West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Aug 1933, p. 2

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0001 Vr.'&ev L'e I«V « r rv« A rr««rvr r t'FV«r pw pr vpw epvr er l r'.r e r Free»e r e e «2m~ e «&« l. PGV.V'lee '., e F eew ~- e 'rpel'\'rVFF « ~ ' e 'r«r 'vFv r F 'vVFv e VA rrrrrr rrrrr.rvrvrre«rv 're Fvre rvFerre FFvr revre rr,.Fr- 'y' ~rre vevrv FF r ~v F e Pcrmosch'I Curls Zoc Why go through that untidy stage with your Pcnwxncnt Wsvo whew o fow ox&re curl« will freshen It up co bcoutifu)o (ye GIDeyfa'olyyt Beauty Shoppe I$40 Mot(nc Dt(ro Phono WOCL 117 fot Appoiwtmcwt. WC(tot: "Haven't yow forgotten something. 4(t I Ptofcooot& Pvi'hy, I thought'I gave you the customary Lip.w PYcu did, o!t, but you forgot to cxt." Telephone 3 2 3West For OII DRUG STORE RIQUIREMBITS AI)IBLESIDE PHARI)IACY W. I KER, Prop 1401 Mot(nc Dtivo Phone West 323 FREE DELIVERY VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 FKRTILlZERS Of all kindS Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, AwtomobBLO Betgixty, Accidcat xml Sichneos, OLC. 2747 Eiag'o Avo. Phone W. 42YS RxtohB«hcd on North Shoto 20 Ye«to. (Lody Aooixtxnt) HARRON BROS. & hVILLIAMSON 'jI uneral Iirertars Nor(h Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 HOLLYSURN Barber Shop Isth A Marine EXPERT SERVICE K MARSH. Proprietor. West Van Neurs PobB«hod Eroty Tbetedoy PwbBohet F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone Weel 363 Boo(Ceo« xwd FMILctlol Olf(cot If&a os4 Motloo Delve (NOOL Lo HCBybotw P. O.) Phone Weal 363 Mall Add«Coot P.O. Bcx SI. Hoechcta. ILC. North Vancouver Oificer 123 Lonsdale Ave. $ 100 ~ yoor bv cottier& 92.00 ~ root r by «soll WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH BDIFICE 20th xwd Boewlmolb HCUybute This Society Io x Btoxch of The Mother Church The First Church of Cht(OL, Scion&EL, In Boston, Mocoochuoctto Sunday Service: II:$0 ~.m. Sunday, August 20, 1933. Subject: "Sl I N D" Sw&xloy School xt Io:00 ~ .Ls. Toot(mony Rlcetixg Wednesday ~t 2&16 p.te. I'RESBYTERIAN MISSION Orange Hall Minister: Rev. Jas. F. Cuddeford 11:15 a.m.--Morning 1Vorship. Guest Preacher: Rev. Dr. Alex Esler, M.A., of Robertson Presbyterian Church, Vancou- ver. Father snd son are exchang- ing pulpits for the day. Mr. & Reynolds Esler wiB preach at Robertson Church. All welcome to hear Dr. Esler. BAPTIST CHURCH Services: 10:00 s,m,--Sunday School snd Adult Bible Class. 11:00 s,m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 7 !30 p.m.--Mr. H. G. Harris. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday--Prayer snd praise. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: The Clachsn, Sunday 8:80 s.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 9:30 a.m.--Sunday School. 10:16 a.m.--'Holy Mass --. Serr mon. 7:15 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 7:80 s.m.--Holy Mass. Confessions before Mass. 7:45 p.m., Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:30 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. THE WEST VAN NEWS HOLLYBURN HALL 14th oed Ducheoo SUNDAY, AUGUST 20th, 7&$0 p,m. Gospel Address S pcohct L 21R. JAMES GIBSON Subject I "Eternal Rkhes" A cotdloi welcome; Hootty sing!ng; No col!ection taken. Mrs. A. C. Chester Passes. News hss been received this week by Mrs. Fred R. Murphy of 1876 Marine Drive, that her grandmother, Mrs. A. C. Ches- ter, passed away last Thursday in Toronto. The deceased who was in her 84th year, was s former resident of West Van- couver, having lived at 1876 hfsrine Drive for a number of years. She left here two years ngo. She is survived, besides her grandchildren, by her son W. G. Chester, and Mrs. Mabei Lothrop, both of Vancouver. Among the visitors to Kew Beach Sunday were: Mr. and hire. Cecil Trotter, J. T. Duncan, R. S. Arlson, A. Mulhollsnd, Miss B. Hartley, Miss P. Boe, Miss G. Dick, J. H. Thomas, H. Homes, J. Toms, Mr. snd Mrs. Bedford Davidson, Mr. end Mrs. Walter F. Evans, Dr. snd Mrs. Fred Evans, Dr. W. K. Burwell, Mrs. P. Renshsn, hire. T. E. Richardson, W. E. Norris, Miss F. Keeley, A. J. W. Toms, the Misses M. snd R. Richardson, E. Richardson, the Misses N. and K, McNeil, F. Taylor, Mrs. Bal- four, Miss Balfour, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Johnstone, sll of Van- couver; Mr. and hire. F. Diplock, A, E, Grifi'in, H. A. bfichel, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Kirkby, and Mr. snd Mrs. G. Hartley snd family, K. O. Kirkby, Miss Eva Price, Mr. snd Mrs. F. B. Lynch, sll of North Vancouver, I H. Evans of Seattle, Francis Mc- Carthy, of CampbeH River, hir. snd Mrs. W. B. Johnstone and family of New Westminster, Elaine Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leggstt, Mr. snd Mrs. J. hicArthurl Douglas Leggstt, Mr. end Mrs. J. Jsrrard snd family, Mr. snd Mrs. C. Messin- ger snd family, Captain and Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, sll of West Vancouver. L.O.I. DANCE VERY SUCCESSFUI. The dance given by L.O.L. No. 2990 last Thursday evening in the Orange Hall proved s great success. The hall wss gaily dec- orated with evergreens snd fiowers, snd everybody had s good time dancing to the music provided by the B. C. Rangers Orchestra. L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold its eighth anniversary dance in the Orange Hall on Frklsy, Septem- ber 29th, when the B. C. Rang- ers Orchestra will again supply the music. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "Mind" is the subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be read in sll Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 20. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "0 the depth of the riches both of the wisdom snd knowledge of God) how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past linding out." (Romans 11: 88). The Lesson - Sermon also in- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "God is Mind, and God is infinite; hence all is Mind. On this statement reste the Sci- ence of being, and the Principle of this Science is divine, demon- strating harmony and immortal- ity.w (p. 492). Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cutler sre back at their home at 2341 Mar- ine Drive after a houdsy on Vancouver Island. UNITED CHURCH 10 s.m.--Sunday School snd Bible Class. 11:15 a.m.--Public Worship. The Rev. J. B. Hobden of the John Howard Society will occupy the pulpit next Sunday morning. Everybody welcome. The services in the evening will be discontinued during the month of August. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 Ik 11:15 a.m.--Sunday School 11&15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon 7 !15 p.m.--Evensong & Sermon A Garden Party is to be held by the members of the Women' Guild of St. Francis in the Woods at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 23rd, at the home of Mr. snd Miss Chsppell, Caulfeild. Stalls will consist of home cook- ing, needlework and white ele- phant. Mrs. Dewar of New York hss kindly consented to sing. Mr. IVood-Taylor, Palmist of North Vancouver, will be in at- tendance snd is generously giv- ing his services. W. V. A. A. A. The regular meeting of the above Association was held on Tuesday evening, August 15th, in the Ferry Board Rooms, with the president in the chair. Questions relative to Football, Bssketbs0 and Track and Field events were thoroughly discuss- ed by the Executive Commltlee and an announcement relative to these different departments of sport will be inserted in this newspaper. Watch for announcement. August 17 )977 Burrard Laundry Ltd. Obphkn BLF LAUNDRY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSON, We«I, Vancouver lleprewentative Phones-- West 69IL or North ISIO DR. G. LL tt. SHALE DENTIST Hoy BIO«I, 14th owd blot(no Dt. Olnco Hours 9 Lo 0 p.m. Evoo!xgo by oppoiouxoab Phot&~ W00L 72 LE(«ION NOTES The next general meeting of the local branch will be held st 8 p.m. Friday next, at the Can- adian Legion Memorial Hall. A large attendance of members is rekuested to hear snd discuss the report by Comrade H. Walk- er of the Provincial Convention held at Victoria last week. Com- rade Walker attended same ss one of the numerous delegates who sre representative of every section of community life in this province. The states of Oregon and Washington, who also have their Legion branches, were also represented, snd their combined deliberations should prove of great interest to the coming meeting. Comrades Colin Turner, Roy Lowes snd G. Childs with their combined e(forts in staging 0 whist drive and dance, succeeded in raising the necessary funds to enable this branch to send it's chosen representative to the convention. Membership is steadily in- creasing snd returned men should get in line with their comrades in their struggles in fighting for the rights of sll ex-service men. It is not genert ally known that the Legion hss, snd is, throughout the Domin- ion, spending annually 0 large sum of money on soldiers'prob- lemsw on those who are not af- filiated with the Legion body, rendering invaluable an&i unself- ish service to others outside their membership. Mrs George Bulkley of "Dreamy Nook," 26th snd Belle- vue Avenue, snd Mrs. W. Tin- ney, 177 20th Street, spent s few days this week at Selma Park. Dr.hinrjory MCCubbift DENTIST Route: 9 ~ . m. Ic 0 p. m. Saturdays: Ie o.m. Lo I p.m. Evening« oed Satutdoy After- ncowo by oppclwuoex& only. Royal Boxk Bund(Os I'howe WOCL 440 Re«ideate I'hcwo Wc«L 292. GIVEN AWAY FREE 8-Cyl. Pontiac Coach Value $ 1200 ~ rr .SI Trip to Europe Value $ 1000 Cash r Trip to Chicago'3 World Fair VRIue $500 Cash Don'L &xi«« the (9$$ conodo pocisc Exb!bu!oo -- Lbc "«how window of Br!LI«b «olumb!o." Ore«Lot-Lhos- ever cd«ox&Ion«I oxd ex&et&«lament (co&etc«! HO&Co koclcg every doy, Oe& your L!eke&« Arly. SPECIAL PRIVILEGE COMBINATION TICKET (eol!L!eo ho!det Lo pot&it!pole Io &bcoe xwotdo) Owed for one odmlooiox Lo grounds owd g&wxd o&oxd, owy doy. 51.00 Vancouver, B.C. Aug.30 - Sept.6 CANADA PACIFIC EXHIBITION Miss D. L. Allen of Vancou- ver, is s guest at the Clschan. "A Ship without a Lifeboat." ~ ' "i&'4 just at impot!xn! Io have a telephone in the home as &o have a lifeboat on a Chip,e osid Ed. Smith. " It's s matter oF 'laying safe.'ome folks think they can ge& a)ong without one, bu& you know you can ge& along wahoo( a lifeboat until the oh&p starts Io L&nk. -Believe me, in cmetgenciex such as lire, burglary ' 'r sudden illness. it's easier &o telephone for help than Io tun For help. The&7 you realize Ihe value oF having a telephone handy." B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY CASCADE SAND & GRAVEL CO. Second Narrows Bridge, North Vancouver Special dressing for driveways and garden paths.. Phone: North 1363; Night Phone, Aif, Ellis, West 160Y.