0001 August 17, 1933. THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN Local and"To be rorewsrned is to be Forearmed" WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASBOCIATION is preparing for iba coming winier. Regular monthly dosstioss, however smail, wiii kelp io keep someone dsr shod, better nourished snd suitably clothed. Budget sow to include comfort far the other fellow. W. P. Fence and his son, 14th and Duchess Avenue, have re- turned from a trip to Alberta. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and birm W. R, Payne of IVoodfibre, B.C., and Miss Ksth- Ieen Foley of Vancouver, are guests at the Clachan for a couple of weeks. ~ ~ Miss Winnie Brealey of the municipal hall stair, is spending s vacation in Victoria. v ~ ~ Mr. Norris is having s new house built at 20th and Water- front. v v ~ Mr. snd Nrs. L. Ajello, 2395 Mothers Avenue, have returned to their home here after a holi- day in the Paciiic States. ' ~ Mrs. F. Bennett and daughter of Vancouver, are staying at the Clachan for a week\ w ~ Mr. and Mrs. Money of Van- couver, have retnted the Grif- fith house at 27th and Ottawa Avenue. ~ v Rev. S. H. Smith of North Vancouver, is spending a holi- day at Eagle Harbour. ~ v ~ A. Chilton, manager of the Royal Bank, is back in his ofFice after a three weeks'acation. v ~ v Mrs. William Smaill of Van- couver, and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bloomfield of New Westminster, are guests at the Clachan for a few days. v ~ . The new house which Captain David Baird of Altamont is hav- ing erected at 30th and Marine Drive, is nearing completion. ~ ~ ~ Miss Doris Bulkley, who has been spending a vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Bulkley of "Dreamy Nook," 26th and Bellevue Avenue, has left to return to Honolulu.\ Dennis Coleman, 24th and Lawson Avenue, and party have returned from a boating trip to Gambier Island. ~ a Mr. and Mrs. Owen and Mrs. Rowlands of Vancouver, weve the guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M. Williams, 1157 20th Street. A bush lire broke out Sunday at Gleneagles, the blaze being put out by the fire brigade. It started again next day, when it was extinguished by the brigade with the assistance of the fores- try olficers. No damage was done on either occasion. ~ ~ F, R. Prebble has moved from 195 18th Street into a house at 951 20th Street. v Mr. and bIrs. G. A. Hayes and family, 1483 Duchess Avevnue, have moved to the new house Mr. Bowser hss had erected at 789 20th Street. Mr. and Mrs. George Herring and family, 11th and Duchess Avenue, have moved to 14th and Maihers Avenue. Death of Nrs. H.'C. Uphsmjrs Mrs. Henrietta Charlotte Up- ham, who was formerly a resi- dent for many years of Dun- darave, passed away last Friday In her 60th year pt St. Paul's Hospital. She leaves to mourn her loss two sisters, birs. R. F. Archibald of North Vancouver, and Mrs. L. J. Shaughnessy of Halifax, also two brothers, R. D. Glsdwin of Halifax, and Ben- . son Gladwin of Abbotsford. Her . husband predeceased her.'u- neral services were held at 8:30 p.m, last biondsy at the Van- couver funeral parlors of Har- ron Bros. and IVilllsmson, Rev. R. L. Rhnmer oificisting, and interment was made in the fam- ily plot In Mountain View Cem- etary. Fir Stumps Removed "The New Way." Without Powder or Danger of Blsl(ing For Information-.Phone West 2 I Eveninga--Wvmi 204X 3 Miss Mary Molineux, who is the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Colonel and AIrs. K. W. Savory, 27th and Ottawa Avenue, is sailing on the 23rd instant for the Old Country. v ~ ~ bfiss Ida Brealey, 1295 Fulton Avenue, returned last Saturday'n the Empress of Russia from a trip to Chins, Japan and the Philippines. v Birthday I'arty Mrs. Roderick Peck entertain- ed at a jolly children's party in honor of her two young sons at her Gleneagles home Tuesday afternoon, when Roddy, aged six, snd Teddy, four, celebrated a joint party, their birthdays being only a week apart. For the pleasure of the youngsters there were swings, shoots snd see-saws arranged in the pictur- esque garden, and quite the most exciting of all was the enclosed swimming pool on the beach, where large rubber animals added to the gayety of the af- fair. Their tea party was held in the play garden outdoors, and centring the table was a fully life-sized paper clown '.which contained novelty hats snd favors. The little guests invited were David snd Phillip Owen, Clara Jane Vernon, Beverly Jones, Wyatt and Suzanne Malkin, John Joan McFeeley, Pat and Sally Snowball; the Masters Taylor, Hume, Valerie Jackson, Llewel- lynne Peck, John Darg Bell- Irving, Jock snd Michael Ferric, Diana and John Crane, Peter Itussell, Toni Robertson, Derek Shaw, the Masters Irwin, Mar- . tin Ray, Valentine Clyne, Nancy Norris, Peggie Lou and Douglas Lee, George Wesley Seymour, Jerry and Joan Mitchell, Sheila Weir, Belinda Paishe, the Mas- ters Whitehead and John and Joan Nicholls. For the grown ups tea was served on the verandah, where Mrs. R. L. Daniels and Mrs. H. E. Peck of Minneapolis, presid- ed at the prettily-appointed tes table centred with lovely blooms cut from the garden, the same flowers being arranged through- out the rooms. Nrs. A. C. Eddy cut the iced. Miss Ethel Millard, 243 le I Msthers Avenue, is back from holiday in the Interior. SALMON BOATS FISHING, for hire Ambleslde Beach Wm. Cariey SWIM Ml NG Coaching Schedule W.V.A. S.C.I ~k eI Classes for Beginners Only 2.10 p.nh, Hollybusn Beach 4.00 p.m., West Bsy | t 5 Advanced Swimmers 5.00 p.m.. Dundsssve Ail cbuvirea mimi send is Dxmva io dfRS. G. VANIIR West 2'IQL xsd vtvvta which beach ihay wani to VVVVV. i IC K.W. Savory 1443 1)isrlne Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Ev«nings, 1Vest 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance ~ WOMEN I ~ C~~ ~L~~ Improve your complexion by having a FREE DRINK aT KEW BEACH IiiliVKRAL SPRING TEAROE & SONAmbleside Sheet Metalworks LAURIE SPECK. Proprietor ' 1446 Marine Drive I'hone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALI.ED and REPAIRED JOBBING Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies lVof)d, Coal Dump Truck tvork y I " If it's Clark's It's Pure" Preferred P sw Milk Souled on the Farm 1 Buaer w solves%1 vai svivs Dvvivvvi tivlii ivl Wvvl Vvmavvvv CLARK'S HYGIENIC DAIRY LTD. Psiicurized Jersey Milk snd Cream Fresh Churned Buucrmilb 0 Phone F. Rivers, Salesman, West 410L I 147 DII Barry Chocolates . Personal Mr. Rnd Mrs. J. S. Vates and family, 1538 Marine Drive, have left to spend s holiday in Win- nipeg. ~ ~ ~ Mise Hsllett, who has been returned from a holiday spent and bfrs. Frank Vyvyan of East Beach, is kaving on Sunday for London, England. bir. Rnd Nrs. G. Hampson and family,» 814 20th Street, have the guests this summer af bir. at Qualjcum Beach. ~ ~ v William Gentleman is back at the municipal hall following his annual vacation. ~ ~ Miss Margaret Nyland 29th and Marine Drive, has returned from a week's holiday at Half Moon Bay. This resort is now being conducted by Mr. snd Mrs. Sutherland, who formerly re- sided at 17th and Marine Drive, and it has been filled with visit- ors this summer. ~ ~ bird. G. Sentence. 14th and Duchess Avenue, is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Nr. and Mrs. Owen Clover of Vic- toria. v ~ Mrs. Harris, who has been staying at the Fortune Cup Inn, has left to return to her home in IVInnipeg. ~ 1 The ferries carried 3120 pas- sengers last Sunday, which is a record for this year. The num- ber of people coming over on the ferries to spend the day onv Ambleside Beach since the pres- ent spell of fine weather started has been quite noticeable v v v Edna Stewart of the West Vancouver A. A. A. came second in the race for girls under 16 years at the Caledonian Sports m Vancouver. v v Sixty members and friends of the vVorth Vancouver Baptist Church held a picnic yesterday at Ambleside Beach. SPECIAL 59c. Cemmill's Drug Store The Stere wf Bvrvka. 1lez Nssisw Drive Wwm Sl Rmesgvsvr Plass Weal 221 iafiws 2 p.m.) HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY sss SATURDAY Asgssi iaib sss lzib. Douglas Fairbanks "IIIr. Robiusoa Crusoe" )1ON. -- TUEL -- WED. Aiigssi 21, 22, sad 22. "Cavalcade" This pvctare ress marly two hours snd should bs seas fsosi the beginning -so isp ssd be here not later ibss l.ld for ibe arxi shaw The second showing starts at 2:1d. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 Birthday I'arty Mrs. Fred R. Murphy, 1876 Marine Drive, gave a very en- joyable beach party last Satur- day afternoon in honor of the fourth birthday of her daughter, bIarilyn Patricia. After the little guests had spent a happy after- noon bathing and swimming, they were served tes and dainti- es by bIrs. Murphy at her home. Among those present were: Billie MacKinnon, Helen Pochin, Anita Jay, Coralie Holt, Helen bfary Acteson, Jean Acteson, IVIIIa Mack, Junior MacKinnon, Pete Jsy, Donald Philp, Patricia Moreen and Gloria Murphy. STRATTON'S BAKERY 8reaIIs, Cakes, Pastries, Varieties LEGIOV W A v The executive of the W. A. to the Canadian Legion is hold- ing a meeting tonight at 8 o'lock in the Legion Memori- al Hall. All members on the Entertainment Committee are asked to attend a meeting after- wards. ALL FRESH DAILY bfade at 1468 bianne Dnve Phone Best 27 The novice wss soi enjoying b's first iriiv tbrsegb ibe sir, sDd bts more experience compssias regard- ed him ia some smssemwsi. "I ssr. Bill, what's osvyowr mindi" bis- gbi- lb- ' is COURT OF REVISIONi be Wms&H. 1 wsx ivsi tiusiong about A A court of revision for the imm Lincoln, septiwt Bnl ibos provincial voters'jst wio be fully. held at 10 a.m. next bfondsv, Abssbsis Liscoisl" 21st instant, in the ofi'ice of E. "Yes. 1 wss tbbvkbvg baw ise N. Copping, provincial registrar, funr be spate «bits im said s mss 28 Lonsdale Avenue, North Van- legs oegbi ia be gest long vmmvgb couver, reach the ground." gramar ~3Coutessoti fjrhool Brvz Gordon Avenue Ai su/ergartryf, Rhythm Dauci yjg aflcl Pslllirlllg Psii Tvvrm ia xhvri gwph dtb, iles Prinripvsl-Bliss Al. Crirkssvsy Phessr IVrss gJJJf v'. c vr vr v vA~v w