASSIFIED ADS The rx(v for Cixxxised Advs)Uxexux(~ ix 2 csxtx per «ord. )x(si)xu)s 26 cea(x. Except Is the case of (bus haring regular xccoxxix, ~ k cixxsi. Sjdx xrv pxyxblx x(riciiy Is ad)uses. Rrx)e&xbxr Cixuisedx ix the Wu( Vxs Neve gxt imswdi ~ (4 ruslu& ~ p-FOR RENT -- 6 . Ruu Mauxhouse on Van(&)over Heighix ex- cel(en( view, FJG. F. Evens((, IlsSy- burn P.O. I'HINTING -- For sU kinds of printing phone 1Vest Van News, West 363. WEST BAY I.(BRAKY -- Subscriy- iiqx Soc month; viskorx Ssc for 2 weeks -- New books, good class Yic(iqn. OLD GOLD -- Bu( I'rice Paid. West Vxn. Jeweler, 1522 Marine Drive. MARCELLE SHOP -- Ma)cene, 60 rex(x; reset, Ssc; Sager wave, Ssc. Phooa birx. King, West 804. I'Ok RENT -- Bouse oa Wx(erfroa(, ycpriy lease. Phone West 08RI, YikST CLASS DkESSMAKIN(L Ak erx(iuxx, e(c. B&jy' pants s special iy. Phone (vest 74RI.An Eastern Canadian news- payer recommends to its readers that they conquer the fear of thundezstorms snd learn to en- joy them. Some do enjoy thun- derstorms, and again there are others, entirely brave in other ways, who s(u fified with fear at the noise of Heaven's artil- lery. As 8 matter of fact the fear of thunder snd lightning is fundamental, when it exists at sli, and can never be overcome. Further, there is hardly s hum- an being who is not afraid of something, snd that particular fear remains with him or her through life in spite of sfi elforts to conquer it. Personally, I am afraid of everything, including housemaid's knee. CURSE('(ERE -- Chxrix fjjsxdxUox gxrmex(x. Phone West 74RI. FIRST-CI:ASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. Best mx(eris( sud workmanship. YOR kENT--Suite, Ho( Wx(cr Heat- ed; xixo )podcm house on Water- front, e(ec(rlc stove. Apply Holly- burn Block, 16(h sod Marine. West 665R. biARCKI., PINGER WAVE Ok SHAMPOO, 264. Pensssex( Waves 82.00. Hoiiyburn Academy qf Beauty Culture, 1648 Mar(ac Drive. Nq xppolstmestx necessary. GRT MY FREE ESTIbIATE8 ox Pain(isg, Paper(sg xad Ks!xom(a- ixg C L Kooisgs Res Phone Wu( S94L )VERB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dusdsrsve. COLIN TUkNEk, Cxrpea(xr ssd Builder. Akersiions xsd repairs Phone West 6791L MONTBRETIAS--Brigh(u( Summer Flowers; large clamp, 25 cents. 978 Mx(hers Avenue. \VANTED -- Siuvex. Ranges, Furs(. tore, Bottles, Sacks, e(c. North Shore Junk, Phone North 431. FOR SAL~ardea Tosix, )(over, hose, ladders, elec. iron, hot plate, ex)xp rot, bxd, range, (ub. West 464L. FOR RENT--Sept. Ix(, Well furnished bungalow, waterfront, 2878 Belle- vu&u fully )xodero with furnace; yearly tenant preferred. Phone Jervis, West 339, evenings. FOR RENT--Nice frus( bed - xkiixg room. Board optional. 1368 Clyde Avenue. TO RENT -- 5.koqm Cottage, furn- ished, 3 bedrooms, Srepixce, 820. Phone West 290L. HEADQUARTERS fvr AU ihs Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, ssd Fish- ing Gadgets fw local waters. Amblulds Tes koo)ss. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses (o Rent. Houses, lots, ssd ]acreage for sale. John Iswun, 17th xxd blur!as, Phone Weal 65. YOk I'LUb(BING REPAIRS -- kex. idxxce Phone West 241R. I One must pity sny govern- ment these days. Their case is exactly similar to that of s msn sitting in s poker game where the deuces are wild and there are no limits, in other words they haven't got a dog's chance, On the one hand a howl goes up to Heaven if any services are cut off, snd the same thing hap- pens in the case of a rise in tax- es. Most of the first complaint arises from s kind of shadowy idea back of most men's minds that s government's expendi- tures don't have to be paid for by taxes. If checked on it, of course, it is immediately admit- ted with the comeback probably these days that the interest on outstanding bonds should be cut, and the services continued, which is one of the worst forms of bunk. At the back of this latter'des Is the assumption, quite wrong. that generally speaking bonds are the property of the wealthy. They are not. Instead it wiU be found on ex- amination that they are for the most part held by widows, people of average mesne fre- quently retired through sge, in- surance companies, snd in trust funds. To cut the rate of inter- est would only mean transfer- ring suffering from one body in the community to another, and in afidition such voiding of con- tracts could only in the long run result in making it impos- sible for any government, muni- cipal or otherwise, to borrow money, an&i that would be the end of that government's credit snd it» finish as well. The rute of interest on new issues is an entirely dilferent matt«r, being always governed by the rutes then existing. We are ail Jews when it comes to borrowing. LOST -- Silver Wrixi Watch, initials on back. Reward. 2668 Ms(hers. (;ORDOiV HOBSON Barris(er -- SoSckor WEST VANCOUVER- Oifice No. 1447, biariss Drive Phone West 408. 10 io 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suks 501: 610 Hssiisgx S(. IV. Phone, Seymqw 4199, 3 io 5. FOR SALE -- kemixgioa No. 10 typewriter, 6254 also 20"x(0" dru- xvr, 89.00. 1439 Marine Drive. Wxs(xd, ~ Twin "Jones," said (be manager of a bank, "there'l be x vacancy at the head oifice shortly, ssd I'm ibisking of nominating your twin brother for the iob." "My (win brother!" exclaimed Jones. "But--" "I mus the one I xxw wxichisg s bali game yesterday while yuu were si(exdisg your xuq('x funsrsi," said the manager. "Oh, er, yexr said Jusu. "I re- member( "I--I'l gu asd gv( him." "Goodl" xxid (hc manager. "And dos'( come back ((II yjju'vx fuuxd him." GEO. HAY No(xry Public Sexi Kx(x(e ik Ixxurxacs Listings Wanted 1405 Mar(ax Dr!vs I'bone Wul 21 or Seymqs( 1240 Eveaiagx Wu( 204X Williamson's Dairy,',„",",'„","„ 3ERSEY MILK CREAMS Buttermilk - Butter, Etc. x M w 8 Whuivxxlj xsd kuxfi Daily Dehvsry in We)i Vsncouvef 1033 24(h 5(. West Vsn. Phone Wc(i 30 541 Lon)dais Avc.,'or(h Vsn Norih 211 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Ilollyburity next 'I heatre L PHONE WEST 3 LU BEE